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      • 국가폭력의 긴 그림자: 1980년 사북 사건 피해자 실태 조사 결과

        황인욱 ( Hwang Inuk ) 강원대학교 통일강원연구원 2022 평화들 PEACES Vol.1 No.2

        ‘사북 사건’은 1980년 4월 계엄 권력에 대항했던 강원도 작은 광산촌의 주민 중 수백 명을 표적으로 삼아 집단적으로 저질러진 국가폭력(state violence)을 지칭한다. 사북 사건의 피해자들은 크게 세 부류로 나눌 수 있다. 첫 번째는 재판에 회부되어 형이 확정되었던 사람들이다. 두 번째는 경찰에 영장 없이 연행되어 구타, 고문 등 국가의 대리인들이 공권력의 이름으로 저지른 끔찍한 폭력을 당하고 풀려난 사람들이다. 마지막 부류는 부모 세대가 겪은 억울한 피해로 인해 가난과 고통, 트라우마를 대물림하고 있는 피해자의 배우자와 자녀들이다. 이 글은 이와 같은 사북 사건 피해자들을 대상으로 정선지역사회연구소가 2022년 8월부터 한 달간 진행한 최초의 피해 실태 전수 설문 조사의 결과를 소개하고 기존의 구술 연구와 비교하여 그 의미를 분석한다. 공통질문에 대한 피해자들의 응답 결과는 그동안 사북 사건과 관련하여 제기된 피해 양상이 관련자들의 삶은 물론 자녀 세대의 삶에 미치고 있는 영향을 종합적으로 보여준다. In this research, the ‘Sabuk incident’ refers to an incident of state violence perpetrated against hundreds of residents of a small mining village in Gangwon-do who resisted the imposition of martial law in April 1980. The victims of the Sabuk incident can be roughly divided into three categories. The first are those who were tried and had their sentences upheld. The second category is those who were arrested by the police without a warrant and released after being subjected to horrific violence, including beatings and torture, in the name of state power. And the third category refers to the spouses and children of victims who pass on poverty, pain and trauma due to the unjust harm suffered by their parents’ generation. This article presents the results of the first full survey on actual harm conditions conducted by the Jeongseon Community Research Center for one month from August 2022 among the victims of the Sabuk incident. The results of the victims’ responses to the general questions comprehensively show how the patterns of harm raised in relation to the Sabuk incident affect the lives of those who were directly involved in the incident, as well as the lives of their children’s generations.

      • KCI등재

        청년농업인의 영농정착 성공 특성 및 영농수준에 관한 연구

        황인욱(Hwang, Inuk),이소영(Lee, So-young),주진수(Joo, Jin-soo),양주환(Yang, Ju-hwan),김종숙(Kim, Jong-suk) 한국지역사회학회 2017 지역사회연구 Vol.25 No.1

        This paper is a study on characteristics of establishment in farming and farming level of young farmers focusing on excellent examples of alumnus of Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries(KNCAF). Above all, major success characteristics of excellent cases are as follows. First, They make an effort to secure of agriculture competitiveness through an increase in farm size, and then strive for their specialty. Second, They are leading value based agriculture through an innovations in techniques. According to analysis results, KNCAF’s excellent examples of alumnus have the following features: aim at environmentally-friendly agriculture, actively introduction of new technology, planning of development for the 6<SUP>th</SUP> industry, continued research activity, community reinvigoration and leading development of agriculture through active network. Finally, This result in various certifications and awards(environmentfriendly certification, HACCP certification, non antibiotic/pesticide-free certification, organic certification etc.). The growth phases of graduate farmers showing the above-mentioned characteristics are examined as follows. They are evenly distributed from inflow phase to stabilization phase. And there is strong possibility of entering the management transfer phase where they participate in successor training such as on-the-job training in the future. Therefore, there is necessity of additional curriculum that can satisfy the demand for advanced education in order that they grow the core people and leader of farm village. To this end, after graduation, it is necessary to develop evaluation indicators according to growth phases of young farmers, and as a result, the extended curriculum should be specifically examined.

      • KCI등재

        ‘이상주의적’ 구도심 보전 및 개발계획의 성립과 변형

        황인욱(Hwang, Inuk) 한국지역사회학회 2014 지역사회연구 Vol.22 No.4

        This paper is a study on establishment and transformation of ‘Idealistic Urban Design’ focusing Project of Creating a Jeonju Hanok-Village. Most project of Urban development begin from idealistic paradigm. But It changes from the early part of the plan and bring about various conflicts. It is same as that of Jeonju. First, Local government of Jeonju established strategy of traditional culture for ‘idealistic regeneration of Hanok-Village through tradition.’ But It practically concentrated on tourism-commercialization and development of physical facilities of Hanok-village. The Development without adequate discussion and consensus has become the cause of conflicts between local government and local resident. One-side development of Hanok-Village came into conflict with a compensation mentality of local resident that has been violate poverty result from a limit of development for a long time. Jeonju throws a monetary reward or a strong regulation each time. Secondly, It is an commercialization argument of Hanok-Village. The early part of the development, There are many efforts that keep on traditional residential space. But now, in Hanok-village, It can’t handle the encroaching commercial capital. Many residential spaces are substituting for tourism-commercial spaces and increasing move of natives.

