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        한국과 일본의 언어권(言語権)의 관점에서 본 다문화주의 -캐나다의 사례와 비교하여-

        형진의(邢鎭義) 한국일본문화학회 2020 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.86

        Linguistic rights mean using and learning languages personally, publicly, and freely. And it means the right to exchange with them. Minority declared the right not to be discriminated based on languages in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After this, problems for linguistic minorities were raised in the two declarations. They are legally non-binding, but they are meaningful in that the problems about languages were raised. And they formed the foundation of the Universal Declaration of linguistic rights. Canada implemented pioneering multicultural policies. It evaluated multiculture with social resources and implemented active policies and heritage language education. However, it currently suspended heritage language education because dissent of it was strong in it. It is difficult to keep minorities’ linguistic rights. Discussion on linguistic rights has not begun in Korea. Heritage language education has been implemented focusing on the Korean language. it has been a little bit done in the Japanese language. Korea has little interest in heritage language education of various languages. The Linguistic rights Society was established in Japan in 1998 and discussion on linguistic rights has been actively done. Heritage language education is done focusing on the Japanese language, but in some areas, heritage language education of Chinese, Spanish, Korean, etc. Heritage language education is good to be implemented in the public education system.

      • KCI등재

        『국체의 본의』에 관한 일고찰

        형진의(邢鎭義) 한국일본문화학회 2018 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.76

        “kokutai no hongi” is a textbook of “kokutai” ideology, published by the Ministry of Education, Japan in 1937. It was published as a textbook of spiritual education for expanding imperialism. The publication aimed to clarify “kokutai” and cultivate national spirit in “people.” “Kokutai” means the thought Tenno of unbroken rules Japan. Japanese “kokutai” refers to fiction based on mythology. However, “kokutai” thought was clarified in “kokutai no hongi”. In the first year of its publication, 300,000 copies were published. A total of 2,000,000 copies were published until 1945 and distributed to Chosen, Taiwan, and occupied territories. The Board of Education instructed that national history, geography, Japanese, etc. should be taught at schools and that “kokutai no hongi” should be widely disseminated in instructions, lectures, and classes of all types of events. The book was prohibited by GHQ on December 15, 1945. However, after the 2000s, Japanese society has become conservative, and “kokutai no hongi” is being focused upon again and “kokutai” thought is raising. Therefore, “kokutai no hongi” needs to be critically considered.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        近代日本の「國語」槪念の成立と文法 -所謂三大文法家の言語關を中心に

        형진의 한국일본근대학회 2014 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.46

        近代日本における「國語」は上田万年によってもたらされた, 「日本人の精神的血液」, 「國語」=「母語」というイデオロギ一の上に成り立っている。「國語」構築においては「國語調査委員會」が中心となって「音」を中心とする西洋言語學に基づいた文法분系を立てた。 山田孝雄は「國語」=「日本人の思想」と捉えている。「永遠に一つ」である「國語」文法は解くものではなく, 「感じる」ものととらえる。國家主義的な言語關が文法硏究を支配しているといえる。 時枝誠記は, 文法硏究の基盤を本居宣長など近世の文法硏究においている。西洋言語學がもたらした文法분系を批判して日本の歷史と全統から日本語の분系を見出す考え方なのである。「言語過程設」に代表される「言語の本質」は「日本人」を想定した, 國家主義的言語關であるといえる。 「學校文法」として知られる橋本進吉は, 「音成」を中心とする分析的な분系を採用しており, 文法を意味的·心理的な面からとらえる山田文法や時枝文法とは異なる。なお, 「國語」=「日本思想」のような言語關も橋本文法には見當たらない。 Modern Japan`s national language was established on the Ueda Mannen`s ideology that the national language is Japanese`s spiritual blood and the mother tongue. Led by “The Language Research Committee”, the grammar system of “The national language” was established based on the Western linguistics which center on “sounds”Yamada Yoshio considers “The national language” as “Ideology of the Japanese”. He saw the “Forever-one-and-only” grammar of “The national language” as something to be felt rather than be analyzed. It can be said that the nationalistic view on language is dominating the study of grammar. Tokieda Motoki binds the base of grammar research to the modern grammar-based study like that of Motoori Norinaga. He criticized the grammar system influenced by Western linguistics and strived to discover the system of Japanese language from the history and traditions of Japan. Hashimoto Shinkichi, who is famous for “School grammar”, built an analytic grammar system which focuses on the “sounds”. His view is different from that of Yamadana Dokieda who analyses the grammar based on semantic and psychological aspects. Also, there is no “The national language=Idea of Japanese” like linguistic viewpoint found in Hisimoto`s grammar.

