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      • KCI등재
      • 법률이야기(legal story)의 정치성과 가족주의 이데올로기 -최찬식 신소설을 중심으로-

        홍순애 ( Sun Ae Hong ) 시학과 언어학회 2014 시학과 언어학 Vol.28 No.-

        Focusing on the narrative structure of Choi Chansik``s Shinsosul (a new-style novel) which represents the perception of law from courtroom stories of the time, this paper argues that a ``judicial improvement‘ under the politics of the Japanese Government General had an intention to implant imperial law and order, and nurture national grounding in Korea. In shinsosul, law often punishes antagonists who try to threaten the foundation of family, while leading to family members`` reunion in the process of trials against them. The law described in Choi Chansik``s shinsosul also empowers a modern family to pursue stability and solidarity among the members, and strengthens a family system. Based on this orientation, Choi Chansik``s shinsosul shows that the value of family could be recovered under the politics of Government General with colonial law and order. In addition, Korean people could join the empire as imperial people also within the judicial protection. While Choi Chansik``s shinsosul celebrates the birth of a new family in a nation-state, the resettled family and revisited familism under the colonial law and order reveals how his fantasy was created by blind loyalty for imperial law, and how he was captivated by the Government General``s political plan based on a judicial improvement.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        근대계몽기 지리적 상상력과 서사적 재현

        홍순애(Sun Ae Hong) 한국현대소설학회 2009 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.40

        This thesis discusses the aspects and meanings of the imagination of geography and maps in the modern period of enlightenment, represented in historical fictional biographies and new-style novels. Maps, as the process to extend political colonial government of a modern nation with the copied picture of territory as its first step, and to express it on a picture, plainly show the cracking spot of Korean Empire during the modern period of enlightenment. In the historical fictional biographies, the imagination on maps was represented politically, claiming to stand for the territorial frontier spirit in a national scale, by Chae-ho Shin, Ji-yeon Jang and Eun-sik Park. The interest and geographical knowledge on territory in the modern period of enlightenment were related to national power and combined with the intention to interpret it in the situation where the nation was at the crisis of loss, and where the national system was being threatened, and became a substitute reflecting the reality of Korean Empire. In the new-style novels, the imagination of maps became descriptive in terms of culture, accepted as a part of extension of space and the experiences of the others, experiences in an alien land, overseas sightseeing, and study abroad. The future was predicted from a positive viewpoint because students studying abroad were encouraged to transmit the new knowledge and the civilization there. In other words, in the new-style fictions, the world was viewed globally, not locally, through the imagination of maps. Therefore, the world expressed on maps is not the world itself, but the world as a meaning, the world seen, read, and interpreted by humans, and can be said to be a collective symbol displaying how a society recognizes the world. In the novels of the modern period of enlightenment, geographical ideas became meaningful as a local space of territory, and as an international space of the western world and foreign countries, by originating from the spatial dynamics of maps, which made it possible to think the world and `myself` as objects.

      • KCI등재

        근대소설의 형성과 연설의 미디어적 연계성 연구

        홍순애(Sun Ae Hong) 한국현대소설학회 2009 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.42

        This paper examines the process in which speeches as a media was used as a political propaganda by the colonial power under colonialism in the 1910s since the Japanese annexation of Korea, and then linked to the cultural movement by colonized intellectuals for the reformation of civilization and the cultivation of ability. Also, the process of the change in the speeches from a verbal text focusing on the present condition to a literature genre through the correspondence in the style of speaking. In the 1910s, oratorical meetings were led by the colonial power and used for the system of assimilation and mobilization for the purpose of colonization, centered on 『Maeilsinbo』 and 『Gyeonghakwon』. On the other hand, the preparatory discourse for the enlightenment of the people and the cultivation of competence was diversified to lectures and oratorical contests, centered on 『ChungChun』 and 『Hakjigwang』, and became spread among the masses and students studying abroad. And in relation to the formation of modern novels, speeches became connected to the early epistolary narration and formed the genre of the speech-letters. The letters in the speaking style were written when the characteristics of speeches in the way to call the audience in speeches, of telling in a colloquial style, and to focus on pathos were combined with the properties of letters of confession whose receivers were assumed fictionally and in which human heart were delivered through a sensitive language. It stands in the compromising point between the enlightenment by the intellectuals` viewpoints on education emphasizing the cultivation of ability under colonization and the aesthetics of literature focusing on affection. It`s also a style explaining the 1910s as the early form of modern novel, and the ground for the discussion on the relation between media and literature.

      • KCI등재

        한국 근대 여행담론의 형성과 '수양론'의 실천적 논리

        홍순애(Sun Ae Hong) 한국현대소설학회 2011 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.48

        The discourse on discipline, heavily discussed in 『Cheongchoon (a literaty magazine)』, is in line with the legacy of 『Cheongryeon Haguhoe (A group for self-disciplining of young people)』, which emphasized learning and action. As the country was colonized and no political action was allowed, intellectuals of the time suggested self-discipline to young people, and the principle in turn encouraged them to learn and act on what they learned. The self-discipline principle that reiterated internal growth by knowledge and physical growth by exercise proposed travel as a tool for the young people to experience and grow themselves. The needs for travelling across the country came from the needs for more experiences against the back drop of the ever-expanding imperialism. A journey across the colony is a journey to see the country firsthand, and an effort to establish a new symbol of the colonized country, Joseon. Travel made it possible for young people to recognize the territory through geographic imagination and presented the situation of the country upfront. This also implies politics of space, showing how the spacial acculturation took place between the invading and the invaded. Therefore, the travel records published in 『Cheongchoon』 were alternatives to shed light on the world from the colonized country, and efforts to appropriate the land of Joseon by dividing it into pieces.

