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      • 한국농수산대학 전공심화과정 졸업생의 영농활동실태조사

        황인욱,주진수,김종숙,오대근,송천영,Hwang, I.U.,Joo, J.S.,Kim, J.S.,Oh, D.G.,Song, C.Y. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2018 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.20 No.1

        This is a survey on farming activities of intensive major course's graduates of Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries(KNCAF). Above all, major characteristics of graduates of intensiv major course cases are as follows. First, They make an effort to secure of agriculture competitiveness through an increase in farm size, and then strive for their specialty. Second, They are leading value based agriculture through an innovations in techniques. According to analysis results, intensive major course's examples have the following features: aim at environmentally-friendly agriculture, actively introduction of new technology, continued research activity, community reinvigoration and leading development of agriculture through active network. Finally, This result in various certifications and awards(environment friendly certification, HACCP certification, non antibiotic/pesticide-free certification, organic certification etc.). Therefore, there are necessity of various intitutional and political supports in order that they grow the core people and leader of farm village.

      • KCI등재

        ‘이상주의적’ 구도심 보전 및 개발계획의 성립과 변형

        황인욱(Hwang, Inuk) 한국지역사회학회 2014 지역사회연구 Vol.22 No.4

        This paper is a study on establishment and transformation of ‘Idealistic Urban Design’ focusing Project of Creating a Jeonju Hanok-Village. Most project of Urban development begin from idealistic paradigm. But It changes from the early part of the plan and bring about various conflicts. It is same as that of Jeonju. First, Local government of Jeonju established strategy of traditional culture for ‘idealistic regeneration of Hanok-Village through tradition.’ But It practically concentrated on tourism-commercialization and development of physical facilities of Hanok-village. The Development without adequate discussion and consensus has become the cause of conflicts between local government and local resident. One-side development of Hanok-Village came into conflict with a compensation mentality of local resident that has been violate poverty result from a limit of development for a long time. Jeonju throws a monetary reward or a strong regulation each time. Secondly, It is an commercialization argument of Hanok-Village. The early part of the development, There are many efforts that keep on traditional residential space. But now, in Hanok-village, It can’t handle the encroaching commercial capital. Many residential spaces are substituting for tourism-commercial spaces and increasing move of natives.

      • KCI등재

        전주한옥마을의 젠트리피케이션 현상과 지역 갈등

        황인욱(Hwang, Inuk) 한국지역사회학회 2016 지역사회연구 Vol.24 No.1

        This paper is a study on the gentrification and regional conflicts of Jeonju Hanok-Viallge. The gentrification of Jeonju has integrative aspects that interwine with rent-gap, preference of consumer, and urban policy of city government. The results are as follows. First, it occurred space preference by new artists group of region before the development, and then it occurred typical gentrification by enconomical interests at the same time as the development. But the main characteristic is not the forced expulsion of residents by private capital as Western society but the spontaneous agreement of them in investment and development works by public capital. Secondly, the effects of public capital investment seems to keep a balance between publicenss and marketablility, but it changes suddenly after the completion of physical foundation and the cut-off economic aid by city government. They are becoming commercial residents not only natives but settlers jumping on the price increase of property. And that leads to tension due to difference between residents and the breakup of traditional neighborship. It is also deepening polarization and relative deprivation between residents.

