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        8세기 신라의 渤海・唐 전쟁 참전과 浿江 보루 설치

        임상선 신라사학회 2019 新羅史學報 Vol.0 No.45

        The war between the two states, which began in (the year) 732 with Balhae’s invasion of Tang’s Dengzhou, was extended to an international war by Silla’s participation therein. Silla, which joined the war at the request of Tang, attacked the south of Balhae, but retreated without any gain due to heavy snow and cold. It is thought that the coalition forces of Silla and Tang, as land forces of infantrymen, set off from the vicinity of Pae River and targeted Balhae’s “southern borders” in Bakjak-gu and Hwando-Hyeonseong in its upper regions or the surroundings of Sinju. The time when Silla and Tang attacked the south of Balhae was approximately in the winter at the end of 733 or early in 734. The second Balhae attack attempted by the Silla’s side was in 734. Tang told King Seongdeok to “be on the lookout for opportunities nearby and sweep down on them to take possession of the place.” It appears that Silla’s second subjugation of Balhae was not put into action. During this process, Tang found out that King Seongdeok was going to erect a military fortification in the Pae River region after reading a (diplomatic) document submitted by Saran Kim. This was Balhae’s strategic position and was also a place facing Mount Lushan. Erecting a fortification at Pae River was “to keep vigilance on the bandits and thieves and stabilize the border areas,” and a “grand measure” and a “long-standing measure” to set up the fortress on the fortress. Silla reported on a military fortress erected at Pae River and received the land south of Pae River in the 34th year (735) of King Seongdeok’s reign. Acquiring the land in the southern part of Pae River, Silla was able to “lay down” necessary facilities and residents on its own accord. 732년 渤海의 唐 登州 공격으로 시작된 두 나라의 전쟁은 여기에 新羅도 참여하며 국제전으로 확대되었다. 당의 요청으로 참전하게 된 新羅는 발해의 남쪽 공격에 나섰지만, 많은 눈과 추위로 소득없이 퇴군하였다. 신라와 당의 연합군은 보기병의 陸軍으로서 패강 부근에서 출발하여 泊汋口를 비롯하여 그 상류의 丸都縣城 혹은 神州 일대의 발해의 ‘南境’을 공격 대상으로 삼았던 것으로 생각된다. 신라와 당이 발해 남쪽을 공격한 시기는 대략 733년 말 혹은 734년 초의 겨울이었다. “공을 세우지 못하고 돌아왔다(無功而還)”는 기록으로 짐작컨대, 신라와 당 연합군은 발해군과의 전투에 패배하였거나 아니면 직접적인 접촉이 이루어지 않았을 가능성이 높다. 신라 쪽에서의 두 번째 발해 공격 시도는 734년에 있었다. 이때는 당이 아니라 신라의 요청에 의한 것이라는 점에서 차이가 있다. 당은 聖德王에게 “가까운 곳에서 틈을 엿보고 있다가 이들을 엄습하여 그곳을 차지하라”고 하였다. 신라의 두 번째 발해 토벌은 실행에 옮겨지지는 않았던 것 같다. 이 과정에서 당은 金思蘭이 올린 표문을 보고 성덕왕이 浿江에 寘戍(군사 보루 설치)하려는 것을 알았다. 그곳은 渤海의 요충지에 해당되고, 또 祿山과도 서로 마주 보고 있는 곳이었다. 패강에 보루를 설치하는 것은 “도적을 경계하고 변방을 안정시키는 것(警寇安邊)”이며, “원대한 계책”이고 “장구한 계책”이었다. 신라는 패강에 군사 보루 설치를 마치고 그 결과를 보고하고, 이어서 성덕왕 34년(735) 당으로부터 浿江 이남의 땅을 사여 받았다. 패강에 보루를 설치하는 행위는 신라와 당의 이해가 일치하였으며, 이 중에 신라가 보다 적극적이었다. 패강 이남의 땅을 획득한 신라는 필요한 시설이나 주민을 스스로 “安置”할 수 있게 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        토양 수분 변동 조건에서 시비 및 유기물 투입에 따른 CO<sub>2</sub>와 CH<sub>4</sub> 방출 특성

