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      • KCI등재

        北韓憲法의 憲法秩序와 主要特色

        李性範 陸軍士官學校 1976 한국군사학논집 Vol.15 No.-

        The new 1972 Constitutional Law of the North Korea adopted the Socialistic Constitutional Law, abandoning the 1948 People's Democratic Constitutional Law. This means that through this Constitutional Law Il sung Kim, the most severe autocrat in the modern world, intended to make his autocracy more powerful than ever before and to implant the idea of personal cult. Important characterizations of the Constitutional Law of North Korea are democratic centralization system, negation of the balance of Power, dictatorship of the communist party and autocracy of Il sung Kim.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        막걸리 제조시 술덧의 성분동태에 관한 연구 1

        이성범,장원길,임병종,김덕치 한국미생물학회 1969 미생물학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        It is the most important thing to substitute sweet potato for wheat flour as the brewing material of Maggerley(Korean wine) in order to save precious wheat flour which is now consumed as the sole material in it. In this study, the fermenting mash material has been prepared with combination of wheat (KIorean wine) as a first step of sabing wheat flour consuming. The combination ratio of wheat flour and sweet potato starch in mashing, in this experiment, are such as mashing plot of 100% wheat flour (No.3 plot), 50% wheat flour plus 50 % of sweet potato starch (No.2plot), 30% wheat flour plus 70% starch syrup of sweet potato (No. 4 plot), and 60% wheat flour plus sweet potato starch (No. 1 plot). The results of fermentation and chemical components of each mash in experimental plot are as following : 1. Alocholic fermentation was most vigorous in No.4 plost among them, the next are in order to hydrolyze and break down the protein sourece to glucose and amino acid, the new enzymic source were added in experimantal amsh before putting yeasts, those enzymic sources have been developed and prepared in this laboratory No.4 and No.2 plot at same degree. Generally, the activities of alcholic fermentation of all plots are vigorous and fair. The acidity of each fermented mash is in the rangw of 3.7-4.8. 2. Amounts of amino acids in fermented mash are in the range of 145 mg per 100 ml and 158 mg for all experiments, and these amounts are much more than those of present commerical Maggerley. However, the amount of it in the No.4 plots is much less among the m, this is due to the lack of protein source in starch syrup. 3. Amounts of organic acids in fermented mash are in the range of 0.44g per 100ml and 0.62g, these amounts are generally much more than those of the present commercial Maggerley. 4. The result of sensory test for the experimental Maggerley shows good taste and flavour in comparison with those of commercial Maggerely. 5. It is proved that these experimental fermentation of Maggerley is succesful in the partial substitution of sweet potato starch potato starch for wheat flour, and it is also be able to make a good Maggerley in all aspects of quality.

