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      • KCI등재


        이호윤 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2018 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.48

        Amenomori Hoshu is known to be a political thinker who advocated ‘the diplomacy on the basis of sincerity and trust’ based on ‘equality, parity’ with Joseon unlike the modern Japan’s idea of invasion of Asia. However, If we see the historical records that mention Amenomori out of the records of the diplomatic envoy that was dispatched by the Joseon Dynasty to Japan's feudal government for intercommunication, it can be known that they described Amenomori’s actions and strives that conflict with ‘the diplomacy on the basis of sincerity and trust’ he advocated and the evaluation on Amenomori was not very good. Premodern East Asian Intellectuals evaluated other persons depending on the degree of achievement of ‘Chinese civilization which Confucianism (禮樂文物)’ that was the universal idea at that time aimed for, and ‘the diplomacy on the basis of sincerity and trust’ was established by confirming the feeling of solidarity with the counterpart standing on the basis of ‘etiquette and music culture and civilization’. Amenomori took charge of the practical affairs of the diplomacy with Joseon and while accepting the demand of Japan's feudal government and Joseon, actively arbitrated and negotiated with Joseon. In these processes, there were strives and frictions and because of that, he was negatively described in the record of Joseon. ‘The theory of the diplomacy on the basis of sincerity and trust’ that Amenomori advocated in his later days could be said to be an idea that was born by him emphasizing ‘Chinese civilization which Confucianism(禮樂文物)’ with many frictions and strives in the scenes of diplomacy as a lesson.

      • KCI등재후보

        Agreement between the Facial Nerve Grading System 2.0 and the House-Brackmann Grading System in Patients with Bell Palsy

        이호윤,변재용,정지현,나세영,여승근,박문서 대한이비인후과학회 2013 Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology Vol.6 No.3

        Objectives. We have analyzed the correlation between the House-Brackmann (HB) scale and Facial Nerve Grading System 2.0 (FNGS 2.0) in patients with Bell palsy, and evaluated the usefulness of the new grading system. Methods. Sixty patients diagnosed with Bell palsy from May 2009 to December 2010 were evaluated using the HB scale and FNGS 2.0 scale during their initial visit, and after 3 and 6 weeks and 3 months. Results. The overall intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.908 (P=0.000) and the Spearman correlation coefficient (SCC) was 0.912 (P<0.05). ICC and SCC displayed differences over time, being 0.604 and 0.626, respectively, at first visit; 0.834 and 0.843, respectively, after 3 weeks; 0.844 and 0.848, respectively, after 6 weeks; and 0.808 and 0.793, respectively, after 3 months. There was a significant difference in full recovery, depending on the scale used (HB, P=0.000; FNGS 2.0, P<0.05). The exact agreements between regional assessment and FNGS 2.0 for the mouth,eyes, and brow were 72%, 63%, and 52%, respectively. Conclusion. FNGS 2.0 shows moderate agreement with HB grading. Regional assessment, rather than HB grading, yields stricter evaluation, resulting in better prognosis and determination of grade.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 조선의 청조인식 -『노가재연행일기』를 중심으로

