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      • KCI등재

        고객가치공동창출이 의료서비스 성과에 미치는 영향: 병원 규모와 병원 이용기간 조절효과

        허은주,정면숙,강명주 한국경영교육학회 2019 경영교육연구 Vol.34 No.5

        [Purpose]The purpose of this study was to examine effects that the Customer value co-creation behavior have on customer satisfaction, trust and intention to reuse and at the same time how much those effects are moderating depending on the scales and use period of hospital. [Methodology]This study is a structural modeling research designed to set up a model on interactions the customer value co-creation behavior, customer satisfaction, trust and intention to reuse. Test hypotheses made here. Through the survey, 228 sheets of the questionnaire form as filled-in by the participants were collected and finally analyzed. [Findings]Above all, this research found customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior, both of which are factors of the joint creation of customer value, all have significantly positive effects on trust and customer satisfaction. Also, it was found that trust and customer satisfaction all have significantly positive influences on the intention to reuse. Moreover, the study discovered that some of the hypothetical paths have the effect of moderating each other depending on the scales and use period of hospital. [Implications]This study is meaningful in that it attempted to research the customer value co-creation behavior since there has so far been little investigation of how much customers play a role in the provision of medical services. [연구목적]본 연구는 의료서비스에서 고객가치공동창출이 고객만족, 신뢰, 재이용의도에 미치는 영향을 확인하고 나아가 병원 규모와 병원 이용기간에 따른 조절효과를 확인하고자 한다. [연구방법]본 연구는 고객가치공동창출과 고객만족, 신뢰, 재이용의도 간에 모형을 구축하고 가설을 검정하는 구조모형 연구이다. 본 연구는 의료서비스 이용자를 대상으로 최종 228부가 분석에 사용되었다. [연구결과]고객가치공동창출의 고객참여행동과 고객시민행동 모두 신뢰와 고객만족에 유의한 정(+)의 영향이 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 신뢰와 고객만족은 재이용의도에 유의한 정(+)의 영향이 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 일부 가설경로 간에 병원 규모와 병원 이용기간에 따라 조절효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. [연구의 시사점]지금까지 의료서비스에서 고객역할과 관련된 연구는 부족한 실정으로 고객가치공동창출을 가지고 연구를 시도하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        동아시아 관복 제도와 근세 조일의 자의식ㆍ상호인식 - 조선의 문명교화론과 일본의 문명자립론 -

        허은주 단국대학교 일본연구소 2012 일본학연구 Vol.35 No.1

        In Confucian cultural regions, clothes were understood as an expression of courtesy that distinguished the upper and lower classes. In that sense, clothes represented Chinese clothes defined as the gown of the late king, which symbolized other civilization than that of the barbarians. Hanseo(漢書) and Sagi(史記) show that clothes in those times were already established as a tool unfolding the civilization theory as the political ideology based on Sino-centrism. 'Clothing culture', the phrase often used to symbolize Confucian civilization, well implies the civilizational and political features of Confucianism itself. This study tried to grasp the self-awareness and mutual perception of Japan and Joseon by examining how the daily action of 'putting on' or 'wearing' were woven into an ideology under the order system of East Asia based on Confucianism in modern society. After its foundation, Joseon introduced and legalized the official uniform system of the Ming dynasty. Along the way, official uniforms became deeply internalized as a Confucian civilization supported by the Sino-Barbarian concept. After the collapse of the Ming dynasty, when the notion that Joseon inherited the culture of China strengthened in Joseon, the nation's official uniforms served as a symbol that made people realize that Joseon was the center of the world. Based on this, Joseon's official uniforms performed the mission to enlighten 'uncivilized' Japan in its relationship with Japan reestablished after two Japanese invasions of Korea. Japanese people including Arai Hakuseki(新井白石) and Amenomori Hoshu(雨森芳州), however, saw Joseon's official uniforms, a symbol of civilization, from the hegemonic viewpoint. For them, Joseon's official uniforms were nothing more than a symbol of subordination far from being a symbol of civilization. The contrasting views of Joseon and Japan on Joseon's official uniforms that inherited that of the Ming dynasty are seen as a reflection of the confusing order of East Asia after the Qing's replacement of the Ming dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        근대일본의 선종화 창출과 그 사적 위상 ―남북종론을 중심으로―

