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        이인균,전상린,변화근 상명대학교 자연과학연구소 1999 自然科學硏究 Vol.6 No.-

        To clarify the structures and functions of ecosyst em and to establish the methods for conservation of natural resource in the streams of Jeju Island, the authors surveyed the freshwater fish fauna at 27 stations from Aug . 16 to Aug . 31, 1999. Air temperature of the surveyed at each station was high (25.6∼34.2℃) and water temperature has great difference at each station (17.1∼28.0℃). DO was high in all st ations (6.9∼10.7mg/ℓ) and EC was very different at each station (2,570∼52μMHOS/cm). Especially EC at St. 12 and 26 were high (2,000μMHOS/cm). PH were almost neutral (7.2∼8.7) which means the suitable condition for fish habitat. In this study, River width was almost narrow and very different each station (1∼40m). Water depth was very different at each station (5∼150cm) with the exception of reservoir and length of rivers were not long. In general, bottom structure was made up of boulder, cobble, pebble, gravel, sand, and mud. However most of the survey st ations wasn't suitable condition for fish habitat where were made up of boulder, cobble and pebble. Collected fishes in this survey were identified 13 family, 31 species . Of them primary fresh - water fish was 10 species (32.26%), peripheral fresh - water fish 15 species (48.39%), and sea water fish 6 species(19.35%). Exotic fishes were two species, Carassius cuvieri and Oncorhynchus my kiss . Moroco oxycephalus was found at most stations. The most number of species and individual were collected at St. 12(species 8, individual number 154), while was least at St. 22 and 27(species 1, individual number 1). Considering of the former data and this study, primary fresh-water fishes and peripheral fresh-water fishes (including sea water fish) were total 40 species which distribut ed in fresh-water area and brackish-water area. Primary fresh-water fishes were 11 species and Induced species were two species, Carass ius cuvieri and Oncorhynchus my kiss. Species who first found in this survey were three species, Carass ius cuvieri, Ps eudorasbora p arva and M isg urnus mizolepis. The authors compared the fresh-water fish fauna of Jeju Island(1,840km2 ) with those of Geoje Island (389km2 ) and Namhae Island(298km2 ). As those results, 14 species (Choi and Jeon, 1980), and 18species (Son, 1995) in Geoje Island were reported. Also, 11 species (Choi and Jeon, 1980) and 13 species (Son, 1995) in Namhae Island were reported The number of fresh-water fish in Jeju Island was fewer than those of two other islands in spite of being much larger than Geoje Island or Namhae Island in size. It is thought that two reasons that Jeju Island have been located far from the Korean peninsular and the unstable flow water of streams has resulted from the characteristics of geological structure made the less favorable condition to inhabit of fresh water fish.

      • 非同盟運動이 第3世界에 끼친 影響 : 歷史體系的 接近法을 中心으로 focusing on the Historic systemetic ApproacH

