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        공공보건기관의 노인보건 업무실태 분석에 관한 조사연구 -제주도내 4개 시.군 중심으로-

        현인숙,Hyun, In-Sook 한국지역사회간호학회 1999 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        This investigation & study has been made in oder to revitalilize the health care for the elderly in public health centers. The date subject, including 88 persons in charge health services in public heal centers, were from Chejudo. These were largely female, the average age was 38.4 at the health center. Their responsibilities included home visitation, nutrition management for the early, health education, and physical therapy. The most important problem were personal management and a lack of facilities, especially in home visitation, health education, physical therapy. Systematic networks of various activities are needed to encourage not only the patient but also volunteer who will also take part in these services. The numbers of members in charge of the elderly are not only to be increased and educate with facilities and equipment but also better provided with proper facilities and equipment. This is the best way to conduct health services the elderly.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노인의 인지 지능 검사에 관한 연구

        현인숙(Hyun In Sook) 한국노년학회 2000 한국노년학 Vol.20 No.3

        본 연구는 M. F. Folstein에 의해 개발된 Minimental State Scale (M. M. S)를 이용하여 인지기능을 측정하였다. 노인들의 인지기능을 측정함으로써 치매에 대한 위험요인을 사전에 파악하여 필요한 검사 등을 통하여 치매로 확진할 수 있다. 연구대상자는 면접을 통하여 인지기능 측정이 가능한 노인103명이었다. 대상자의 인지기능은 30점 만점 중 평균 20.72였다. MMS를 11개 영역으로 나누었으며, 그 결과 25점 이상은 정상, 21-24점은 치매 의심, 20점 이하를 확정적 치매로 분류하였다. 일반적 특성 중 성별(P<0.01), 연령(P<0.01), 학력(P<0.01), 약물복용(P<0.01), 음주(P<0.05)등에 따라 인지기능에 차이가 있었으며, 흡연은 인지기능에 별다른 영향을 주지 않았다. 인지기능에 영향을 미치는 영향요인을 분석하기 위하여 성별, 연령, 학력, 질병과거력, 약물, 흡연, 음주여부 등에 관한 희귀분석결과 이들 변수에 대한 설명력은 43.0%였으며 (F=10.227, P<0.01), 인지기능에 영향을 주는 변수로는 연령(P<0.01), 음주여부(P<0.01)정도였다. This study related to measured the cognitive function using Minimental State Scale(MMS) which was developed by M. F. Folstein. The subject of study was 103 people with whom it was possible to measure the cognitive function through interview. The cognitive function of subjects was average 20.72 points in perfect score 30 points. The domain of the best function was language ability when this tool was divided into 11 domains. After measuring 11 domains and regarding a people under 20 points as the dementia(11.6%), a people 21-24 as a suspected dementia(31.1%), and over 25 points as the normal(31.1). According to sex(p<0.01), age(p<0.01), academic background(p<0.01), history of disease(p<0.01), medicine intake(p<0.01) and drinking alcohol(p<0.05) among general characteristics, there was a difference in cognitive function. Smoking did not have an effect on cognitive function. As a result of regression analysis on the sex, age, academic background, medicine, smoking and drinking in order to analyze the factor having an effect on the cognitive function, the explanation about these variables was 40.3%(F=10.227 P<0.01) and the variables having an effect on the cognitive function were age(p<0.01) and drinking(p<0.01). Considering the above facts, the dementia was socially important problem as society attained an advanced age. Since the older people and the lower the cognitive function, the rate of falling dementia has growed high. Therefore at the each level of individual, society, local community and country, an effort to prevent the dementia, reinforcement of system, continuous research and development of proper program should be performed.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 노인보건의료체계 개발에 관한 연구

