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        드라이아이스에 의한 급성 중독 1례

        황순영,정진희,어은경,Hwang, Soon-Young,Jung, Jin-Hee,Eo, Eun-Kyung 대한임상독성학회 2007 대한임상독성학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Carbon dioxide is the fourth most abundant gas in the earth's atmosphere, and it is widely used in the chemical industry. Solid carbon dioxide is commonly known as dry ice. At low concentration, carbon dioxide appears to have little toxicological effect. At higher concentrations, however, it can produce an increased respiratory rate, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia, loss of consciousness, convulsion, and even death. Management of carbon dioxide poisoning requires the immediate removal of an individual from the toxic environment and administration of oxygen. It is important to know the concentration of carbon dioxide to which a patient has been exposed. We report a case of acute poisoning from solid carbon dioxide in a patient presenting with drowsiness and diminished mental capacity when she arrived in the emergency department. She recovered completely after administration of oxygen with conservative treatment.

      • KCI등재

        발달장애인의 성·재산 범죄 가해·피해 사례와 지원 - 장애인복지관 사회복지사 경험을 중심으로 -

        황순영(Hwang, Soon-Young),차세진(Cha, Se-Jin) 단국대학교 특수교육연구소 2021 특수교육논총 Vol.37 No.3

        연구목적: 본 연구는 발달장애인 성·재산 범죄 가해·피해에 대한 사례와 지원 실제를 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구방법: P시에 소재한 장애인종합복지관의 사례관리 담당자 및 경력 10년 이상의 사회복지사 14명을 대상으로 반구조화된 질문지를 활용한 FGI를 실시하였다. FGI 자료를 사례와 실태로 분석하였다. 연구결과: 첫째, 범죄 사례를 성범죄와 재산범죄로 구분하였다. 성범죄 사례는 중재되지 못하면 사건으로 발전 가능한 습관들, 재피해와 후유증이 복잡한 양상으로 나타나는 발달장애인 성폭력, 스마트폰 기반의 디지털 성범죄, 묵시적 위계가 작용하는 성범죄 등을 주제로 사례를 도출하였다. 그리고 발달장애인의 재산범죄는 피해를 입는 과정에서 범죄를 학습하는 발달장애인, 명의도용과 대출사기에 이용되는 사례, 계약조건의 복잡함으로 핸드폰과 렌탈상품이 빚이 되는 사례 등을 주제로 사례를 도출하였다. 둘째, 발달장애인의 성·재산 범죄의 지원 사례를 살펴보았다. 범죄 지원 체제의 미비로 인해 사회복지사의 역량에 따른 지원을 제공하고, 그에 따른 사회복지사 소진의 문제를 주제로 도출하였다. 그리고 범죄 지원 체제로서 사례관리와 권익옹호가 있으나 아직 현장에서는 혼재되어 있고, 이를 보완하기 위한 현장중심의 방안들이 모색되고 있음을 주제로 도출하였다. 결론: 연구 결과에 따른 발달장애인 성·재산범죄를 예방하기 우한 방안을 모색하였다. 첫째, 발달장애인 스스로 자기결정능력을 향상시켜 범죄를 예방할 수 있도록 하는 평생교육지원과 발달장애인 범죄 예방을 위한 구체적 근거를 마련하기 위한 발달장애인 범죄 실태조사 정례화를 제안하였다. 둘째, 지원인력의 역량을 강화하기 위하여 발달장애인 범죄를 주제로 한 전문적학습공동체와, 발달장애인을 위한 개별화된 지원을 위해 긍정적행동지원 등의 행동중심 지원 방안 마련을 제안하였다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine cases and actual support for sexual and property crimes perpetrated/victimized by persons with developmental disabilities. Method: To this end, FGI using semi-structured questionnaires was conducted for 14 social workers with more than 10 years of experience as well as case management managers at the General Welfare Center for the Disabled in P city. FGI data were analyzed by cases and actual conditions. Result: First, Sexual offenses were derived under the theme such as habits that can develop into incidents if not mediated, sexual crime with developmental disabilities with complex re-injury and after-effects, smartphone-based digital sex crimes, and sexual offenses under the hierarchy. In addition, the property crimes on persons with developmental disabilities were derived as theme such as the developmentally disabled who learn crimes in the process of being harmed, cases used for identity theft and loan fraud, and cases where mobile phones and rental products become debts due to the complexity of the contract terms. Second, Due to the inadequacy of the criminal support system, support was provided according to the competence of social workers, and the problem of social worker exhaustion was derived as a topic. In addition, as the crime support system, case management and advocacy exist, but they are still used without distinction in the field, and field-oriented methods are being sought to supplement them. Conclusion: First, lifelong education support was proposed so that people with developmental disabilities could improve their self-determination ability and prevent crime. In order to prepare a concrete basis for the prevention of crimes on persons with developmental disabilities, it was also proposed to regularly conduct investigations on crimes on persons with developmental disabilities. Second, a professional learning community with the theme of crimes on persons with developmental disabilities was proposed to strengthen the capacity of support personnel. In addition, for individualized support for persons with developmental disabilities, it was proposed to prepare action-oriented support measures such as positive behavior support.

