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      • KCI등재

        의료인과 간호학생의 웰다잉 의미에 관한 주관성 연구

        김선영,허성순,김분한,Kim, Seon Young,Hur, Sung Soun,Kim, Boon Han 한국호스피스완화의료학회 2014 한국호스피스.완화의료학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        목적: 본 연구는 의료인과 간호학생의 웰다잉 의미와 주관성 유형을 확인하고, 유형별 특성을 분석하기 위해 Q 방법론을 적용한 조사연구이다. 방법: 간호학과 학생 8명, 호스피스전문병원 임상간호사 3명을 대상으로 심층면담과 선행연구고찰을 통해 102개의 Q-모집단을 구성하였으며, 이후 Q-방법론의 전문가인 간호학과 교수 1명과 간호학과 박사과정 중인 2명의 의견 교환 및 재조정을 통하여 총 33개의 Q-표본을 선정하였다. 4년제 간호학과 학생 11명과 경기도 일개 3차 종합병원의 간호사 9명과 의사 2명을 대상으로 총 22명의 P-표본을 대상으로 하였다. P-표본은 선정된 33개의 진술문을 강제 정상분포가 되도록 7점 척도 상에 분류하도록 하였고, 양극단에 분류한 진술문과 관련하여 추가 진술문을 작성하도록 하였다. 수집된 자료는 PC-QUANL Program으로 요인 분석하였다. 결과: 분류된 의료인의 웰다잉 의미 유형은 모두 3가지로 나타났으며 이들 유형에 의해 설명된 전체 변량은 57.97%였다. 제1형은 '현실중시형'으로 부담 없이 아름다운 모습으로 임종하는 것에 의미를 두었다. 제2형은 '관계중시형'으로 죽기 전 자선을 베풀고 주변인들과 화해와 용서의 시간을 갖는 것에 의미를 두고 있었다. 제3형은 '자연순응형'으로 살만큼 살다 가족의 간호를 받으며 임종하는 것에 의미를 두었다. 결론: 웰다잉에 관한 의료인과 간호학생의 주관성은 임종을 맞이하는 환자간호에 영향을 미친다. 따라서 의료인과 간호학생은 삶과 죽음에 대한 깊은 통찰을 가져야 하며, 이를 위해 웰다잉에 대한 주관성 유형별 특징에 맞는 죽음교육이 필요하다. Purpose: This study was conducted to examine understanding of the meaning of well-dying and types of such views held by medical practitioners and nursing students. Methods: The Q-methodology was used to analyze the subjectivity of each item. The P-sample was made up of 22 medical practitioners or nursing students. The P-sample was instructed to rate 33 statements using a 7-point scale to obtain forced normal distribution. They were asked to make extra comments on the statements that were placed on both ends of the distribution curve. The PC-QUANL Program was used for the factor analysis of the collected data. Results: The participants had three types of meaning of well-dying. Total variance explained by these types was 57.97%" where type 1 was "reality-oriented", type 2 "relationship-oriented" and type 3 "obeying-the-nature". Conclusion: The participants' subjective views on well-dying influences their medical practice on patients who are facing death. Therefore, medical practitioners should have profound insights concerning life and death. To that end, a training program is needed to help medical practitioners develop a proper view on well-dying by subjectivity type.

      • KCI등재

        40~50대 여성의 “나이 들어감(Aging)”에 대한 현상학적 연구 -Parse 이론을 적용하여

        홍주은 ( Hong Ju Eun ),도경진 ( Do Keong Jin ),하루미 ( Ha Ru Mee ),전석분 ( Jeon Seok Bun ),허성순 ( Hur Sung Soun ),유은광 ( Yoo Eun Kwang ) 여성건강간호학회 2014 여성건강간호학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Purpose: This study was done to explore the essence and meaning of the experience of ‘aging,’ as a process of 40`s and 50`s women in Korea by applying the Parse`s Human Becoming theory (2002). Methods: Data was collected from February to April, 2013, using the phenomenological research method. Data was collected through in-depth informal interview and analyzed following Colaizzi method. After IRB permission and informed consent from the participants, all interviews were recorded with MP3 recorder and transcribed for analysis. Results: Data analysis revealed 112 of meanings, 33 key subject words, 8 subject phrases, and 4 categories. The main themes were elaborated as ``goingdown`` (``Being changed of body and mind``, ``Being considered on my identity``), ``going up`` (``Being expanded of pro-ductiv erole``, ``Being transcendent multi-dimensionally``), ``pausing`` (``Becoming more thoughtful about family``, ``Looking back``), ``going forward again`` (``Age is just a number, ``Contemplating of life and death``). Experiences in aging among women in 40`s and 50`s enlightened with Parse`s theory of Human Becoming in terms of ``going down``, ``going up``, ``pausing``, ``going forward again`` appeared simultaneously, rather than consecutively. Conclusion: Women in 40`s and50`s require holistic nursing intervention with physical, psychological, socio-economical, and spiritual aspects, rather than focusing on problematic physical symptom relief and prevention of further conditions. It is recommended to develop various nursing intervention considering on different environment, type of experience, and level of human becoming, individually.

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