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      • 직렬형 PWM 인버터를 이용한 동적전압보상기에 관한 연구

        배정환,한병문,한경희,김희중 명지대학교 대학원 1997 대학원논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        This paper presents a novel compensation method for the voltage sag problem for a critical load. This method is able to restore the supply voltage to the original magnitude and shape by injecting the vector diffence between the desired voltage and the actual voltage. The proposed system consists of a dc energy storage device, dc-ac converter, and a coupling transformer to inject the output of the inverter in series with the line. It can make up for the weakness of UPS and SPS. The operation of this system is verified by the computer simulation with EMTP code and experimental work with a scaled model. The advantages of this new system over the existing system are the fast reaction time and the low compensation energy in operation.

      • 식품 기준·규격의 합리적 관리 ·운영에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) : 두부,식용유지, 전분의 분말상 원료에 관하여 Powdered marerials of Tofu, Edible oil, Starch

        김희연,홍진환,박혜경,한상배,박종석,이은주,이정성,송경희,최은희,최영준,소경아,성영제,이주엽 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구는 분말상 원료(전분, 대두분)의 저장유통시 품질변화를 건전성과 안전성 측면에서 검토하여 식품의 기준 ·규격 설정f.」 합지적으로 반영하고자 하였다. 전분과 패두분의 이물을 검사하고, 2종 대두분(중국산, 미국산)을 ?0일간 IS'c와 30t에 저장하면서 성상, 수분, 산가, 과산화물가, 지방산 조성,아플라톡신 BB의 생성여부를 분석하였다. 중국산 대두분 30'』 저장군에서 50일 이후 곰팡이가 발생한 것 이외에 모든 시료에서 양호한 성상을 나타내었고, 전분과 대두닥 모든 시료에서 이물은 검출되지 않았다. 산가는 중국산과 미국산 시료간에 편차를 보여 증국산 30"C, 50일 저장시료에서 약 10배끙도 증가하였고, 과산화물가는 저장 90일후 15'E 저장군은 약 2.3배, 30'c 저장군은 3배정도 증가하였다. 대두분의 주요 지방산은 linoleic acidf18. 2), oleic acid(18 : 1), palmitic acid(16 : 0)이었으며, 3개월 저장에 따른 지방산 함량의 변화는 미미하였다. 아플라톡신 B₁은 모든 시료에서 검출되지 않았다. The objective of this study was to investigate auality changes of type raw materials(starch, soy flour) during various storage conditions. Starchflour(source of China, U.S.A) were slfred under two temperature(15'C, 30'c) forSensory evaluation, (o.reign material test, moisture content, acid value, peroxide ualue,composition, aflatorin Bi were analyzed. China soy flour(stor·ed 30'f) was contaminated by fungj on 50 days. Except for soy flour contardnated by fungi, sensory characteristics were not changed and foreign mater;als were notdetected. Acid value of China soy flour(stored at 30'C, 90 days) was about 10 times higherlevel before storage and acid value was more influenced by source(China, USA). Peroxide valuewas in proportion with the storage period slightly. The major fatty acid of soy flour waslinoleic acid(18 . 2), an(3 the change of fatty acid composition was not observed. Aflatoxlrl Blwas not detected.

      • 경연 대회를 통한 초ㆍ중고생의 창의력 신장 효과에 관한 연구

        이희복,육근철,류해일,김현섭,김희수,박달원,유병환,김선효,김여상,서광수,변두원,서명석,배성효,박종석,심규철,이성희 공주대학교 과학교육연구소 2001 과학교육연구 Vol.32 No.1

        미래 사회를 대비하기 위한 개인의 개성을 존중과 창의적인 능력을 지닌 인간을 양성을 목적으로 충청남도 지역의 초 ㆍ 중고등학생들을 대상으로 한 창의력 경연대회가 공주대학교 과학교육연구소에서 개최되었다. 충청남도 초 ㆍ중 ㆍ 고등학생들을 대상으로 실시한 창의력 경연대회는 창조적 아이디어를 내어 스스로 문제를 해결해 나갈 수 있는 교육 프로그램을 제공하는 좋은 기회였음이 확인되었으나, 일부의 팀에서만 참신하고 재미있는 아이디어들이 제안되었다. 여학생의 참가자 수가 상당히 증가하였으며, 대체적으로 입상권의 학생들의 상당 부분이 여학생이라는 것이 특이할만하다. 학년이 올라감에 따라서 창의적인 아이디어를 내는 양이나 질에 있어서 뒤떨어지는 것으로 분석되었으며, 토론 학습의 적응력이 미흡하고 발표력 및 청취력에 있어서도 떨어지는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 중 ㆍ고등학교의 학교교육에서도 학생들에게 프로젝트형 탐구학습 프로그램의 적용은 물론 토론식 수습을 통한 학생들의 사고의 전환의 기회를 제공해야 할 것으로 사료된다. The creativity competition was held to foster the creativity of elementary and secondary school students in the Institute of Science Education, Kongju national University. It was found that the creativity competition effected on the improvement of inventing creative ideas and problem solving activities. But, only some competitors participated in semifinal and final contests, presented original and interesting ideas. More female students participated in competition than last year. More female participants were awarded a prize than males. Totally, participants were defective in discussion and communication, and presentation and listening ideas. Increasing grades correlated inversely with creativity and originality. There is need of inquiry project teaming programs and presenting opportunities of conversion of thinking by discussing instructions in school

