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      • 체조선수의 Anomie상태가 적응행동 및 일탈행동과의 관계

        이보선,부기원 강원대학교 체육과학연구소 2001 江原大學校附設體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.- No.24

        The purpose of this research to test relationship among adapation behavior and deviant behavior according to anmie of athletes. This research which to achieve this purpse sample of high school male - fencing fencing athletes who registered the K.G.A in 2000. A sampling abstraction drew a random sampling 250 athletes among selected 300 athletes. The survey questionnaire were used to collect data. The method made use of anomie index chic the Modem Society Association standardozed sentences by translation anomie index invented by Srole(1956) and supplement-modified by Choi Mi Ran(1998) The analuzed-result as followed. First, as the athletes backgroun, the experience of anomie is hider women than men, Also it is less experience of anomie for lower educated-person and more experienced-person of sports. Second, the type of adaptive behavior as the athletes background, conformable behavior is higher experienced-person who wins a prize than person who not-experienced winning a prize. The rebellious behaviour of adagaviour is the highest in the college group. Third, as the athletes background, Drugs is the highest in the college group, it is higher experienced-group of sports, expeniencid-group of winning a prize and the Roman Catholic than any other groups.

      • KCI등재

        인터넷과 헌법상 쟁점들

        李富夏 법무부 2004 선진상사법률연구 Vol.- No.22

        Das Internet ist zur Zeit die weltweit größte und nach wie vor am schnellsten expandierende Kcmmunikationsstruktur. Electronic Mail (E-Mail) ist der am meisten genutzte Dienst im Internet E-Mail erlaubt es, Text von einem Computer auf einen anderen zu übertragen. Um E-Mail zu nutzen, benötigt man allerdings eine entsprechende Adresse. 1. Die Zusendung von unerwünschter E-Mail-Werbung an Private verstößt nach meiner Auffassung gegen Art 17 KVerfR, sofern der Empfänger nicht damit einverstanden ist oder sein Einverständnis auch nicht im Rahmen einer bereits bestehenden Geschäftsverbindung vermutet werden kann. Nach Auffassung der deutschen Gerichte ist das unaufgeforderte Zusenden von Spam-Mail wettbewerbsrechtlich unzulässig. Der Begriff von Spam-Mail ist mittlerweile ein fester Bestandteil jedes Internet-Glossars. Als Spam-Mail bezeichnet man das massenhafte Versenden von E-Mail im Internet Als verfassungswidrig gemäß Art 17 KVerfR (privacy) gilt die unaufgeforderte Bulk E-Mail beim Leeren des elektronischen Briefkastens die unverlangte Werbung unter Aufwand von Zeit, Mühe und Kosten aussortieren muss. 2. Pomographen, politisch Radikale, Rassisten, Militaristen, Antisemiten und Urheber beleidigender und verleumderischer