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      • KCI등재

        Representational difference analysis of cDNA identifies novel genes expressed following preconditioning of the heart

        L. V. Mayne,T. J. Pell, G. F. Baxter,D. M. Yellon,D. S. Latchman,M. F. Hubank,M.A.C. Fauchon,G. F. Baxter 생화학분자생물학회 2005 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.37 No.4

        Preconditioning of the myocardium rapidly induces a number of transcription factors, which are likely to be responsible for a cascade of transcriptional changes underlying the development of delayed adaptation. Identifying these changes provides in-sight into the molecular pathways elicited by delayed adaptation. Genes up-regulated in rabbit myocardium in vivo by ischaemic preconditioning following reperfusion for 2 h, 4 h and 6 h post- treatment were identified by representational dif-ference analysis of cDNA (cDNA. RDA). The area of the left ventricle rendered ischaemic by precon-ditioning or the equivalent area of sham-treated animals was isolated and cDNA.RDA performed. Three novel genes and six genes with known function where identified, including the TGFβ receptor interacting protein 1, the α isoform of the A subunit of PP2 and the cap binding protein NCBP1. To determine whether expression of these genes correlated with preconditioning per se, expression was measured in myocardium after both ischaemic as well as heat shock induced preconditioning following 2 h, 4 h, and 6 h reperfusion. These genes were induced in rabbit myocardium in vivo by both ischaemia and heat shock, consistent with a fundamental role in the development of delayed adaptation. The well described role of PP2 in modulating the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and promoting cell survival is consistent with our previous work, which identified the reper-fusion injury salvage kinase pathway in mediating the protective effects of ischaemic preconditioning. Expression of Trip1 and Ncbp1 also implicates TGFβ signalling pathways and RNA processing and transport in delayed adaptation to stress in the myocardium.

      • KCI등재

        Collective Bands Built on the Proton h11/2 and the Neutron h11/2 Orbitals in Odd-odd I

        C.-B. Moon,G. D. Dracoulis,R. A. Bark,A. P. Byrne,P. A. Davidson,A. N. Wilson,A. M. Baxter,T. Kib edi,G. J. Lane 한국물리학회 2003 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.43 No.I

        The excited states of the doubly-odd 124I, 122I, and 120I nuclei have been studied by using in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy with the 122Sn(7Li,5n), the 120Sn(7Li,5n), and the 118Sn(6Li,4n) reactions at Elab = 54, 58, and 48 MeV, respectively. Beams, which were pulsed on 1 ns separated by 1.7 s, were provided by the 14UD Pelletron accelerator at the Australian National University. In the present work, many collective bands with positive-parity as well as negative-parity have been newly identied and their excitation energies have been denitely established. The positive-parity collective bands built on the 10+ state in these doubly odd I could be interpreted as being associated with the h11=2h11=2 conguration.

      • Cosmology from cosmic shear with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data

        Abbott, T.,Abdalla, F. B.,Allam, S.,Amara, A.,Annis, J.,Armstrong, R.,Bacon, D.,Banerji, M.,Bauer, A. H.,Baxter, E.,Becker, M. R.,Benoit-Lé,vy, A.,Bernstein, R. A.,Bernstein, G. M.,Bertin, E.,Bl American Physical Society 2016 Physical Review D Vol.94 No.2

        <P>We present the first constraints on cosmology from the Dark Energy Survey (DES), using weak lensing measurements from the preliminary Science Verification (SV) data. We use 139 square degrees of SV data, which is less than 3% of the full DES survey area. Using cosmic shear 2-point measurements over three redshift bins we find sigma(8)(Omega(m)/0.3)(0.5) = 0.81 +/- 0.06 (68% confidence), after marginalizing over 7 systematics parameters and 3 other cosmological parameters. We examine the robustness of our results to the choice of data vector and systematics assumed, and find them to be stable. About 20% of our error bar comes from marginalizing over shear and photometric redshift calibration uncertainties. The current state-of-the-art cosmic shear measurements from CFHTLenS are mildly discrepant with the cosmological constraints from Planck CMB data; our results are consistent with both data sets. Our uncertainties are similar to 30% larger than those from CFHTLenS when we carry out a comparable analysis of the two data sets, which we attribute largely to the lower number density of our shear catalogue. We investigate constraints on dark energy and find that, with this small fraction of the full survey, the DES SV constraints make negligible impact on the Planck constraints. The moderate disagreement between the CFHTLenS and Planck values of sigma(8)(Omega(m)/0.3)(0.5) is present regardless of the value of w.</P>

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