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        언어,교육 : 한,중 한자교육 비교

        유현아 ( Hyun A Yu ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2012 비교문화연구 Vol.27 No.-

        The Hanja used in Korean are traditional Chinese characters, but what Chinese people use now is simplified characters. So, there are differences in pronunciation and meaning between the characters used by Korean and Chinese. More than 70% of the Korean language vocabulary derived from or were influenced by hanja. For the inheritance and development of traditional culture,and for the communication among countries of the Chinese characters cultural circle in Northeast Asia, should we build up an authentic Chinese education system. But the government hasn`t pay much attention to this work, and the government`s policy can`t implement the efficient education. Consequently, in these days, there are more and more Korean people who are functionally illiterate in Chinese. Recently, proficiency tests of Chinese characters are expected to promote the development of Chinese education. But, most Koreans` motives for Chinese study are usually to pass the college entrance exam or to compete for jobs. However, after passing the test, the motive for studying gradually fade away. It is the basic problem faced by Korean Chinese character education. Since the 1950s, various character education methods have been studied in China, the research results were appliedin their textbooks and other materials. Therefore, a well-organized and efficient learning-by-step education system was built up. At present, China`s literacy education in the textbooks utilizes a range of methods including revisional centralized and distributed. Unfortunately, there is still one shortcoming worthy of concerns: how to solve the problems due to the simplification of traditional Chinese characters? Is it possible to revive traditional Chinese characters? Before adopting the results of research on China`s literacy education and applying them to our character education, we should consider our specific situation carefully. Adopting the research results with cautious review and objective criticism should have a positive impact on Korean Chinese character education.

      • KCI등재

        언어,교육 : 정(征), "벌(伐)", "침(侵)", "습(襲)", "토(討)"의 의미 특징 비교

        유현아 ( Hyun A Yu ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2014 비교문화연구 Vol.37 No.-

        Synonym means that the conceptual meaning of the word is the same or similar while other meanings or function of language difference may exist. That is two or more identified names correspond with one sense and have the words with minor difference. Words with synonym relation are a set of same meaning but conceptual area or emotional color, language function can be identified. Therefore, the core research of synonym is the difference analysis and in general difference analysis is progress in the three aspects of Meaning, Pragmatic, and Semantic. However, the difference analysis is the most important. In this paper, the set of meaning item of synonym word ‘Attack’ is ``zheng``, ``fa``, ``tao``, ``qin``, ``xi``. We compare the meaning of five verbs and analyze the difference and characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 어휘에 나타나는 음식문화 고찰

        유현아(Yu, Hyun-A) 중국문화연구학회 2017 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.35

        China is known to have a variety of cultural heritage and the food is the typical one among them. Food takes the key position in Chinese culture, which is related to its society in various ways. Especially an idiom ‘People regards food as the Sky’ shows us their basic ideas on the food. A nation’s language contains many active words in peoples’ cultural activities, and we handle here several linguistic expressions of main and refreshment food to learn their concepts on food and its feature in the culture.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        언어,교육 : 한(韓) , 중(中) 친족 호칭 "형수"와 "제수"에 대한 통시적(通時的) 비교

        유현아 ( Hyun A Yu ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2011 비교문화연구 Vol.23 No.-

        In China, elder brother`s wife is called ``Sao`` or ``Saozi`` and younger brother`s wife is called ``Fu`` or ``Difu``, etc. On the other hand, In Korea is called ``Hyeongsu`` and ``Jesu``. This paper aims to find that Korean and Chinese kinship terminology ``Hyeongsu`` and ``Jesu`s origin and characteristics. And considerd reason that Korean kinship terms different changed with Chineses and investigated whether the presence of native language. In China, Kinship term reflected strict species act. Therefore, for elder brother`s wife to give dignity ``Sao`` in the title that made separately. In other hand, sister-in-law used ``Fu that means submission. The first was to use the same type of Kinship terms in the Korean and Chinese. Because Korea accept of the China`s relative terms. But gradually confusion about the meaning of the original issued ``Sao`` and wrong term ``Jesu`` appeared. In response, ``Hyeongsu`` as a two-syllable terms was shown whence they came. Also through literature shows that ``아□마``, ``아□마니 is called native tongue.