        이호윤 동아대학교 석당학술원 2018 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.72

        In the 17th century, the substitution of the Qing Dynasty for the Ming Dynasty was the incidentin which the Ming Dynasty that was ‘the Mainland China’s Splendid Civilization’ was destroyed by the Qing Dynasty that was ‘the barbarian intruder’and the Mainland China’s Splendid Civilization became extinct in the world of which the center was thought to be the mainland China by intellectuals in China and some Asian countries, and Joseon that surrendered to the armed force of the Qing Dynasty was included in the order of tribute to an dinstallation by the Qing Dynasty, however ideologically the theory of ‘Qing= barbarian intruder’ and ‘Joseon = the Mainland China’s Splendid Civilization’ began. But after the fall of the Ming Dynasty, on the contrary the Qing Dynasty showed heyday without hesitation, Confucian scholars in Joseon had to newly interpret the zenith of the prosperity of ‘the barbarian intruder’. In that situation, in Joseon two ideologies appeared, one ideological flow was the ‘Joseon’s Splendid Civilization Principle’ and another was the ‘Learning from the North’ that Joseon needed to learn the Qing’s advanced products of civilization. However, Kim Changeop visited the Qing Dynasty in person in the earlier period of the 18th century and wrote the traveler's journal 『NoGaJaeYeonHaengIlgi』, and in his awareness of the Qing Dynasty, ‘Joseon’s Splendid Civilization Principle’ coexisted with ‘Learning from the North’ that acknowledged the Qing Dynasty’s advanced products of civilization, while the two ideologies crossed each other. Kim Changeop, a direct descendant of Kim Sangheon who advocated the theory of the rejection of peace at the time of the Manchu war of 1636 to have spent a long time in captivity in the Qing Dynasty, boasted of the superiority of Joseon’s ‘Manners, Music and the Products of Civilization’ to his heart's content while he had affirmative awareness of the Qing Dynasty’s practical products of civilization instead of ‘the Opinion to take Revenge on the Qing’. Therefore, the ‘Learning from the North’ is thought not to be the ideology that appeared suddenly but is thought to have appeared gradually as the interchange with the Qing Dynasty by visit of envoy to Qing and the experience in and the awareness of advanced products of civilization accumulated. 17세기 명청 왕조 교체는 ‘중화’인 명조(明朝)가 ‘이적(夷狄)’인 청조(淸朝)에 의해 멸망하여 천하에서 중화가 소멸한 사건이었으며 청조의 무력에 굴복한 조선은 청조를 중심으로 하는 조공책봉질서에 편입되지만 관념적으로는 ‘청=이적(夷狄)’, ‘조선=중화’론이 태동하게 된다. 그러나 명조 멸망 이후 청조가 오히려 전성기를 구가하자 조선의 유자(儒者)들은 ‘이적’의 전성에 대해 새로운 해석을 해야만 했다. 이러한 상황 속에서 조선에서는 두 가지 사상이 등장하는데 하나는 ‘조선중화주의(朝鮮中華主義)’이며 또 다른 사상적 흐름은 선진적인 청의 문물을 배워야 한다는 ‘북학론(北學論)’이다. 그런데 18세기 초 청조를 직접 방문하여 기행문 『노가재연행일기』를 남긴 김창업의 청조에 대한 인식은 ‘조선중화주의’와 청조의 선진 문물을 긍정하는 ‘북학론’이 교차하며 공존하고 있었다. 병자호란 당시 척화론을 주창하여 청조에서 오랜 기간 포로 생활을 한 김상헌의 직계인 김창업은 조선의 ‘예악문물(禮樂文物)’의 우월성을 마음껏 자랑하면서도 ‘대청복수론(對淸復讐論)’ 대신 청조의 실용적인 문물에 대해서는 긍정적 인식을 가지고 있었다. 따라서 북학론은 갑자기 등장하는 사상이 아니라 대청사행으로 청조와의 교류 및 선진 문물에 대한 체험과 인식이 축적되면서 점진적으로 나타났던 것으로 여겨진다.

      • KCI등재

        Clinical Application of the Threshold Equalizing Noise Test in Patients with Hearing Loss of Various Etiologies: A Preliminary Study

        이호윤,서유미,김경애,강영신,Chin Saeng Cho 대한청각학회 2015 Journal of Audiology & Otology Vol.19 No.1

        Background and Objectives: We aimed to make a preliminary assessment of the prevalence of cochlear dead regions (DRs) and the factors affecting the results of the threshold-equalizing noise (TEN) test in patients with hearing loss of various etiologies. Subjects and Methods: Between May and July 2014, 109 patients (191 ears) with hearing loss who visited our outpatient clinic were prospectively enrolled. Pure tone audiometry and TEN (HL) test were performed for all the patients. DR at each frequency was indicated by masked thresholds of ≥10 dB above the TEN level and ≥10 dB above the absolute threshold. Results: DR was present in 15.7% (n=30) of the 191 ears. According to disease entity, 16.6% of patients with sensorineural hearing loss had a DR. However, DR was absent in patients with chronic otitis media. According to audiometric configurations, DR was most common in moderately severe, flat hearing loss. Significantly worse hearing thresholds for both mean hearing level and hearing threshold at each frequency were found in the presence of DR (p<0.001). Logistic regression analysis showed that only the mean hearing level (odds ratio: 1.053, 95% confidence interval: 1.021-1.085) affected the presence of DR. Conclusions: Although performance of the TEN test is limited by frequencies and hearing levels, it provides additional information regarding DRs and may therefore have the potential to be used as a prognostic tool for diverse diseases causing hearing loss.