      • KCI등재

        장애학생 학부모 상담 지원 방안 탐색

        황순영 ( Hwang Soon Young ),차세진 ( Cha Se Jin ),강승희 ( Kang Seung Hee ),김정은 ( Kim Jung Eun ),정은영 ( Jung Eun Young ) 한국정서행동장애학회 2022 정서ㆍ행동장애연구 Vol.38 No.1

        본 연구는 장애학생 발달과 적응에 주요한 영향을 미치는 학부모 상담이 내실있게 운영될 수 있도록 지원 방안을 탐색하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해서 2차에 걸친 델파이 조사를 실시하였다. 델파이 조사에 참여한 전문가 패널은 장애학생 학부모 22명, 경력 10년 이상의 특수교사 8명, 장학사 등의 관계자 4명 등 총 32명이다. 델파이 조사지는 주요상담자, 상담횟수, 상담형태, 상담방법, 상담내용, 상담자 역량, 상담지원체계 등의 영역에 대한 40개 문항으로 구성하였고, 응답은 5점 척도를 적용하였다. 조사를 통해 수집한 자료는 평균, 표준편차, 왜도, 내용 타당도 비율, 합의도, 수렴도 등을 복합적으로 적용하여 처리하였다. 결과를 평균값 중심으로 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 주요 상담자는 ‘학교 이외의 상담전문기관’이 가장 높게 나타났으며, 상담 횟수는 규정하기 보다 ‘필요시 수시’하는 것을 선호하였다. 상담형태 및 방법으로는 ‘1:1’로 ‘개인상담’하는 것에 의견이 수렴되었다. 주요하게 다룰 상담내용으로는 ‘문제행동 ‘, 상담자의 역량은 ‘교육관련 질문에 답할 수 있는 전문성’이 가장 높았다. 상담지원체계에 대해 ‘온라인 전문가 상담’과 ‘외부전문가 정기 상담 기회 제공’이 두드러졌다. 결과에 따른 논의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 장애학생 학부모 주요 상담자로서의 특수교사 역량 강화. 둘째, 전문가 컨설테이션 활용과 관련 정보 제공 인프라 구축. 셋째, 장애학생 학부모 상담의 운영 체계 정립 등이다. The purpose of this study is to examine how to effectively provide parent counseling services that promote the development and adaption of students with disabilities. For this purpose, the research team conducted a two-round Delphi study. The panel of expert participants includes 22 parents of students with disabilities, 8 special education teachers with more than 10 years of experience, and 4 other related professionals (e.g., superintendents). The initial Delphi survey was comprised of 40 predebriefing statements relating to the implementation of parent counseling in seven areas, such as main providers, frequency of sessions, formats, approaches, topics, proficiency, and counseling support systems. Expert panelists used the five-point Likert scale to indicate agreement with each statement. Each statement was analyzed quantitatively by mean rank with standard deviation, skewness, content validity ratio, degree of agreement, and degree of convergence. The research results were as follows: Considering the mean score of each statement, panel participants agreed that parents should be provided counseling by a specialized counselor outside of the school system, at any time the parents need it. They agreed that the one-on-one counseling format would be the most effective. The panelists identified the necessity of parent counseling services for children’s challenging behaviors as the primary topic of concern. The panelists agreed that the most important competency in counselors is the ability to answer parents’ education-related questions. Regarding the development of abroader system to support local parent counseling, the panelists agreed that national and local public education agencies should facilitate online expert consultation groups, and provide parent counseling sessions on a regular basis. Based on the findings of this research, the authors discuss strengthening the proficiency of special education teachers in providing parent counseling, using outside consultants to support parents and creating an online infrastructure (e.g. information resource center) for parents, and establishing a parent counseling system in local school districts for parents of students with disabilities.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        의료 전문직 윤리교육과 합리적인 의료오류보고 체계 마련을 통한 의료분쟁의 예방 -일개 지역응급의료센터 의료오류보고 체계를 통한 민원 분석-

