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        Effect of Potassium Magnesium Citrate and Vitamin B-6 Prophylaxis for Recurrent and Multiple Calcium Oxalate and Phosphate Urolithiasis

        S.V. Krishna Reddy,Ahammad Basha Shaik,Suneel Bokkisam 대한비뇨의학회 2014 Investigative and Clinical Urology Vol.55 No.6

        Purpose: To study the effects of long-term treatment with potassium magnesium citrateand vitamin B-6 prophylaxis (Urikind-KM6; 1,100-mg potassium citrate, 375-mg magnesiumcitrate, and 20-mg pyridoxine hydrochloride/5 mL) every 8 hours over 3 years. Materials and Methods: A total of 247 patients with recurrent idiopathic hypocitraturiawith or without hyperuricosuria and randomized controls were studied prospectivelyfor 3 years. The total patients were divided into three groups. Control group 1 consistedof 61 patients (24.7%) who had moderate to severe hypocitraturia with or without hyperuricosuriaand were recurrent stone formers but discontinued prophylaxis because ofdrug intolerance within 1 month of therapy. Control group 2 constituted 53 patients(21.5%) who were first-time stone formers and who had mild hypocitraturia with orwithout hyperuricosuria and were not put on prophylactic therapy and were followedfor 3.16±0.08 years. Control group 3 constituted 133 patients (54.8%) who were recurrentstone formers who had moderate to severe hypocitraturia with or without hyperuricosuriaand were put on prophylaxis therapy and were followed for 3.16±0.08years. All patients were followed up at 6-month intervals. Results: Potassium magnesium citrate prophylaxis produced a sustained increase in24-hour urinary citrate excretion from initially low values (221.79±13.39 mg/dL) towithin normal to high limits (604.04±5.00 mg/dL) at the 6-month follow-up. UrinarypH rose significantly from 5.62±0.2 to 6.87±0.01 and was maintained at 6.87±0.01. Thestone recurrence rate declined from 3.23±1.04 per patient per year to 0.35±0.47 per patientper year. Conclusions: Potassium magnesium citrate prophylaxis was effective in reducing therecurrence of calcium oxalate and phosphate urolithiasis.

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