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      • 한국산 돼지의 屠畜檢査例에 의한 臟器 病變調査 : Ⅱ.肝의 病變 Ⅱ.About Lesions of the Liver

        박응복,文武洪,朴琦緖,宋政根 진주농과대학 1971 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.10

        The organs of 400 cases which had been collected at the slaughter houses in Pusan, Masan and Chungmu cities were examined histopathologically to clear out the patterns of pathological changes of pigs kept in Korea. The report about the lesions of the liver succeeding the former report about the lung was summairzed as follows: 1) The most frequent and dominated lesions in the liver were those of hepatic ascariasis(11%) and toxic changes(35%) such as cloudy swelling, hepatic lipidosis, parenchymatous necrosis and liver cirrhosis. 2) The lesions of the liver cirrhosis observed here would be classified as three types; portal cirrhosis subdivided into secondary cirrhosis and Laennec's type. intralobular cirrhosis and biliary cirrhosis.

      • Alloxan 高血糖症이 免疫形成에 미치는 영향

        박응복 慶尙大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        Rabbits exhibiting permanent hyperglycemia by alloxanization were immunized using horse serum as the antigen and the influence of hyperglycemia upon the antibody formation in the alloxanized animals was examined by counting of the pyroninophilic cells in the mesenteric lymphnode and the spleen, and also by determination of serum γ-globulin value and precipitin titer respectively. (1) There was a rise in the number of pyroninophilic cells in the lymphnode and the spleen of diabetic rabbits which were treated by alloxan only, but no increase of γ-globulin value. (2) The rise of pyroninophilic cells in the rabbits of each experimental group paralledled to that of the serum anti-horse-precipitin titer and γ-globulin value. (3) Alloxanized rabbits revealed depressed number of pyroninophilic cells moderately by the immunization compared with that of hyper-immunized rabbits and it may ha suggested that the hyperglycemic condition tends to depress antibody formation at maderate extent in the rabbit.

      • 마우스에서의 放線菌膿瘍의 形態病理發生에 관한 實驗的 硏究

        박응복 慶尙大學校 1974 論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        A comparative study of morepopathogenesis of experimental actinomycotic abscess was carried out in NC and Cf#1 strains of mice and three actinomycotic organisms. The abscesses were produced in mice by a single intraperitoneal injection of saline suspensions of Actinomyces israelii(strain A55), Actinomyces naeslundii(strain A51) and Arachnia azumaii(strain A52). The morphopathogenesis was investigated by means of histopathologic method and fluorescent antibody technique. Throughout the studies the following experimental results were obtained and summarized. (1) Inoculated organismas were settled on the subserous site of peritoneal viscera and formed colonial masses at the erliest stage leading to slowly growing abscesses. (2) The abscess developed by Actinomyces isrelii in NC strain of mice showed the most typical granulomatours lesion among the experimentally induced aboscesses. In this case a higher vitality of organism and the neutrophilic respons which represented by a well developed neutrtophil layer with loose cell population and maacrophaage layer with distinct phagocytosis were characteristics. Some trunover figures between growth of colony and eactive tissues were recognized until the last stage of the experiment. (3) The abscess induced by Actinomyces naeslundii or Arachnia azumaii in NC strain of mice differed from those by Actinomyces israelii, representing low vitality of colonies and mild involvement of neutrophil layer into colonies, and followed terminal changes of organization within 4-6 weeks after inoculation. (4) The abscess induced by three species of organisms in CF#1 strain of mice showed almost same outcome of development each other showing massive neutrophil layer with rich cell population and degeneration. A progressive necrosis of neutrophil layer and colony resulted in confluent sheets of two layers and the abscess was diasppered within 6-10 weeks after inoculation. (5) The growing figures of colonial organisms and host tissue reaction that may represented by a response ofnuutropnil layer were varried by different strain of mice or bacteria used. In other words, the histopathological patterns of the actinomycotic abscess were varried in different strains of mice, that is, in NC adn CF#1 strains of mice showed the granulomatous lesion and the necrotic change respectively. On the other hand, the progress and outcome of the abscess development were varried by different bacterial species used.

      • 포리에치렌 튜브 培養法에 依한 韓牛의 腸內線蟲類의 調査

        文武洪,박응복 진주농과대학 1968 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.7

        西部 慶南 一圓의 韓牛 225頭에 對한 포리에치렌 튜브를 使用한 蟲卵培養檢査에서 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1) 本 培養法은 他法보다 器具 操作이 簡便하고 糞便內 蟲卵數가 적거나 잘 發見되지않을 경우에도 多數 仔蟲이 出現하여 그 檢出率이 良好하였다. 2) 西部慶南 一圓의 韓牛腸內에 寄生하고 있는 線蟲類는 Ostertagia ostertagi, Oesophagostomum radiatum, Trichostrongylus axei, Strongyloides papillosus, Bunostomum phlebotomum의 5種으로 確認되었다. 3) 그 感染率은 Ostertagia ostertagi제일 높았고(63%), Oesophagostomum radiatum(32%), Trichostrongylus axei(28%), Strongyloides papillosus(12%)의 順이고 Bunostomum phlebotomu은 稀少하였다. An epidemiologic survey on the parasitic round worms of 225 Korean native cattles by polyethylene-tube culture of fecal samples in the western province of Kyung-Sang Nam-Do, was attempted to help prevention and treatment of the parasitic diseases. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) It was approved that the culture method of polyethylene-tube was more accurate and simpler in the facilities than the other culture methods. 2) Five species of parasitic round worms were found from examined cattles and infection rates of each worm were as follows; a) Ostertagia ostertagi ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 63% b) Oesophagostomum radiatum ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 32% c) Trichostrongylus axei ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 28% d) Strongyloides papillosus ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ 12% e) Bunostomum phlebotomum was observed in very few cases.