      • KCI등재

        Combined Bifrontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Tailor-Made Notched Music Training in Chronic Tinnitus

        이호윤,최명수,장동식,조친셍 대한청각학회 2017 Journal of Audiology & Otology Vol.21 No.1

        Background and Objectives: We evaluated the short-term treatment outcomes of combined bifrontal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and tailor-made notched music training (TMNMT) in tinnitus patients. The associations of patient characteristics with treatment responsiveness were investigated. Subjects and Methods: Four sessions of bifrontal tDCS (F4: anode, F3: cathode) and TMNMT were conducted over a 2-week period in tinnitus patients. For tDCS, the stimulation intensity was 1.5 mA and the duration was approximately 20 min. During tDCS, patients listened to music lacking the frequency band within 1 octave of the tinnitus frequency. Patients were also instructed to listen to this music at home for at least 2 hours per day. One month after the final tDCS session, loudness (LD), awareness (AW), annoyance (AN), and effect on life (EL) of tinnitus were assessed subjectively using a visual analog scale. Results: A total of 14 patients were enrolled in this study. After treatment, a 50% or greater improvement in AN, AW, EL, and LD was observed in 57.1, 42.9, 35.7, and 28.6% of patients, respectively. Furthermore, 78.6% of patients showed a 50% or greater improvement in their tinnitus handicap inventory scores. For AN, the absence of sleep disturbance was significantly associated with treatment responsiveness (p=0.041, OR=24.0). Conclusions: Combined bifrontal tDCS and TMNMT is a promising treatment for chronic tinnitus. To maximize the treatment outcomes of this therapy, sleep disturbances should also be addressed in candidate patients.

      • KCI등재

        김경선의 『연원직지(燕轅直指)』에 기록된 류큐관련 기사와 류큐정보

        이호윤 동아시아고대학회 2021 동아시아고대학 Vol.- No.63

        명청교체 후 조선은 청조에게 매년 2회 이상 사절단을 파견하였으며 류큐도 매년 1회의 사절단을 북경에 파견하였다. 이러한 조선사절과 류큐사절의 북경에서의 접촉과 교류에 대한 내용은 조선에서 청조로 파견된 사절단인 연행사가 남긴 『연행록』을 통해 확인할 수 있는데 그중에서도 1832년 북경에 동지겸사은사로 파견된 김경선이 남긴 『연원직지』는 가장 다양한 내용을 전하고 있다. 『연원직지』에는 조선에 표류한 류큐인을 북경에서 류큐사절에게 인도한 것과 류큐에 표착한 조선인을 북경에서 류큐측으로부터 인도받아 이들을 통해 전달된 류큐에 관한 정보가 기록되어 있다. 또한 「류큐관기」에는 류큐관의 위치, 류큐사절의 동향과 행동, 류큐의 위치와 거리, 류큐 진공사의 진공횟수 및 출발일과 귀환일, 류큐인의 풍속과 의복제도 등에 관한 다양한 정보가 기록되어 있으며 북경에 체류하며 청조가 주최한 공식행사에 조선사절과 류큐사절이 함께 참석하며 교류한 것도 기록되어 있다. 조선사절과 류큐사절은 9번의 공식행사에 함께 참석하며 교류하였으며 조선은 이들을 통해 류큐와 일본에 대해 다양한 정보를 입수할 수 있었다. 또한 227명에 달하는 조선의 사절단 중 역관과 같은 외교실무자들은 정사, 부사, 서장관보다 보다 구체적인 접촉과 정보교류를 할 수 있었으며 이들의 북경에서의 류큐정보 입수와 류큐사절과의 접촉을 통한 류큐와 일본에 대한 ‘지식’의 유입이 조선에도 많은 영향을 미쳤을 것으로 생각된다. After the change of Ming to Qing, Joseon sent a delegation to the Qing dynasty at least twice a year, and Ryukyu also sent a delegation to Beijing once a year. The details of the contact and exchange between Joseon and Ryukyu envoys in Beijing can be confirmed through the Yeonhaengrok (燕行錄) left by Yeonhaengsa (燕行使), a delegation dispatched from Joseon to Qing. Among them, Yeonwonjikji (燕轅直指), which was written by Kim Kyung-seon who was dispatched as an envoy to Beijing in 1832, conveys the most diverse contents. In Yeonwonjikji, information about the Ryukyu drifters to Joseon who were handed over to the Ryukyu envoys in Beijing and the Korean drifters to Ryukyu who were handed over to the Joseon envoys in Beijing, as well as information on Ryukyu obtained from them, are recorded. Along with this, information on the Joseon envoys and the Ryukyu envoys who jointly attended official events hosted by the Qing dynasty and various exchanges between the two are also recorded. The Joseon and Ryukyu envoys participated in nine official events and exchanged information, and Joseon was able to obtain various information about Ryukyu and Japan through them. In addition, diplomatic officials such as interpreters were able to have more specific contacts and exchanges of information and contact with Ryukyu envoys, Joseon had access to information on Ryukyu and Japan. It is thought that the influx of such 'knowledge' had a great influence on Joseon.