Aussagen haben das Internet als weltweite unzensierte Plattform entdeckt Das ist nicht selten mit Verstößen gegen Rechtsnormen verbunden. Der Staat ist insbesondere immer dann verpflichtet schützend einzugreifen, wenn untragbare Folgen für individuelle und kollektive Rechtsgüter abzuwehren sind. Die Verbreitung verfassungsfeindlicher rassistischer Äußerungen, Gewaltaufrufe, nationalsozialistischen Gedankengutes und ähnlicher politradikaler Propaganda ist geeignet, die als fundamentale staatliche Gesamtordnung in den Grundwerten der Verfassung niedergelegte freiheitliche demokratische Grundordnung unmittelbar zu gefährden. Außerdem können rassistische, radikale Inhalte sowie Gewaltaufrufe die Würde des Menschen nach Art 10 KVerfR verletzen. 3. Fragliche ist, welche Bedeutung angesichts der zunehmenden Globalisierung dem Grundprinzip internationaler Zuständigkeit, dem Territorialprinzip, hinsichtlich nationaler Regelungen noch zukommen kann. Die Manifestation der Hoheitsakte in Form von schriftlichen Bescheiden oder Gewaltanwendungen läßt sich ebenfalls in den meisten Fällen ohne weiteres einem geographisch abgegrenzten Staatsgebiet zuordnen. Dem Territorialprinzip können die Staatsorgane einfach dadurch Genüge tun, indem sie auf dem Staatsgebiet verbleiben und physisch manifestierte Hoheitsakte nicht über die Grenzen hinweg gelangen lassen. Die Staaten dürfen aber über das Internet keine Hoheitsakte an Adressaten im Ausland versenden. Sie dürfen ebenfalls nicht über das Internet hoheitlich auf Inhalte zugreifen, die auf Rechnern im Ausland abgespeichert sind. 4. Betrachtet man die Kooperation und Koordination von Recht als vordringliche Aufgabe nicht nur auf der staatlichen, sondern auf der internationalen Ebene, so wird deutlich, dass dies ein umständliches, langwieriges und alles andere als einfaches Unterfangen ist. 인터넷의 보편화로 인한 발생하는 헌법상의 쟁점들이 계속하여 제기되고 있다. 특히 인터넷상의 가상공간에서의 표현은 다양하고 복잡한 헌법상의 문제를 불러 일으킨다. 첫째, 인터넷상 표현이 다른 매체에 의한 표현과 상이한 특성을 지니고 있다. 따라서 그에 대한 규율의 특이성이 요청된다. 특히 방송과의 차이를 고찰해보면, 인터넷상 표현은 신속성, 국제성, 비용저렴성, 대량정보전달 가능성의 특징을 지닌다. 그리고 가상공간에서의 ID의 사용은 무책임한 표현이나, 불건전한 정보의 유통을 가능케 한다는 문제점을 지니나, 그럼에도 불구하고 인터넷 가상공간에서의 익명의 사용은 헌법상 위헌의 소지가 없다. 왜냐하면 이러한 ID의 사용은 표현의 자유를 신장시킬 뿐만 아니라, ID사용으로 인하여 표현자(인터넷이용자)의 프라이버시권을 보호할 수 있기 때문이다. 인터넷사이트의 회원가입의 문제는 헌법상 양심의 자유와 인격권의 침해를 유발할 수 있다. 이는 특히 기본기입사항(필수사항)과 관련하여 문제된다. 인터넷상의 인종차별주의적, 폭력찬양적 정보, 폭력선동 및 명예훼손적 표현은 "자유민주적 기본질서"(우리헌법 제4조 참조)를 직접적으로 위태롭게 하며, 그밖에 우리 헌법 제10조에 의거한 "인간의 존엄과 가치"를 침해할 수 있다 둘째, 전통적인 주권개념에 의해 인터넷상의 표현들을 규제하는 주권적 행사를 발휘할 수 있는가는 헌법상 재정립해야 할 부분이다. 인터넷상의 불법적 표현을 규제하기 위해서는 국내법과 국제법의 공조가 필요하다. 셋째, 스팸메일은 규범상 "메일수신자의 의사에 반하여 보내진 전자메일"이라는 광의로 정의내리는 것이 타당하다. 스팸메일을 규제하는 방식으로는 옵트인(Opt-in)방식과 옵트아웃(Opt-out)방식이 있는데, 입법적으로는 온라인 서비스업체들 또는 스팸메일전송자가 스팸메일을 보내기 전에 수신이용자의 동의를 얻도록 하는 옵트인(Opt-in)방식이 실행되어야 할 것이다.

