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      • 북한의 교육비와 교사충원에 관한 소고

        현인애(Hyun, Inae) 총신대학교 평화통일연구소 2020 평화통일연구 Vol.2 No.1

        최근 북한은 교육혁명을 통해 과학기술인재를 키워내고 과학기술혁명을 통해 뒤떨어진 경제를 단번에 도약시킬 목표 하에 교육발전에 많은 관심을 돌리고 있다. 북한이 교육발전을 위해 많은 관심을 돌리고 있는 분야는 대학, 학교 재건과 교사의 질적 양적 확대이다. 그 과정에 시범학교 건설, 교수의 현대화 등 외면상 변화가 많이 소개되고 있으나 실질적인 성과는 크지 않은 것으로 추론된다. 논문에서는 교육비 부족이 교육발전에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 북한에서 교사의 질적 양적 부족을 초래하고 있는 근본원인이 국가의 교육비 지출이 실질수요에 비해 터무니없이 낮은 데 있다는 것을 밝혔다. 북한에서는 교육비 부족으로 교사 저임금, 운영자금 미 공급 상태에서 교육이 진행되고 있으며 이는 교사의 이탈과 책임감 저하로 이어져 교육의 질적 저하와 교육의 양극화를 심화시키는 원인으로 되고 있다. 북한은 이 문제를 해결하기 위한 방도로 교사의 자긍심을 높여주기 위한 선전을 강화하면서 사상교양과 통제를 강화하고 대중운동으로 극복하려 하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 방법은 교사문제를 해결하는 실질적 방도로 되기는 어렵다 Recently, North Korea has been focusing a lot of attention on educational development. Its goal is to foster science and technology talents through an education revolution, which would in turn propel its lagging economy. Some of the areas in which it is looking to achieve this is by renovating universities and schools, as well as expanding the quality and quantity of teachers. In the process, many external changes are taking place including the construction of experimental schools and updating of professors’ knowledge, but results suggest that their desired effects are not that significant. This paper analyzes the impact of the lack of education spending on the development of education. It reveals that the root cause of the qualitative and quantitative shortage of teachers in North Korea lies in the state’s alarmingly low spending on education compared to actual needs. Low teacher wages and lack of operating funds is leading teachers to decrease their responsibilities and seek outside financial opportunities, which is causing the quality of education to deteriorate and become more polarized. In response, North Korea is stepping up its propaganda to enhance teachers’ self-esteem, while strengthening indoctrination and control over them. However, it is difficult to see this as a practical way of solving teachers’ problems.

      • KCI등재

        북한주민의 정치의식과 정치참여 -남녀비교를 중심으로-

        현인애 ( Inae Hyun ),전경희 ( Kyeonghiu Jun ) 북한연구학회 2016 북한연구학회보 Vol.20 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of North Korean people``s political consciousness, while analyzing and comparing characteristics of political awareness and political participation between men and women according to socio-demographic factors. Socio-demographic factors do not influence political awareness directly, but rather affect political participation; political participation affects political awareness. Regulated political participation serves to strengthen people``s political ideology for the political system. In particular, the degree of knowing party policies has a strong effect on political participation. This in turn means ideological brainwashing by authorities still works as a tool for controlling the public and sustaining the system. Age appears to be one of the most important factors affecting regulated political participation. This implies that past habitual political practices and political knowledges carry more weight among elders. Conversely, market participation and improving standards of living reinforces and expands autonomic political participation, which in turn weakens the North Korean regime. North Korean women showed lower levels in political awareness and political participation than men. But, they are more dynamic and they showed faster changes that will become an important force for changes in North Korea.