      • KCI등재

        민법의 해석에서 법윤리적 근거의 고려

        이성범 서울대학교 법학연구소 2024 서울대학교 法學 Vol.65 No.2

        Das Gesetz legt seinen Inhalt nicht vollständig selbst dar. Die primäre und wichtigste Aufgabe der Gesetzesauslegung besteht darin, den Inhalt des Gesetzes und seine normative Bedeutung zu erfassen. Selbst wenn der Gesetzesinhalt aus einer wörtlichen oder auf Gesetzgebungsmaterialien basierenden Perspektive recht gut erkannt werden kann, wird dennoch die Auslegungsmöglichkeit als impliziter und potenzieller Gesetzesinhalt vorgeschlagen und erneut in Frage gestellt. Insbesondere das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch, das viele offene und wertbehaftete Tatbestände sowie Prinzipien enthält, bietet Raum für eine Vielzahl von Auslegungsmöglichkeiten. Der Grund, warum implizite Gesetzesinhalte ständig problematisch sind, die nicht vollständig aus einer wörtlichen Erklärung oder formal-logischen Deduktion abgeleitet werden können, liegt darin, dass die Gesetzesauslegung nicht vollständig von der Gesetzesanwendung auf konkrete Interessenslagen getrennt werden kann. Das heißt, als wichtige Begründungsweise der rechtlichen Praxis weist man darauf hin, dass etwas in den Gesetzen geschrieben steht, was seine rechtlichen Schlussfolgerungen rechtfertigen kann. Die Berücksichtigung dieser Anwendungssituationen in der Gesetzesauslegung führt dazu, dass nicht nur der explizite Gesetzesinhalt, sondern auch der Zweck oder das Ziel des Gesetzes als verschiedene Rechtfertigungsgründe für den Gesetzesinhalt erforscht werden. Demnach konzentriert sich die Gesetzesauslegung nicht nur auf das, was im Gesetz ‘geschrieben steht’, sondern auch auf das, was als Inhalt des Gesetzes ‘innerlich beabsichtigt oder gedacht wird’, und begegnet hiermit direkt der möglichen Asymmetrie zwischen den beiden. Insbesondere im Hinblick auf Letzteres können der Zweck des Gesetzes oder rechtsethische Prinzipien berücksichtigt werden, um den Gesetzesinhalt zu erfassen. Dabei wurde die objektiv-teleologische Auslegung herangezogen, wobei vorausgesetzt wird, dass jedes Gesetz grundsätzlich das Bestreben enthält, eine der Sache angemessene Lösung zu finden. So beruht die Erkenntnis des Gesetzesinhalts auf dem objektiven Gesetzeszweck, nämlich der Rechtssicherheit und der gerechten Konfliktlösung, sowie der Optimierung der Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen Interessen. Jedoch kann diese Auslegungsmethode verschiedene Fragen aufwerfen. Vor allem kann der objektive Zweck des Gesetzes zu abstrakt sein, sodass subjektive Werturteile des Interpreten in die Gesetzesauslegung eingeschaltet werden. So können die hier berücksichtigten rechtsethischen Wertungen zu einer übermäßigen Ethisierung des Gesetzes oder der Gleichsetzung des Gesetzesinhalts mit der praktischen Vernunft führen. Daher scheint eine Überprüfung des Umfangs notwendig, inwieweit rechtsethische Argumente in der Gesetzesauslegung berücksichtigt werden können; d. h. der Erkenntnisbereich rechtsethischer Argumente als Gesetzesinhalt. Die vorliegende Arbeit basiert auf einem solchen Problembewusstsein und versucht, eine methodologische Perspektive über die punktuelle Einbeziehungsmöglichkeit rechtsethischer Argumente in die Gesetzesauslegung zu entwickeln, die von der objektiv-teleologischen Auslegung abweicht. Dafür behandelt sie ein methodisch problematisches Urteil des Obersten Gerichtshofs über den Missbrauch der Verjährungseinrede und denkt erneut über das System der Gesetzesauslegungslehre von Savigny nach. 법률이 어떠한 내용을 갖는지에 대해 법률 스스로 온전히 말하지 않는다. 법률해석의 일차적이며 본질적인 과제는 그러한 법률의 내용과 그 규범적 의미를 파악하는 것이다. 아무리 어의적 관점이나 입법자료에 기초한 관점에서 법률의 내용이 꽤 인식될 수 있더라도 여전히 내포적이며 잠재적인 법률내용으로서의 해석가능성이 제안되고 또다시 의문이 제기된다. 나아가 특히 민법은 여러 개방적이며 가치함유적인 구성요건들 및 원칙들을 담고 있어 이와 관련하여 다양한 해석가능성이 등장할 여지가 있다. 이렇게 법률해석에 있어 문리적 해명이나 형식논리적 연역으로부터 충분히 도출되지 않는 내포적 법률내용이 끊임없이 문제 되는 이유로 법률해석이 구체적인 이익상황에 대한 법률적용의 문제와 완전히 분리될 수 없다는 점을 생각해 볼 수 있다. 즉 법적 실천의 중요한 준거로서 우리는 법률에 그 법적 결론을 정당화할 수 있는 무언가가 쓰여있음을 가리키게 되는데, 이러한 적용 상황을 염두에 둔 법률해석은 명시적인 법률내용뿐만 아니라 그 법률의 취지 내지 목적 등 다양한 정당화근거로서 기능할 수 있는 법률내용도 탐색하기 때문이다. 이처럼 법률해석은 그저 법률에 ‘쓰여있는 것’에만 집중하는 것이 아니라, 법률내용으로서 ‘내심 의도되거나 생각된 것’에도 초점을 맞추는바, 여기서 양자 간의 비대칭성을 정면으로 마주한다. 후자와 관련하여 특히 법률의 목적이나 법윤리적 원칙들이 고려될 수 있는데, 이를 기존의 법률해석 방법론은 객관적-목적론적 해석방법으로 구성하였다. 이에 따르면 법의 객관적 목적, 즉 법적 안정성과 정의로운 분쟁해결, 각각의 이익들에 대한 고려를 최적화하는 의미에서 법적 규율의 조화로움을 바탕으로 하여, 모든 법률에 본질적으로 사안에 적합한 해결을 찾고자 하는 노력이 담겨 있음을 전제로 법률내용을 파악하게 된다. 하지만 이러한 해석방법은 여러 의문을 낳을 수 있다. 무엇보다 그 법률의 객관적 목적이라는 것이 너무 추상적이어서 자의적으로 해석자의 가치판단이 법률해석에 투입될 여지가 있다는 점과 여기서 고려되는 법윤리적 가치를 너무 커다란 형태로 인식하여 법률의 지나친 윤리화 내지 법률내용과 실천이성의 동일시를 초래할 수 있다는 점이 문제 된다. 이에 그렇다면 법률해석에서 어느 정도 법윤리적 근거가 고려될 수 있는지, 즉 법률내용으로서 받아들여질 수 있는 법윤리적 근거의 인식 범위에 대한 검토가 필요해 보인다. 본고는 이러한 문제의식을 기반으로 법률해석에서 법윤리적 근거의 고려 방법과 관련하여, 소멸시효 항변의 남용을 다룬 한 대법원판결을 재음미하고 사비니의 법률해석론 체계를 재검토하면서 기존의 객관적-목적론적 법률해석과 다른 방법론적 관점을 구축해 보려고 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Keats, Adolescent Melancholy, and Oriental “Pleasure Thermometer"