      • KCI등재

        중국 호칭어를 통한 친족문화 연구 -"사"("사"), "제"("제"), "질"("姪")의 비교를 통한 잉첩혼(잉妾婚) 문화(文化)

        유현아 ( Hyun A Yu ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2015 비교문화연구 Vol.41 No.-

        고대 중국의 친족 호칭은 일정 정도에서 고대사회의 혼인제도와 혈연관계를 함께 반영하고 있다. ‘사’,‘제’,‘姪’은 친족관계에 있는 여자들이 한 남자에게 시집가는 고대의 독특한 결혼문화인 ‘잉첩혼’을 반영하고 있는 호칭으로 일부다처제도의 산물이다. 또한 이 호칭들은 축첩문화의 시발이 되는 ‘잉첩혼’을 통해 생겨난 것인 만큼 호칭을 통해 그들 사이의 주종관계를 살펴 볼 수 있다. 본고에서는 여성 친족호칭 ‘사’,‘제’,‘姪’에 대한 의미 및 용례 분석을 통해 독특한 친족 결혼문화인 ‘잉첩혼’의 특징을 살펴보고, ‘잉첩혼’이 성행하게 된 원인을 고찰하였다. When ancient Chinese people called their relatives, both the marriage system and their blood ties are reflected in the kinship terms. For examples, the ancient China``s unique marriage system, “yingqiehun,” is reflected in kinship terms, like “shi,” “di,” and “zhi,” which reflect the fact that women relatives married the same person, and thus resulting from the polygamy. Furthermore, there are good reasons to assume that there are master-and-servant relationships, as evidenced through the kinship terms “yingqiehun” from the beginning of polygamy. In this paper we will study the feature of their unique marital culture, “yingqiehun” by analyzing each meaning of “shi,” “di,” and “zhi” and other examples, and will also examine the cause of its prevalence at that time.

      • KCI등재

        ‘깨다’류 동사의 통시적 변천에 대한 고찰 : ‘寤’, ‘覺’, ‘醒’을 중심으로

        유현아(Yu Hyun a) 한국중국문화학회 2022 中國學論叢 Vol.- No.73

        本文主要考察了表 睡醒 义的动词 寤 , 觉 , 醒 的历史演变和替代时期及替代原因。常用词的演变受其语义变化所制约,也会受到同一系统中其他成员的影响。 寤 , 觉 , 醒 的历时兴替情况也是一样。 寤 本义为 睡醒 ,与 睡着 义的 寐 , 睡 组成反义关系,使用频率上看,春秋时期占优势。而战国时期,局面有所变化,因为 寤 的主导义项的转移,战国时期 觉 取代 寤 而成为 睡醒 义的主导词。 觉 本是动词,唐代虚化为量词后,在 一觉“的格式中变为名词,这过程当中,因为词性的改变及其语素化的影响, 醒 取代 觉 。 觉 的本义为 梦醒 , 睡醒 ,由本义引申为 觉醒 , 觉悟 ,与 梦 , 寐 , 寝 组成反义关系。 醒 的本义为 酒醒 ,有两条引申的过程:一是 酒醒 引申为 清醒(酒醒后的状态) ,再进一步引申为 觉醒 , 醒悟 。二是 酒醒 引申为 睡醒 。 睡醒 义项出现于六朝时期,实际开始出现用例是唐五代,宋元时期 醒 和 觉 处于激烈竞争,到明代中期, 醒 取代 觉 而成为现代汉语中表 睡醒 义的主导词。

      • KCI등재

        ‘자다’류 동사의 통시적 변천에 대한 고찰

        유현아(Yu, Hyun-A) 중국문화연구학회 2020 중국문화연구 Vol.0 No.48

        Common words are the core of lexical system. They play an important role in ensuring the continuity of language and providing the basis for the creation of new words. In a certain sense, the change of the common words is the deep, essential change of the whole lexical system. The history of Chinese lexemes is the science of studying the diachronic change of Chinese lexemes. It should make research into the changes of the important common words in the lexical system. Without researching into the history of common words, one could not have an outlook of the lexis of the period. Precisely, he will lose the scientific evidence for the lexis history of different periods. Verbs are the most abundant and most complex words in Chinese. The most important of them is common verbs. The study of common verbs allows us to better understand verbs and Chinese. This study selects five commonly used verbs meaning ‘睡(shui)’, ‘寐(mei)’, ‘臥(wo)’, ‘寢’(qin), ‘眠’(mian) as the research objects. Verbs signifying sleep has the closest relationship with the people’s daily life. Ever since the appearance of the human being in the world, sleep is an essential inactivity and basic part of their life. The replacement of the verbs signifying sleep profiled among the changes of lexis. Every glosseme of the verb signifying sleep experienced a course of changing. In light of the historical documents, the paper makes an investigation on the changes of the verbs signifying sleep throughout the historical periods, and analyses the features and the causes of these changes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한,중 연령의 별칭 비교 -"총각(總角)"과 "화갑(花甲)", "환갑(還甲)"을 중심으로

        유현아 ( Hyun A Yu ) 한국중국언어학회 2011 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.34

        不用數量詞而用名詞、短語或某種修辭方式來表達人的年齡, 叫做年齡代稱。 本文通過韓、中兩國共有的年齡代稱"總角", 以及表示六十歲的年齡代稱"花甲"和韓國漢字語"換甲、還甲、回甲"的用例和語源探索來考察了這些詞語之間的異同和特點。 此外, 年齡代稱經曆多年的文化洗禮, 本身亦隱含深而廣的文化信息, 因此, 通過文化方面的考察, 探討了韓國人和中國人的文化心理。

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