      • KCI등재

        구도심 재활성화 사업의 모순과 도시정치학적 함의 : 〈전주한옥마을 조성사업〉 사례 연구

        황인욱(HWANG In Uk) 지역사회학회 2016 지역사회학 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구는 〈전주한옥마을 조성사업〉을 중심으로 하여 나타난 구도심 재활성화 사업의 모순점과 그 속에 내포된 도시정치학적 함의에 대해 고찰하고자 한다. 1999년 〈전주전통문화특구 기본 및 사업계획〉의 일환으로 시작된 〈전주한옥마을 조성사업〉은 성공적인 도시재생의 대표사례로 주목받고 있다. 그러나 그 이면에서는 원주민의 축출, 지나친 상업화와 관광지화, 그로 인해 이해당사자들 간 이익다툼, 한옥마을 정책을 둘러싼 지자체와 주민들 간의 보이지 않는 대립 등 다양한 갈등과 모순을 드러내고 있다. 문제는 이러한 다양한 모순들에도 불구하고 저항적 시민운동이나 비판적 지성 활동은 잦아든 채 상업주의적 모습이 관성을 강화하고 있다는 점이다. 여기에는 지역 정치권의 성장 이데올로기와 한옥마을 주민들의 프라이비티즘(privatism)을 중심으로 한 도시 정치적 의미가 내포되어 있을 것이다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한옥마을 조성사업 초기 관주도의 개발 사업을 견제하고, 반성장연합으로 나아갈 가능성이 있었던 지역문화예술 집단의 존재는 한옥마을의 급속한 개발과 함께 힘이 약화되었다. 이들 중 일부는 시에서 관리하는 민간위탁시설의 운영자로 낙점되어 제도권 안으로 포섭되었다. 또한 지역 언론과 지역내 지식인 그룹들 역시 성장연합에 적절한 대응을 하지 못하고 있다. 이들은 오히려 성장연합과 결탁하여 낙수 효과를 기대하는 경향이 더 크다. 언론은 시의 성장정책을 적극적으로 홍보하고, 일부 엘리트집단은 이러한 성장 이데올로기를 뒷받침 해 주는 논리를 생산해 낸다. 한편 한옥마을 주민들의 극대화 된 프라이비티즘 역시 반성장연합의 구성을 방해하는 요소로 작용하고 있다. 그러나 무엇보다 한옥마을에서 성찰의 목소리가 크게 드러나지 않는 이유는 현재 이곳이 상업화·관광화의 최정점의 시기에 올라와 있기 때문일 것이다. 경제적 이익 획득이라는 분명한 목적의식을 갖고 한옥마을로 유입되거나 남아 있는 주민들에게 당장의 이윤 추구보다 중요한 것은 없다. 때문에 이들은 다소 불편함과 불만이 쌓이더라도 참아내야만 하는 이유가 충분하다. 쇠퇴한 도심을 재활성화 하는 데 있어서 경제 활성화 전략은 매우 중요한 요소이지만, 그것이 단지 특정 집단 혹은 특정 자본의 배를 채우기 위한 방향으로 흘러간다면 문제는 심각해진다. This study examines old town regeneration project and the undertone of urban politics in 〈Jeonju Hanok Village Development Project(‘Jeonju’s Project’)〉. Although there are various contradictions, I tried to reason in urban politics why the reflective discussions don’t operate and how it is intensified and continued. The Fings are as follows: First of all, the city government makes growth ideology and control the residents through the silent systems. The growth coalition surrounding Jeonju Hanok Village is not good enough the reflective voices. Therefore the community organization become interest group. Meanwhile, the potential ‘privatism’ of residents is proliferated in this process. The people are interested in pursuit of profits than sustainable growth of village. Thus they are lukewarm about the establishment of social justice or finding an alternative for their residence. On the contrary to this, they adapt to the regulation of city government themselves. And stakeholders seek a profit through ‘cooperative-checks.’ It is very important economical vitalization strategy in urban regeneration project. But it get very heavy if it seeks just a profit of the specific group or capital. We can find a part of those problems in Jeonju’s case. Meanwhile, there are concerned voices about that. And it is on opportunity for anti-growth coalition to develop. This study is so meaningful at this point of time heightening about urban regeneration. But it is still in the beginning stage in order to embrace the various dynamics of the urban. Nevertheless, I hope that this study become a starting point about critical works of urban area.

      • KCI등재

        기초연금 인상이 노인의 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향

        황인욱 ( Hwang Inuk ),이태진 ( Lee Tae-jin ) 한국보건사회연구원 2020 保健社會硏究 Vol.40 No.3

        이 연구는 노인의 소득과 복지 증진을 위해 2014년에 도입된 기초연금제도를 기존 기초노령연금 급여의 인상으로 보고 기초연금 인상과 노인의 삶의 만족도의 관계를 준 실험설계 모형을 이용해 살펴봤다. 2010-2016년의 고령화연구패널조사(KLoSA) 자료를 이용해 성향점수매칭-이중차이모형(PSM-DID) 분석 등을 수행한 결과 기초연금 인상전 시점에서 기초연금 인상 전ㆍ후에 계속 기초연금을 받은 노인(처치군)과 동 기간 계속 기초연금을 받지 않은 노인(대조군)의 전반적 및 영역별 삶의 만족도의 공통추세가정이 충족되었고 기초연금 인상 후에 처치군의 삶의 만족도가 영역별로 대조군에 비해 3.72~5.14점 더 증가했으며 이 중 경제상태에 대한 만족도가 비교적 가장 많이 증가했다. 국민연금/특수직연금 수급 여부, 임금노동 참여 여부, 성별, 나이 등에 따라 하위그룹 분석을 수행한 결과 전반적으로 기초연금 인상은 국민연금/특수직연금 미수급 집단, 임금노동 미참여 집단, 여성, 후기 노인에서 대조군에 비해 처치군의 삶의 만족도를 개선한 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구는 우리나라에서 기초연금 급여의 인상이 노인의 소득과 소비뿐만 아니라 전반적 및 자신의 경제ㆍ건강상태와 배우자ㆍ자녀와의 관계 등 영역별 삶의 만족도에 유의미한 영향을 미친 점을 준실험설계 모형을 이용해 밝혀냈으며 정부 가 2014년과 2018년에 두 차례 기초연금 급여를 인상했고 2021년까지 추가 인상을 예고한 상황에서 향후 기초연금 정책 방향에 대한 중요한 단서를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. This study examined the relationship between increase in the Basic Pension and the life satisfaction using a quasi-experimental framework, in which the Basic Pension was deemed as an increase of existing non-contributory pension benefit. The results of Propensity Score Matched Difference-in-Differences (PSM-DID) analyses suggested that the common trend assumption was not violated and the life satisfaction (overall and in each domain) of the elderly who continually received the Basic Pension around the time of increase (treatment group) increased by 3.72~5.14 points compared to that of those who never received the benefit (control group). The sub-group analyses suggested that increase in the Basic Pension improved the life satisfaction of the treatment group relatively more among those who did not receive other public pensions, did not work for pay, were women, or were aged 75 and older. Given the Basic Pension policy direction of benefit increase in Korea, these study results are expected to provide meaningful empirical evidences for future policy implementations.