        李仁均 대구보건대학 1994 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        This study presents the impact of nonaligned movement upon the third world by means of the historic and systemetic analysis approach through various literature. Non-aligned Movement(henceforth, NAM) has arisen to solve the problems of nations, in itself, which might belong neither to the eastern bloc nor to the western bloc. The common features of NAM are non-alliance in politics, lessdeveloped in ceonomics, racially colored and geographically, the countries involved in NAM are those located in Asia, Africa, Latin America in the southern hemisphere as well as those in the Middle East. NAM, in spite of the heterogeneity due to the factor of organization has acted to the best of its united power so far. That is because there may be dwelled such similarities as the experiences of the colonial history, the economical poverty, political instability and the sociocultural dualism between tradition and modernization Accrdingly, the common features of NAM are described as four "ANTIs" such as Anti-colonialism, Anti-imperialism, Anti-racialism and Anti-hegemonism and the diversity of Idea. They take sctions toward the first world with consciousness of political self-determination, economical self-reliance, and self-defence. The eight conferences of Head of States and the Chief minister of the Non-aligned in NAM are characterized as follows: (1) As the period of organization, there were two conferences referred to the first summit conference and the second summit conference, the one was held in Beograd, Yugoslavia and the other, in Cairo, Egypt. (2) As the period of standing, the third, the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth summit conferences were belonged to it. The conferences were held Luska in Zambia, Alger in Algeria, Colombo in Sri Lanka and Havana in Cuba, respectively. (3) The seventh summit conference held in New Delhi, India and the eighth one held in Harare, Zimbabwe were considered as the period of activity. Some problems, are therefore, given rise in the process of carrying out the roles of a catalyst as well as a mobilizer toward the third world. The propblems are as followed: (1) the weakening of leadership and a lack of united action. (2) The problems of settlemen of a border or an act of hostility among nations such as the third world or non-aligned nations. (3) The problems of the economical conflict and dissolution of the gulf between the rich and the poor among the members of NAM. (4) The problems of counterplot or confrontation attitude toward the powerful countries which NAM is to take. (5) The problems against Neo-Imperialism and Neo-Colonialism of the first world. This study, hence, suggests several ways with respect to the views of NAM : (1) The lack united actions caused by the poverty of homogeneneity of NAM. (2) The weakening of influences upon the order of international politcs caused by the feature that the organizing members of NAM are diverse. (3) The concerns of NAM give more priority to the North-South problems between the first world and the third world and the even distribution of resources. (4) NAM, however, will participate subjectively in the international politics with the overcome of dwelling conflict factors. (5) NAM will acclerate to the South-South Cooperation and extension of the Development Front. In the long run, when the impacts on the third world by v are observed, a detailed and careful analysis on NAM should be needed as Korean point of view, because the adhesion of the North to non-aligned countries of the third world which are languishing in the technological deficiency, though most of them are regardend as the countries of natural resources, or a group of countries in the third world which have neither resources, nor skilled technique is a necessary condition for coexistence, in this age of "polycentric polyarchy" and "inter-dependence."

      • 從屬理論과 現實的 問題에 對한 考察

        李仁均 대구보건대학 1984 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        Dependency means that a nation's economy does not make progress in accordance with the desire, will or necessity of the people, but it is sacrificed by the economy of other nations or the international trend. Dependency theory was advocated mainly by the scholars from Central and South Americas around the 1960's. Moreover, this theory is a theoretical system of leftists with radical inclination, and pays attention to the fact that an underdeveloped nation free itself from the state of being underdeveloped because it has lost its own peculiarity or self-control under the control of developed capitalistic nations. They disclose and criticize the status and inconsistency of the subordinate structure : and assert, with the catch phrase : severance from outside and revolution inside, that their theory applies to all developing nations. But most of the dependency theorists are Neo-marxists ; and they, in short, make a negative criticism of capitalism while they make a corrective and complementary criticism of Marxist or communist economy. Therefore, it must be realized that those who believed in dependency theory analyzed and criticized capitalism not because they wanted to economically develop capitalism, but because they wanted to break down capitalistic economy and construct socialism. In our country, some intelectuals were some what attracted by dependency theory and showed emotional reaction when immense foreign capital and technology were introduced in accordance with our economic development policy in the 60's and 70's, accelerating economic inconsistency, disparity of incame distribution and the deepening of dependency on foreign countries. But if we had shut off our economy from that of our friendly nations in order to effect our independent development based on dependency theory, our economy would have been in danger of being ruined instead of being developed independently, and the existence of our nation itself would have been impossible. Considering our present situation, our obvious task after all is to have belief in mutual dependence, not dependence on foreign countries, and to make efforts to realize and enlarge its possiblities. We must not be possessed with ideologic fictitiousness, but we must be wise enough to display our ability to the full and pay attention to the conditions of mutual dependence and understand correctly the didactic meaning of the dependency theory.

      • 唯物論思想과 分業에對한小考

        李仁均 대구보건대학 1986 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        Owing to his view that a human being's consciousness is the result of a practical life, Marx, asserting that all the products of cousciousness, that is, a thought or an idea never had an indepenent history, refused such all the kinds of philosphies as Hegel would explain a practice from an idea. Marx, who regarded a concrete living man as the starting point of an actual history, penetrated that the historical development of an actual man s life was proceeded according to the history of division. He thought that a man s social activity, forming a class society during the. process of division development which he thought wasa material labor, a spiritual labor and a process of divergence which appeared the division between the labor of city and the labor of country, between a commercial labor and an industrial labor, was negelected. Marx, who had opinion that the history of a class struggle and a subordination were deriviated from divition, believed that the abolition of class rule and the liberation from subordination were dependent on the abolition of division. Then, what was the ultimate Marx intention who emphasized the history of division. It seemed that he would assert that, first the motive power of a history was dependent on the relation of material, second, the relation of present material needed a reformation, third, the reformation of society accrding to proletaria was historical theoretically legitimate, fourth, the abolition of an opposition to class and the liberation from subordination were historically indispensable.

