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      • KCI등재

        아까시 나무 모자이크病에 關한 硏究

        金鍾鎭 한국응용곤충학회 1964 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.3 No.-

        한국 전역에 널리 발생하는 아까시나무의 모자이크병에 대해서, 그 병징을 관찰 기재하고 접목전염시험을 하였다. 본병은 전형적인 mosaic의 양상을 이루며, 접목에 의하여 용역하게 전염되는 것으로 미루어 일종의 virus병으로 생각된다. 접목전염시험에 있어서는 건묘에 병수를, 또는 병근에 건수를 접함으로써, 공히 용역하게 전염시킬 수 있었다. 건묘에 병수를 접한 것에서는, 접하고 일정기간 경과 후 (10-30일) 접수(병)를 박리한 것이, 박리않고 그대로 방치한 것에 비하여 훨씬 감염발병이 양호하였으며, 대목과 접수가 접착한 10-30일간에 있어서의 접착기간의 장단에 따르는 감염율의 증감은 인정할 수 없었다. 그리고 대목과 접수(병)의 유착이 안되었을 경우에도 전염이 되었다. 목병은 그 병징, 접목에 의한 전염, 그리고 즙액전염의 가능(미발표) 등으로 미루어 Atanasoff(1935), 그리고 Milinko등(1961)이 보고한 동남유럽에 분포하는 아까시나무 mosaic disease와 근연의 것이 아닌가 생각된다. 한편 김명오 등(1961)은 한국에 아까시나무 witches broom이 발생하는 것으로 기록했는데, 이는 본 모자이크병을 가리킴이 아닌가 생각된다. Symptom of the mosaic disease of black locust which is presently widespread in Korea was observed and transmission of the disease was investigated by means of grafting Since its symptom was typically mosaic and its transmission was easily accomplished, the disease was considered to be caused by a virus. In investigation of transmission by grafting, it was found out that the discase was easily transmitted in both of the following cases, i. e., healthy seedlings grafted with diseased scions and diseased roots with healthy scions. In the healthy seedlings plus diseased scions grafting, some grafted seedlings were purposedly deprived of the diseased scions after, a certain length of time(10∼30 days), while some were left grafted. The former case showed much higher transmission rate than the latter case, but no fluctuation in rate of transmission by the length of contact period(10-30 days) was recognized. And even when the union between stock and diseased scion by callusing was not successful, the transmission was withnesed. On the basis of the symptom, transmission by grafting, and possibility of transmission by sap inoculation(not published yet), it is supposed that the mosaic virus belongs to the group of the black locust mosaic virus that has been reported in southeastern Europe by Atanasoff(1935) and Milinko et al(1961). It is very likely that the witches' broom of black locust recorded by Myung-O Kim et al(1961) in Korea is the mosaic disease.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대추나무 미친病에 關한 硏究

