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        Box Model Approach for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management in a Subway Station Environment

        이희관,김신도,송지한,Rajib Pokhrel 한국대기환경학회 2014 Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (AJAE) Vol.8 No.4

        Air quality in a subway tunnel has been crucial inmost of the subway environments where IAQ couldbe affected by many factors such as the number ofpassengers, the amount and types of ventilation,train operation factors and other facilities. A modelingapproach has been introduced to manage the generalIAQ in a subway station. Field surveys and CO2 measurementswere initially conducted to analyze andunderstand the relationship between indoor and outdoorair quality while considering internal pollutionsources, such as passengers and subway trains, etc. The measurement data were then employed for themodel development with other statistical information. For the model development, the algorithm ofsimple continuity was set up and applied to modelthe subway IAQ concerned, while considering themajor air transport through staircases and tunnels. Monitored CO2 concentration on the concourse andplatform were correlated with modeling results wherethe correlation values for the concourse and platformwere R2=0.96 and R2=0.75, respectively. It impliesthat the box modeling approach introduced in thisstudy would be beneficial to predict and control theindoor air quality in subway environments.

      • KCI등재

        Integrated Environment Impact Assessment of Brick Kiln using Environmental Performance Scores

        이희관,Rajib Pokhrel 한국대기환경학회 2014 Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (AJAE) Vol.8 No.1

        The capital city of Himalayan Country Nepal, Kathmandu Valley is surrounded by consecutive high mountains, which limits the air distribution and mixing effects significantly. It in turn generates steady air flow pattern over a year except in monsoon season. The air shed in the Valley is easily trapped by the surrounded mountains and the inversion layer formulated as the cap. The PM10 concentration was noticeably higher than the standard level (120 μg/m3) in urban and suburban area of Kathmandu valley for all seasons except monsoon period. The Valley area experiences similar wind patterns (W, WWS, and S) for a year but the Easterly wind prevails only during the monsoon period. There was low and calm wind blows during the winter season. Because of this air flow structure, the air emission from various sources is accumulated within the valley air, high level of air pollution is frequently recorded with other air polluted cities over the world. In this Valley area, brick kilns are recognized as the major air pollution source followed by vehicles. Mostly Bull Trench Kiln (BKT), Hoffman Kiln and Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln (VSBK) are in operation for brick firing in Kathmandu valley where the fuels such as crushed coal, saw dust, and natural gas are used for processing bricks in this study. Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other Environmental Impacts (TRACI) was used for screening and quantifying the potential impacts of air emission from firing fuels. The total Environmental Performance Score (EPS) was estimated and the EPS of coal was approximately 2.5 times higher than those of natural gas and saw dust. It is concluded that the crushed coal has more negative impact to the environment and human health than other fuel sources. Concerning the human health and environment point of view, alternative environment friendly firing fuel need to be used for brick industry in the kiln and the air pollution control devices also need to be applied for minimizing the air emissions from the kilns.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        乾隆帝와 郭葆昌 그리고 Percival David ―汝窯瓷器의 실체에 대한 인식의 궤적과 이른바 傳世汝窯瓷器