        임상선,최우정,김한용,Lim, Sang-Sun,Choi, Woo-Jung,Kim, Han-Yong 한국환경농학회 2012 한국환경농학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        논 생태계를 모의하여 토양에 투입된 비료의 종류(AS, PMC, HV)와 토양 수분 변동조건(습윤기간, 전이기간, 건조 기간)으로 구분하여 $CH_4$과 $CO_2$ 플럭스를 조사하였다. $CH_4$ 플럭스는 0~13.8 mg $CH_4$/m/day의 범위에서 변화하였으 며, 시기적으로 습윤기간 초기와 전이기간과 건조기간 경계 시점에서 높은 값을 보였다. $CO_2$ 플럭스는 습윤 초기에 최대 치를 보이고 지속적으로 감소하다가 전이기간에 다시 상승하 였다. 최종토양의 탄소함량 변화는 대조구에서-5.4%이었고, 비료 처리구에서는-7.5~-16.4%이었다. HV 시용은 타 비종 에 비해 $CH_4$과 $CO_2$ 플럭스를 증가시켰는데, 이는 녹비작물 이 가축분 퇴비에 비해 상대적으로 이분해성으로 배양 초기 에 유기물 분해에 의해 $CH_4$과 $CO_2$ 발생량이 높았기 때문이 다. AS나 PMC 처리구에서 $CH_4$ 플럭스가 대조구에 비해 낮았는데, 이는 AS의 ${SO_4}^{2-}$와 퇴비에 함유된 산화형 물질($Fe^{3+}$, $Mn^{4+}$, ${NO_3}^-$)과 같은 전자 수용체에 의해 습윤기간 중 이들 물질이 전자수용체로 활용되어 $CH_4$ 생성이 감소할 수 있음 을 의미한다. PMC와 HV의 탄소 손실률을 비교하면, HV와 같은 이분해성 유기물에 비해 PMC와 같은 난분해성 유기물 의 시용이 토양 탄소량을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 본 연구는 HV와 같은 녹비 작물이 질소 공급의 측면에서 화 학비료를 대체할 수 있지만, 화학비료 시용에 비해 $CH_4$ 발생 이 증가할 수 있음을 제시한다. 따라서, 이분해성 유기물(녹비 작물)과 난분해성 유기물(가축분퇴비)을 혼합 시용할 경우 양 분공급과 탄소저장량 증대에 모두 유리할 것으로 기대된다. BACKGROUND: Agricultural inputs (fertilizer and organic inputs) and water conditions can influence $CH_4$ and $CO_2$ emission from agricultural soils. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of agricultural inputs (fertilizer and organic inputs) under changing water regime on $CH_4$ and $CO_2$ emission from a soil in a laboratory incubation experiment. METHODS AND RESULTS: Four treatments were laid out: control without input and three type of agricultural inputs ($(NH_4)_2SO_4$, AS; pig manure compost, PMC; hairy vetch, HV). Fertilizer and organic inputs were mixed with 25 g of soil at 2.75 mg N/25 g soil (equivalent to 110 kg N/ha) in a bottle with septum, and incubated for 60 days. During the first 30-days incubation, the soil was waterlogged (1 cm of water depth) by adding distilled water weekly, and on 30 days of incubation, excess water was discarded then incubated up to 60 days without addition of water. Based on the redox potential, water regime could be classified into wetting (1 to 30 days), transition (31 to 40 days), and drying periods (41 to 60 days). Across the entire period, $CH_4$ and $CO_2$ flux ranged from 0 to 13.8 mg $CH_4$/m/day and from 0.4~1.9 g $CO_2$/m/day, and both were relatively higher in the early wetting period and the boundary between transition and drying periods. During the entire period, % loss of C relative to the initial was highest in HV (16.4%) followed by AS (8.1%), PMC (7.5%), and control (5.4%), indicating readily decomposability of HV. Accordingly, both $CH_4$ and $CO_2$ fluxes were greatest in HV treatment. Meanwhile, the lower $CH_4$ flux in AS and PMC treatments than the control was ascribed to reduction in $CH_4$ generation due to the presence of oxidized compounds such as ${SO_4}^{2-}$, $Fe^{3+}$, $Mn^{4+}$, and ${NO_3}^-$ that compete with precursors of $CH_4$ for electrons. CONCLUSION: Green manure such as HV can replace synthetic fertilizer in terms of N input, however, it may increase $CH_4$ emission from soils. Therefore, co-application of green manure and livestock manure compost needs to be considered in order to achieve satisfactory N supply and to mitigate $CH_4$ and $CO_2$ emission.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Relationship between Stability Degree and Chemical Indices of Livestock Manure Composts

