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        사형수의 인권과 처우의 방향

        이호(Lee Ho-Joong) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2011 東亞法學 Vol.- No.50

        우리나라에서 사형을 집행하지 않은 지도 13년이 흘렀으며, 국제적으로 우리나라는 ‘사실상의 사형폐지국’의 위상을 지니게 되었다. 그 동안 사형제의 폐지 여부를 둘러싸고 많은 사회적, 학술적 논의가 있어 왔지만, 사형수의 처우문제에 대해서는 거의 논의가 없는 상황이다. 사형의 선고를 받고 이미 수년 이상 복역하고 있는 사형수들이 많기 때문에 이제는 사형수를 교정시설에서 어떻게 처우해야 하는가의 문제를 고민해야 한다. 이 논문은 ‘사실상의 사형폐지국’이라는 현재의 상황에서, 그리고 사형제의 폐지에 동의하는 필자의 입장을 전제로 하여 사형수에 대한 교정처우의 방향을 제시한다. 우선 현행법상 사형수 처우의 현황을 살펴보고(Ⅱ), 인권적 교정처우의 관점에서 사형수 처우의 쟁점을 검토한다(Ⅲ). 지난 13년간 사형이 집행되지 않았으며 앞으로도 사형제가 폐지되는 방향으로 나아가야 한다면 사형수를 단지 사형집행대기자로 취급하는 정책은 더 이상 정당성을 가질 수 없다. 언제 사형이 집행될 지 모르는 불안정한 상황에서 장기간 수용되어 있는 사형수들은 엄청난 심리적 불안과 고통에 시달릴 수밖에 없는 바, 이는 사형제 못지않게 반인권적인 교정처우에 해당한다. 절대적 종신형제도도 교정인권의 관점에서 보면 사회복귀의 기회를 완전히 차단한다는 점에서 결코 인권친화적인 대안이 될 수 없다. 이러한 비판적 인식을 토대로 하여 이 논문은 사형수 처우에 있어서 장기수 처우모델을 원용하는 정책적 전환이 필요하다고 제안한다(Ⅳ). 사회국가원칙에 근거하여 사회복귀의 가능성을 완전히 차단하기 보다는 궁극적인 사회복귀의 가능성을 열어놓는 방향으로 사형수 처우정책을 전환해야 한다. Since 1998 there has been no execution of death penalty in Korea. Now 58 prisoners are incarcerated on death row. Although many politicians have kept repeating ridiculous claims for execution of death penalty, the experiences of non-execution during 13 years would be a positive step toward the ultimate abolition of death penalty in Korea. This paper deals with an issue how death row inmates might be treated by incarceration, in the current situation of “substantial abolitionist country”, but also toward ending capital punishment. I briefly review current statutes and practices on the treatment of death row inmates. The new Prison Act 2008 manages the death penalty prisoners as a particular category, not similar to the other prisoners. However, there is no particular treatment or program for death penalty prisoners. There is no systematic treatment for rehabilitation and no program for their psychological stability. It is not surprising that they suffer from emotional trauma of having to face impending death every morning. The psychological suffering caused by uncertainty of many years on death row is akin to torture. Therefore, this paper suggests significant change of treatment policy for death penalty prisoners. The long-term prisoner treatment system should be applied also to the death penalty prisoners. First of all, we should establish effective programs for their psychological stability. And until death penalty would be effectively shut down by a commutation of sentences, the systematic correctional treatment is needed to prepare for rehabilitation. Ultimately, they can have a chance and prepare for return to society that could one day be realized.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        수형자의 선거권 제한의 위헌성

        이호 ( Ho Joong Lee ) 한국비교형사법학회 2009 비교형사법연구 Vol.11 No.1

        According to criminal law and election law of Korea, all convicted prisoners are automatically forbidden to vote while in prison or on parole. In 2004, the Constitutional Court of Korea held that this disenfranchisement provision is not unconstitutional. But in 2008 an another convicted prisoner in detention challenged the denial of his right to vote again. The Court`s decision seems to be near at hand. This paper criticizes the current legal policy that absolutely prohibits prisoners from voting until the term of imprisonment is fully served. Such a general, blanket restriction on the right to vote of prisoners has no material effect on the deterrence of crimes. Conversely, enfranchisement can be very helpful to the rehabilitation policy, because voting in prison encourages prisoners to behave responsibly and appreciate the implications of citizenship. In respect to the compatibility with Constitution, it could be considered as a legitimate aim that the ban on voting right of prisoners contributes to keep the public confidence to the national elections. However, this paper argues that the absolute ban as a measure must be seen as disproportionate. Firstly, such a blanket restriction applies automatically to a wide range of offenders, from relatively minor offences to offences of the utmost gravity. Secondly, while there is severe doubt as to the efficacy to achieving such an aim through a bar on voting, the right to vote infringed by this policy must be a vitally important constitutional right in democratic society. Therefore the conclusion of this study is that the provision which allows a blanket ban on prisoners` right to vote must be declared as unconstitutional.

      • KCI등재

        인신보호법의 제정의미와 활용성

        이호(Lee, Ho-Joong) 한국형사정책학회 2009 刑事政策 Vol.21 No.1

        In June 2008, Korean Habeas Corpus Relief Act was established, which provides detainees with the right to pursue a judicial order for protection against illegal deprivation of liberty. Now in Korea the writ of habeas corpus can be used as an independent proceeding to challenge illegal detention. The important characteristics or this law are as following : ① the application may be accepted only on the ground that the cause of detention is unlawful, ② prisoners of criminal cases and immigrants committed for extradition are not entitled to this remedy, and ③ the court order is narrowly limited to release of detainees. Introduction of habeas corpus in Korean judicial system is of great significance for controlling illegal deprivation of liberty and providing instant relief. However, it is doubtable whether this law will function well as an effective remedy against illegal deprivation of liberty. Several points are reviewed and criticized in this paper. It is a serious defect that the law excludes prisoners of criminal cases and immigrant detainees. This is hardly justifiable, because those persons are the most vulnerable to infringement of rights of liberty. Moreover, the habeas corpus relief is now available only to persons who were incarcerated. The scope of habeas corpus should be extended to the persons who are in custody in violation of Constitution and related statutes. And in the scope of relief alternatives it is suggested that the court should be able to choose appropriate measures for the effective relief, such as order to transfer to another institution, order to improve theconditions of custody, as well as release order.

      • KCI등재

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