      • 경유양동상미로접근법에 의한 안면신경감압술 16례

        남부현,이민한,장재웅,전우진,박찬일 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1997 충남의대잡지 Vol.24 No.2

        With increase of traffic accidents, the otologic problems including facial palsy with skull fracture are more concerned. This paper is report our experiences with 16 cases of traumatic facial nerve palsy which have been employed transmastoid supralabyrinthine facial nerve decompression during last four years. The results are as follows: 1. Of the 16 patients, 13 patients(81.3%) were men and 3 patients (18.8%) were women. And sex ratio was 1.4:1 (male predominent). 2. In fracture type, longitudinal fracture was 10 cases (62.5%), transverse fracture was 1 case(6.3%) and mixed fracture was 2 cases(12.5%). 3. Cerebral contusion was combined in 8 cases(50%) and facial bone fracture was combined in 6 cases(37.55). Because of these combined lesions, otologic diagnoses and treatment was delayed. 4. The most common physical finding on clinical examination were a bloody otorrhea(75%) and hearing impairment(75%). 5. In frequency of lesion in facial nerve, tympanic segment(35.7%) was the most common site, followed by geniculate ganglion(14.3%). Suggested mechanisms in facial palsy were nerve compression(57.1%), granulation tissue and congestion. 6. There were improvment of House-Brackmann grades in 13 cases after decompression. 7. Incudostapedial separation was found in 4 cases and incus fracture was found in 2 cases. Hearing improvement was found in 3 cases being ossiculoplasty.

      • KCI등재

        북미인디안의 환경친화적인 복식 소재에 관한 연구 : 전통복식을 중심으로 Focused on Traditional Costume

        朴富珍,韓明淑,南基善 服飾文化學會 1999 服飾文化硏究 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify the origin of diversity of costume material caused by environmental difference. For this purpose, this research involved theoretical studies and studies based on historical data obtained from previous related studies. The common truth was proved that environmental including the geographical distribution of plants and animals determines costume material. Also, It was found that the unique traditional costume styles were developed through unique combination of costume material and their culture. The major results of this study are as follows: 1. The traditional costume of North American Indian was well-developed and closely related to geographical distribution of plants and animals. Also, their costume was so diverse that it could not be categirized. 2. The traditional costume of North American Indian showed ideal har mony between nature and human being by using surrounding environment into their costume. 3. The application of plants and animal materials into their costume was one of the environment- friendly human activity and it seems to give us an important message.

      • KCI등재
      • 韓國企業 賃金管理現況과 그 改善方案에 관한 硏究

        朴富穗 順天大學校 1984 論文集 人文社會科學篇 Vol.3 No.-

        Wage is the source of income for laborers but is the main items of cost for the enterprise. Laborers, therefore require high level wage but the enterpreneur insists on low level wage. High level wage weakens the ability of international competition, and low level wage causes weakening of productivity and falling short of effective demand and make economy depressed. So, it is more important matter of wage policy that wage level should be formed in view of laborer, enterpreneur and national economy. Because wage functions as cost of living for the laborer and as personnel expenditure for the enterprise, a matter that by what criteria wage level is determined is raised. A small difference in the criteria of wage level management is made by the view of scholar, but in general ①Ability to pay of enterprise, ②Laborer's living cost, and ③Going wage rate are regarded as the criteria of wage management. As traditional wage system is imperfact and irrational distribution system, the requirement of wage rationalization is powerfully arising. The requirement of wage rationalization is that of job wage, functional wage, and wage by productivity. In job wage system is determined by the relative value of jab which is analyzed by job analysis and job evaluation. In Korean enterprises it is not easy to accept this system. Because the poor technique of job analysis and job evaluation makes it difficult to settle relative value of job, and because the deep attachment to wage system by long and meritiorious service in Korea makes serve resistance to the overall acceptance of job wage system. To rationalize wage management each enterprise should adopt follwing policies. (1) Excessive surplus value of education should be excluded and hiring qualification should be lowered. (2) Sexual discrimination in wage should be abolished and the potentail high class woman labor force should be utilized. (3) To raise the ability to pay productivity should be elevated, and to elevate productivity, tangible fixed assets per capital, ratio of gross value added to tangible fixed assets, and ratio of gross value added to total assets should be elevated. (4) To accept job wage system and functional wage system, the management technique of manpower should be mordernized and personnel administration system by ability should be possessed.