      • KCI등재

        벨마비 환자의 동반 증상 분석

        이호윤,류은웅,박수완,김수진,여승근,박문서 대한이비인후과학회 2011 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.54 No.10

        Background and Objectives We aimed to evaluate associated symptoms in patients with Bell’s palsy and prognosis according to associated symptoms. Subjects and Method Seventy-four patients with Bell’s palsy were enrolled in this study. We evaluated the degree of facial palsy with Facial Nerve Grading System 2.0. The grade of facial palsy was determined as initial facial palsy at admission and as final facial palsy at visit after 3 months. Afterwards, we examined symptoms (such as otalgia, facial numbness, taste disturbance, eye problems, hyperacusis, and tinnitus) and co-morbid diseases (such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension) associated with facial palsy. After 3 months of the onset of facial palsy, we examined the changes in the associated symptoms. Results At admission, 71.6 percent of all patients had symptoms associated with facial palsy. Of the associated symptoms, facial numbness and taste disturbance were the most common, which were still found in 23% of the patients after 3 months of the onset of facial palsy. Patients with a high initial grade of facial palsy were accompanied by taste disturbance and hyperacusis more than by other symptoms. Also patients who had auricular pain during the recovery period of Bell’s palsy showed poor prognosis. Compared to non-hypertension patients, for patients with hypertension, taste disturbance was more common during the early period whereas eye problems were more common during the recovery period. Conclusion Patients with Bell’s palsy had diverse symptoms associated with facial palsy. During the early period of Bell’s palsy, we concluded that there was no correlation between the symptoms and the prognosis. However, patients with pain around the ear during the recovery period showed poor recovery of facial palsy.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 일본의 대외위기와 사상적 반응‒아이자와 야스시의 『신론』을 중심으로‒