      • Marxism의 哲學的背景에 關한 小考

        李仁均 대구보건대학 1987 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        The greatness of Hegel's philosophy consists of the strongness and unity of it's vision and the power of grasping which connects real everything comprehensively. But the charm of wholeness and simplicity becomes the fault due to too complexity of parts connected with abstract languages sometimes so far as too difficult to understand. But his philosophy is not blamed its ambiguity and difficulty but contributed to the improvement of the influence of Hegel's philosophical nature. Hegel's philosophy is not only difficult to interpret variously two sides but abstract so far as the better concrete approaches be pursuited by readers from it's repulsion. Marx himself is one of these interpreters thus that way and repulses. The complete interpret to the Hegel's in this chapter and I intend to conclude to investigate and I think that the method of approach to his philosophy, idealism, demonstraters use and explanation and understanding idea to history is important for the eveluation of Marx and today's Soviet idea. So I intend conclude to investigate it.

      • 非同盟運動이 第3世界에 끼친 影響 : 歷史體系的 接近法을 中心으로 focusing on the Historic systemetic Approach

        李仁均 대구보건대학 1991 대구보건대학 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        This study presents the impact of non aligned movement upon the third world by means of the historic and systemetic analysis approach through various literature. Non-aligned Movement(henceforth, NAM) has arisen to solve the problems of nations, in itself, which might belong neither to the eastern bloc nor to the western bloc. The common NAM are non-alliance in politics, lessdeveloped in economics, racially colored and geographically, the countries involved in NAM are those located in Asia, Africa, Latin America in the southern hemisphere as well as those in the Middle East. NAM, in spite of the heterogeneity due to the factor of organization has acted to the best of its united power so far. That is because there ma1 be dwelled such similarities as the experiences of the colonial history, the economical poverty, political instability and the socio-cultural dualism between tradition and modernization. Accordingly, the common features of NAM are described as four "ANTIs" such as Anti-colonialism, Anti-imperialism, Anti-racialism and Anti-hegemonism and the diversity of Idea. They take actions toward the first world with consciousness of political self-determination, economical self- reliance, and self-defence. The eight conferences of the Head of States and the Chief minister of the Non-aligned in NAM are characterized as follows : (1) As the period of organization, there were two conferences referred to the first summit conference and the second summit conference, the one was held in Beograd, Yugoslavia and the other, in Cairo, Egypt. (2) As the period of standing, the third, the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth summit conferences were belonged to it. The conferences mere held Luska in Zambia, Alger in Algeria, Colombo in Sri Lanka and Havana in Cuba, respectively. (3) The seventh summit conference held in New Delhi, India and the eighth one held in Harare, Zimbabwe were considered as the period of activity. Some problems, are therefore, given rise in the process of carrying out the roles of a catalyst as well as a mobilizer toward the third world. The problems are as followed : (1) The weakening of leadership and a lack of united action. (2) The problems of settlement of a border dispute or an act of hostility among nations such as the third world or non-aligned nations. (3) The problems of the economical conflict and dissolution of the gulf between the rich and the poor among the members of NAM. (4) The problems of counterplot or confrontation attitude toward the powerful countries which NAM is to take. (5) The problems against Neo-Imperialism and Neo-Colonialism of the first world. This study, hence, suggests several ways with respect to the views of NAM : (1) The lack united actions caused by the poverty of homogeneneity of NAM. (2) The weakening of influences upon the order of international politcs caused by the feature that the organizing members of NAM are diverse. (3) The concerns of NAM give more priority to the North-South problems between the first world and the third world and the even distribution of resources. (4) NAM, however, will participate subjectively in the international politics with the overcome of dwelling conflict factors. (5) NAM will accelerate to the South-South Cooperation and extension of the Development Front. In the long run, when the impacts on the third world by NAM are observed, a detailed and careful analysis on NAM should be needed as Korean point of view, because the adhesion of the Noah to non-aligned countries of the third world which are languishing In the technological deficiency, though most of them are regardend as the countries of natural resources, or a group of countries m the third world which have neither resources, nor skilled technique is a necessary condition for coexistence, in this age of "polycentric polyarchy" and "inter-dependence."

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