        이성범 19세기영어권문학회 2013 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.17 No.1

        In the preface to Endymion: A Poetic Romance (1818), Keats focuses attention to adolescence as a “mawkish” “space of life between” childhood and adulthood. He marks this period as a transitional stage of life when contradictory emotions are mixed together. Young Endymion, the title character of the poem, goes back and forth between sensuality and spirituality, privacy of passion and social control of it, or selfish passion and disinterested love. This adolescent duality itself activates what Keats terms “pleasure thermometer.” His poetics of immaturity thus de-stabilizes the contemporary establishment of adult literacy. Closely examined, the two-faced aspects of Keatsian adolescent melancholy reflect a historical division of privacy and publicity in modern society. With the advent of the “bourgeois public sphere” in Habermas's terms, modern society becomes steeped in the constant conflict of private opinions and their publicity. Romantic writers, intriguingly enough, internalize publicity so as to extol sentimental community. They cherish such values as fellowship, humanity, love, imagination, and sympathy. In the poem, Endymion pursues emotional, but not political, leadership in a new world of sentimental community. Putting the doubleness of Endymion's romance in a colonial context, Keats's adolescent imagination accompanies his imperial imagination. Endymion alternates between his sensuous desires for the Indian maid and English Cynthia's request for his self-reflection. This orientalized polarization of his desires reflects the distinction between the privacy and publicity of passion. Like Keats as a chameleon poet who aims to embrace different identities, Endymion rejoices in chameleon pleasure by including both the Indian maid and Cynthia. Keats senses the importance of textual conquest. He sends his work Endymion to English explorer Joseph Ritchie going to the Sahara Desert. Just as the British government seeks territorial conquest, Keats pursues textual infiltration into foreign lands. He anticipates that his orientalist text Endymion will be read both at home and abroad.

      • KCI등재

        Metapragmatics of Speech and Its Interactions with Pragmatic Inferences

        이성범 담화·인지언어학회 2007 담화와 인지 Vol.14 No.2

        Lee, Sungbom. 2007. Metapragmatics of Speech and Its Interactions with Pragmatic Inferences. Discourse and Cognition 14.2, 117-136. Since it was first introduced to the linguistic pragmatics in the early 1970s, the notion of metapragmatics has been employed in one way or another in the description of some pragmatic phenomena such as indexicality and reported speech. However, virtually no attempts have been made to make use of this independently motivated notion in the discussion of pragmatic implicatures. This study is an attempt to build a new metapragmatic perspective in the study of pragmatic inferences. To this end, we begin with characterizing metapragmatic implicature in comparison with pragmatic implicature, and then investigate the role of metapragmatics in pragmatic reasoning in the neo-Gricean framework. In particular, it is shown that the order of the incrementation of the context, or the projection principle proposed by Levinson (2000) is defective since it does not take into account the presence of metapragmatic implicature. Moreover, it is pointed out that some unexpected failures of implicature on a pragmatic level is due to the presence of metapragmatic implicature involved in the utterance. Thus, this study shows that the interaction of metapragmatics and pragmatics provides a new insight into how implicatures are processed or blocked without positing any extra devices to deal with apparent counterexamples or exceptions to the neo-Gricean pragmatics.