      • KCI등재

        전주한옥마을의 젠트리피케이션 현상과 지역 갈등

        황인욱(Hwang, Inuk) 한국지역사회학회 2016 지역사회연구 Vol.24 No.1

        This paper is a study on the gentrification and regional conflicts of Jeonju Hanok-Viallge. The gentrification of Jeonju has integrative aspects that interwine with rent-gap, preference of consumer, and urban policy of city government. The results are as follows. First, it occurred space preference by new artists group of region before the development, and then it occurred typical gentrification by enconomical interests at the same time as the development. But the main characteristic is not the forced expulsion of residents by private capital as Western society but the spontaneous agreement of them in investment and development works by public capital. Secondly, the effects of public capital investment seems to keep a balance between publicenss and marketablility, but it changes suddenly after the completion of physical foundation and the cut-off economic aid by city government. They are becoming commercial residents not only natives but settlers jumping on the price increase of property. And that leads to tension due to difference between residents and the breakup of traditional neighborship. It is also deepening polarization and relative deprivation between residents.

      • KCI등재

        기초연금 인상이 노인의 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향

        황인욱 ( Hwang Inuk ),이태진 ( Lee Tae-jin ) 한국보건사회연구원 2020 保健社會硏究 Vol.40 No.3

        이 연구는 노인의 소득과 복지 증진을 위해 2014년에 도입된 기초연금제도를 기존 기초노령연금 급여의 인상으로 보고 기초연금 인상과 노인의 삶의 만족도의 관계를 준 실험설계 모형을 이용해 살펴봤다. 2010-2016년의 고령화연구패널조사(KLoSA) 자료를 이용해 성향점수매칭-이중차이모형(PSM-DID) 분석 등을 수행한 결과 기초연금 인상전 시점에서 기초연금 인상 전ㆍ후에 계속 기초연금을 받은 노인(처치군)과 동 기간 계속 기초연금을 받지 않은 노인(대조군)의 전반적 및 영역별 삶의 만족도의 공통추세가정이 충족되었고 기초연금 인상 후에 처치군의 삶의 만족도가 영역별로 대조군에 비해 3.72~5.14점 더 증가했으며 이 중 경제상태에 대한 만족도가 비교적 가장 많이 증가했다. 국민연금/특수직연금 수급 여부, 임금노동 참여 여부, 성별, 나이 등에 따라 하위그룹 분석을 수행한 결과 전반적으로 기초연금 인상은 국민연금/특수직연금 미수급 집단, 임금노동 미참여 집단, 여성, 후기 노인에서 대조군에 비해 처치군의 삶의 만족도를 개선한 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구는 우리나라에서 기초연금 급여의 인상이 노인의 소득과 소비뿐만 아니라 전반적 및 자신의 경제ㆍ건강상태와 배우자ㆍ자녀와의 관계 등 영역별 삶의 만족도에 유의미한 영향을 미친 점을 준실험설계 모형을 이용해 밝혀냈으며 정부 가 2014년과 2018년에 두 차례 기초연금 급여를 인상했고 2021년까지 추가 인상을 예고한 상황에서 향후 기초연금 정책 방향에 대한 중요한 단서를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This study examined the relationship between increase in the Basic Pension and the life satisfaction using a quasi-experimental framework, in which the Basic Pension was deemed as an increase of existing non-contributory pension benefit. The results of Propensity Score Matched Difference-in-Differences (PSM-DID) analyses suggested that the common trend assumption was not violated and the life satisfaction (overall and in each domain) of the elderly who continually received the Basic Pension around the time of increase (treatment group) increased by 3.72~5.14 points compared to that of those who never received the benefit (control group). The sub-group analyses suggested that increase in the Basic Pension improved the life satisfaction of the treatment group relatively more among those who did not receive other public pensions, did not work for pay, were women, or were aged 75 and older. Given the Basic Pension policy direction of benefit increase in Korea, these study results are expected to provide meaningful empirical evidences for future policy implementations.

      • KCI등재

        수직 라인 관측시스템을 이용한 제주 동부 해안대수층에서 해수침투 모니터링 평가

        장호준,하규철,황인욱,김기표,박원배,Jang, Hojune,Ha, Kyoochul,Hwang, Inuk,Kim, Gee-Pyo,Park, Won-Bae 한국지하수토양환경학회 2021 지하수토양환경 Vol.26 No.3

        Groundwater monitoring is commonly practiced with real-time sensors placed in several depth spots in aquifer. However, this method only provides monitoring data at the point where the sensors are installed. In this study, we developed a vertical line monitoring system (VLMS) that can provide continuous data of groundwater parameters along the vertical depth. The device was installed in a well located on the coast of the eastern part of Jeju island to monitor electrical conductivity, temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and oxidation-reduction potential over approximately 3 months from September 11 to December 3, 2020. The results indicated that the groundwater levels fluctuated with the tidal change of seawater level, and the upper and lower boundaries of the freshwater and saltwater zone in the groundwater were located at below 16 m and 36 m of mean sea level, respectively. There was a large variation in EC values during the high tide and temperature change was the greatest during flow tide. Although further investigation is needed for improvement of the device to obtain more accurate and reliable data, the device has a potential utility to provide fundamental data to understand the seawater intrusion and transport mechanisms in coastal aquifers.

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