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        팀성격과 팀내 조직시민행동 규범이 구성원의 조직시민행동에 미치는 효과: 다수준 구성타당화 접근

        황종오,유태용,한태영 한국산업및조직심리학회 2006 한국심리학회지 산업 및 조직 Vol.19 No.2

        With growing interests in multilevel research on organizational citizenship behavior(OCB), this study developed a multilevel model associated with personality and OCB. The purpose of this study was two-folded. First, it investigated the multilevel homology in relationship between personality and OCB. Second, the study examined a cross-level model in which team-level OCB norm fully mediated the relationship between team personality and individual-level OCB measured by peers. Using a sample of 185 employees in 47 teams and two multilevel data analysis methods(HLM & WABA), the study found that team agreeableness was related to team's helping others norm and team conscientiousness was related to team's job dedication norm emerged through referent-shift composition model. Further, it was found that team-level OCB norm mediated the relationship between team personality and individual-level OCB. The implications of this study and the directions for future research were discussed along with limitations of the study. 이 연구의 첫 번째 목적은 최근 증가하고 있는 성격과 조직시민행동에 대한 다수준적 접근의 필요성에 따라, 기존에 밝혀졌던 개인수준의 성격과 조직시민행동 간의 관계가 팀수준에서도 성립하여 다수준 상동관계(multilevel homology)를 보이는지 검증하는 데 있다. 두 번째 목적은 참조-이동(referent-shift) 배합모델을 통해 팀수준으로 승화된 팀성격과 팀내 조직시민행동 규범이 동료평정에 의해 측정된 개인의 조직시민행동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 다수준 통합모델을 이용하여 WABA와 HLM을 통해 검증하는 데 있다. 47개팀에 속한 185명의 팀원으로부터 수집된 자료를 분석한 결과, 원만성과 성실성은 개인수준 및 팀수준 모두에서 조직시민행동과 동형적인 관계를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 팀수준 및 교차수준 모델에 있어서 팀원만성과 팀성실성은 팀내 조직시민행동 규범을 통하여 개인의 조직시민행동에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 연구의 의의, 한계점 및 미래연구에 대하여 논의하였다.

      • ECDIS 교육을 통해 분석한 항해사의 ECDIS에 대한 의식

        조묘진,황종오,조익순,문성배,송재욱 한국항해항만학회 2007 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2 No.추계

        최근 ECDIS 보급 및 사용이 확대됨에 따라 주요 항구에서 ECDIS가 설치되어 있는 선박에 승선하는 항해사에게 ECDIS 자격증을 요구하고 있으므로 항해사들은 국제규정에 맞는 ECDIS 교육 과정을 이수하여야 한다. 이러한 국제적 추세에 맞추어 한국해양대학교 학교기업 마린에듀텍에서는 IMO MODEL COURSE에 맞추어 항해사에 대한 ECDIS 교육을 수행하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 한국해양대 마린에듀텍의 교육현황 소개 및 마린에듀텍에서 ECDIS 교육을 이수한 항해사들을 대상으로 실시한 ECDIS 의식에 대한 설문 조사 결과를 소개하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        중.장년층 실업자들의 실직에 대한 반응과 구직활동에 관한 탐색적 연구: 남녀 차이를 중심으로

        안상수,신강현,탁진국,한태영,한영석,유태영,황종오 한국여성심리학회 2005 한국심리학회지 여성 Vol.10 No.3

        This study examined differences in responses to job loss and job search intensity, based on gender, marital status, age. Among people who unemployed for less than 2 months, 1539 unemployed individuals(1139 man and 400 woman) were responded the on-line survey. The results showed significant gender differences on several aspects. Over all, unemployed women were reported more decline in the psychological and physical well-being as an outcome of unemployment than man ones. Unemployed women showed less informal job-searching activities than unemployed man. There were no significant differences, however, between women and man in the job-searching intensity and formal job-searching activities. In addition, Despite of a not significant difference between man and women in the employment commitment, the unemployed women experienced more the barriers to reemployment and lower self efficacy of job seeking and lower social capital than man ones. Regarding the impact of age and gender in the responses to unemployment and the job searching activities, the results indicated that gender and age had significant, but did not interact. In the job-searching activities, there was little significant interaction between gender and age, or between gender and marital status. Finally, meanings of these results and suggestions for further research were discussed.