        이희관 한국미술사교육학회 2015 美術史學 Vol.- No.30

        It is known that about 70 pieces of Ru wares have been passed down today. They are so-called surviving Ru wares. How did they become recognized as Ru wares? Furthermore, are they true Ru wares? In the early 20thcentury when the researches on Ru ware began to be systemically carried out, Qingbai (or Yingqing) ware was recognized as Ru type ware or so-called Northen Celadon known was recognized as Ru ware. Such a misunderstanding was a byproduct of the period when researchers were almost blocked from practical resources of Ru ware, in other words, the dark ages of the research on Ru ware. It is thought to be Guobaochang who built the foundation to recognize the known Tianqing ware as Ru ware today. He discovered what kind of potteries were identified as Ru ware by Emperor Qianlong after finding and comparing the poems written on the specific pottery in The Collection of Emperor Qianlong’s Poems(御製詩集). Based on the ground, he recognized the type of potteries known as surviving Ru ware as Ru ware. Such recognition was organized by Percival David. Most researchers believe that it is an indisputable truth that the materials known as surviving Ru ware refer to Ru ware after the Qingliangsi Ru kiln 오늘날 70여 점의 여요자기가 전해오는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이른바 전세여요자기가 그것이다. 이들은 어떻게 여요자기로 인식되게 된 것일까? 더 나아가 이들은 진정 여요자기인 것일까? 여요자기에 대한 연구가 체계적으로 이루어지기 시작한 20세기 초에는 청백자(影靑瓷)가 汝窯系라거나, 오늘날 耀州窯産으로 알려진 이른바 북방청자로 여요자기로 인식하였다. 이러한 착오는 연구자들이 여요자기의 실물자료로부터 거의 차단되어 있던 시기, 즉 여요연구의 암흑기의 산물이었다. 오늘날 우리가 알고 있는 천청유자기를 여요자기로 인식하는 토대를 구축한 사람은 郭葆昌이라고 생각한다. 그는 건륭제가 특정 자기에 남긴 詠瓷詩를 『御製詩集』에서 찾아 대조하여 건륭제가 어떠한 부류의 자기를 여요자기로 감식하였는지를 확인하였다. 이러한 바탕 위에서 그는 오늘날 전세여요자기로 알려져 있는 부류의 자기를 여요자기로 파악하였다. 이와 같은 인식은 Percival David에 의해 체계적으로 정리되었다. 대다수의 연구자들은 전세여요자기로 알려져 온 실물자료들이 여요자기라는 점은 청량사여요지의 발굴로 이제 의심할 바 없는 사실이 되었다고 믿는다. 하지만 이러한 사실이 이제까지 전세여요자기로 알려진 실물자료들이 모두 진정 여요자기라는 점까지 보증하는 것은 아니다. 건륭제의 詠瓷詩와 그 밖의 문헌들에 대한 분석을 통하여 볼 때, 거기에는 여요자기뿐만 아니라 북송관요자기와 후대의 방여요자기까지 포함되어 있다고 생각한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        建窯의 “供御”·“進琖”銘黑釉碗에 대한 기초적 검토