      • KCI등재

        사과주스의 이화학적 품질과 항산화 기능성

        황인욱 ( In Wook Hwang ),김창섭 ( Chang Seob Kim ),정신교 ( Shin Ky Chung ) 한국식품저장유통학회(구 한국농산물저장유통학회) 2011 한국식품저장유통학회지 Vol.18 No.5

        The physicochemical qualities, antioxidant activities, and polyphenols composition of eight kinds of cloud and clear apple juice products marketed in Korea were investigated. The acidities of eight kinds of cloud and clear apple juice products were in the range of 0.299~0.556 and showed no significant difference (p<0.05). The soluble solid contents of the cloud type were higher than those of the clear type which had higher reducing sugar contents. The color value and turbidity of the cloud type were also higher, but the vitamin c contents showed no significant differences. The total phenolic contents of the cloud type (1.13~1.42 g/L) were four fold to eight fold higher than the clear type (0.12~0.32 g/L). Nine polyphenolic compounds, including chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid (-)-epicatechin, quercitrin, phloridzin, and 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (5-HMF), were isolated by HPLC analysis, and the total amount of the cloud type (319.37~985.63 mg/L) was higher than that of the clear type (92.88~214.39 mg/L). The antioxidant activities, by DPPH and FRAP assays, of the cloud type showed stronger than those of the clear type. The antioxidant activity and the color value were highly correlated with total phenolic content and polyphenols content (r>0.95).

      • KCI등재

        류마티스 관절염과 골관절염 환자의 BMI, 통증, 우울, 자아존중감 및 자기효능에 대한 비교 연구

        황인욱(Hwang In Ok),김종임(Kim Jong Im) 대한근관절건강학회 2004 근관절건강학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to identify differences of BMI, pain, depression, self-esteem and self-efficacy between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients. Method : The study subjects were 135 persons havine chronic arthritis at rheumatology clinic and the department of orthopedic surgery of the C university hospital in D city. The data were collected from February 19th to April 7th, 2003. The data analysis consisted of X²-tes, t-test, Pearson Correlatin Coefficient, and multiple regression using SPSSWIN 10.0 program. Result : 1. There were significant differences in age(p=0.000), occupation(p=0.015), marriage(p=0.028), duration of illness(p=0.000), BMI(p=0.006) and Self-efficacy(p=0.017) between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients. 2. In rheumatoid arthritis, the BMI and self-esteem(r=-0.237, p=0.05) were significantly correlated and also pain and self-esteem(r=-0.402, p=0.01), pain and self-efficacy(r=-0.455, p=0.01) were significantly negrtively correlated. The self-esteem and depression(r=-0.622, p=0.01), self-efficacy and depression(r=-0.729, p=0.01) were significantly negatively correlated and also pain and depression(r=0.432, p=0.01), self-esteem and self-efficacy(r=-0.476, p=0.01) were significantly positively correlated. <br/> In osteoarthritis, the pain and self-esteem(r=-0.225, p=0.01) were significantly negatively correlated and also pain and self-efficacy(r=-0.493, p=0.01), self-esteem and depression(r=-0.692, p=0.01), self-efficacy and depression(r=-0.566, p=0.01) were significantly negatively correlated. The pain and depression(r=0.290, p=0.05), self-esteem and self-efficacy(r=0.383, p=0.01) were significantly positively correlated. 3. The factors influenced by the self-efficacy, the depression and age in rheumatoid arthritis explanined 56.2%, the depression and pain in osteoarthritis explained 43.9%. The factors influenced by the BMI, the self-seteem in rheumatoid arthritis explained 5.7%, but there was no significantly variable in osteoarthritis. Conclusion : The results support the importance of different nursing intervention focused on BMI and self-efficacy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. There is a need for further studies to identify relation of variables in different diseases related to arthritis.

      • KCI등재

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