      • KCI등재

        신경망을 이용한 인쇄체 한자의 인식

        이성범,오종욱,남궁재찬 한국통신학회 1993 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.18 No.9

        본 논문에서는 종래의 결정론적 방법과 신경망을 이용하여, 인쇄체 한자를 인식하는 방법을 제안하였다. 먼저 한자를 구성하는 획성분의 4방항백터를 추출하였다. 다음에 구해진 방향벡터에 무게중심의 메쉬를 만든 다음, 각 메쉬내의 흑화소 길이로 8$\times$8의 특징 매트릭스를 구성하였다. 정규화한 특징 매트릭스 값은 14의 문자형식으로 1차 분류하기위해 신경망에 입력으로 하였고, 이 분류된 문자는 부수를 인식하는 부수인식 신경망에서 다시 2차분류하였다. 마지막으로 2차분류된 문자는 입력한사와 표준한자와의 유사도를 적용하여 최종인식을 행하였다. 본 알고리즘이 한자의 인치에 유효함을 보였다. In this paper, we propose to method of recognizing printed chinese characters which combine the coventional deterministic methods and the neural networks. Firstly, we extract four directional vector of strokes from chinese characters. Secondly, we make the mesh of the center of gravity in the vector and then constitute the H x8 feature matrix using black pixel lenth from each meshs. This normalized feature matrix value offer as the input of neural network for classifying into the 14 character types. And this calssified character classify again into Busu group by the Busu recognizing neural network. Finally, we recognize each characters using the distance of similarity between input characters and reference characters. The usefulness of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by experimenting with recognizing the chinese characters.

      • KCI등재

        Reference, Self-Reference and the Power of Signs: The Cases of Hugh Blair and Percy B. Shelley

