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      • KCI등재


        황광길 ( Kwang Gil Hwang ) 한국일어일문학회 2014 日語日文學硏究 Vol.88 No.1

        效率的な言語運用のために、日本語にも文、文節、單語、形態素のような單位が設定されている。我□はこの單位を適切に利用して成功的なコミュニケ□ションを作ることができると言える。しかし、談話中の單位設定は上のような單位に限られるものではない。時□連續した二つの形態素を一つの單位として認識していることもあれば、そのあいだに積極的に段落を置こうとすることもありうる。小論では形態素間の段落または連續に關わる樣□のシグナルを斷續の指標として呼ぶことにする。音聲言語としての日本語で斷續の指標は、音配列規則に關わる場合と、形態素の境界の語形變化、そして形態素の內部の語形變化とに分けて考えることができる。まず、音配列規則に關わる場合としては、語頭のラ行音や濁音の問題、そして母音連續の問題が斷續に關わる役割を擔っている。次に形態素の境界の語形變化としては、連濁をはじめ連聲や音便、子音揷入などをあげることができる。最後に單位內部の語形變化としては、ハ行轉呼音と長母音化がやはり談話中の斷續の指標として機能していると言えよう。 The segmentation is one of most basical features of language. To complete the successful communication, we should make pauses in the discourse. In Japanese language, they make a practical or phychological pause at the beginning or ending of bunsetsu, word, and morpheme. But besides them, we can use other signals to show pauses. and We also use some signals to show without pauses. I want to call them as signals of stopping and connecting. In Japanese language, there are many signals related to stopping and connecting. They are phonotatics and the changes shown at a morpheme boundry and structure of morpheme. About phonotatics, there are some problems, r-sound and dakuon represented at the beginning of word, and hiatus problem. At the morpheme boundry, there are phonological changes, renndaku, renzyou and insertion of sokuon. These phonological changes have functions to represent the association of two morphemes. At the structure of morpheme, a long sounded vowel and hagyotenkouon have a close relationship with connection and stopping of morpheme.

      • KCI등재

        일본어투 용어순화의 어려움

        황광길 ( Hwang Kwang-gil ) 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2017 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.72

        We should solve two problems to control Japanese style words used in Korea. First, we have to know what kind of Japanese style words are using in Korea. Second, we also have to know the thought of Korean about Japanese style words. In other words, many Korean accept some kind of Japanese words as a Chinese characters and other ones as a Japanese characters. we usually say the former with Japanese pronunciation, and the later with Korean`s pronunciation. I think it is very important to distinguish between Japanese pronunciation words and Korean pronunciation words. Over 95% of Japanese pronunciation words, we already use Korean words instead of Japanese style words. But in case of Korean pronunciation words, we are still using many Japanese style words Because we can not figure out all of Japanese style words used in Korea, so it is difficult to replace all of Japanese style words to refined Korean words. and even though we can replace Japanese words to Korean words, it is not suitable to replace mechanically. I think it is better to place language market than artificial change.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        일본어투 용어순화에 대해서 - 일본 고유어가 한국에서 한자어로 수용된 것을 중심으로 -

        황광길 ( Hwang Kwang-gil ) 한국일어일문학회 2017 日語日文學硏究 Vol.100 No.1

        In Korean language, there are many Chinese words. A lot of them are imported from China a long time ago. and some of them are imported from Japan recently. For example we can say "가료(加療), 견학(見學), 납입(納入), 매점(賣店), 시사(示唆), 운임(運賃)" as chinese words from japan. And we can find another type of chinese word from Japan. As an another type we can say "견적(見積), 대폭(大幅), 명도(明渡), 수취(受取), 입장(立場)". The first type is used as Chinese word in Japan, but the second type is not used as Chinese words, second type is Japanese own word. The second type words are imported to korea as follow. 명도 : 「あけわたし>明け渡し>明渡し>明渡」, 수취 : 「受け取り>受取り>受取」 Until now many Koreans insist that the words such as "견적(見積), 대폭(大幅), 명도(明渡), 수취(受取), 입장(立場)" should be replaced by Korean own words, because they are imported from Japan. But I can`t agree with such opinion. I would like say the reason as follows. First, they are included in Japanese word originally, but most koreans acknowledge them as not Japanese word, but Chinese words. and they have played an important role as Chinese words for a long time. Second, it is very hard to collect all words actually. Conclusively, when we try to decide if we use them or not, we have to consider the effect of them and the hardness to memorize them. If the effect is bigger than hardness, it is very natual to use them.

      • 高等學校 日本語敎育用 基本語彙調査資料

        黃光吉 단국대학교 단국일본연구학회 1999 일본의언어와문학 Vol.5 No.-

        고등학교의 일본어교재에서 사용되고 있는 어휘는 대부분 일본어학습을 위한 기본적인 것으로 교육부가 제시한 어휘의 범위에 포함되어 있기는 하지만 현재 사용되고 있는 8종 교재를 각각 조사해 보면 교재별로 어휘가 편중되게 나타나고 있다든지 매우 기본적인 어휘가 누락되어 있는 등 여러 가지 문제점을 내포하고 있다. 이러한 문제들은 일본어교재에 대해 사용할 수 있는 어휘의 상한선에 대해서는 규정을 하고 있지만 누락되면 곤란한 어휘 즉 일본어학습 초급단계에서 가능한 한 제시하는 것이 바람직한 어휘에 대해서는 언급이 없기 때문에 발생하는 것이다. 본 조사에서는 필수적인 기본어휘를 조사 판단하기 위해서 우선 현행 8종 일본어Ⅰ중에서 7종을 대상으로 하여 어휘의 출현여부를 조사하였다. 또한 어휘가 본문 중에 나타나는 경우가 본문이외에 실려있는 경우와 비교해 학습자에게 중요하게 인식되는 정도가 휠씬 더하리라 생각되므로 본문 중에 나타나는 어휘의 빈도수를 중심으로 하여 조사를 실시하였다.

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