      • 西部慶南에서 發生한 소의 GLOBIDIUM病에 關한 報告

        馬点述,박응복,李熙碩,文武洪 진주농과대학 1969 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.8

        이번에 慶南 山淸郡에서 調査한 Globidium病發症牛 3例의 觀察에서 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. (1) 從來의 全南道 南部海岸地方의 本病發生地域 以外에 西部慶南에서도 Globidium病의 發生이 確認되었다. (2) 重症例에서 皮膚內의 原蟲胞囊의 分布密度는 매우 稠密하고 全身皮膚는 한점 남김없이 胞囊에 占據되어 있어 臨床的으로 瀕死期에 이룬 重態이었다. (3) 臟器, 組織別 胞囊의 分布는 皮膚上皮組織內, 眞皮層, 皮下骨格筋, 口唇腺 및 體淺部淋巴節에 있었다. (4) 皮膚외의 藏器의 組織學的所見은 口唇腺組織의 慢性增殖性炎, 骨格筋의 Zenker氏變性 및 體表淋巴節의 慢性淋巴節炎 이었다. Globiodiosis, cyst-forming protozoan disease which occur in South Africa, Sudan, France, Iberian Peninsula, Mexico and Korea, has been reported as an endemic skin disease in southern coast district of Cholranam-do, Korea. In the course of systemic examination of cattles in western Kyongsangnam-do showing thickend, rugous skin lesion during September, 1968, three cases of bovine Globiodiosis were observed. And in histological examination of the skin and other organs, we found characteristic globidial cysts of about 380-470μin diameter, composed of a thick wall of homogenous, pale blue staining substance lined on its inner surface by a thin ring of cytoplasm which contains two or eight large nuclei and with its inner contents, tiny crescentic bodies. And so, on the pathological studies of these globidial patients some findings were summerized as follows: 1. One of the affected patients exhibited extreme emaciation caused by cachexic condition with dispnea, oculonasal discharge, progressive scleroderma, thickening and fissuring of the skin and a alopecia representing umerous globidial cysts, present on any area of the whole skin. 2. The globidial cysts were distributed through the squamous epithelium of the skin, the dermal layer, the cutaneous skeletal muscle, the labial gland, and the superficial lymphnodes of the body. 3. Histopathological entity of the involved organs was characterized by chronic hyperplastic inflamation in the labial gland, Zenker's degeneration of the skeletal muscle and chronic lymphadenitis accompanying with diffuse reticular cell hyperplasia, multiple focal proliferation of plasma cells and macrophages in the medulally cords, and occupation with reticular cells macrophages and erythrocytes in the distend sinuses.

      • 集團發生한 송아지 鈞蟲症에 關한 報告

        박응복 진주농과대학 1964 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.3

        Mass-examination into a herd of calves accompaning with severe anemia and emaciation in an endimic area(Chinju diteict) of cattle hookworm was held from hematological and pathological aspects. In this case, by fecal examination every calfe of the herd (20 calves) was revealed the infection with hookworms, among them 5 calves were dead of extreme inantion. Results obtained from these investigations were summerized as follows. Identification of the parasite: In the hejnum and numerous small round worms occured, for example; 546 in case 2,783 in case 3. The male was 12∼18mm, and female 9∼26mm. long. In the buccal capsule bore three pairs of lancets. The male spicules were slender and 3.8∼4.1mm long. The eggs measured about 92.3∼98.8 by 48.2∼50.16μ. (Fig. 4,5,6,7.) O1 above morphological findings these worms were identified with Bunostomum phlebotomum Railliet(1990). Hamatological findings; (1) The blood was very thin in color and the numbers of eruthrocyter were than 1.92 million per cmm. blood, in case 3 it accounted as 0.98 million. (Fig 1) (2) On measuring of the erythrocytes diameter the ranges of variation was very wide, 3.2∼9.1μ and so marked anisocytosis was recognized. In Price-Jones curve is peaks shifed to left side. (Fig. 2,8) (3) The amount of hemoglobin in the blood was much reduced under 6gm/100ml, in case 3 the measurement through Sahli's apparatus was immposible. (Fig 1) (4) The leukccyte count was generally within the normal and without significant in the differential count except eosinophiles which was increased fairly. (Fig. 1,3.) Painological findings; (1) Most visceral organs were showing grossly edematous swelling and anemia espicially in the abomasum, intestines and skeletal muscles. (2) The mucoid degeneration occured in every adipose connective tissue around the viscera ot under the skin of jaw and neck. (3) In the mucosa of the small intestine hemorrhagic catarrh was shown and in the Brunner's gland its proli feration was prevalent (Fig. 9, 10, 11) (4) In the spleen there were a marked accumulation of phagocytized hemosiderins and erythrocytes. n(Fig. 15) (5) The lesions consist of wide areas of skeletal muscle which were whitish in color and which were found microscopically to be progressing hyaline degeneration with swelling fragmentation and disappgrarence of many muscle fibers. (Fig. 14)