        현인숙(In Sook Hyun),정영일(Young Il Chung) 한국노년학회 1997 한국노년학 Vol.17 No.1

        본 연구는 65세 이상의 노인과 공공보건기관의 노인보건 담당자들에 대한 설문조사, 선진국의 노인보건의료제도 고찰 그리고 기존자료 분석을 통하여 제주도 북제주군 지역 실정을 고려하고, 노령화 시대에 대비한 노인보건의료체계를 개발하였다. 지역사회 노인보건에 대한 조사대상 노인은 558명이며, 노인보건 담당자는 총 94명을 대상으로조사하였다. 북제주군의 노인인구는 계속 증가하고 있어 2030년에는 1995년에 비해 2.7배 증가될 것이 예측되며, 이를 근간으로 노인의료수요를 추계한 결과 2030년에는 1995년에 비해 외래이용율이 약 3.2배, 입원이용율이 액 6.0배로 증가할 것으로 추정되어 이에 대한 노인의료 자원동급대책이 시급한 상태임을 알 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 노인보건의료체제개발을 위해 세계보건기구에서 제시된 5가지 요소별로 접근방안을 모색하였다. 첫째, 노인보건의료를 위한 자원의 개발로는 인력확충으로 노인의료 전담의사 양성계획, 가정간호사의 적극적인 활용, 노인보건 담당자들에 대한 인력확충 및 교육ㆍ훈련지원 그리고 자원봉사자의 개발 및 활용이 있어야 할 것이다. 노인보건 의료시설 확충으로는 노인의료수요 추계결과에 의해 2030년까지의 노인보건전문 특별시설을 공급추계하였다. 둘째, 노인보건 의료자원의 조직화는 북제주군의 경우 노인보건전문 특별시설을 수립하되, 보건의료 및 사회복지 종합실버타운 형태로 운영하도록 조직화하는 것이 바람직하다. 공공보건기관의 노인보건사업의 조직화는 보건소에 노인보건을 전담하는 담당부서(계)가 조직되고, 이 조직을 중심으로 보건소, 보건지소, 보건진료소의 노인보건행정 기관화를 체계적으로 구축해야 한다. 셋째, 노인보건 의료서비스의 제공은 1차, 2차, 3차 의료의 단계별 지원계획과 특히 물리치료실의 확충, 노인건강증진 프로그램의 개발, 노인방문 간호사업의 활성화 등이 요구되며, 공공보건기관과 민간의료기관이 노인방문 간호사업에 관한 역할분담을 하고, 이를 지원하는 체계가 개발되어야 한다. 넷째, 재정은 노인복지 증진을 위한 지역사회 자립기반을 조성하고 노인복지사업을 좀 더 활성화하기 위한 노인복지기금 마련과 노인관련시설 건축에 대한 혜택을 부여한다. 다섯째, 관리는 지역사회 노인보건사업을 계획하고 평가하기 위한 민ㆍ관 협의체제가 구성되어 지역주민의 참여를 유도하여 노인을 위한 민주적 의사결정이 이루어져야 한다. The purpose of this study is to develop health care system for the elderly in the community of Puk-cheju county in Cheju Do. The study is performed through analyzing the questionnaires on the elderly over 65 years and public health workers in public health centers, examing the health care system for the elderly in several developed countries. and reviewing related literatures. A total of the 558 elderlys were surveyed and a total of 94 health workers were also surveyed. The results indicated that, to activate the health care system for the elderly, the education of health workers need to be strenghthened, the visiting nursing service expanded, and the facilities and equipments reinforced. The elderly population of Puk-cheju county will continually be increasing and is projected 27,499 by 2030, growth by 2.7 times compared to the year 1995. In view of this projection, it is estimated that total number of visits to physician will be growing more than 3.2 times from 1995 to 2030, and total number of hospitalization days about 6.0 times for the same period. This suggested that the development of health care system for the elderly should be a top-priority policy consideration for the local as well as the national government. The study adopts the approach, suggested by WHO, that the infrastructure of health care system comprises five components and all these components should be considered in developing the system.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 濟州市內 一部 住民의 藥局 醫療保險 利用度와 醫療保險에 관한 認知度 調査硏究

        玄仁淑 제주한라대학 1991 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        This study was carried out to analysis the utilization rate of phamacy medical insurance and intellectual level of medical insurance. The purpose of this study is to increase utilization of medical insurance so that we can decrease percentage of household expenditures and is going to service to basic teaching aid for health education. The subject of this study were Cheju City citizens (160cases). The data was colletcd from 6th to 15th of January, 1992 by means of a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by percent, mean, standard deviation, chi-squre test and Anova according to the purpose of this study. The result of this study may be summorized as followes. 1. The subject of this study were charcterized an average age of 36.11, average income 920, 000 Won. Female (77.5%) were than male (22.5%). Most group of edcational level was high school (53.8%). Most group of religion was Buddhism (45.6%). Types of medical insurance were 3 types. Average utilization time of medical insurance were 17.11. 2. Phamacy is one of the first place to visit for medical treatment in general, but utilization rate of phamacy medical insurance is only 31.3%, average utilization time of phamacy medical insurance is 1.63. Causes of utilization were the most of common cold. 3. To measure intellecual level of medical insurance, items of medical insurance were made 27 items by literatural review. Mean of Intellectual level about medical insurance were 2.67(4 piont scale). 4. Regrading utilization of phamacy medical insurance of geneneral charaters (sex, age, educational level, income, type of medical insurance, ete), there were significant differencies in sex and type of medical insurance.

