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Seohee Choi,Takahiro Kinoshita,Kazutaka Obama,Katsunobu Sakurai,Naoshi Kubo,Naruhiko Ikoma,Ali Guner,Hyoung-Il Kim 대한외과학회 2025 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.108 No.2
Purpose: As the number of older adults with gastric cancer requiring gastrectomy has increased, it has become increasingly important to use techniques that enhance surgical safety and reduce postoperative complications in this vulnerable patient population. Articulating laparoscopic instruments (ALIs) may improve maneuverability and precision, leading to better outcomes in older patients. This study aimed to compare postoperative outcomes of older adults undergoing laparoscopic distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer using conventional versus ALIs. Methods: This retrospective study included 147 older patients (aged ≥70 years) who underwent laparoscopic distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer between 2017 and 2024. Surgery was performed using conventional laparoscopic instruments in 61 patients and ALIs in 86 patients. The median follow-up period was 20 months. Results: Postoperative hospital stay was significantly shorter in the articulating group than in the conventional group (4.6 ± 2.0 days vs . 5.4 ± 2.4 days, P = 0.030). Time to first flatus was also significantly shorter in the articulating group (2.4 ± 0.7 days vs . 2.8 ± 1.0 days, P = 0.022). However, there were no significant differences in overall complications, major (≥grade III) complications (conventional, 1.2% vs . articulating, 0%; P = 0.398) overall survival, or recurrence-free survival between groups. Conclusion: The use of articulating instruments in older adults undergoing laparoscopic distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer was associated with shorter postoperative hospital stays and faster recovery of bowel function, with no apparent detrimental effects on complications, recurrence, or survival. These findings suggest that ALIs enhance recovery and possibly overall surgical outcomes in this patient population.
Pack-Boriding of Monel 400: Microstructural Characterization and Boriding Kinetics
Ali Günen,Mourad Keddam,Azmi Erdoğan,Mustafa Serdar Karakaş 대한금속·재료학회 2022 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.28 No.8
Monel 400 was pack-borided in the temperature range of 1173–1273 K for exposure times of 2–6 h. The boride layersproduced on the surface of the alloy were examined by scanning electron microscopy and phase identification was carriedout by X-ray diffraction. The topmost layer on the borided Monel 400 was compact and contained the Ni2Bphase whilethe diffusion zone contained grain boundary precipitates of borides. Boride layers of 35–290 μm thickness and 1002–1476HV0.025hardness were obtained. SEM observations revealed a smooth interface between the boride layer and the diffusionzone. A kinetic model based on the integral method was applied to investigate the kinetics of Ni2Blayer. The boron activationenergy in the Ni2Blayer was estimated as equal to 300.7 kJ mol−1. An experimental validation of the model was madeby comparing the experimental layer thicknesses obtained, after boriding at 1198 K for 1 and 3 h, with predicted values.
Ali,Ocktaeck Lim(임옥택) 한국자동차공학회 2024 한국자동차공학회 부문종합 학술대회 Vol.2024 No.6
There are many methodology to decrease the amount of emissions that are being expelled from different type of energy-consuming machines. One of the most widespread of this is vehicles, with internal combustion powered vehicles being the most widely used type in the world. Discussing specifically regarding internal combustion engine, many different approaches are employed. Using different fuel mixtures has been one of the strategies to decrease emissions, and this can impact the characteristics and performance in the internal combustion engine. An alternative substance from green energy is very promising in the time where the importance of emission reduction is key to the development of clean fuel. The main objective of this study is to investigate the combustion characteristics and performance of a compression engine with various fractions of dieselammonia fuel mixture. The study will present a simulation model created with AVL simulation software to simulate the combustion process. Based on the simulation done, is found that the addition of ammonia up to 40% of fuel mass per cycle will reduce the pressure and rate of heat release, as well as increasing its BSFC but maintaining the overall efficiency. From these findings, it can be said that while ammonia is an interesting option for future clean-energy based engine to reduce key emissions, more consideration must be taken based on its impact on combustion characteristics and performance.
Between pairwise $-\alpha -$ perfect functions and pairwise $-T-$ $\alpha -$ perfect functions
Ali A. Atoom,Feras Bani-Ahmad 한국전산응용수학회 2024 Journal of applied mathematics & informatics Vol.42 No.1
Many academics employ various structures to expand topological space, including the idea of topology, as a result of the importance of topological space in analysis and some applications. One of the most notable of the generalizations was the definition of perfect functions in bitopological spaces, which was presented by Ali.A.Atoom and H.Z.Hdeib. We propose the notion of $\alpha -$ pairwise perfect functions in bitopological spaces and define different types of this concept in this study. Pairwise $-T-$ $\alpha-$ perfect functions, pairwise $-\alpha -$irr-perfect functions, and pairwise $-T-$ $\alpha -$ irr-perfect functions, are all characterized in addition to pairwise $-\alpha -$perfect functions. We go through their primary characteristics and show how they interact. Finally, under these functions, we introduce the images and inverse images of certain bitopological features. About these concepts, some product theorems have been discovered.
Ahmet Yusuf Ş,engü,l,Sü,leyman Ç,aliş,lar 한국축산식품학회 2020 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.40 No.3
This study was conducted to investigate whether adding different levels of raw or differently processed chickpea into different diets of laying quails affected live weight, feed intake, feed efficiency, egg weight and internal and external egg quality. Chickpea was used as raw, autoclaved or microwave-processed, and it was involved in the diets on two different levels (20% and 40%). The sample was divided into 7 groups including the control, 20% and 40% raw, 20% and 40% autoclaved, and 20% and 40% microwaveprocessed groups. 336 ten-week-old female laying quails were used in the study, and the experiment continued for 19 weeks. In the study, the differences among the groups were insignificant in terms of live weight, feed intake, feed efficiency, egg weight and egg quality characteristics such as shell thickness, shell weight, yolk weight, yolk color and albumin index. The differences were significant in terms of the shape index, Haugh unit (p<0.05) and yolk index (p<0.01). Consequently, it was observed that different thermal processes on chickpeas did not usually have a significant effect on the yield performance of the quails, and the results that were obtained were similar to the other groups. However, it was determined that some egg quality characteristics were affected by the autoclaving and microwaving processes. Between the thermal processes, it may be stated that autoclaving provided better results.