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      • 칼라 히스토그램과 엔트로피를 이용한 동영상 장면전환 검출

        송현석,안강식,안명석,조석제 한국해양대학교 산업기술연구소 2002 연구논문집 Vol.19 No.-

        In content-base video data retrieval, the detection for scene change is needed. Color histogram approaches are generally used. Color histogram approaches are simple and more robust to object and camera movements but they ignore the spatial information and fail when two different frames have similar histograms. We propose a new algorithm to use color histogram and entropy to enhance the false-positive occurred by brightness variation and the miss by similar color histogram. At the experiments, it is more robust to brightness variation and have spatial information.

      • KCI등재
      • 單크론 抗體를 利用한 結核菌 베타抗原의 精製와 結核性 髓膜炎의 診斷的 應用에 關한 硏究

        明錫俊,白太鉉,朴鼎圭,崔大卿 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1988 충남의대잡지 Vol.15 No.1

        5F3F2 hyridoma cells produce monoclonal antibody which is reactive with a single epitope on the molecule of beta antigen and shows a specificity restricted to Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Ascitic fluids were produced by an intraperitoneal injection of 5.0 x 10^6 hybridoma cells into Balb/c mice previously sensitized with pristane. The reactive pattern of ascitic fluid with reference beta antigen was analyzed by Western blot. Purification of 5F3F2 monoclonal antibody from ascitic fluid was performed by a single step method using hydroxylapatite chromatography. Beta antigen from the cell extract of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was purified by affinity chromatography with 5F3F2 monoclonal antibody and checked its molecular characterization by SDSPAGE. Finally, affinity purified beta antigen was applied for its potential diagnostic utility in dection of IgG antibody in the cerebrospinal fluids of 12 patients with tuberculous meningitis and 24 non-tuberculous patients by ELISA at the CSF dilution of 1 : 5. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Ascitic 5F3F2 monoclonal antibody was reacted with a major band of 83-kDa and a minor band of l l0-kDa molecule of reference beta antigen on Western blot. 2. 5F3F2 monoclonal antibody was purified directly from ascitic fluid by a single step purification of hydroxylapatite chromatography. 3. Affinity purified beta antigen showed two distinct bands of 83-kDa and 52-kDa molecules on SDS-PAGE. 4. The mean ELISA values of IgG antibody activities to affinity purified beta antigen in CSF of 12 patients with tuberculous meningitis and 24 controls were 0.866±0.607 and 0.058±0.040, respectively. The specificity and sensitivity were 96.5% and 93.1%. These results suggest that the major molecule of beta antigen is 83-kDa and the affinity purified beta antigen is useful for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis.

      • 소동물 임상에서 침술마취의 적용

        김명철,김덕환,전무형,홍성혁,박창식,이재일,이수진,김영석 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2002 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.10 No.-

        Pain modification is an important part of traditional acupuncture therapies. However, the idea of using acupuncture to alleviate pain has been greatly expanded in the last four decades. It has reached the level that acupuncture may be used as a substitute for conventional anesthesia. Surgical analgesia can be produced by methods involving peripheral or central stimulation, such as Acupuncture Analgesia (AA). The most common method is Electro-Acupuncture Analgesia (EAA), using a special electrostimulator attached to needles in acupuncture points. The major advantages of AA or EAA are its safety in high-risk patients and excellent post-operative pain relief, freedom from complications and enhanced healing which follows surgery under AA. The major disadvantages are the long induction period (10-40 minutes) and variable degrees of analgesia even in skilled hands. The mechanisms of AA involve stimulation of peripheral sensory nerve, spinal cord and supraspinal areas (thalamus, midbrain and hypothalamus). AA can be used effectively in dog. The method has its advantages and disadvantages.

      • 소동물 임상에서 침술마취의 적용

        김명철,김덕환,전무형,홍성혁,박창식,이재일,이수진,김영석 충남대학교 형질전환복제돼지연구센터 2004 논문집 Vol. No.8

        Pain modification is an important part of traditional acupuncture therapies. However, the idea of using acupuncture to alleviate pain has been greatly expanded in the last four decades. It has reached the level that acupuncture may be used as a substitute for conventional anesthesia. Surgical analgesia can be produced by methods involving peripheral or central stimulation, such as Acupuncture Analgesia (AA). The most common method is Electro-Acupuncture Analgesia (EAA). using a special electrostimulator attached to needles in acupuncture points. The major advantages of AA or EAA are its safety in high-risk patients and excellent post-operative pain relief, freedom from complications and enhanced healing which follows surgery under AA. The major disadvantages are the long induction period (10-40 minutes) and variable degrees of analgesia, even in skilled hands. The mechanisms of AA Involve stimulation of peripheral sensory nerve, spinal cord and supraspinal areas (thalamus, midbrain and hypothalamus) AA can be used effectively in dog. The method has its advantage, and disadvantages.

