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        A. Patra,T KOMATSU,G. K. Panda 장전수학회 2020 Proceedings of the Jangjeon mathematical society Vol.23 No.3

        In the present paper, a random sequence is defined by the binary recurrence Zn+1 = AαZn - qZn-1, where α is a random variable which assumes the values +1 and -1 with probability 1=2 each where A is a positive integer and q is a non-zero integer. Furthermore by taking A = 6 and q = 1, the random balancing case has been defined and the remaining cases for A and q have been further tackled. Apart from that an elementary proof regarding the bounds of the expected value for the absolute value of the n-th term in the random balancing sequence has been provided. Moreover, the bounds for the variance of the absolute value of the n-th term has also been obtained. Furthermore, the growth rate of the random sequence has been graphically depicted.

      • Association of Two Polymorphisms of DNA Polymerase Beta in Exon-9 and Exon-11 with Ovarian Carcinoma in India

        Khanra, Kalyani,Panda, Kakali,Bhattacharya, Chandan,Mitra, A.K.,Sarkar, Ranu,Bhattacharyya, Nandan Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2012 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.13 No.4

        Background: DNA polymerase beta ($pol{\beta}$) is a key enzyme in the base excision repair pathway. It is 39kDa protein, with two subunits, one large subunit of 31 kDa having catalytic activity between exon V to exon XIV, and an 8 kDa smaller subunit having single strand DNA binding activity. Exons V to VII have double strand DNA binding activity, whereas exons VIII to XI account for the nucleotidyl transferase activity and exons XII to XIV the dNTP selection activity. Aim: To examine the association between $pol{\beta}$ polymorphisms and the risk of ovarian cancer, the present case control study was performed using 152 cancer samples and non-metastatic normal samples from the same patients. In this study, mutational analysis of $pol{\beta}$ genomic DNA was undertaken using primers from exons IX to XIV - the portion having catalytic activity. Results: We detected alteration in DNA polymerase beta by SSCP. Two specific heterozygous point mutations of $pol{\beta}$ were identified in Exon 9:486, A->C (polymorphism 1; 11.18%) and in Exon 11:676, A->C (polymorphism 2; 9.86%). The correlation study involving polymorphism 1 and 4 types of tissue showed a significant correlation between mucinous type with a Pearson correlation value of 4.03 (p=0.04). The association among polymorphism 2 with serous type and stage IV together have shown Pearson ${\chi}^2$ value of 3.28 with likelihood ratio of 4.4 (p=0.07) with OR =2.08 (0.3-14.55). This indicates that there is a tendency of correlation among polymorphism 2, serous type and stage IV, indicating a risk factor for ovarian cancer. Conclusion: Hence, the results indicate that there is a tendency for $pol{\beta}$ polymorphisms being a risk factor for ovarian carcinogenesis in India.


        Genotype by Dietary Lysine Interaction for Growth and Response to Sheep Red Blood Cells and Escherichia coli Inoculation in Commercial Broiler Chicks

        Praharaj, N.K.,Reddy, M.R.,Panda, A.K.,Rama Rao, S.V.,Sharma, R.P. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.8

        An experiment was conducted to assess the interaction between genotypes and dietary lysine content in commercial broiler chicks by measuring growth, and response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and Escherichia coli (E.coli) inoculation. Female chicks from four genotypes (A=Anak 2000; B=Hubbard; C=Cobb and D=Synthetic broiler) were fed four levels of lysine in diet from d old till the end of experiment. The lysine content of the diet was 9.61, 10.51, 11.41 and 12.31 g/kg. Body weights at 0, 14, 28 and 42 d of age and pen-wise feed intake till 14, 28 and 42 d of age were recorded. Production of antibody against SRBC and resistance to E.coli were measured at 5 d of post inoculation (PI) at 43 d of age. Also, response to phytohemaglutinin-P (PHA-P) was measured at 12 and 24 h of PI at 48 d of age. Genotype by dietary lysine interaction was significant for body weights at 14 and 28 d of age, but not at 42 d of age. Genotype by dietary lysine interaction was not significant for feed efficiency, for antibody titers against SRBC, and for air sac lesion score, relative bodyweight change, and relative weights of bursa and spleen in response to E.coli inoculation. However, a significant interaction was observed between the levels of lysine and dosage of SRBC for antibody titers. There was significant genotype by dietary lysine interaction for cutaneous basophilic hypersensitivity (CBH) response to PHA-P at 12 and 24 h of PI. It may be concluded that to obtain optimum body weight and immunity in commercial broilers the dietary lysine requirement may be recommended specific to the genotype.