        金鍾鎭 한국응용곤충학회 1965 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.4 No.-

        1) 본 보고는 1965년 10월초 수도백엽고병이 격발한 전라남도내 담양읍, 대전면을 위시하여 천변인 영산포, 해안지대인 수포등 현재에서 피해상황과 그 원인 등을 조사해석하여 방제의 자료로 하고자 한 것이다. (2) 이앙기의 한발과 7월의 호우 등으로 인한 일부답의 침수는 본병이 조기다발하기에 알맞는 기상조건이었다. (3) 담양지방에서는 7월초순 호우가 있은 후, 일부 침수답에서 7월중순에 초발을 보게 되었으며, 농민들이 새로운 큰 병해라고 인식이 높아졌다. (4) 이앙기가 빠른 답일수록 피해가 많았다. (5) 침수지구의 피해가 심하였다. (6) 품종간의 차이가 확연하였으며, 특히, 전남풍, 천본욱이 약하고 농림 6호는 강한 편이었다. (7) 평야부가 고지대보다 피해가 많았다. (8) 휴한답이 이모작답에 비하여 피해가 심하였다. (9) 습답, 반습답에 피해가 심한 편이며 건답이 적은 편이었다. (10) 물고부근의 피해가 내부보다 많은 편이다. (11) 점형발생답을 많이 볼 수 있었다. (12) 발병하였을 때의 낙수가 병세를 조장시켰다는 농민이 다수였다. 1. This survey was conducted to make a basis for the cause of severe epidemic and disease control to the losses due to bacterial leaf blight of rice in Chun-Nam rice paddy field areas in the first part of October in 1965. The severe epidemic areas were included Taijun-Myun, Tamyang-Eup, riverside in Youngsanpo and seaside in the suburbs of Mokpo. 2. A drought in the period of rice transplanting and flooding due to a heavy rain in July were resulted reasonable weather conditions that the disease occurred more early and severe epidemic. 3. In Tamyang area, frist outbreak of the disease was on the middle part of July in the paddy flooded after heavy rainfall of the first fart of July. It is recognized to farmers that the disease is known as a now serious one. 4. The more date of transplanting is followed, the more serious damage is happened and especially, in the paddy field flooded, too. 5. Flooded areas showed more serious epidemic. 6. Varietal difference to the disease was surely noticed, and Kumnampoong and Chunbonwuk were susceptible, whereas Norin 6 was resistant. 7. Damage was occurred more in plant paddy area than tile slopping paddy area. 8. Fallow paddy field was more serious than the field using double cropping a year. 9. Moist and semimoist paddy field were more serious damage, while light damage in dry paddy field. 10. Near part of flood gate for drainage of submerge paddy was more serious damage than inside part of the field. 11. Soft type is often seen in the mode of the disease occurrences. 12. The most farmers insisted that dropping water is caused to promote disease dissemination when disease occurred.

      • KCI등재

        白沙 李恒福 시의 몇 가지 국면들

        金宗鎭(Kim Jong Jin) 대동한문학회 2006 大東漢文學 Vol.25 No.-

          이항복이 활동했던 선조와 광해군 연간은 당쟁과 전란으로 점철된 시대라 할 수 있다. 비록 당쟁 초기에 이항복은 불편부당한 인물로 알려졌지만 정치권에 있으면서 그 역시 끝내 당쟁의 소용돌이에서 벗어나 있을 수 없었다. 그리고 다섯 차례 병조판서에 임명된 사실이 단적으로 말해 주듯이 그는 전란 기간 동안 매우 중요한 역할을 담당했던 인물이었다. 당쟁의 각박함과 전란의 위중한 가운데서도『백사집』에 실려 있는 그의 시를 읽어 보면 항상 해학과 풍류의 여유로움을 잃지 않음을 볼 수 있어 넉넉한 그의 인간됨을 느낄 수 있다. 더욱이 재상의 지위에서 물러나 만년에 지은 시, 특히〈정사의〉를 올리기 전후한 시기로부터 임종 시기까지 지은 시들과 이 무렵의 일화들에는 생을 돌아보며 죽음 앞에 초연한 그의 사생관을 엿볼 수 있다.   Lee Hang-bok(1556~1618), whose pseudonym was Baeksa, was one of prominent prime ministers who served King Seonjo and King Gwang- haegun. He delivered the nation out of great hardships, and was among typical men of noble birth who were an achievement official and outstanding writer. There were an extreme party strife and disturbances of terrible war during the two kings whom he served. Although he was known as a fair official at the onset of party rivalry, he couldn"t avoid being involved in it in the end. He played a vital role during the war, which can be inferred from the fact that he was appointed five times as Byeongjopanseo that meant a defense minister. Baeksajip, a collection of his poems, showed that his good humor and taste remained intact even in the middle of the harsh party strife and miserable war, and it was a good example to prove his good personality and humanity. He held himself aloof from the world and death in his last years, and his transcendental view of life and death was well described by his late poems written after retiring from his official post, especially by the poems written when and after he submitted Jeongsaeui(丁巳議) to the king and till his death, and by his anecdotes during that period of time.

