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      • 海苔 그리고 미역·톳養殖의 選擇性에 關한 硏究 : 自由에 對한 價値論的 接近

        劉忠烈 釜山水産大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.35 No.-

        In the beginning of 20th century Lever culture was adopted in Wando Islands. It depended for the market on Japan in the initial stage. The culture fishermen faced many difficulties in prices and export quantity. After the Liberation, however, Lever met domestic consumption. In this process, the culture fishermen obtained the stability in production and living. In the 1970s, Undaria culture was introduced and in 1975 Hijikia culture was also introduced. Axccordingly, Wando Islands have been able to culture these three kinds-Lever, Undaria and Hijikia. It is interesting, however, to notice that the selection of culture in these three kinds is very much similar to that of Wild-Culture. at present, the fishermen who selected the Hijikia culture gained more wealth, but the future market for Hijikia is not certain. The export quantity for Hijika is about 2,500 M/T. This quantity is too much for Japanese market because 300 M/T of the total quantity carries over annually, making inventories. Undaria is under export self-regulation and the export quantity is limited to 25,000M/T. but the consumption and prices for Undaria are rising in the Japanese market. The market for Hijikia and Undaria is limited to Japan. And Hijikia market conditions are not clear. This study dealt with the selection in culture of Lever, Undaria and Hijikia and attempted to make an analysis of the market condition of these seaweeds.

      • 漁港施設의 適正水準에 關한 硏究 : 釜山南港을 중심한 分析 With Main Analysis of Pusan Port

        劉忠烈 釜山水産大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        The fishing ports can be patterned as follows: 1) Fishing ports specified by catch-species like Grimsby, Hull, Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven of European ports 2) Fishing ports specified by processing facilities, packers like some San Pedro, Pascagoula-Moss Point, Cameron of U.S.A. ports 3) Fishing ports specified by fishing ground like Japanese ports 4) Fishing ports specified by population density like Korean ports The fishing ports consist of various facilities, of which unloading facilities are the most important. Concerning the unloading capacity of Pusan fishing port, the length of the wharf is 406 meters and the average annual unloading weight is about 260,000 M/T, witch makes Pusan port the most congested fishing port in the world. Along the wharf, thirty vessels can unload per day by making ten vessels berth once. For the past three years(1979-1981), probability distribution of catches discharge per day was normal with arithmetic means, 28.36 vessels and the standard deviation, 10.21. Accordingly, it is estimated that the unloading weight will increase by 15%. In this case, the estimated probability distribution is 41.2% within thirty vessels and 58.8% over thirty vessels per day. In other words, the probability that more than thirty vessels should berth per day is 60% and so the investment is required for the solution of the congestion problem. And the limit of transaction quarter for the establishment of catch value is 60,000 boxes(20kg/box) and so the expansion for the transaction space is greatly needed.

      • 굴의 流通에 관한 硏究

        劉忠烈,金泳錫 釜山水産大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.32 No.-

        Oyster has been preferred as one of the most favorite fisheries foods in the world. In korea, especially, oyster has great importance as an inevitable material for making basic dish in every house-hold and currently as a highly profitable item among the Korean fisheries exports. The study is designed to survey the distribution environments of the oyster and then to suggest hypothetical strategies for the development of the oyster distribution. To do that, at first, patterns of the oyster consumption are to be sought. In this part, various kind of cooking methods of oyster in the world are examined. Eight kind of French method which is well known as the basic cooking method of the oyster is shown and also Korean methods are reviewed in comparison with foreign methods. In the aspect of production status of the oyster, trend of sale volume during the period of recent eight years in figured out. At the same time, seasonal fluctuations of the oyster production are statically estimated. In addition to that, price fluctuation and demand trend are empirically analyzed. Considering the importance of oyster as an increasingly profitable export item in Korea, exports of oyster are studied by products and by areas respectively. In the meantime, real status of oyster in the United State which is the largest market of the oyster in the world is introduced. Consumption patterns of oyster and status of sanitation management of the shellfish in the United States are described. And next, distribution channels of oyster are investigated and evaluated in the viewpoint of strategy establishment. The main purpose of this part is to find strategic ways to improve the distribution channel of oyster, which induces to increase the efficiency of the distribution institutions. Finally, strategies for improvement of oyster distribution are sought and suggested. The strategies are consisted with the following six categories. 1. Strategy in the aspect of oyster consumption. 2. Strategy in the aspect of oyster production. 3. Strategy in the aspect of oyster price fluctuation 4. Strategy in the aspect of demand estimation. 5. Strategy for the oyster export markets. 6. Strategy for the oyster distribution channels.

      • A Study on "Alfred Lord Tennyson" and His Lyrical Inspiration in "Enoch Arden"

        Yoo, Choong Yul 상명대학교 논문집 1971 상명대학교논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        急激한 時代的 變動에 따라 생기는 宗敎的 文學的 詩船 問題를 分析하여 19世紀 영국 中産階級을 代表하여 많은 사람들에게 감명을 주었든 詩人 “알프레트 테니슨”은 그의 詩를 通하여 고찰할 때 開放的일 뿐만 아니라 庶民的이 였다. 豊富한 想像力을 지니고 자연에 대한 銳利한 觀察力과 理想的인 美의 追求는 마침내 靈魂의 不滅과 一致하여 生의 無限한 기쁨은 信仰에서 뿐만 아니라 生 그自體에서도 찾을수가 있다 죽엄에 對한 엄숙하고도 哀傷인 詩도 經驗을 通하여 이루어 질수 있는 ??望과 平和로운 歡喜속에 思索되고있다. 또한 그의 詩는 平易하고 理解하기 쉬운것이며 우리 人間生活속에 內在하고 있는 問題와 運結되고 있다. 詩的 素質 ? 詩人으로서의 명상的 態度는 이미 그의 靑壯年期에 確固히 이루어졌으며 特히 여婦人視, 結婚視도 그의 素朴하고 단순한 時속에서 찾을수가 있다. 男女는 各各 그 活動方面이 다르다고 할수 있지만 아름다운 抒情時를 갖이고 美妙한 音樂과도 같은 音調와 調和를 이루고 있다. 宗敎的 或은 ??학적 考察을 通하여 “빅토리아” 時代의 思想과 感情을 묘사하는데 주저 하지 않었으며 시대적 思想의 代表者로 大衆을 爲한 時를 썼으며 그의 詩的 素材는 이常 自然과 靈魂의 一關性 또는 生과 죽엄(死)의 運繼等 甘味롭고 抒情적인 時體로 構成 되어있다. 自己 아내와 子息들을 사랑하고 아끼는 나머지 自己를 희생하여 사랑과 信仰의 깃빨을 들고 유유히 사라지는 詩人의 애처로운 心情이야 말로 그의 人生觀의 긍지를 말하여 주고 있다고 해도 과언은 아닐 것이며 또한, 우리들은 그의 서정을 엿 볼 수 있다.

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