      • KCI등재

        근대계몽기 외국인 여행서사의 표상체계와 문화상대주의 -러시아 가린- 미하일롭스키의 『한국, 만주, 랴오둥반도 기행』을 중심으로-

        홍순애 ( Sun Ae Hong ) 한민족문화학회 2010 한민족문화연구 Vol.34 No.-

        본고는 근대계몽기 러시아 문호 가린-미하일롭스키의 조선여행기에 내재된 제국주의 관점의 분열양상과 문화상대주의적 담론을 살펴보았다. 1880~1900년대에 쓰여진 러시아인의 조선 여행기들은 『한국지』에 수록되어 러시아 한국학의 기초적인 자료가 되었다. 그 중 가린의 여행기는 탐사를 목적으로 하는 정치적 성격의 보고서와는 별도로 기획되어 서술되었으며, 이 과정에서 고백의 일기체 구성은 하나의 사건과 공간을 중심으로 하는 1인칭의 소설형식으로 문학텍스트를 형성하고 있다. 여행기에 서술되고 있는 `호머의 시대`, `아이`, `돈키호테`의 표상은 단순하게 제국주의적인 시선의 노출이라기보다는 역사와 문화적 상황을 감안한 결과로써 제국주의적 시선의 다양한 층위와 분열의 양상을 드러내고 있다. 또한 가린은 주민과의 관계형성과 제도의 관심, 전설과 민담의 채록을 통해 조선인의 가치관·세계관을 이해하고, 타자의 언어를 사용함으로써 문화상대주의적 시각에 의해 여행기를 서술하고 있다. 이러한 담론의 특징으로 인해 가린의 여행기는 제국주의 세력 확장을 위한 보고서가 아닌 문학적 텍스트로 차별화 된다. 따라서 근대계몽기 여행서사는 사실과 환상, 제국주의와 문화상대주의의 관점 사이에서 진동하고 유동하며 재생산되었다고 할 수 있다. In this paper, the genealogy and the descriptive characteristics of Koreanology in Russia expressed in the Joseon travelogue written by Garin―Mihajlovsky`s, a Russian author of the modern period of enlightenment were examined, and the aspects of split imperialistic viewpoints and those of the discourse of cultural relativity inherent in the travelogue were investigated into. Numerous exploration and travel notes became the basic data for the Koreanology in Russia in 1880s and 1890s, and formed the genealogy by publishing 『Records on Korea』. In Garin`s travelogue, the travel notes on experiences of the culture of Joseon were planned and written separately from the report for the purpose of exploration, and in this process, the structure of the confessional journal writing style forms a literature text in the style of a novel in the first person, centered on one happening and one space. The symbols in `The Age of Homer`, `A Child`, and `Don Quixote` are the results of giving consideration to the historical and cultural situation, rather than the simple exposure of an imperialistic viewpoint, and display different levels and aspects of division in the imperialistic viewpoints. In addition, Garin`s travelogue is different from others in that it tried to describe from the angle of cultural relativity by analyzing the value system and the levels of cognizance of Joseon through the relationship with authorities, conversation with residents, and recording legends and folk tales.

      • KCI등재

        『신생(新生)』의 지향과 “조선적인 것”의 탐색

        홍순애(Sun Ae Hong) 한국현대소설학회 2012 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.51

        This study focuses on the semantic network of linguistic or cultural elements that were inherent in people`s interest in things Joseon developed in the mid- to late 1920s. The insight on things Joseon developed through a magazine called ``Shin Seng`` in the 1920s triggered Hangul Movement as a start and spread into history, culture and literature, announcing the beginning of the Movement for Korean Studies of the 1930s`. which was constituted with writing staff from the ``Association of Korean Studies`` expressed their interest in reconstitution of ``Joseon spirit``, constructing things Joseon starting from Korean language. It was related to the building of cultural image of Joseon, which was deployed from the viewpoint that the originality of Joseon should be discovered, excluding things influenced by Japan or western world. And many travelogues during that period described things Joseon centering the culture and sensitivity in relation to self representation, showing the transfer process of the space of loftiness and national symbols becoming places for personal enjoyment. The travelogues reproducing things Joseon describe daily scenes of Korean people of that era, recapitulating the sentiments of people inherent in the places. In other words, those travelogues were closely related with the daily lives of people, constructing things Joseon, not with the rationality of enlightenment nor in the level of loftiness. Therefore, the ``Shin Seng`` can be regarded as a part of efforts to express more familiar inner sentiments of Koreans, with the significance of having the sense of reality of the place and time.

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