        임상선,최우정,노희명 한국응용생명화학회 2012 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.55 No.4

        Principal chemical indices of compost associated with compost stabilization were investigated using relationship between stability degree (SD) and chemical indices including pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total C, extractable C, decomposability, total N,NH4+, NO3−, molar ratio of NH4+ to NO3−, C/N, total P, and soluble P of various composts. Compost SD was positively (p <0.05)correlated with pH and C/N, and negatively (p <0.05) with EC,total N, and molar ratio of NH4+ to NO3−. However, the correlation with pH, C/N, and total N were in contradiction to other studies that reported an opposite relationship to ours, probably due to different properties of initial composting materials. Therefore, the present study in conjunction with other studies suggest that EC and the molar ratio of NH4+ to NO3− are the chemical indices closely associated with stabilization of composts regardless of composting materials.

      • KCI등재

        중국 정사(正史)의 발해 기록 검토

        임상선 역사교육학회 2023 역사교육논집 Vol.84 No.-

        In this paper, we confirmed the aspects of descriptions of Balhae in China's historical history, and through this, we examined changes in the perception of Balhae in China's successive dynasties. Regarding the founder and subject of Balhae, the 「Old Tang Dynasty」 states that “Balhae Malgal Daejoyeong was originally a Goryeo branch” and that Daejoyeong’s origins were from Goryeo. However, the 「New Tang Dynasty」 states that “Balhae was originally attached to the Goryeo Dynasty.” He is his son, and his surname is Dae,” revealing the investment from the Balhae royal family, not Daejoyeong. 「New Five Dynasty History」 said, “Balhae was originally called Malgal and was a separate species of Goryeo.” ‘Balhae Malgal’ in the Book of the Old Tang Dynasty is interpreted to mean ‘Balhae is Malgal’. It is also described in 「Song History」's Balhae History and Jeonganguk History that Balhae is connected to Goguryeo, and the perception of 「Song History」 reflects the perception of the people of the time. In 「Liao History」, the records of the beginning of the attack on Balhae by Khitan, the fall of Buyeo Castle, the surrender of the Dae In-seon, the renaming of Dongdan-guk, and the resistance of Balhae Province and State are primary data that are not found in other regular histories. The explanation in the book of 「Jin History」 and the Goryeo Chronicles is understood to mean that the people of the Jin Dynasty went to the Malgal that had grown up in Goryeo, especially Sokmalmalgal and Heuksumalgal. Sokmalmalgal directly refers to Balhae. In the process of describing that the actions of Jin's ancestors, Sokmal Malgal and Heuksu Malgal, are related to Goguryeo, the predecessor of Goryeo, Balhae appears as a country founded by Sokmal Malgal, who was subordinate to Goguryeo. 「Yuan History」 Goryeo Chronicles and 「Ming History」 Joseon Chronicles explain the history of Goryeo and Joseon, and establish the existence of Balhae by saying that between Goguryeo and Goguryeo, Goguryeo refugees moved east, received investiture, and became independent. The perception of Korean history in the Goryeo legend of 「Yuan History」 and the Joseon legend of 「Ming History」 can be said to be the flow of Gojoseon - Goguryeo - (Balhae) - Goryeo.

      • KCI등재

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