        황순영 ( Soon Young Hwang ),배현아 ( Bae Hyun A ) 한국의료윤리학회 2008 한국의료윤리학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Purpose: Claims of malpractice and medical error are on the rise in South Korea. In this paper we argue that, in order to prevent or reduce such medical disputes, ethical education must be strengthened and an effective system for reporting medical errors must be established. Method: The research subjects for this study were patients who complained of inadequate treatment at the emergency center of one Korean hospital between January 2006 and December 2007. The complaints of these subjects were examined in order to determine the nature and cause of the complaints, including any human factors that led to the complaints. Result: A total 54 complaints were reported. Among these, "unkindness" was the most frequently reported complaint. In 27 (49%) of the cases, the cause of the complaint was traced to a human factor, with "lack of explanation" and "bad attitude" totally 69% of the cases. Such complaints were resolved by a variety of methods, including further explanations, apologies, reduction or exemption from the cost of treatment or asking for assistance from related departments. Conclusion: Patients that experience medical errors tend to lose trust in the doctor-patient relationship, which hinders the resolution of such medical errors. This study emphasizes the need to strengthen ethical education and establish a proper procedure for reporting medical errors in order to prevent and resolve medical error and the disputes to which they give rise.

      • KCI등재

        ADHD 아동의 친사회적 도덕추론능력과 친사회적 행동

        황순영 ( Soon Young Hwang ),홍경의 ( Kyoung Ui Hong ) 한국정서.행동장애아교육학회(구.한국정서학습장애아교육학회) 2010 정서ㆍ행동장애연구 Vol.26 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 ADHD 아동의 친사회적 도덕추론능력 및 친사회적 행동의 발달정도가 일반아동에 비해 어떠한지를 알아봄으로써 ADHD 아동의 도덕교육의 방향을 제시하는 데 있다. 이를 위하여 일반아동 15명과 ADHD 아동 11명을 대상으로 친사회적 도덕추론능력검사와 친사회적 행동 검사를 실시하였다. 그 결과, 친사회적 도덕추론능력에 있어서는 ADHD 아동이 일반아동에 비하여 통계적으로 유의미한 차이로 낮음을 알 수 있었고, 친사회적 행동에서는 ADHD 아동과 일반아동 간에 통계적으로 유의미한 차이는 없었다. 또한 ADHD 아동의 친사회적 도덕추론능력과 친사회적 행동 간의 상관관계는 통계적으로 유의미한 정적 상관이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로, ADHD 아동에게 도덕적 가치를 습득하고 내면화할 수 있는 친사회적 도덕추론능력과 행동발달을 위한 인지중심의 도덕 교육과 공감능력을 강화하는 교육적 프로그램을 교육현장에서 실시하는 방안을 제안하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine pro-social moral reasoning and pro-social behavior of ADHD children. Major questions of this study are as follows. Firstly, are there any differences on Pro-social Moral Reasoning between ADHD children and general children?, Secondly, are there any differences on Pro-social Behavior between ADHD children and general children?, Thirdly, what is the Pearson correlation between Pro-social Moral Reasoning and Pro-social Behavior of ADHD children? The research objects for this study consisted of 11 ADHD children who were diagnosed as ADHD by a psychiatrist and 15 general children. the Pro-social Moral Reasoning and the Pro-social Behavior tests were executed respectively to children with ADHD and general children. The results of this research can be suiaarized as follows. Firstly, Pro-social Moral Reasoning of ADHD children showed statistiHD ly signifiHDnt differenceial Bared with that of general children. Secondly, even though the precedent studies have showed that ADHD children`s Pro-social Behavior is low compared with that of general children, what was shown in this study was there was not any statistically significant difference between them. Thirdly, Pearson correlation between Pro-social Moral Reasoning and Pro-social Behavior of ADHD children was statistically significant positive correlation.