      • RISS 인기논문 KCI등재

        직무만족, 조직몰입, 성과, 이직의도 간의 관련성 - 문헌고찰 및 메타분석 : 직무만족, 조직몰입, 성과, 이직의도 간의 관련성

        오인수(In-Sue Oh),김광현(Kwanghyun Kim),Todd C. Darnold, 황종오(Jong-Oh Hwang),유태용(Tae-Yong Yoo),박영아(Young-Ah Park),박량희(Lyang Hee Park) 한국인사ㆍ조직학회 2007 인사조직연구 Vol.15 No.4

        국내 종업원을 대상으로 수행된 작업태도(직무만족, 조직몰입), 성과, 그리고 이직의 도간의 관련성에 관한 개별연구가 상당수 축적되었음에도 불구하고, 이들 변수 간의 관련성에 관한 체계적 메타분석은 아직 이루어지지 않고 있다. 이런 현실에 비추어, 본 연구에서는 국내·외 학술지에 게재된 국내 종업원을 대상으로 한 49개의 개별연구를 토대로 작업태도(직무만족, 조직몰입), 성과, 그리고 이직의도 간의 관련성에 관한 메타분석(Hunter & Schmidt, 2004)을 수행하여 그 관계의 강도를 추정하였다. 분석결과에 따르면, 진점수 상관으로 볼 때 직무만족과 조직몰입(.76), 직무만족과 성과(.38), 조직몰입과 성과 간에 정적인 관련성(.52)이 있었으며, 80% 확신구간(credibility interval)을 검토할 때 이상의 변수들간의 정적인 관련성이 일반화되는 것으로 나타났다. 반면, 직무만족, 조직몰입, 성과는 각각 이직의도와 부적인 관련성(-.39, -.61, -.16)을 보였으며, 80% 확신구간을 검토할 때 이러한 변수들간의 부적인 관련성도 일반화되는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 몇 가지 흥미로운 차이점이 있지만 대체적으로 북미 지역에서 수행된 기존의 메타분석(Griffeth, Hom, & Gaertner, 2000; Tett & Meyer, 1993)의 결과와 유사함을 보여준다. 또한 이는 국내 표본에 대해서도 작업태도, 성과, 이직의도와 관련하여 동일한 이론이 적용될 수 있음을 간접적으로 보여준다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 비교문화적 시사점, 연구 기여점 및 제한점을 논의하였다. Many primary studies have examined the relationships among work-related attitudes, performance, and turnover intentions using Korean employee samples. Yet none has attempted to clarify the literature through meta-analytic integration. This is unfortunate given that such work-related attitudes and behaviors are variables of interest for both scholars in the organizational sciences and practitioners. A meta-analytic review, such as the one presented here, can provide more useful and organized information on the relationships among these variables by correcting for the distorting effects of sampling and measurement error often found in primary studies. Accordingly, the main objective of this study is to investigate the strength of the relationships among job satisfaction, organizational commitment, performance, and turnover intentions among Korean employees using meta-analytic techniques. Second, this study investigates whether measurement foci (type) moderates the strength of variable relationships (e.g., global vs. facet job satisfaction, overall vs. affective organizational commitment, and task vs. contextual performance). Third, we compare our results with those from North American-based samples. By examining how the strength among these important variables differs between Korean and North American employees, we provide suggestions for future research. An extensive literature search of Korean and international journals in management and related disciplines - industrial and organizational psychology, public administration - was conducted to identify published empirical studies based on Korean employees. In order to maintain the quality of the current meta-analysis we set three inclusion criteria. First, we excluded unpublished papers (e.g., conference papers and dissertations). Second, a study was required to contain at least two out of the four designated variables - job satisfaction, organizational commitment, performance, turnover intention. Finally, we included a paper if it addressed any dimension of job performance, including overall, task, contextual, counterproductive, and adaptive performance. This literature search yielded 49 independent samples for the current meta-analysis. Three of the coauthors coded the collected studies and the inter-rater agreement among them was high (97%). We held a meeting to resolve remaining discrepancies. The meta-analysis was conducted based on Hunter-Schmidt"s (2004) random effects model. Results are as follows. First, the true-score correlation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment is .76 (k = 28, N = 14,003). Although the difference is not dramatic, when correlating overall job satisfaction to overall organizational commitment (.79, k = 9, N = 7,034) the true-score correlation is somewhat stronger than when correlating facet job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment (.70, k = 8, N = 3,304). Second, the true-score correlation between job satisfaction and turnover is -.39 (k = 22, N = 47,003). However, it was found that the measurement type of job satisfaction moderates the strength of this relationship. Specifically, we found that the true-score correlation in the overall job satisfaction and turnover relationship (-.67, k = 9, N = 3,366) is almost double that for the facet job satisfaction and turnover intention relationship (-.37, k = 13, N = 43,637). Third, for the organizational commitment and turnover intention relationship, the true-score correlation is -.61 (k = 20, N = 76,833). Although the difference is marginal, the correlation is greater between overall organizational commitment and turnover intention (-.66, k = 9, N = 3,135) than the relationship between affective organizational commitment to turnover intention (-.56, k = 11, N = 4,548). Fourth, the true-score correlation between job satisfaction and performance is .38 (k = 22, N = 46,503), while the true score relations

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