        이호윤 한국일본근대학회 2019 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.65

        For East Asia, the 19th century was a period when the world view based on Sino-centric ‘Tienhsia(天下) World Order’ was disintegrated and it was incorporated into the ‘Modern World System’ forcibly due to the ‘Western encroachment on Asia’. This sense of crisis and rapid change of the world view caused by the ‘Western encroachment on Asia’ had a significant effect on the thought of East Asian intellectuals of the time. And as an ideological trend to counter and overcome this crisis, the later Mito (水戶) school appeared in Tokugawa Japan. The later Mito learning or study (水戶學), which started with the compilation of Dainihon-shi (大日本史; The History of Great Japan) at Mito Han(藩), was a new thought that appeared as one of the trends to overcome this national crisis during the late Tokugawa period. And Shinron (新論) of Aizawa Yasushi (會澤安), which was the representative book of the later Mito ideology and had the great influence on young Sonno Joi (Revere the Emperor, expel the barbarians) advocates during the late Tokugawa period, became the ideological backbone of the Imperial state that was created after Meiji Restoration by emphasizing ‘kokutai’ (國體) or the fundamental character of the Japanese state. However, the idea of Aizawa was based on Confucianism and presuppositions of Bakuhan(幕藩) style lord-vassal relationship, so it demanded direct allegiance to one’s lord and did not require allegiance to the Emperor. The ‘kokutai’ ideology that Aizawa mentioned was the logic that fulfilling loyalty to one’s direct superior was ultimately loyalty to the Emperor. This was to envision a ritual system that peaked at the Emperor and to attract the public sentiment which might lean toward Western Christian forces in order to stabilize the existing system. For Aizawa, the most important thing in responding to the external crisis was to unify the public sentiment, and as the concrete method to gather the public sentiment, he was suggesting ‘enlightening government’ that was based on educating people on the ‘congruity of ritual, government, and education’. This idea of Aizawa Yasushi did not have a big impact in the 19th century, but it constituted the origin of the ‘discourse on nation state’ of modern Japan as it was absorbed by the Imperial system and ‘kokutai’ ideology when Japanese leaders wanted to overcome the national crisis by creating the state shintoism and the ‘Emperor myth of the uninterrupted Imperial family’ of the Meiji state. 19세기 동아시아는 ‘서세동점’으로 중국을 중심으로 한 세계관인 ‘천하질서’가 붕괴하고 새로운 ‘근대세계시스템’에 강제적으로 편입되는 시기였다. 이러한 ‘서세동점’에 의한 위기감과 세계관의 급격한 변화는 당시 동아시아 지식인들의 사상에 큰 영향을 주었고 ‘서세동점’에 대항・극복하려고 하는 사상적 동향으로 토쿠가와 일본에서 후기미토학이 나타났다. 후기미토학은 미토번의『대일본사』편찬작업에서 출발한 미토학이 막말 내우외환의 국가적 위기에 즈음하여 이러한 위기를 극복하려고 하는 동향 중에 등장한 사상이었다. 그리고 후기미토학 사상의 대표적인 글이자 막말 존황양이지사들에게 큰 영향을 끼쳤던 아이자와 야스시의『신론』은 ‘국체’를 강조하여 이후 메이지유신으로 성립된 천황제국가의 사상적 근간이 되었다. 그런데 아이자와의 사상은 유교가 그 근간이며 막번제적 군신질서를 전제로 하고 있기 때문에 자신의 군주에 대한 직접적 충성을 요구하고 있으며 천황에 대한 충성을 말하고 있지는 않았다. 아이자와가 말하는 국체론은 자기의 직접적인 군주에 대한 충성을 다하는 것이 결국 천황에 대한 충성이라는 논리였다. 이는 천황을 정점으로 하는 제사 체계를 구상하여 서양 기독교세력으로 향할 수 있는 민심을 끌어들여 막번체제의 안정을 꾀하는 것이었다. 그리고 아이자와는 대외적 위기의 대응에 있어서 가장 중요한 것은 민심을 통일하는 것이며 백성의 마음을 하나로 모으기 위한 구체적인 방법으로서 백성에 대한 교화 즉 ‘정교일치’에 입각한 ‘교화정치’를 제시하고 있다. 후기미토학의 제사 구상은 19세기 아이자와 당시에는 큰 영향을 미치지 못했지만 이후 메이지 국가의 국가신도에 영향을 미쳤다. 이러한 미토학과 아이자와의 사상은 후일 외부에 의한 위기상황을 교육이나 의례를 통해서 ‘국민’을 단결시키고 ‘혈통에 입각한 만세일계의 천황신화’를 만들어 극복하려고 한 메이지 국가의 천황제와 국체론에 흡수되어 일본의 ‘근대 국민국가적 언설’의 원류를 이루게 되었다.

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