      • KCI등재

        사회과학분야 : 무용전공자의 유투브 이용 동기가 지각된 유용성 및 활용의도에 미치는 영향

        황순영 ( Soon Young Hwang ) 한국무용과학회 2014 한국무용과학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        이 연구는 무용전공자의 유투브 이용 동기와 지각된 유용성 및 활용의도와의 관계를 구조적으로 검토하여 예술적 차원에서는 무용예술과 테크놀로지와의 조화에, 무용교육적 차원에서는 테크놀로지를 이용한 새로운 교육방법론과 무용현장에서의 무용전문화에 실용적인 정보를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 연구대상은 전국의 4년제 대학에 재학 중인 무용전공자들이며, 327명의 자료가 활용되었다. 가설검증을 위한 통계방법은 AMOS를 이용한 확인적요인분석(confirmatory factor analysis; CFA)과 구조방정식모형분석(structural equation model; SEM)을 실시하였다. 이러한 절차와 방법으로 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 무용전공자의 유투브 이용 동기 유형 중 흥미성, 경제성, 정보획득성 요인은 지각된 유용성에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으며, 특히 정보획득성 요인이 지각된 유용성에 가장 큰 영향을 미친다. 둘째, 무용전공자의 유투브 이용 동기 유형 중 경제성 요인이 활용의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으나, 흥미성과 정보획득성은 활용의도에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않는다. 셋째, 무용전공자의 유투브 이용에 있어서 지각된 유용성은 활용의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 넷째, 무용전공자의 유투브 이용에 있어서 정보탐색만족도는 활용의도에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. This study attempts to identify the determinants of dancers`` intentions for using YouTube in a sense of combining the use value of the social media with the specialization of dance education. Therefore, it aims to make a structural examination of how the motives for dancers`` use of YouTube were related to their perceived usefulness, information search satisfaction, and the intentions to use. It is intended to provide practical information on the harmony between dance art and technology at the artistic level, a new educational methodology using technology at the dance education level and dance specialization in the dance field. To attain the purpose of this study, the questionnaire research was conducted for the dancers in the 4-year college across the country. They were selected in convenience sampling and 327 questionnaires were used for final analysis. To test the hypothesis, confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) and structural equation model(SEM) were conducted using AMOS. As a result, the following conclusion was drawn: First, it was found that the types of dancers`` motives for using YouTube such as interest, economics and information acquisition factors had a positive effect on perceived usefulness, especially that the information acquisition factor had the greatest effect on perceived usefulness. Second, it was found that the economics factor, one of the types of dancers`` motives for using YouTube, had a positive effect on the intention to use, but that interest and information acquisition factors had no significant effect on the intention to use. Third, it was found that perceived usefulness in dancers`` use of YouTube had a positive effect on the intention to use.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 통합학급 수학수업에서 수학교사의 교수적 수정의 실행도

        황순영 ( Soon Young Hwang ),이미아 ( Mi A Lee ) 한국특수아동학회 2011 특수아동교육연구 Vol.13 No.4

        This study investigated the level of execution of instructional adaptation for exceptional students at the scene of their mathematics class. The subjects are 103 mathematics teachers who answered to the questionnaire, working in middle schools in Busan or Ulsan where the special classes are facilitated, and the tool is a questionnaire, ``Perception and instructional adaptation of middle school mathematics teachers on inclusive mathematics education for exceptional students``. Frequency analysis is used to process collected data. The results of this study are as follows: Regarding the level of execution of adapting instruction, the ``adaptation of instructional environment`` was the most frequently executed type as average 3.04 out of the highest possible score of 5 points. Whereas, the ``Modification of the contents of professor`` was recognized most rarely executed type as average 1.83 out of 5 points. Based on the results of this study, various knowledges and strategies of instructional adaptation that can be used in actual mathematics class situations should be widely spread. various educational software should be developed for mathematics learning of students with special needs and made widely available.

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