        Quantification of Karanjin, Tannin and Trypsin Inhibitors in Raw and Detoxified Expeller and Solvent Extracted Karanj (Pongamia glabra) Cake

        Panda, A.K.,Sastry, V.R.B.,Kumar, A.,Saha, S.K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2006 Animal Bioscience Vol.19 No.12

        Despite being a rich source of protein (28-34%), karanj (Pongamia glabra) cake is found to be bitter in taste and toxic in nature owing to the presence of flavonoid (karanjin), tannin and trypsin inhibitor, thereby restricting its safe inclusion in poultry rations. Feeding of karanj cake at higher levels (>10%) adversely affected the growth performance of poultry due to the presence of these toxic factors. Therefore, efforts were made to detoxify karanj cake by various physico-chemical methods such as dry heat, water washing, pressure cooking, alkali and acid treatments and microbiological treatment with Sacchraromyces cerevisiae (strain S-49). The level of residual karanjin in raw and variously processed cake was quantified by high performance liquid chromatography and tannin and trypsin inhibitor was quantified by titrametric and colorimetric methods, respectively. The karanjin, tannin and trypsin inhibitor levels in such solvent and expeller pressed karanj cake were 0.132, 3.766 and 6.550 and 0.324, 3.172 and 8.513%, respectively. Pressure-cooking of solvent extracted karanj cake (SKC) substantially reduced the karanjin content at a cake:water ratio of 1:0.5 with 30-minute cooking. Among chemical methods, 1.5% (w/w) NaOH was very effective in reducing the karanjin content. $Ca(OH)_2$ treatment was also equally effective in karanjin reduction, but at a higher concentration of 3.0% (w/w). A similar trend was noticed with respect to treatment of expeller pressed karanj cake (EKC). Pressure cooking of EKC was effective in reducing the karanjin level of the cake. Among chemical methods alkali treatment [2% (w/w) NaOH] substantially reduced the karanjin levels of the cake. Other methods such as water washing, dry heat, HCl, glacial acetic acid, urea-ammoniation, combined acid and alkali, and microbiological treatments marginally reduced the karanjin concentration of SKC and EKC. Treatment of both SKC and EKC with 1.5% and 2.0% NaOH (w/w) was the most effective method in reducing the tannin content. Among the various methods of detoxification, dry heat, pressure cooking and microbiological treatment with Saccharomyces cerevisiae were substantially effective in reducing the trypsin inhibitor activity in both SKC and EKC. Based on reduction in karanjin, in addition to tannin and trypsin inhibitor activity, detoxification of SKC with either 1.5% NaOH or 3% $Ca(OH)_2$, w/w) and with 2% NaOH were more effective. Despite the effectiveness of pressure cooking in reducing the karanjin content, it could not be recommended for detoxification because of the practical difficulties in adopting the technology as well as for economic considerations.


        Growth Performance, Humoral Immune Response and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens Fed Alkali Processed Karanj Cake Incorporated Diet Supplemented with Methionine

        Panda, K.,Sastry, V.R.B.,Mandal, A.B. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.5