        허은주 단국대학교 일본연구소 2020 일본학연구 Vol.60 No.-

        본고는 덴신에 의해서 창출된 선종화가 문인화를 중심으로 한 전통적인 회화론과 갈등하는 근대의 일단을 중국의 회화론인 남북종론 전개를 중심으로 고찰한 논고이다. 근대일본에 발생하는 이러한 갈등은 무엇보다 근세일본이 처한 특수한 상황 즉 중국으로부터 새롭게 도입된 회화를 구사한다고 자처하는 남종화가 혹은 문인화가들이 자신들의 입지를 강화해 나가는 과정에서 권위 있는 중국의 화론을 이용해서 마련한 ‘무로마치 시대 : 송원화=북종화=원화’, ‘에도 중후기 : 명청화=남종화=문인화’라는 도식적 이해를 전제로 한다. 이러한 도식적 이해에 의해서 무로마치 시대에 활약한 선승이나 그들의 작품은 ‘북종화’로 규정되어 폄하되었다. 그러나 무로마치 시대의 회화나 이에 영향을 받은 가노 파를 중시하는 오카쿠라 덴신은 결과적으로 중국문화를 높이는 이러한 근세의 도식적 이해를 수용하지 않기 위해서 남북종론을 폐기하고 새롭게 ‘선종화’를 설정하는 패러다임 전환을 구사했다. 이에 반해 다키 세이이치는 남북종론을 재고하여 ‘선종화’를 문인화에 포함시켰다. 이는 덴신에 의해서 북종 혹은 선종화의 전유물이 되어 버린 사의(寫意)의 문제를 다키가 심각하게 여긴 것이라 생각된다. 따라서 여기에서 중국회화 나아가 동양회화를 대표하는 것은 선종화인가 문인화인가 하는 대표성의 문제가 대두된다. 페놀로사・덴신 이래로 폄하되었던 문인화와 남종화, 그에 반해서 우월한 지위를 차지했던 선종화와 북종화는 다키에 의해서 선승의 그림을 둘러싸고 서로 길항하는 구도를 취했다. This article examines the modern period where Zen Painting created by Tenshin conflicts with traditional painting theory based on Literati painting and focuses on the development of Northern Southern school theory in Chinese painting theory. Such conflicts in modern Japan, particularly Japan’s recent particular situation where Southern School theory or Literati painters claiming to adopt newly introduced paintings from China used the schematic understanding as a premise ‘Muromachi period : Song/Yuan Painting=Northern School of Painting=Court Painting’, ‘mid-late Edo: Ming/Qing Painting=Southern School of Painting= Literati Painting’ from prestigious Chinese painting theory to build stronger presence. Due to this schematic understanding, Zen Priests and their works which were active in the Muromachi period were defined as “Northern School Theory” and were denigrated. However, Okakura Tenshin, who values the painting style of the Muromachi period and the Kano faction affected by it, adopted a paradigm shift to scrap Northern Southern Theory and establish a new “Zen Painting” in order to not accept this modern schematic understanding which highly appreciates Chinese culture after all. On the other hand, Taki Seiichi reconsidered the Northern Southern School theory and included “Zen Painting” in Literati painting. This seem to be something that Taki took seriously the issue of the Depicting Thoughts(寫意) which became an exclusive property of the Zen Painting or Northern School of Painting by the Tenshin. Therefore, the question of representativeness was raised, whether Zen Painting or Literati painting represents the Oriental painting. Two rivals competed around the painting of the Zen priest by Taki, one was Literati painting and Southern School theory which had been disparaged since Fenollosa and Tenshin and the other was Zen Painting and Northern School theory which held superior position.