      • KCI등재후보

        척추관 협찬증 환자 진료 프로세스 개발

        이환모,김호중,김긍년,안풍기,천자혜,김양수,신혜선,김인숙,정혜경,김영아,채형기,박인영 한국의료QA학회 2009 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        연구배경: 수술적 치료가 필요한 척추관협착증 환자들은 주로 60세 이상의 고령환자로장기간의 입원 시 기회 감염의 증대와 불필요한 의료비의 증대를 가져오게 되며, 수술후환χ}들의 재원일수의 증가는병원의 병상가 동률을감소시키고, 전공의에게는불필요한 업무를 증가시킨다. 연구목적: 비용·효과면에서 최적화된 진료지침의 개발은 불필요한 의료비의 감소및 Hospital Induced Complication을 줄여 환자만족도를증진시킬 수 있으며, 각 환자에 대한전공의 업무를 줄일 수있다. 의료기관: 서울특별시에 소재한 2,075병상의 종합전문 요양기관 연구방법: 정형외과및 신경외과의 척추관협착증환자 의 처방을 비교하여 최적의 표준진료지침을 개발하고 최종적으로 CP Master Program (EMR 프로그램)에 입력하여 환자에게 적용하였다. 연구결과': CP 적용전, 후비교를통해 재원일수는 3.8일 이 감소하였으며, 이에 따라 병상가동률 및 진료수익이 증가했으리라고 예상되며 현재 비교검토중이다. 또한,CP 개발및 CP Master Program의 사용을 통한 전공의 업무감소에 대해 검토하고 있다.

      • 냉동 제대혈 세포의 체외 증폭

        김삼용,김철희,배광봉,김현수,박상준,김종숙,윤환중,조덕연 충남대학교 암연구소 1998 癌共同硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.2 No.1

        Background : Cord blood(CB), which has no HLA restriction, is an alternative to bone marrow for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The use of cord blood, however, is limited by the number of progenitor/stem cells necessary to reconstitute the older child or adult. Therefore, ex vivo expansion of CB could have tremendous impact on diverse clinical settings. We studied the ex vivo expansion of isolated population of CD34_(+) cells from cryopreserved CB cells. Methods : CD34 cells were isolated from cryopreserved CB mononuclear cells. Purified cells were cultured with various combinations of hematopoietic growth factors including erythropoietin(EPO), stem cell factor(SCF), granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF), gra-nulocyte, macrophage-colony-stimulating factor(GM-CSF), interleukin-1β(IL-1β), 1L-3, and IL-6. After 7, 10 or 14 days of culture, the fold increases of colony-forming unit- granu-locyte, macrophage(CFU-GM), burst-forming unit-erythroid(BFU-E), colony-forming unit-mix (CFU-Mix), and high proliferative potential colony-forming cell(HPP-CFC) were evaluated. Results : Ten-day culture with the combination of EPO, SCF, G-CSF, IL-1β, and IL-3 resulted in a median of 60-fold increase of CFU-GM, which was greater than those with the combinations of less than 5 growth factors. The addition of IL-6 or GM-CSF to this combination did not enhance CFU-GM expansion. Ten-day culture was significantly superior to 7-day culture for CFU-GM expansion. Prolongation of culture to 14 days, however, revealed decreased expansion of CFU-GM compared to 10 days. BFU-E and CFU-Mix were expanded to 2~5 folds in 7-day culture with the combination of EPO, SCF, and G-CSF. Further expansion was not achieved in 10-day culture and colonies disappeared in 14-day culture. HPP-CFC was expanded to a median of 7.5 folds in 7-day culture with the combination of EPO, SCF, G-CSF, IL-1β, IL-3, and IL-6. Neither 10-day or 14 day-culture enhanced expansion of HPP-CFU. Conclusion : Cryopreserved cord blood cells maintain ex vivo expansion potential. In our system, 10-day culture with the combination consisting of EPO, SCF, G-CSF, IL-1β, and IL-3 seems to be adequate for hematopoietic progenitor/stem cell expansion from cryopreserved cord blood cells.