        이희관 (사)한국문화유산협회 2019 야외고고학 Vol.0 No.36

        이 연구는 두 차례에 걸친 建窯窯址와 그 주변 遺址에 대한 조사 결과를 주요 토대로 하여 “供御”·“進琖”銘黑釉碗과 관련된 몇 가지 기초적인 문제를 검토한 것이다. 이 연구에서 도달한 대략적인 결론은 다음과 같다. “공어”·“진잔”명 실물자료에는 두 종류가 있다. 그 하나는 흑유완이고, 또 다른 하나는 墊餠이다. 건요에서는 흑유완을 소성할 때 그것을 匣鉢에 안정적으로 고정시키기 위하여 물렁한 점병을 사용하였는데, 이 때문에 “공어”나 “진잔”명흑유완을 받친 점병의경우는 반드시 反文의 “공어”나 “진잔”명이 남게 마련이었다. 건요에서 제작된 供御用 의 흑유완에는 기본적으로 그것이 공어용임을 의미하는 “공어”나 “진잔”의 명문이 표시되었다. “공어”·“진잔”명은 건요에서 제작한 다양한 器形의 흑유완에서 확인되는 것이 아니다. 그것은 그 가운데 특정한 기형의 束口碗과 撇口碗에서만 확인되는데, 이는 “공어”·“진잔”명흑유완을 제작할 때 궁정에서 제공한 見樣에 의거하였기 때문이다. 이러한방식이 製樣須索이다. 그리고 “공어”·“진잔”명흑유완은 건요요지에서는 매우 소량만이 출토된 반면, 요지에 인접한 南浦溪의 선착장이 있던 水尾嵐에서 다량으로 출토되었는데 그곳에는 본래 “공어”·“진잔”명흑유완의 瓷片堆積이 형성되어 있었던 것으로 판단된다. 이러한 현상도 그것들이 製樣須索의 방식으로 조달되었다는 점과 불가분의 관계가 있다. 즉 건요의 여러 요장에서 궁정이 제공한 견양에 의거하여 제작된 “공어”·“진잔”명흑유완은 수미람으로 옮겨져 福建路轉運使의 책임 아래 建州나 甌寧縣의 관리들의 최종 選品을 거쳐 합격품들은 송의 궁정으로 운반되고 낙선품들은 그곳에 폐기되었다. 수미람에 형성된 “공어”·“진잔”명흑유완의 자편퇴적은 그러한 제양수색의 결과물가운데 하나인 셈이다. 송대에 여러 민요에서 제양수색의 방식으로 어용자기를 조달하였다는 것은 널리 알려진 사실이다. 이러한 조달 방식이 본격화된 것은 북송말기 무렵부터인 것으로 판단되는데, 이 시기에 제양수색이 구체적으로 어떻게 이루어졌는지에 대해서는 알려진 바가 거의 없는 실정이었다. 이 연구, 즉 건요에서 제작된 “공어”·“진잔”명흑유완에 대한 조사와 분석을 통하여 이 점이 어느 정도 분명해졌으리라 믿는다. 이것이 이 연구의 가장 큰성과이자 의의가 될 것이다. This study examined a few basic issues related to the black glazed bowls marked with “Gongyu(供御)” or “Jinzhan(進琖)” based on the findings of the previous two series of field research on the Jian kiln(建窯) site and its surrounding area, and the following conclusions were reached. Pieces marked with “Gongyu” or “Jinzhan” can be divided into two types: black glazed bowls and buttons (墊餠). In the Jian kiln, soft buttons were used to stably fix black glazed bowls to saggars (匣鉢) when firing the bowls, which inevitably left the reversed marks of “Gongyu” or “Jinzhan” on the buttons that were used to support the black glazed bowls marked with “Gongyu” or “Jinzhan”. Black glazed bowls that were produced in the Jian kiln as a present to the palace were basically marked with words of “Gongyu” or “Jinzhan” that mean they are royal wares. Those marks were not always found on every type of black glazed bowls produced in the Jian kiln, but only on certain types of bowls including Shukou-type (束口型) and Piekou-type (撇口型) bowls. This can be attributed to the standardized sizes and forms (見 樣) of the black glazed bowls marked with “Gongyu” or “Jinzhan” that were provided by the palace in the manner of preparation in request (製樣須索). In addition, while only a small quantity of black glazed bowls marked with “Gongyu” or “Jinzhan” were excavated from the Jian kiln, a large quantity were excavated from Shuiweilan (水尾嵐), a dock on the Nanpuxi River (南浦溪) near the Jian kiln. A pile of ceramic shards of the black glazed bowls marked with “Gongyu” or “Jinzhan” seemed to be created in the Shuiweilan site, which is inseparable from the finding that they were supplied in the manner of preparation in request(製樣須索). In other words, black glazed bowls marked with “Gongyu” or “Jinzhan” were produced in several kilns according to the standards provided by the palace, were transferred to the Shuiweilan, and were inspected by officials in Jianzhou (建州) or Ouningxian (甌寧縣) under the supervision of the Forwarding Magistrate of Fujianlu (福建 路轉運使). The finally selected bowls were transfered to the palace of the Song Dynasty, and the rest were discarded in the Shuiweilan site. Therefore, the pile of ceramic shards created in the site is one of the results of preparation in request. It has been widely known that ceramics for royal use were supplied from several private kilns in the manner of preparation in request in the Song Dynasty. The method seems to have started in earnest in the late Northern Song Dynasty, but little has been known about the specific process of preparation in request that was executed in the period. The findings of this study obtained through the research and analysis on the black glazed bowls marked with “Gongyu” or “Jinzhan” that were produced in the Jian kiln are expected to have clarified the process to some extent, which can be the most meaningful achievement and contribution of this study.

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