      • KCI등재

        고지방식이를 섭취시킨 흰쥐의 혈청 지질성분에 도라지가 미치는 영향

        卞富亨,徐富一 대한본초학회 2001 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.16 No.2

        Objects : This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Platycodi Radix powder on improvement of lipid composition in high fat-fed rats. Methods : Male sprague-Dawley rats of 7 weeks old, weighing 318.43±3.09g, were divided into two groups; the control group(C group: high fat(30%, Lard)) and platycodi Radix group(P group: 20% Platycodi Radix powder), they were fed experimental diets for 8 weeks. Results : Food intake and body weight gains had differences between the groups. Serum cholesterol levels were significantly lower in P group than C group. The level of serum HDL- Cholesterol was higher in P group than C group. The level of Serum LDL-C was significantly lower in P group than in C group. The ratio of HDC-Cholesterol to total Cholesterol were higher in P group than in the C group, too. The Value of atherogenic index(AI) was determined to be low in P group.

      • 韓國의 勞使協調制度에 關한 考察

        愼斗範 명지대학교 1976 明大論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        1. National self-defense has as its purpose the deterrence in advance of a wide variety of aggressions. It presupposesa national consensus, which makes possible concerted action and cooperation for national objectives. Viewed in this way, labor-management relations represent also an aspect of cooperation for national defense and development. The relations are not merely labor and human relations problem. It is due in part to the regulation of laboer's fundamental rights and its weakness and surplus of labor that any dispute does now not arise. It is not, however, certain whether there is a close cooperation between labor and management. It is therefore necessary to analyse all the relevaut current problems and work out the counter measures. Reinforced labor-management relations may contribute to economic development. Labor-management relations now refer to those between their respective organizations, not those between individual laborers and managers. Workshop unions must be recognized as playing an important role in promoting the interests of enterprises and the union activities. If the labor unions cease function as such, they may no longer exist. The labor-management relations will then be those between individual laborers and managers. This fact gives rise to problems in terms of democratic labor-management relations and improved communication and the resulting intensified cooperation. Among the ultimate objective of human relations come improved productivity, savings of raw materials, reduction of casualties and diseases and quality control. They may ensure large profits for the management on the one hand, and equitable share therefore for the labor, on the other hand. This may be made possible only by the requisite motivation―mutual benefits and human dignity. It is provided for in Article 6 of Labor Union Act that Labor-management consultative committee should be established in every workshop. In the workshop where no labor union has not yet been established, a undemocratic way of electing. The members and the organization and operation only for the management make them ineffective. It is revealed in a report "Survey on Labor-management Cooperation by the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry" that inadequate mutual communication accounts for 21% of the factors making labor-management relation unsatisfactory ones. According to the study, inadequate management organizations represent 13%, lack of knowledge of social function of enterprises 11%. Unsatisfactory operation of the Labor-Management Consultative Committee has been brought about by an authoritative horizontal control in an enterprise(28%), negative and traditional attitude of labor union leaders(12%), misunderstanding on the part of management of its function(13%), and finally lack of preparation for output sharing system(10%). What matters in labor-management relations, however, is a fair determination of wages and their distribution. We may see countries where there are concluded a long-term agreement between labor and management comprising automatic coordination clauses. The clauses. The clauses are designed to ensure stability contemporaneously with an increase in wages by means of a collective bargaining. In Korea the period in which a collective agreement is effective is one year, and renewable-every year. And government authorities may intervene in the determination of wage level in accordance with relevant provisions of the National Security Act. The fact that civil servants of local government agencies lacking any expertise knowledge make decisions gives rise to many problems. In our country long-term and short-term wage plan should take account of economic development rate and rising prises. The plan should also establish criterion in terms of industries, locality or size of workshops. A wage deliberative committee, consisting of labor, management, government, and experts may well participate in decision making regarding wage problem. The Central Labor-Management Consultative Committee functionse under the guidance of the Government agency. It, however, is consisted of some members of the Managers' Association. This aspect merits some deep consideration. In view of the ever-increasing competition on the international level, we must, while increasing our productivity, also pay keen attention to quality control and to development of new items. This objective may not be attained without loyalty and creativity on the part of all those concerned with production. Cooperation has as its prerequisite mutual understanding and voluntary cooperation. Under a superficially peaceful relations between labor and management may lie labor's gruntes which must, by all means eliminated. 