      • KCI등재


        邢鎭義(Hyong, Jin-I) 한국일본문화학회 2022 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.95

        The national language of the modern nation-state is based on the idea that it unites the people. “Kokugokokujimondai” has posed a problem since the early Meiji period in constructing the national language in Japan. There was an argument for the abolition of Chinese characters. Moreover, there were arguments in favor of using kanamoji and Roman characters. After all, Chinese characters have not been abolished until now. The colloquial style is completed after the standard language is decided. The standard Japanese language was created by <National Language Research Committee>. The language of Tokyo was set as the standard language, and the standard language was determined based on that. It is worth noting that today the concept of ‘correct language’ is artificial.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        邢鎭義 한양대학교 일본학국제비교연구소 2016 비교일본학 Vol.37 No.-

        근대 국민국가 일본의 ‘국어’ 구축 과정에서 가장 중요 과제는 언어 규범을 만들고 표준어를 제정하는 것이다. 표준어 제정을 위하여 1902년에 설립된 ‘국어조사위원회’는 일본에서 처음으로 방언조사를 실시하고, 그것을 기반으로 ‘도쿄의 교육 받은 사람들의 말’이라는새로운 언어를 제정하였다. 그러나 ‘도쿄의 교육 받은 사람들의 말’이라는 것은 매우 애매하고 인위적인 개념이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 도쿄 말이 곧 표준어라는 인식은 논쟁의 대상이 되지 않고 오늘날까지 계속되고 있다. 표준어로서의 지위는 언어로부터 나오는 것이 아니라 수도, 즉 도쿄로부터 나오는 것이다. 상용한자 규범 역시 한자 그 자체에 의한 인식이 아니고 중국에 대한 인식, 그리고 일본어에 대한 언어관에 의해 정해지는 것이다. In the process to establish ‘national language’ of modern nation-state, Japan, the most important task is to enact standard language as a linguistic norm. For the enactment of standard language, ‘national language inquiry committee’ established in 1902 conducted a survey of dialects firstly in Japan and based on it, new language of ‘words of Tokyo people educated’ was enacted. But, ‘words of Tokyo people educated’ are very vague and artificial concept. However, after then, ‘Tokyo language’=‘standard language’ has been continued, not become an object of dispute. The status for standard language is about the capital, Tokyo, not language.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        邢鎭義(Hyung, Jin-I) 한국일본문화학회 2017 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.74

        Otsuki Humihiko played the most important role in dictionary publications and grammar research in Japan. In addition, Otsuki Humihiko played a pivot of role to make standard language norms of “current language use” for establishing “national language” in modern Japan. A Theory of Japanese Grammar written in the 8<SUP>th</SUP> year of Meiji, he recognized a concept of “current language use”. And based on the concept, he conducted grammar research and dictionary publications. ‘Current language use’ is a linguistic view based on Western language studies and the view is same as the concept of “actual language use” which was central to “national language” establishment in modern Japan. Based on this linguistic viewpoint, Otsuki insisted “Kanadukai” in terms of letter improvement and led to the Kana letter movement in the 1880s. And, in the same context, the first standard language norms of Japan, “Kogo-ho” and “Kougo-ho beki”, were published. In modern countries, “national language” is a system, in which policies play a key role, extremely. Therefore, the linguistic viewpoint of the person who makes this system is important.

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