        A study was conducted to see the effect of dietary incorporation of alkali (1.5% NaOH, w/w) processed solvent extracted karanj cake (SKC) supplemented with methionine on growth performance, humoral immune response and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens from 0 to 8 weeks of age. One hundred and twenty, day- old broiler chicks were wing banded, vaccinated against Marek' disease and distributed in a completely randomized design (CRD) into 3 groups of 40 chicks each, which was further replicated to 4 and fed on diet containing soybean meal and those of test groups were fed diets containing alkali (1.5% NaOH) treated SKC partially replacing soybean meal nitrogen of reference diet (12.5%) without or with supplementation of methionine (0.2%). Individual body weight of chicks and replicate-wise feed intakes were recorded at weekly intervals throughout the experimental period. Feed consumption from 1 to 14, 28, 42 and 56 d of age was recorded for each replicate and feed conversion efficiency (weight gain/feed intake) for the respective period was calculated. Mortality was monitored on daily basis. On 28$^{th}$ day of experimental feeding, two birds of each replicate in each dietary group (8 birds/diet) were inoculated with 0.1 ml of a 1.0% suspension of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and the antibody titre (log 2) was measured after 5 days by the microtitre haemmagglutination procedure. After 42 days of experimental feeding, a retention study of 4 days (43-47 d) duration was conducted on all birds to determine the retention of various nutrients such as DM, N, Ca, P and GE. On 43$^{rd}$ day of experimental feeding, one representative bird from each replicate of a dietary treatment (4/dietary group) was sacrificed, after fasting for two hours with free access to water, through cervical dislocation to observe the weight of dressed carcass, primal cuts (breast, thigh, drumstick, back, neck and wing), giblet (liver, heart and gizzard), abdominal fat and digestive organs. The body weight gain of chicks fed reference diet and those fed diet incorporated with NaOH treated SKC (12.5% replacement) with or without methionine supplementation was comparable during 0 to 4 weeks of age. However, dietary incorporation of alkali processed SKC replacing 12.5% nitrogen moiety of soybean meal resulted in growth retardation, subsequently as evidenced by significantly (p<0.05) lowered body weight gain during 0 to 6 weeks of age in birds fed diet incorporated with alkali processed SKC at 6.43% without methionine as compared to those supplemented with methionine or reference diet. Dietary incorporation of alkali (1.5% NaOH) processed SKC replacing 12.5% of soybean meal nitrogen in the diet of broiler chickens had no adverse effect on feed conversion ratio during all the weeks of experimental feeding. The humoral immune response (HIR) as measured by the antibody titre in response to SRBC inoculation was comparable among all the dietary groups. No significant difference in the intake and retention of DM, N, Ca, P or GE was noted among the chicks fed reference and alkali processed SKC incorporated diets with or without methionine supplementation. None of the carcass traits varied significantly due to dietary variations, except the percent weight of liver and giblet. The percent liver weight was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the birds fed diet incorporated with alkali processed SKC as compared to that in other two groups. Thus solvent extracted karanj cake could be incorporated after alkali (1.5% NaOH, w/w) processing at an enhanced level of 6.43%, replacing 12.5% of soybean meal nitrogen, in the broiler diets up to 4 weeks of age, beyond which the observed growth depression on this diet could be alleviated by 0.2% methionine supplementation.

      • Leaching of rare earth metals (REMs) from Korean monazite concentrate

        Panda, R.,Kumari, A.,Jha, M.K.,Hait, J.,Kumar, V.,Rajesh Kumar, J.,Lee, J.Y. Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemi 2014 Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry Vol.20 No.4

        Systematic scientific studies for dephosphorization and acid leaching of Korean monazite are reported here. 50% NaOH (w/v) solubilizes 99.99% phosphate, at 170<SUP>o</SUP>C, 100g/L pulp density in 4h. Kinetics of phosphate leaching fitted well with model ''chemical reaction control,'' i.e. 1-(1-X)<SUP>½</SUP>=k<SUB>c</SUB>t, E<SUB>a</SUB>=58.04kJ/mol. Further, rare earth hydroxides (REHs) was leached using 6N HCl at 90<SUP>o</SUP>C, 60g/L pulp density for 2h to recover ~95% REMs. Leach liquor generated can be further processed using solvent extraction/ion exchange techniques. From the pure solutions, metal/salts could be obtained using evaporation, precipitation, etc.

      • KCI등재

        Nonlinear Fractional Programming Problem with Inexact Parameter

        A. K. Bhurjee,G. Panda 한국전산응용수학회 2013 Journal of applied mathematics & informatics Vol.31 No.5

        In this paper a methodology is developed to solve a nonlinear fractional programming problem, whose objective function and constraints are interval valued functions. Interval valued convex fractional programming problem is studied. This model is transformed to a general convex programming problem and relation between the original problem and the transformed problem is established. These theoretical developments are illustrated through a numerical example.