      • 제주도내 농어민의 건강상태와 보건의료기관의 이용실태에 관한 조사연구

        玄仁淑 제주한라대학 1992 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        This investigation analyzes the health conditions and the existence of diseases, and grasps the actual use of medical institutions of farmers and fishermen in Cheju-do, aiming to provide the basic data for the spread of medical instituitions and for the medical service of good quality. The object people of this investigation are the redents over twenty who live in the farming and fishing villages of Cheju-do. The total number of the object people is 2, 400 in 48 villages, among whom 2, 238 people have been chosen for data. The means of this investigation is a question-paper made by pre-investigation. In order to give confidence and to get stright answers, the writer has measured blood pressure and glycosuria value. The gathered data has been processed with the frequency average, standard deviation, Chi-squre test and Anova by spss/pc^(+) The results of this investigaition are as follows. 1) General Characteristics of the Subject People The average age of the object residents is 42.6 and considering the distribution of sex, the male come to 44.9%(1024 people) and the female 55.1%(1258 people). Accoring to the investigation, 616 people live in Cheju city, 547 people in the north Cheju county and 545 people in the south Cheju county. Thirst nine point nine percent of the people and 14.45 percent of the people surpass college graduates in sholarly attainments, which shows that the level of scholarly attainments is improving in the villages. The people engaging in agricuture come to 45.9% and 16.0% engagein fisheries. The average total income amount to 784, 200 won per month and average family number is 4. The people who join the communuty medical insurance come to 58.6%, Twenty five point two percent join the workers' medical insurance, 10.9% join the officials and teachers' medical insurance and 3.5% are medical beneficiaries. 2) Health Conditions and Existence of Diseases. The writer has measured "Self-assessed health", and set it into a 5-point scale where quite good health is marked "5 point" and quite had health is marked "1 point". As a result, the health conditions have turned out to be comparatively good judging from the average point "3.3". Considering the existence of deseases, the people who are sill now come ro 24.6% and the most frequant diseases are the nervous-sensory organ one (33.7%), the muscular-skeletal one (18.9%). The average length of hospitaligation is 20.52 days and the most numerous diseases which led to hospitalization are the digestive system one (30.0%), and the muscleskeletalone (12. 1%). 3) Utilization of Medical Institutions and It's Frequency The most important standard of utilizing a medical institution is the symptoms of disease (60. 5%) and the most preferable medical institution is a hospital. During the last months (after the year 1992), according to the utilize a pharmacy (2. 1 times) and a hospital (1.26 times). The residents in a county utilize a pharmacy (1.92 times), those in a subcounty also utilize a pharmacy (2. 03 times) and the residents in a village where there's a hospital utilize it (1. 53 times). 4) Degree of Perceptions of the Public Health Center and Its Utilization With regard to the degree of perceptions of health conter, this investigation has maxed "knowing-case" 2 point and "not-knowing-case" 1 point. Among the works of a public healthe center, the most popularly recongnized work is vaccination (1.69). The average marks about the eight works take 12.88 from the full marks 16. The most utilized work in a public health center is vaccination (47.4% of all), and in a health branch office and a health medical office it is general medical service. 5) The Case of Using the 3rd Medical Facilities in Other Regions The percentage of using the 3rd medical facilities except Cheju is 16.5%. Its concrete cases are as follows the diseases of nevous-sensory organ(24.5%). The use of the facilities is due to more special midical treatment (41.5%), the advice of the 1st and 2nd medical facilities(25.7%), and lacks of equirments of medical facilities within Cheju (18.0%).

      • 노인들의 건강상태 및 건강관리 방법에 관한 연구

        현인숙 제주한라대학 1998 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to develop health care method for the elderly in the community of a county. The study is performed through analyzing the questionaire on the elderly over 65 years. A total of the 541 elderlys were surveyed. Their mean age was 73.9 and their health care status was relatively good. The results of the study indicated that self - related health have been significantly associated with age, sex, absence of a paid work, absence of diseases. The results of the study indicated that their health care method have been significantly associated with controling diet, taking rest & sleep. Result from Anova analysis showed ADL be significantly associated with age, health status. This study suggested that the development of health care method for the elderly shoud be a toppriority policy consideration for the local as well as county. A plan needs to be established of the home visiting nurses in public health sector more actively utilized, and the education and training for the health workers strengthened, and the programs for the better use of volunteers developed. As for provision of health care service, physical therapy care in public health center should be expanded elderly health promotions programs, visiting nursing service activated, and the functional arrangements between the public and the private health care sector well - established. It is important to evaluate the elderly health care programs, prepare health promotion program for the elderly excluding exercise and health education ete.

      • 제주도내 보건소 보건요원의 직무만족도에 관한 조사연구

        현인숙 제주한라대학 1999 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        The Purpose of this study is to identify job satisfaction and relative factors of job satisfaction of heath team members of public health center. Data were collected by a self-administerd questionnaire from June 24 to August 28, 1999. The Subjects were 52 health team members of public health center. The result of this study were as follows : 1. These were 75.5% female, the average age was 35.9. Married state were 76.9% married. Mean of job carrier year was 8.15 years. they were 49.0% public health nurses. 2. Job satisfaction of heath team members of public health center was measured by a 5 point rating scale, the whole mean score was 3.02. The level of job prestige was highest(mean was 3.5 8) among the 6 components of job satisfaction. The level of promotion was lowest(mean was 2.13) among the 6 components of job satisfaction. 3. The factors affecting job satisfaction were age,sex,jobstatus,married status(P<0.05, P<0.01). According to this study, I want to suggest these;First, the institution should extend the health team member' opportunity of promotion and provide the intensive system for their satisfaction of duty and effective affairs. Second, the institution should systematically and efficiently control their wonting condition and pay, and pertinently change their affairs environment. Third, the institution should give them educational chance to get their professional pride and selfdevelopment.

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