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      • KCI등재후보

        Can a Sector-Wide Approach Underpin and Advance Universal Health Coverage?

        Anar Ulikpan,Peter Hill,Asmat Ullah Malik,George Shakarishvili,Indermohan Narula 한국사회복지학회 2012 Asian Social Work and Policy Review Vol.6 No.1

        Fragmented management approach makes the provision of comprehensive health care for achievinguniversal health coverage very unlikely. This article aims to explore the potential contributionof a systemic approach—the sector-wide approach (SWAp)—to achieving universal health coverage(UHC), using the Mongolian context as an example. The paper describes UHC and factors thathinder its achievement in developing countries, based on the Mongolian experience. The analysisfocuses on the root factors hindering the achievement of UHC and examines how these affect systemand local capacity critical for achieving UHC. Two principally different approaches, a sectorwide(holistic) approach and a standalone project (fragmented) approach are compared in terms oftheir contribution to the main indicators of achieving UHC. The current stage of the Mongolianhealth SWAp is identified and early rewards of a SWAp are presented. The paper proposes aSWAp as a potential approach to tackle these root factors to help in achieving UHC, because it isa promising instrument that promotes a systems-strengthening and capacity-building approachto enable effective coordination of standalone projects in alignment with the national priorities.

      • KCI등재후보

        Is the Mongolian Health Sector Ready for a Sector-Wide Approach?

        Anar Ulikpan,Tolib N. Mirzoev,Indermohan S. Narula 한국사회복지학회 2008 Asian Social Work and Policy Review Vol.2 No.2

        Mongolia has experienced major social and economic changes since the early 1990s. Large-scalereforms have been introduced in all sectors over the last 10 years. Implementing health reformsrequires a more coordinated approach and the Mongolian health sector has been exploring anoption of implementing a Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp) to the health sector. This article aims todevelop and apply an analytical framework for assessing the feasibility of implementing SWAp inthe Mongolian health sector. Review of published and unpublished evidence at the national andinternational levels is undertaken and complemented by semi-structured interviews with keyrespondents from Mongolian Ministry of Health. A framework for assessing the feasibility ofSWAp in Mongolia has been developed which comprises the key elements and stages of developmentof SWAp in a particular context. This framework has been then applied to assess the feasibilityof implementing SWAp in the Mongolian health sector. The main SWAp elements are in place. Emerging central level capacity, increasing donor confidence and willingness to move towards sector-wide management is now becoming more evident in Mongolia. It looks like Mongolia is readyfor a national level government-led SWAp with the potential to implement a fully-fledged SWAp inthe health sector. The essential ground-work for starting a SWAp is in place, but further capacitystrengthening is needed. A framework for implementing health SWAp in Mongolia is suggested. It is important to consider the improvement of existing government systems in future SWAparrangements to ensure local ownership.

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