      • 단기배양을 통한 말초혈액 CD34 양성세포의 체외증폭

        박상준,김철희,배광봉,김현수,김종숙,윤환중,조덕연,김삼용 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1997 충남의대잡지 Vol.24 No.1

        Background: It is suggested that clinical practice in the areas of bone marrow transplantation and gene therapy might rely on the ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. However, the condition for ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic progenitor cells is not well established. The authors pursued a series of experiments to define the proper conditions for the expansion of hematopoietic cells in the short-term liquid suspension culture of mobilized peripheral blood CD34+ cells. Methods: 1.0ml cultures were initiated with 9×10^3 PB CD34+ cells, which were isolated from PB mononuclear cells (MNCs) by high-gradient cell sorting, in 12 well plates with the various combinations of hematopoietic growth factors(HGF). The following recombinant human HGFs were used: stem cell factor(SCF) 100ng/ml, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF) 100ng/ml, GM-CSF(granulocyte, macrophage colony-stimulating factor) 100ng/ml, interleukin-1 beta(IL-1B) 1ng/ml, interleukin-3(IL-3) 20ng/ml, interleukin-6 (IL-6) 100ng/ml. At the end of culture, colony-forming cells were evaluated by semisolid clonogenic assay. Results: 1) Using the high-gradient magnetic sorting system, CD34^+ cells were isolated with a yield of 40 3% 2) In 7 day culture of PB CD34^+ cells(9×10^3 cells), nucleated cells expanded mean 10×10^3(range, 9 to 20×10^3) with the addition of SCF alone, 35×10^3(range, 10 to 60×10^3) with SCF plus G-CSF plus GM-CSF, and 130×10^3(range, 40 to 300×10^3) with the combination of SCF, G-CSF, IL-1, IL-3, IL-6, GM-CSF. In 14 day culture, nucleated cells expanded 10×10^3 to 1,860×10^3 with combination of human hematopoietic growth factors. 3) In 10 day culture without medium change of PB CD34^+ cells, CFU-GM numbers expanded 16. 5 fold(range, 7 to 59 fold) with the addition of SCF plus G-CSF plus Il-1 plus IL-3, 31.3 fold(range, 20.5 to 101.1 fold) with the combination of SCF, G-CSF, IL-1, IL-3, GM-CSF. In 14 day culture with or without medium change of PB CD34^+ cells was inferior to 10 day culture for CFU-GM expansion. 4) There was no significant difference for CFU-GM expansion between five growth factors(SCF,G-CSF,IL-1,IL-3,GM-CSF) and six growth factors(five growth factors plus IL-6). Conclusion: The authors could confirm that short-term suspension culture of peripheral blood CD34+ cells could expand hematopoietic progenitor cells. Ten-day culture with medium change of CD34+ cells with the addition of five growth factors, i.e. SCF, G-CSF, IL-1B, IL-3, and GM-CSF, might be the most efficient in this system.

      • KCI등재

        장애,비장애인 휠체어 농구선수의 유산소 능력

        김성수,이동희,황부근,신말순,배종진,윤진환,지용석,안희구 한국특수체육학회 2002 한국특수체육학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyzed the aerobic capacity of disability· able-bodied wheelchair basketball players. Cardiorespiratory parameters were measured during graded maximal exercise test. Exercise time, HRpeak, oxygen uptake(VO_2, L·min^-1, ml·min^-1·kg^-1), carbon dioxide production(VCO_2, L·min^-1), ventilation(L·min^-1) were examined in disability national elite male wheelchair basketball at letes(DA, N = 10), able-bodied wheelchair basketball athletes(AA, N = 10). All data were expressed in means and standard deviation. Exercise time, HRpeak, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production, ventilation were not different between groups. In conclusion, aerobic capacity of disability national elite male wheelchair basketball athletes is the same able-bodied wheelchair basketball athletes. These finding suggest that chronic wheelchair basketball training produce local adaptations in the functional upper body musculature.

      • 중부지역 옥수수 파종기에 따른 생육단계 및 수량성 변화

        서종호, 문중경, 정건호, 서민정, 구자환, 박장환, 배환희, 신성휴, 권영업 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2014 農業科學硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        Maize hybrids were planted on April 1, April 25, May 20 and June 15 in 2012, 2013 at the experimental paddy and upland fields in Suwon city , respectively to know changes of growth stage and yield according to different planting time. Maize planting on April 1 was not recommended because total growing days at planting on April 1 was not different with that at planting on April 25 due to many days from planting to emergence over 20 days at planting on April 1. Total growing days were not much different among three planting time after April 25 because days from silking to maturity was lengthened though days from planting to silking was shortened at later planting time. Stalk weight was decreased as planting time was delayed, particularly at planting times after May 20 at paddy field by excess water injury during early growth stage. But, grain yield was not low as in May and June. It is needed to introduce early maturity maize variety as Yanganok at late planting for higher grain yield and enough time for soil preparation for next winter crops

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