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        자유주제 : 장기(長基) 유배기 다산(茶山) 시의 성격

        金潤圭 ( Yun Kyu Kim ) 동방한문학회 2013 東方漢文學 Vol.0 No.57

        다산의 장기 유배기간은 그의 삶이 크게 굴절된 시기였다. 그러므로 비교적 짧은 기간이지만 이 시기가 그의 활동적이고 진취적인 삶이 좌절되고 강제로 정지된침음한 삶으로 바뀌는 변곡점이라는 뜻으로는 중요한 의미를 가지고 있다. 다산의 이 시기 시들은 그의 전 생애를 통틀어 중요한 변모를 보여주고 있다. 다산의 이전 시기 시들이 형통한 삶이나 진취적인 학문의 생동감을 노래하고 있다면, 이 시기에는 좌절감과 연군의 회상, 문제있는 현실에 대한 발견과 응시를 주 내용으로 하고 있다. 다산은 유배가 시작되면서 시를 짓기 시작하여, 유배지 장기에 도착하면서, 장기에 정착하면서, 정착해서 무료한 날들을 보내면서, 다시 장기를 떠나면서까지 멈추지 않고 시를 지었다. 그 시들은 그의 관찰력을 따라 장기의 풍물을 섬세히 노래하기도 하고, 자신의 삶에 닥친 고난과 좌절감을 가감없이 드러내기도 하고, 지난 왕과의 아름다운 인연에 대한 그리움이 나타나는가 하면, 농어민의 괴로운 삶에 대한공감을 표현하기도 하였다. 그러면서 이 시기 시들을 통해 다산의 시는 현실적 감흥을 획득하고 있다. 이전시기의 시들이 비교적 관념적인 서정시였다면, 이 시기부터는 실제적 사실과 사물에 의한 현실적인 서정의 세계로 전환하게 되는 것이다. 다산은 이 시기에 민중의 고난과 삶의 부조리를 직접적으로 관찰하고 묘사하였다. 그의 시에 의하면 위정자들은 탐욕스러웠고 제도는 미비하였다. 민중은 이런가운데 성실히 살고도 가난과 핍박을 견뎌내고 있었다. 다만 이 시기 다산시는 현실의 문제점을 인식하고 응시하는 경향은 있지만, 다른 시기의 시들에 비해 적극적인 분개가 나타나지 않고 수동적으로 침묵하는 경향은 있다. 그것은 이 시기가 다산에게 갑자기 닥친 고난의 시기였으며, 생사의 전망조차도 불확실한 기간이었음을 감안하여 읽을 부분이 될 것이다. 다산의 장기 유배기 시들은 한국문학사에서 중요한 의미를 가지는 것으로 연구될 필요가 있다. 다산의 시 세계 전체에서 이 시기 시들은 개인적으로 중요한 전환점을 보이기도 하지만, 19세기 현실주의 시의 태동에 이 시기 다산시들은 확실한 기여를 보이고 있기 때문이다. Dasan`s banishment period in Jang-gi was relatively short, being less than one year. So it is not proper to study his whole life or literature with this period alone. However, this period has an important meaning as a turning point, when his active and progressive life had been discouraged and forcibly turned into stationary and gloomy life. In literary aspect as well, the poems of this period shows important change in throughout his whole life. The poems before the period sing prospering life or vitality of progressive academics, whereas poems of this period mainly sing frustration, retrospect of beloved king, or recognition and observation of problematic reality. Dasan started writing poems as the exile period began, and he continuously wrote poems as he arrived in Jang-gi, his banishment region, as he settled in Jang-gi, as he spent tedious days after settlement, and even as he was leaving Jang-gi. Those poems depicts scenery delicately according to his observation, or exhibits sufferings and frustrations he is facing, or shows his longing for precious relationship with the former king, or expresses sympathy with farmers and fishmen`s harsh life. Through the poems of this period, Dasan`s poems gain The study is the result of one of his literature said. Specifically, this study began with an examination on Yoo, In-seok(柳麟錫)`s poem of Interest for nature. He left the _Euiamjip(毅菴集_), which contained 57volums, and investigated 690 pieces of his poetry. His work has been in poetic world his self-recognition as a Confucian scholar. Today, we memory on Euiam(毅菴) Yoo, In-seok(柳麟錫) as a symbolic person who kept fighting against Japan systematically, suffered the pain of the nation. They have studied about him as researching the independence movement and achieved a good result. But he was literature and intellectuals. There are a lot of nature poetry in his work. Especially active in the work several times and left a cruise. He traveled to Mt. Geumgang(金剛山) and the eight famous spots in Eastern Korea(關東八景). and during travel, and he left a lot of work. Spare time, he left a piece of material nature. And his work is left to preside over daily life and Interest in nature comes. Through these results, he is great literature. Independence movement, as well as contemporary literature only was famous. However, in the meantime his literary studies has been very limited. But new research has revealed his literary future should be.realistic inspiration. If the previous poems were comparatively ideational lyric poems, beginning from this period, the poems enter the lyrical world of reality through practical facts and objects. Though ideational statements still appear in the poems of this period, it could gain reality because before this statement were realistic description of barley threshing. Dasan observed and described people`s sufferings and uncertainties of life in this period. According to his poems, authorities were greedy and systems were lacking. People were facing poverty and persecutions in this situation even though they tried to live diligently. Dasan`s poems of this period tend to recognize and observe the problems of the reality, but compared to poems of other period, aggressive anger does not seem to appear and it tend to stay silent. It should be considered when reading that this period was the sudden suffering period for Dasan, and that for him, even matter of life and death was uncertain. Dasan`s poems of banishment in Jang-gi should be examined seriously in history of Korean Literature. Not only it is personally important for Dasan`s poems as a turning point, but also Dasan`s poems of this period give huge influence to the earliest moves of realism poems of 19 century. More importantly, poems of Dasan, who experienced life of the highest policy maker`s to the lowest farmers and fishmen`s, have much more realistic values than other realism poems.

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