        Effect of Butyric Acid on Performance, Gastrointestinal Tract Health and Carcass Characteristics in Broiler Chickens

        Panda, A.K.,Rama Rao, S.V.,Raju, M.V.L.N.,Shyam Sunder, G. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2009 Animal Bioscience Vol.22 No.7

        An experiment was conducted to study the effect of graded levels of butyric acid (butyrate) on performance, gastrointestinal tract health and carcass characteristics in young broiler chickens. Control starter (0-3 wk) and finisher (4-5 wk) diets were formulated to contain 2,900 kcal ME/kg and 22% CP, and 3,000 kcal ME/kg and 20% CP, respectively. Subsequently, four other experimental diets were formulated to contain 0.05% antibiotic (furazolidone) or 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6% butyric acid. Each diet was fed at random to 8 replicates of 6 chicks each throughout the experimental period (0-5 wk). The results showed that 0.4% butyrate in the diet was similar to antibiotic in maintaining body weight gain and reducing E. coli numbers but superior for feed conversion ratio. No added advantage on these parameters was obtained by enhancing the concentration of butyrate from 0.4 to 0.6% in the diet. Feed intake and mortality were not influenced by the dietary treatments. A reduction in pH of the upper GI tract (crop, proventiculus and gizzard) was observed by inclusion of butyrate in the diets of broilers compared to either control or antibiotic-fed group. Butyrate at 0.4% was more effective in reducing the pH than 0.2% butyrate. Within the lower GI tract, 0.4 and 0.6% butyrate was effective in lowering pH in the duodenum, but no effect was found in either the jejunum or ileum. The villus length and crypt depth in the duodenum increased significantly in all the butyrate treated diets irrespective of the level tested. Carcass yield was higher and abdominal fat content was lower significantly in all the butyrate treatment groups compared to the control or antibiotic group. From these findings, it is concluded that 0.4% butyric acid supplementation maintained performance, intestinal tract health, and villi development and carcass quality in broiler chickens.


        Effects of Dietary Non-phytate Phosphorus Levels on Egg Production, Shell Quality and Nutrient Retention in White Leghorn Layers

        Panda, A.K.,Rao, S.V.Rama,Raju, M.V.L.N.,Bhanja, S.K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2005 Animal Bioscience Vol.18 No.8

        An experiment was conducted (28 to 44 weeks) to study the laying performance, shell quality, and nutrient retention of White Leghorn layers fed different levels of non-phytate phosphorus (NPP). Six levels of NPP (0.15, 0.18, 0.21, 0.24, 0.27 and 0.30%) at a constant calcium (Ca) level (3.5%) in maize-soya-deoiled rice bran based diets were formulated, and each experimental diet was offered ad libitum for 16 weeks to five replicates with five birds in each replicate. The body weight of WL layers fed diet containing 0.15% NPP was significantly (p<0.05) lower than those fed diet with 0.30% NPP, at 44 weeks of age. However, the hen day egg production, egg weight, daily feed intake and feed consumed per dozen eggs were not influenced by the variation in the NPP levels in the diet. The bone ash content was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the birds fed 0.30% NPP as compared with those fed diets up to 0.24% NPP. Bone ash content was intermediate in the birds fed diet containing 0.27% NPP. The tibia strength followed the same trend as that of bone ash. Dietary NPP content had no influence on serum Ca and protein concentration and activity of alkaline phosphatase. However, serum inorganic P concentration increased linearly with NPP content in the diet. The concentration of P was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the birds fed 0.27% NPP or higher as compared with those fed 0.15% NPP. Levels of dietary NPP had no influence on egg quality parameters like shell wt, shell thickness, shell strength and specific gravity. The retention of nutrients such as DM, N and Ca were comparable among the WL layers fed different levels of NPP. However, the retention of P decreased linearly with increase in the level of NPP in the diet. The retention of P in the birds fed diets up to 0.24% NPP in the diet was comparable, however further increasing the content of NPP (either 0.27% or 0.30%) reduced the retention of P. Based on the results of the present study, 0.15% NPP (180 mg/b/d) in the diets of WL layers is adequate for optimum production performance during 28 to 44 weeks of age, however, WL layers require 0.27% NPP (324 mg /b/d) in the diet for optimum production with better bone mineralization.

      • Solubilization by $\beta$-Cyclodextrin: A Fluorescence Quenching Study

        Panda, M.,Mishra, A.K. Korean Society of Photoscience 2002 Journal of Photosciences Vol.9 No.3

        Solubility of carbon tetrachloride ($CCl_4$) in water increases appreciably in presence of $\beta$-cyclodextrin ($\beta$CD). $CCl_4$ is a very good quencher of 1-naphthol (1ROH) fluorescence. By studying the quenching of fluorescence of 1ROH included in $\beta$CD cavity, it was found that there is an increase in the availability of $CCl_4$ around $\beta$CD in the aqueous medium. This could help to rationalize the enhanced solubility of $CCl_4$.

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