      • 한라산 구상나무의 천연갱신에 관한 연구

        洪性珏,金鍾眞,趙慧卿 대한민국 학술원 2008 학술원논문집 : 자연과학편 Vol.47 No.1

        임분쇠퇴가 보고되고 있는 구상나무의 천연갱신 특성을 구명하기 위하여, 한라산 구상나무림에서 치수의 공간분포 특성을 조사하였다. 구상나무 치수는 모수로부터 반경 3m 밖의 임연부에 출현하였다. 임연부에 분포하는 구상나무 치수는 반경 5m 이내에 집중분포 하는 것으로 나타냈다. 특히 바위를 중심으로 1~3m 내에 출현하는 경향이 나타나, 구상나무 치수의 분포에 미세지형이 영향을 끼칠 가능성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. To identify natural regeneration characteristics of Abies koreana, is facing critical population decline, spatial distribution of A. korean saplings was examined on Mount Halla. A. koreana saplings occurred at forest edge outside a 3-meter radius and were clumped within a 5-meter radius. Especially, A. koreana saplings occurred within 1-3 meters around a rock, the results showed that spatial distribution of A. korean saplings may be affected by microtopographic conditions.

      • KCI등재

        배나무 赤星病菌의 柄子滴 成分에 關하여

        李相榮,金鍾鎭 한국응용곤충학회 1969 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.7 No.-

        배나무 적성병균의 병자각세대에 분필하는 병자적 성분중 free sugar를 중심으로 기생엽중의 free sugar와의 상관관계를 생화학적으로 연구 고찰하여 아래와 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 병자각세대에 분필하는 병자적 성분중 free sugar를 paper chrmarography로 분석한 결과 fructose만이 확인되었다. 2. 기주 향나무 엽중의 free sugar는 galactose와 glucose 및 미지물질 2종임을 확인하였다. 3. 기주 배나무엽중의 free sugar로는 glucose, fructose 및 galactose를 확인하였다. 4. 배나무엽중의 arbutin-을 결정화하고 그 구조를 일반적인 방법과 paper chromatography로 분석하여 glucose와 hydroquinone의 결합체임을 확인하였다. 5. 0.05M arbutin 용액에 Emulsin을 조제하여 배양한 결과 분해 생성물로서 glucose를 확인하였고 이들 Emulsin은 모두 를 함유하고 있음이 확정되었다. 이상 결과에서 보는 바와같이 병자적중의 fructose는 배나무 엽중에 있는 free sugar 및 glycoside인 arbutin이 Emulsin에 의하여 분해되어 glucose로 변화된 다음 균체내의 isomerase에 의하여 isomerization된 것이라 추측된다 By way of paper chromatography, free sugars in pycnial drops of Gymnosporangium haraeanum Sydow were investigated in regard of their biochemical interrelation with free sugars of Chinese juniper and pear leaf. The free sugar in pycnial drops of Gynnosporangium haraeanum Sydow were identified to only Fructose spot. Free sugars in Chinese juniper leaf were identified to Glucose. Galactose and two unknown spots. Free sugars of another sample in pear leaf were identified to spots of Glucose, Furctose and Galactose. The Arbutin from pear leaf was crystalized and its structure was identified to Glucose and Hydroquinone. The acetone powder of Emulsin was incubated for 1 hour at with 0.05 M Arbutin substrate in test tube and purified by general method with the purpose of analysis of its. metabolic products. And the paper chromatographic analysis showed it to be Glucose spot. From the above results, this Fructose in pycinal drops of Gymnosporangium haraeanum Sydow is presumed to be the exchangeable from free sugars in pear leaf or to be the hydrolyzed of (Arbutin)-the metabolic isomerization of Glucose into Fructose by pycnia isomerase.

      • 위성통신시스템에서 간섭을 고려한 채널용량에 대한 연구

        元裕憲,金鍾珍,吳亨俊 弘益大學校 科學技術硏究所 2003 科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        There has been a movement to adopt satellite communication network to replace the current earth mobile network in order to provide advanced communication system. In previous researches, the capacity of channel within the cell has been determined by numbers of terminals no matter what the density either the distribution of the terminals are. The work described in this paper is firstly aimed at analyzing C/I differences and changes within the same cell and other cell with various densities of terminals under a satellite in a low orbit. With this research, this paper is consequently aimed to provide an algorithm which can help enhancing the efficiency of satellite communication network by applying the analyzed data.

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