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      • 열처리 및 트립신 첨가로 야기된 유청 단백질의 전기영동적 변화

        홍윤호,홍승희 全南大學校家政科學硏究所 2002 生活科學硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        In order to study the reaction behavior of the mixtures of bovine (β-Lg) with holo-α-lactalbumin (α-La) and apo-α-locatalbumin during heat treatment, samples were heated at 85℃ for 10 min, added trypsin and trypsin inhibitor, and then they were analyzed using sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In the other trial, the β-Lg was pre-heated at 85℃ for 10 min, mixed with α-La, heated at 85℃ for 10 min, and treated the same as above described. The electrophoretic pattern showed that the intensity of loss of β-Lg was higher than the a α-La with increasing reaction time. Loss rate of apo-α-La-β-Lg mixture was higher than that of holo-α-La-β-Lg mixture. When the mixture was heated and added trypsin, appeared some bands of about 26.3 kDa, and 14.0 kDa which is smaller than the α-La(14.2 kDa). When the β-Lg was pre-heated 85℃ for 10min, mixed with α-La, and treated the same as other samples, appeared some bands of about 26.3 kDa, 21.5 kDa, and 14.0 kDa which is smaller than that of the α-La. The loss rate of the apo-α-La-β-Lg mixture was higher than that of holo-α-La-β-La mixture. It is assumed that the β-La was already denatured by pre-heating and influenced little on the apo-α-La, and there for the apo-α-La-β-La mixture was more easily attacked by the enzyme.

      • 산성강하물의 침착량과 동태 해명에 관한 연구 -춘천과 서울 강우의 화학조성 비교 : Comparison of Chemical Composition of Rain Water between Chunchon and Seoul

        김만구,강미희,임양석,박기준,황훈,이보경,홍승희,이동수 江原大學校 附設 環境硏究所 1999 環境硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        The rain water samples were collected at Chunchon and Seoul by using wet only automatic sampler from January 1996 through December 1997. The daily base rain water samples collected over than 95% rainy events during the whole period. The samples were measured both pH and conductivity, and were analysed major ionic components, SO₄^(2-), NO₃^(-), Cl^(-), NH₄^(+), Ca^(2+), Na^(+) and K ^(+), by ion chromatography. In 1996, about 77% sampled rain water showed below pH 5.6 and the 60% of rain water was lower than pH 5.0. The volume weighted average pH was 4.7 at all sites. In 1997, the volume weighted average pH was 4.6 and 4.9 at Seoul and Chunchon, respectively. Among the rain water samples, 87% and 55% of samples showed below than pH 5.6 and 5.0, respectively. The pH value of Chunchon was significantly (p<0.05) lower than Seoul at the rain samples for less than 20 ㎜ rainfall. However conductivity of the rain samples were 20.9 μS/㎝ for 1996 and 27.7 μS/㎝ for 1997 at Seoul, and 19.1 μS/㎝ for 1996 and 14.1 μS/㎝ for 1997 at Chunchon. H₂SO₄AND HNO₃CONTRIBUTED 65.9% and 29.6% of free acidity at Seoul, respectively. The ratio of [NO₃^(-)]/[nss-SO₄^(2-)] were 0.43 at Seoul and 0.51 at Chunchon for rain samples for less than 20 ㎜ rainfall. The annual wet deposition of Cl^(-), NO₃^(-), SO₄^(2-), H^(+), Na^(+), NH₄^(+), K ^(+), Mg^(2+) and Ca^(2+), respectively, 568.8 ㎏/㎢, 1489.3 ㎏/㎢, 3184.8 ㎏/㎢, 20.9 ㎏/㎢, 249.4 ㎏/㎢, 1091.2 ㎏/㎢, 189.8 ㎏/㎢, 90.2 ㎏/㎢, and 702.4 ㎏/㎢ at Seoul for 1996; 656.4 ㎏/㎢, 2029.7 ㎏/㎢, 3280.7 ㎏/㎢,27.2 ㎏/㎢, 229.4 ㎏/㎢, 1063.9 ㎏/㎢, 106.9 ㎏/㎢, 7802 ㎏/㎢, and 645.3 ㎏/㎢, at Seoul for 1997; 116.9 ㎏/㎢, 983.3 ㎏/㎢, 1797.0 ㎏/㎢, 21.4 ㎏/㎢, 83.2 ㎏/㎢, 648.1 ㎏/㎢, 78.0 ㎏/㎢, 22.2 ㎏/㎢ and 368.8 ㎏/㎢ at Chunchon for 1996; 100.2 ㎏/㎢, 1077.6 ㎏/㎢, 1754.0 ㎏/㎢, 13.4 ㎏/㎢, 146.0 ㎏/㎢, 602.3 ㎏/㎢, 88.8 ㎏/㎢, 16.2 ㎏/㎢ and 206.8 ㎏/㎢ at Chunchon for 1997.

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