      • KCI등재

        유색차광망을 통한 광환경 변화가 꽃도라지의 생육에 미치는 영향

        허은주,이영란,구대회,권오근,이광식 한국화훼산업육성협회 2007 화훼연구 Vol.15 No.3

        유색차광망을 통한 광환경 변화가 꽃도라지 생육에 미치는 영향을 살펴 본 결과 광환경에 대한 반응은 품종에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 상대적으로 개화가 빠른 ‘Pink Fresh’는 청색과 적색 차광망에서 무차광과 흑 색 차광망에 비해 초장과 측지수가 증가하였으나, 개화 가 다소 느린 ‘Rose Pink‘은 청색과 적색 차광망에서 는 무차광과 비슷한 초장을 보였고 오히려 무차광에서 분지수가 크게 증가하였다. 꽃수는 광량이 적은 흑색 차광망에서 감소하였고, 개화시기는 광량이 많은 무차 광에 가장 빨라 광질보다는 광량의 영향이 큰 것 나 타났다. 안토시아닌 함량은 분홍색인 ‘Pink Fresh’ 품 종에서 무차광과 청색 차광망에서 가장 낮아 광량과 광질 모두 안토시아닌 함량에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. The effect of light quantity and quality on the growth of lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) was evaluated using 30% colored shade nets. Two cultivars, ‘Pink Fresh’ and ‘Rose Pink’, showed different growth responses to colored shade nets. Plant height and axillary branches increased in ‘Pink Fresh’ grown under blue and red shade nets as compared to black or no shade nets. However, the axillary branches decreased under three shade nets against no shade nets in ‘Rose Pink’. Black shade nets, providing the greatest shade of 38%, reduced flower number and delayed flowering in both cultivars. Flowering also delayed as light quantity decreased. Anthocyanin content of ‘Pink Fresh’ was the lowest in the blue shade net and no shade treatments, and it seems that both light quality and quantity affected anthocyanin synthesis.

      • KCI등재후보

        근세 조일 외교의 동상이몽-1636년~1682년 통신사 사행시 일본 측의 의복 예단과 그 의미

        허은주 명지대학교(서울캠퍼스) 인문과학연구소 2014 인문과학연구논총 Vol.35 No.3

        本稿は、朝鮮後期における通信使訪日の際、日本の将軍が朝鮮の国王に贈った礼單のなかに含まれた衣服の意味を、「東アジアにおける冊封体制と衣服賜与」 という歴史的な文脈において照明することによって、両国間のみえない緊張感と葛藤の一面をとらえようとするものである。壬辰倭乱・丁酉再乱(文禄·慶長の役)と徳川幕府の創建、明・清交替へと立て続く17世紀の東アジアは、明を中心とする従来の国際秩序が崩壊し、新しい体制と国際秩序が模索される転換期であった。この時期に朝鮮と日本は倭乱の戦後処理という問題を外交的現案として国交を再開し、1636年以来は両国の間に信義を通じるという通信使が派遣されるに至った。朝鮮後期の朝日関係は、基本的には朝鮮の国王と日本の将軍の間の対等関係であり、表面的には善隣友好の交隣関係が続いた。しかし、対等関係を標榜する朝日両国間の外交の水面下には各々自国を中心にして相手を見落とす認識が根強く、内面的には対立と葛藤が繰り返されたのは実状であった。このように、明・清交替以後、脱中華していく過程にあらわれる自民族中心主義はついには近代日本の朝鮮侵略へつながる火種をかかえていた。朝日の間におけるこうした微妙な葛藤関係は、通信使行の訪日の時、将軍が朝鮮の国王に贈った国書別幅のなかの衣服礼單を通して読み取ることができる。1636年と1682年使行の時、日本が贈った国書別幅には衣服が含まれているが、従来の東アジアにおける歴史的な文脈から考えると、外交儀礼である国書別幅をとおして相手の国王に自国の衣服を贈るというのは非常に無礼な行為であるからだ。中華を中心として構築された東アジアの伝統社会において中華の衣服は 「先王の法服」 と認識されて儒教的文明性を象徴するもっとも具体的な表象であった。しかし、異民族が先王の法服を着用するには冊封という国家間の政治的装置が必要だったので、こうした場合、先王の法服とは権力関係の標識でもあった。こうした経緯から異国の衣服を着用したり、あるいは贈ったりするのは非常に政治的な意味合いを持っているのである。こうした歴史的な文脈からみると、日本側が通信使を通して朝鮮国王に贈った衣服礼單は当時日本の対朝鮮観を象徴するものと理解される。要するに、日本側は 「尊敬」 の意味であるという言い回しで衣服を贈ったが、実は皇帝国が臣下国へ衣服(冠服)を賜与した東アジアにおける外交的な慣習にみたてて朝鮮を朝貢国として扱おうとしたのを意味するのである。特に17世紀前半の朝鮮は2回にわたった胡亂によって既存の秩序体系に変換が要求されている時点であったために問題は一層重大である。当時、朝鮮は明の衣服制度を維持していることに文明的優越感を強くもっていたので、そうした無礼に対して朝鮮側は異議を述べたが、結局は穏便に済ました。女真族の勃興による北方の軍事的脅威から南方の日本との平和関係を維持する必要があったためであった。日本側は東アジアにおける衣服の政治性からまるではなれているかのように朝鮮に衣服を贈りながら表面的には 「尊敬」 をあらわしたが、その裏には蔑視が含まれている。一方、朝鮮側も、日本を野蛮または夷狄といいながら日本を無視したが、実際には北方の軍事的脅威を牽制す...