      • 鷄의 Leucocytozoon에 關한 硏究 : Ⅰ.韓國에서의 Leucocytozoon caulleryi의 發生에 關하여 Ⅰ.About Natural Infection of Leucoeytozoon caulleryi in Korea

        박응복,李熙碩 진주농과대학 1963 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.2

        In the course of routine examination of poultry which was collected from Pusan district during July 1962, several cases of Leucocytozoonosis were observed. In the blood examination we found characteristic gametocytes of the parasite. This is the first observation on gametocyte of Leucocytozoon in poultry, in Korea. The affected fowls were aged from 5 to 8 months and clinically they exhibited anemia, loss of appetite, green diarrhea, and emaciation to some extent. But few patients died with the disease and any peracute case with hemorrhage through the mouth and following by death, was not found. In the post-mortem examination we observed anemia in most of the organs, atrophy of the skeretal muscles. and few hemorragic spots scattered through several organs, besides the visceral lymphomatotic changes were also found in some cases. Microscopically the typical megaloschizonts were found in the bursa of Fabricius, liver, spleen, kidney, and the lung. Of studing the gametocytes in the peripheral blood, some were in the host cells, and others were liberated from the host cells. In the former not only the parasitic cell gets to large size -- 17-22×11-12.6μ -- in round form, but also the host xell which has a round nucleus does increased size in round form. On regarding to above finding of blood pictures, it was considered to be identified with Leucocytozoon caulleryi Mathis and Leger 1909. In hermatotlogical changes marked olygocythemic anemia was prevalent, and many polychromerythrocytes appeared in contrast with decreased erythrocytes.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        소의 제1위(第一胃)에 형성(形成)된 거대(巨大)한 가성게실(假性憩室)에 관(關)한 일부검례(一部檢例)

        박응복,Bak, Ung Bok 대한수의학회 1965 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.5 No.1

        In a cattle which had died of extreme emaciation caused by cachexic condition, a huge cyst of $45{\times}35{\times}20$cm, in size was found at the rumen. The cyst having with the narrow stalk which ended in blind sac attached firmly to the rumen by fibrinous or fibrous adhesion and, contained the lightly yellowish, clear exudative fluid of about 20 l, in volume. Grossly, the thickness of the cyst wall was 10~14mm, and its inner portion of the half was very rigid and colored with milky white in contrast with soft and edematous outer portion of the half. Microscopically the inner portion of the cyst wall was consisted of scarred fibrous tissue and possessed at its inner margin a little amount of the muscle fibers which had degenerated passably. These were confirmed as the muscle fibers in specific staining property by Van-Gieson's and Mallory-Azan stain. On regarding to above findings of gross and microscopic pictures, it was considered to be a pseudo-diverticulous cyst composed of the serosa and the muscle layer deriving from the wall of the rumen. And it was suggested that the cyst had been growing up to big size by storage of the plenty exudate arisen from its wall and was separated from the rumen at the end of its stalk.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Visceral Lymphosarcoma in a Dog

        박응복,성재기,이창우,김정환,Bak, Ung-bok,Sung, Jai-ki,Lee, Chang-woo,Kim, Jung-whan The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 1985 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.25 No.2

        3주간에 걸쳐 심한 수척, 혈뇨, 질루, 구토중상과 경부종류(頸部腫瘤)가 촉진된 18개월령 암컷의 Great Dane개가 임상적으로 검사되고 사후에 부검되었다. 경부종류(頸部腫瘤)의 주사침 생검에서 관찰한 세포소견에서 종양세포가 대식구 유래임을 짐작하였고 종양조직 표본에서도 주요 구성세포는 조직구의 특성을 나타내고 있었다. 육안적으로는 임파절, 편도선 및 비장에서 큰 결정상의 종양괴를 확인하였다. 이상과 같은 종양의 생검 및 조직소견과 육안소견의 특징에서 본 종양예는 다중심성으로 발생한 조직구성 임파육종(淋巴肉腫)으로 진단되었다. An eighteen months old, female, Great Dane dog which had shown signs of severe cachexia, dehydration, hematuria, vomiting and the palpable cervical mass during three weeks was examined clinically and necropsied after death. Diagnosis of this tumor case was made by gross pathology, cytology of the aspirate, radiography of the abdomen and the tumor tissse as multicentric, histiocytic lymphosarcoma. Cytologic findings of the needle aspirate of the cervical lesion were typical of macrophage origin cell. The tnmor was encountered predominantly in the lymph nodes, tonsils and spleen. The predominant cell type of these tumor masses manifested characteristics of histiocytic cells.

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