      • 북한이탈주민이 본 착한(着韓)사례

        현인애 ( Hyun Inae ) 남북하나재단 2014 연구총서 Vol.2014 No.0

        This study examines various cases of North Korean defectors’ start-up businesses to find out the factors that contribute to their success in order to help future start-up businesses. It also focuses on failed cases to find a method of minimizing negative outcomes. Moreover, it analyzes the effects of support policies on start-up businesses in order to show whether there can be an alternative way to promote defectors’ settlement. The study aims to suggest start-up business support policies based on the above findings. The research took 20 cases (15 successful and 5 failed cases) through personal connections. The study used opened questionnaires which were created with the help of professional consultants. Researchers went directly to the survey participants and interviewed them under relaxed and natural conditions. Audio files of the interviews were transcribed and contents were analyzed to derive the possible factors of success and failure. The study also examined the characteristics of North Korean defectors’ businesses and how these affected their success. North Korean defectors’ business success can be predominantly attributed to the characteristics of the business owner, which include patience, strong will, sincerity, integrity, communication skills, desire for achievement, diligence and positive attitude. The study confirmed that family is an important individual background factor. The relation between start-up and management skills showed that the importance of having long-term experience in the particular open-up business sector allowed for the business owner to study and acquire those relevant skills. Moreover, other successful factors include running a small sized business with self-controlling management; choosing a business sector that is related to something that one likes and knows well; and finding less competitive sectors through rigorous market research and financial management that add equity capital with regular checks in capital balance. The study also examined demographic and management characteristics. It found that North Korean defectors’ businesses have many similarities with migrants’ businesses. It also found that successful start-up businesses allow for high profit, promoting settlement, family stability, positive self-esteem and sense of achievement through social acknowledgement. Through these findings the study suggests that it is important to intensify prior education for North Korean defectors who are interested in start-up businesses. It includes individual development of founder and sharing cases of success and failure. In terms of supporting North Korean defectors’ start-ups with funds, it is better to support businesses which have kept several years than starters. And it is necessary to increase support for agriculturists. Furthermore, it is important to activate business peoples’ networks.

      • 북한 주민의 생활비 측정과 과제

        민기채 ( Kichae Min ),현인애 ( Inae Hyun ),김효주 ( Hyoju Kim ) 한국보건사회연구원 2021 보건복지포럼 Vol.298 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 북한 주민의 ‘소비’에 주목하여 북한 주민의 생활비용을 탐색적 차원에서 이해하고, 생활비 측정에서 제기되는 과제를 도출하는 것이다. 이를 위해 눈덩이 표집(snowball sampling) 방법을 통해 선정한 북한이탈주민 37명을 대상으로 ‘북한 주민 표준생활비 계측을 위한 기초조사’를 실시하였다. 분석 결과, 소득 원천은 장사 > 송금 > 직장 > 부업 > 수급(년로보장비) 순이었다. 가구 월 지출은 14만 7천 원(남한 원)인데, 주관적 지출로서 ‘넉넉하게 생활하자면’ 월 31만 7천 원(남한 원), ‘빠듯하게 생활하자면’ 월 8만 2천 원(남한 원)이 필요하다고 응답하였다. 식료품 지출 비율이 58.3%로 절반을 상회하였고 피복·신발비 9.9%, 주거비 및 광열·수도비 8.4%, 교양·오락비 5.2%, 교통·통신비 2.5%, 보건의료비 2.0%, 교육비 1.7% 순이었다. 전반적으로 볼 때, 남한 최저생계비 품목 중 상당한 품목들을 북한 주민들도 사용하고 있음을 확인하였다. 다만 광열·수도비, 교육비, 교양·오락비, 비소비지출 등에서 남한주민과 다르게 북한 주민이 사용하는 추가 품목들이 확인되었다. 북한 주민의 생활비 측정을 위한 과제로 북한 생활상에 부합하는 품목 개발, 가구원 수에 따른 조사, 정교한 가격 환산 등을 제시하였다. The purpose of this article is to understand the cost of living for North Koreans in an exploratory level by paying attention to the “consumption” and to derive the tasks posed by the measurement. To this end, the ‘Basic Survey for Measuring the Standard Cost of Living for North Koreans’ was conducted on 37 North Korean defectors through the snowball sampling method. Our analysis found that the sources of income include business, remittance, employment, side job, and social benefits (pension) in order of descending importance. The the average monthly household expenditure was 147,000 won (South Korean won). Food expenditures accounted for 58.3% of household expenditure, followed by clothing and footwear expenses at 9.9%, housing, heat and water expenses at 8.4%, cultural entertainment expenses at 5.2%, transportation and communication expenses at 2.5%, health and medical expenses at 2.0%, and education at 1.7%. It was also found that North Koreans were using many of South Korea's minimum cost of living items. However, additional items used by North Koreans were identified differently from South Koreans in terms of heat and water expenses, education expenses, culture and entertainment expenses, and non-consumption expenses. As tasks for measuring the cost of living for North Koreans, development of items suitable for daily life in North Korea, a survey according to the number of household members, and precise price conversion were presented.

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