      • 메디컬에스테틱에서 서비스커뮤니케이션이 고객만족과 행동의도에 미치는 영향 : 연령 및 서비스 교육 경험 조절효과를 중심으로

        허은주,하명희 한국피부미용향장학회 2014 한국피부미용향장학회지 Vol.9 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of service communication at the medical aesthetic clinic on customers’ satisfaction and behavioral intention and further determine the moderating effect of that communication on both the satisfaction and the intention in accordance with customers’ age and service education experience. 310 copies of the questionnaire in which the subjects filled were collected, and out of the documents, 290, except those deemed as improperly filled-in, were finally analyzed. Data were processed through the descriptive analysis and reliability analysis in accordance with SPSS 19.0, and then through the confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis and moderating effect analysis in accordance with AMOS 21.0. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the hypothesis that verbal communication positively(+) affects customer satisfaction was supported Second, the hypothesis that kinesics, proxemics, paralanguage has a positive(+) effect on customer satisfaction was supported. Third, the hypothesis that the physical appearance has a positive(+) effect on customer satisfaction was found not statistically significant, so it was rejected. Fourth, the hypothesis that customers’ satisfaction has a positive(+) effect on their intent to behave was supported. In terms of the moderating effect of customers’ service education experiences, the hypothesis that the effect of service communication at the medical aesthetic clinic on customers’ satisfaction and behavioral intention varies depending on those experiences was tested to find that in sub-areas of the service communication like pseudolanguage and customer satisfaction, the service education experiences have moderating effects.