        이성범 19세기영어권문학회 2009 19세기 영어권 문학 Vol.13 No.1

        This paper aims to address the self-division of reference into outer reference and self-reference in order to eventually show how the self-referential arbitrariness of sign systems acts as a new device for social control in early nineteenth century Britain. The in-depth discussion of what Ferdinand de Saussure describes as the arbitrary relation between the signifer and the signified in reality goes back to the Enlightenment and the Romantic era. Enlightenment and Romantic linguists are alike in that both of them note the circumstantial relation of a sign to its referent. These two groups, however, differ from each other in that the former esteems the referentiality of language whereas the latter attempts to thematize the self-referencial recursion of it. The Enlightenment theorist of rhetoric Hugh Blair, in spite of his argument for the arbitrariness of language, ultimately puts accent on the referential exactness of it. He prioritizes modern English over ancient languages since, as a simple example, the former eliminates, for the primacy of prepositions and auxiliary verbs, the qualitative marks of syntactic order (i.e., case declension and verb conjugation) that the latter, namely ancient Latin has. Blair's preference for English over Latin indicates that English develops the arbitrary ordering of words to set up purely intra-linguistic rules. Blair, however, finally contends that language should reinforce its referential clarity. Romantic linguists, on the other hand, divide reference itself into outer reference and self-reference. They exert themselves to displace the former, that is, what is referred to with the latter, that is, how it is referred to. This dividing process can be called the “desynonymization” of reference. It causes the mismatch of sign and referent. Romantic poetics thus structuralizes the constant tension between reference and self-reference. Now, just as literature is desynomymized from other social institutions, self-reference is desynonymized from reference itself for the autotelic turn of signification. Percy Bysshe Shelley observes that the structural inconsistency between sign and referent serves as a new device for social hegemony in politico-economic as well as literary systems. He questions the poetic, political, and economic web of a repressive rule by arbitrary signs. Although he cherishes the merit of language as “measured words,” he simultaneously worries about the instability of signification. He also notices that the ruling class, what he calls “a new aristocracy,” plays with the overrepresentation, underrepresentation, and misrepresentation of political representatives in the parliamentary assembly. They take advantage of the variations of representation. In the economy of currency, too, the contemporary Tory government encourages bad money, say, paper currency to misrepresent its real value, which results in the fluctuations of value. Shelley problematizes this ongoing inconsistency between the signifier and the signified that repeats itself in divergent social organizations. Coming up against the political-economic-poetic network of repression by arbitrary signs, Shelley's subversive imagination ironizes a dominant logic itself. In “The Mask of Anarchy,” his poetic strategies for tackling the deceptive system of signs is to paradoxically appropriate it for resistance. The poem shows that the power of self-referential signs operates double-edgedly; although it can facilitate domination, it simultaneously helps defamiliarize contemporary authorities. When Shelley images Hope and Shape as surfing into contradictory entities, this on-going displacement is meant to parody the repressive power of sign systems. This paper aims to address the self-division of reference into outer reference and self-reference in order to eventually show how the self-referential arbitrariness of sign systems acts as a new device for social control in early nineteenth century Britain. The in-depth discussion of what Ferdinand de Saussure describes as the arbitrary relation between the signifer and the signified in reality goes back to the Enlightenment and the Romantic era. Enlightenment and Romantic linguists are alike in that both of them note the circumstantial relation of a sign to its referent. These two groups, however, differ from each other in that the former esteems the referentiality of language whereas the latter attempts to thematize the self-referencial recursion of it. The Enlightenment theorist of rhetoric Hugh Blair, in spite of his argument for the arbitrariness of language, ultimately puts accent on the referential exactness of it. He prioritizes modern English over ancient languages since, as a simple example, the former eliminates, for the primacy of prepositions and auxiliary verbs, the qualitative marks of syntactic order (i.e., case declension and verb conjugation) that the latter, namely ancient Latin has. Blair's preference for English over Latin indicates that English develops the arbitrary ordering of words to set up purely intra-linguistic rules. Blair, however, finally contends that language should reinforce its referential clarity. Romantic linguists, on the other hand, divide reference itself into outer reference and self-reference. They exert themselves to displace the former, that is, what is referred to with the latter, that is, how it is referred to. This dividing process can be called the “desynonymization” of reference. It causes the mismatch of sign and referent. Romantic poetics thus structuralizes the constant tension between reference and self-reference. Now, just as literature is desynomymized from other social institutions, self-reference is desynonymized from reference itself for the autotelic turn of signification. Percy Bysshe Shelley observes that the structural inconsistency between sign and referent serves as a new device for social hegemony in politico-economic as well as literary systems. He questions the poetic, political, and economic web of a repressive rule by arbitrary signs. Although he cherishes the merit of language as “measured words,” he simultaneously worries about the instability of signification. He also notices that the ruling class, what he calls “a new aristocracy,” plays with the overrepresentation, underrepresentation, and misrepresentation of political representatives in the parliamentary assembly. They take advantage of the variations of representation. In the economy of currency, too, the contemporary Tory government encourages bad money, say, paper currency to misrepresent its real value, which results in the fluctuations of value. Shelley problematizes this ongoing inconsistency between the signifier and the signified that repeats itself in divergent social organizations. Coming up against the political-economic-poetic network of repression by arbitrary signs, Shelley's subversive imagination ironizes a dominant logic itself. In “The Mask of Anarchy,” his poetic strategies for tackling the deceptive system of signs is to paradoxically appropriate it for resistance. The poem shows that the power of self-referential signs operates double-edgedly; although it can facilitate domination, it simultaneously helps defamiliarize contemporary authorities. When Shelley images Hope and Shape as surfing into contradictory entities, this on-going displacement is meant to parody the repressive power of sign systems.

      • KCI등재

        Silica/Epoxy Hybrid Encapsulation with High Heat-Resistance and Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

        이성범,이호식,손창범,김성희,이준영 한국고분자학회 2020 Macromolecular Research Vol.28 No.11

        As a matrix resin of silica/epoxy hybrid encapsulation material with high heat resistance and low coefficient of thermal expansion, a tri-functional triglycidyl p-aminophenol (TGPAP) epoxy was successfully synthesized with the desired chemical structure by reacting epichlorohydrin with p-aminophenol using sodium hydroxide catalyst. In order to produce highly pure TGPAP with lower viscosity, a physical thin film vacuum distillation was carried out after synthesis, resulting in 97% purity with the viscosity of 700 cps at room temperature. Silica/TGPAP hybrid was fabricated using two kinds of ground fumed silica with different sizes of 20 μm and 9 μm. Glass transition temperature of the hybrid was found to be as high as 185 oC. Viscosity of the hybrid was 30,000 cps at room temperature before curing, implying good processability. When two different sizes of silica were used with 1 to 1 weight ratio, very low coefficient of thermal expansion of 22.79 ppm/ oC was obtained. From thermal shock test, no cracks were observed even after 1,000 cycles of thermal shock between -40 oC and 125 oC when 67wt% (45.8 vol%) of silica was involved in the hybrid. In conclusion, silica/TGPAP hybrid with improved processability, superior thermal shock resistance and low thermal expansion coefficient could be fabricated as electronic device encapsulation.

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