2. In view of all these considerations the following guideline may be suggested for better cooperation between labor and management. First of all laborers should keep in mind: (1) That bearing in mind the primary national goal of national defense and economic development they should present to their enterprises a reasonable request; (2) That they should refrain from hostile activities towards management, taking account of the present status of the enterprise; (3) That they should reorganize labor unions in such a way as to ensure their efficient activities in a democratic way, thereby eliminating antipathy between union members and their leaders; (4) That union leaders should regard their role as a service and contribute themselves only to the benefit of the unions and trade their members and that they should carry out their own obligations and cooperate among themselves in a democratic way to ensure order and to sustain control over the organization. Secondly, the following points must be borne in mind by the management: (1) That they should put emphasis on the social responsibility of enterprises and national interest rather on their self-interest; (2) That they should not regard laborers as subservient to them, but should elicit their voluntary cooperation and creativity by means of their human treatment; (3) That they should refrain from excessive profit-making and ensure equitable shares to laborers, for unreasonably low level of wages adversely affects the development of their enterprises; (4) That they should cut down on outlays and should refrain from resorting to reduce the member of their employees as the occasion may require; (5) That fully aware of the necessity of the existence of labor unions, they should no show hostile or negative towards unions; (6) That by enlarging social welfare facilities they should always keep in mind secure lives of laborers, thereby ensuring promotion of efficiency and should undertake all possible preventive measures against casulaties and diseases; (7) That they may expect voluntary cooperation on the part of laborers only by means of providing information on the enterprise to laborers. Thirdly, attention should be paid on the part of government agencies concerned to the following: (1) That their primary goal should be to ensure genuine cooperation between labor and management, which presupposes the attainment of their respective objective, namely the development of enterprises and satisfaction with equitable shares on the part of laborers. Therefore government should act as a coordinator of conflicting interests in view of overall national economy. In policy formulation account should taken of protection of laborers, social security and national defense; (2) That an enactment should be made in which minimum wage system is provided for with a view to promote close cooperation between labor and management. The relevant provisions of Articles 34 and 35 of the Labor Standard Law fails to be effective. It is therefore imperative for the government to undertake measures necessary to enforce them; (3) That the government should reinforce the system of labor laws by enacting a Household Labor Protection Law to protect laborers. And that there should be established a Labor Court which may decide labor cases, thereby extending sufficient protection to laborers; (4) That the government agencies should promote close Cooperation between labor and management by means of an efficient operation of labor-management consultative system. The matters to be consulted may will be provided for in a pertinent law to be enacted in order to induce gradually the consultative system to influence the operation of enterprises; (5) That it is desirable to reorganize the present Office of Labor into the Ministry of Labor to make better contribution to promoting cooperation between labor and management. And that there should be an allout effort to eliminate in advance any factor which may perhaps give rise to conflict and controversy between labor and management. In closing it may be added that one of characteristiics discernible in our labor laws of collective labor-management relations is a restriction on collective activities. The present provisions enabling govmenment agencies to intervene in labor-management relations have been made necessary to meet our overriding goal of national defense finding its legal expression in the Special Measures for National Security Act promulgated on December 27, 1971.

      • 주쇄에 긴 유연 사슬을 갖는 열방성 액정고분자의 유변학적 특성 및 물성

        신부영 嶺南大學校工業技術硏究所 1992 연구보고 Vol.20 No.2

        Two thermotropic homopolymers and copolymer based on two bisphenol monomers and terephthaloyldichloride were prepared via melt polymerization. The optical characteristics of polymers were nematic thread schlieren textures. Fibers from liquid crystalline polymers were spun at the mesophase of molten state. The flow curve showed yield stress and the fibers based on such polymer had high tensile moduulus. Those mechanical properities could be explained by the relaxation times of polymers and X-ray patterns of fibers.

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