      • KCI등재

        문화권간의 비언어적 의사소통에 대한 고찰

        박명석 한국외국어대학교 외국어 종합연구센터 언어연구소 1980 언어와 언어학 Vol.6 No.-

        In a world rapidly shrinking into one small community such as ours, the ever-increasing need to establish a firm foundation upon which cross-cultural communication may be effected successfully is only too apparent. Succsesful particpation in intercultural communication requires us to be more than familiar with culture's influence on verbal interaction. It requires us to recognize and have knowledge of the influence culture has on nonverbal interaction as well. Nonverbal behaviors consist of messages to which people attach meaning, just as verbal behaviors do. Because nonverbal symbols are derived from among such diverse behaviors as body movement, postures, facial expressions, eye movements, physical appearance, the use and organization of space, and the structuralization of time, these behaviors of ten vary from culture to culture. Conseequently, and awareness of the role of nonverbal communication is crucial if we are going to appreciate all aspects of intercultural interaction. Culture tends to determine the specific nonverbal behaviors that represent of symbolize specific thoughts, feelings, of states of the communicators, Thus what might be a sigh of greeting in on culture could very well be and obscene gesture in another. Or what might be a symbol of affirmation to one culture could be meaningless of even signify negation in another. A young Korean high school student newly immigrated to the United States was struck by on of his classmates when he was found rubbing his desk with his extended middle finger, unaware of the implied symbolism in American society. Since such a gesture has no meaning in Korea, he was at a loss to understand why he was struck. It wasn't until later that the meaning of the extended middle finger was explained to him by another Korean student. In America the use of this gesture is considered crude and extremely degrading to the individual, since it implies that the individual can only have sexual intercourse with himself of herself. Misunderstanding of nonverbal communication of and unconscious kind is one of the most vexing, and unnecessary, sources of international friction. Consider, for example, the hands-over-the-head delf-handshake of Khrushchev which he made in response to Americans' receiving him warmly when he came to America in 1959. Americans interpreted it as an arrogant gesture of triumph, as of a victorious prizefighter, whereas Khrushchev seems to have intended it as a friendly gesture of international brotherhood. Would Pearl Harbor have not occurred if americans had been able to read the "Japanese smile" of the diplomats as they left their last fateful meeting with Secretary of the State Cordell Hull? The term nonverbal communication indicates a contrast which spoken or written language. Unlike spoken languages, which, as nearly everybody in the world knows, differ from place to place, there is a common notion that most of the topics included in the nonverbal area are universal, natural, and not learned. Watzlawick and his colleagues have written that while most speech is digitally expressive, nonverbal behavior is analogical. Nonverbal sighs may be far more analogical than speech, but it is quite apparent that nonverbal expressions are not pure analogies for their meanings. The distinction between the digital and the analogical marks a difference in the contemporary approaches to nonverbal communication. Unlike spoken language, which is based on a comprehensible system(digital), nonverbal communication may of may not be so systematized. Currently, most academic studies of nonverbal behavior assume that, like spoken language, they are learned and not "natural", that they conform to some system, and in time will yield something like grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. As important as verbal language is to a communication event, nonverbal communication is just as important if not more important. Its importance can be seen from communication research, which indicases that as much as 90 percent of the social content of a message is transmitted paralinguistically or nonverbally. Most studies of nonverbal behavior across cultures seem to have concentrated on the form of and expression-smiling, eye contact, distance-as this varies or is consistent in different societies. Perhaps a better approach would be to start with the values of a culture and then relate a variety of nonverbal forms to those values. Some understanding of the underlying cultural value orientations should help to make diverse forms of nonverbal behavior immediately more comprehensible, and conversely, sensing patterns of nonverbal expressiveness should give us clues to the underlying value orientations.

      • 액화 LPG 다중분사 시스템을 가진 차량의 개발

        홍명석,박용태,장원 조선대학교 환경연구소 1999 環境硏究 Vol.15 No.1

        The two aspects of design are that we have developed a liquid-phase LPG port injection system and it includes a fuel rail pressure control system designed to solve the hot start difficulties associated with liquid-LPG injection. The injection and the spark timing are controlled by programmed electronic management unit. To achieve the goal of ULEV emission, the engine was operating in condition of stoichiometric fueling for all conditions, air/fuel ratio control around a slightly rich set point with closed-loop feedback from a heated oxygen sensor, ceramic-coated exhaust manifolds plus a close-coupled LPG specific catalyst for rapid catalyst light-off and advantage of port injection system compare to upstream LPG addition. In this paper, we report the result that we can have more torque, fuel economy and drive ability than those of the production gasoline vehicle while having much lower emissions.

      • 가솔린엔진의 냉간시동시 배기가스 포집과 재연소에 관한 연구

        홍명석 朝鮮大學校 機械技術硏究所 2000 機械技術硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        The emission characteristics of hydrocarbons during the cold start have been investigated. The measurements are focused upon the first 20 seconds of operation after starting with the engine and coolant initially at ambient temperature because this period has a major effect on HC emissions, over the FTP cycle, therefore decreasing cold start enrichment and decreasing the time to catalyst light-off are desirable. The engine examined is a 4-cylinder, 4-valve SI engine. The engine started using the starter motor. HC emissions from the exhaust system of the engine have been storaged over a period of 60 sec. during cold start using a exhaust gas storage system. Then the storaged gas was recombustioned at normal engine condition. These results indicate high reduction of engine emissions is available instead of very low torque loss using a storage bag and recombustion system.


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