      • KCI등재

        서비스조직 종업원의 성격특성에 따른 조직성과 차이에 관한 연구

        허은주,박귀정 한국경영교육학회 2018 경영교육연구 Vol.33 No.3

        [Purpose] The purpose of this study is to identify the personality characteristics of estheticians and to present realistic and differentiated management strategy based on their individual traits. [Methodology] In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the multidimensional personality characteristics of the esthetician was derived and based on this, We were to identify the differences in organizational identification, organizational commitment, customer orientation, and turnover intention according to personality and individual traits. Analysis methodologies were exploratory factor analysis, Chi square test, cross- tabulation analysis, cluster analysis and so on. [Findings] The results is follows. First, the personality were derived as five sub-dimensions. Based on personality sub-factors, the cluster analysis was conducted and classified into five groups. Group 1 named as unstable personality group, and group 2 named as progressive personality group, while the group 3 named as a double-sided personality group. Group 4 named as no unique personality group. Group 5 named as sincere personality group. [Implications] This study is to reveal the dimension of personality characteristics of the estheticians to classify the groups according to them, and to suggest strategies for differentiating by segmented personality groups. [연구목적] 본 연구는 그 전문성에 비해 근무환경 및 처우에서 열악한 상황에 처해 있는피부미용사들의 성격특성요인을 파악하고 그 특성에 따른 현실적이고 차별화된 관리방안을 제시하는데 그 연구목적을 둔다. [연구방법] 피부미용사의 성격특성의 차원을 도출하고, 이를 바탕으로 집단세분화에 유의한 특성변인을 밝혀내고 조직동일시, 조직몰입, 서비스지향성, 이직의도 간의 차이를 규명하였다. 이를 위해 탐색적 요인분석, 카이자승 검정, 교차분석, 군집분석, 집단별 평균분석을 실시하였다. [연구결과] 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 피부미용사의 성격특성 요인은 다섯 가지의 하위차원으로 도출되었다. 도출된 성격특성 요인을 바탕으로 군집분석을 실시한 결과, 가장높은 비율을 차지하는 집단은 불안정성 성격 집단이고, 주도적 성격 집단, 양면성 성격집단, 무개성 집단, 성실성 성격 집단의 유의미한 5개 세분집단으로 분류되었다. 집단별평균분석 결과, 조직동일시, 조직몰입, 이직의도에는 집단별로 유의미한 통계적 차이를 보이는 것으로 나타났으며, 서비스지향성에는 집단별 차이를 나타내지 않았다. [연구의 시사점] 서비스접점에서 피부미용사들의 성격특성의 차원을 밝혀내고 이에 따른 집단을 세분화함으로써 피부미용사 성격에 따른 차별화 전략을 제시하고, 조직 성과요인을 관리하는데 지침을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘선문화・선예술’ 구축에 있어서스즈키 다이세쓰[鈴木大拙] 전사(前史) - 무로마치 문화에 대한 근대일본의 이해(일본사 관련 문헌을 중심으로) -

        허은주 단국대학교 일본연구소 2014 일본학연구 Vol.42 No.-

        The seemingly self-evident concept of Zen culture and art is a modern product devised in the social situations faced by modern Japan. The Zen culture and art have developed as cultural nationalism in the magnetic field of modern Japanese Buddhist nationalism rather than a universal concept as the traditional Oriental heritage. In an effort to clearly trace the process of the Zen art theory being established, this study examined the history before Daisetsu in the literature about the Japanese history to figure out how the Muromachi culture was understood before Suzuki and others established the concept of Zen culture and art. There is extreme rarity in the understanding of Muromachi culture in relation with the religiosity of Zen in the literature before 1910. Muromachi culture is summarized as ① the extravagance of Yoshimasa and resulting development of various arts and crafts and ② the prosperity of Zen Buddhism by the support of shoguns and warriors including Yoshimasa and its influences on various types of culture. In the 1910s, Higashiyama culture attracted huge attention as the origin of modern culture thanks to the evaluation of Sasakawa Rinpu, thus exerting influences. Rinpu mentioned the tea ceremony and ink-and- wash paintings in relation to Zen and did not understand them as the expressions of realization, but his works offered a literature base for the concept of Zen culture and art later. During the similar period, Tsuda Sokichi regarded Zen's influence on Muromachi culture as the Chinese interest and argued that its essence lied in the classical interest of old times. While Rinpu placed some importance on the expressive patterns of culture and considered Higashiyama culture as a new culture distinguished from the previous times, Tsuda found the essence penetrating different appearances in the classical interest and understood Muromachi culture in the continuity with the previous times. In short, the interest in Muromachi culture was established as a general trend even though the literature about the Japanese history until the 1920s did not understand the culture as the expression of Zen realization.

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