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      • 《水滸傳》人物與主題的關係

        許庚寅 단국대학교 1996 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        主題學的인 관점에서 본다면, 인물들의 獨立的인 면들은 바로 하나의 주제 혹은 모티프(motif)를 대표할 수 있다. 즉, 인물의 "典型性", "普遍性"과 "共通性" 등 소설비평가들이 애용하는 용어들이 어떤 의미에서는 주제의 분류에 속한다. 본 논문은 《水滸傳》의 등장인물 108인 중 주요 인물이라 할 수있는 宋江·武松·林沖·李逵·魯智深은 예로 들어, 《水滸傳》인물의 形象과 主題의 문학적 관계와 의미를 재조명하였다. 宋江은 性格, 思想과 行動면에서 指導者型 人物의 典型이므로, 《水滸傳》에서 中樞적 주제의 역할을 담당한다. 그의 별명을 "及時雨"라고 부른 것과 그의 의로운 행위를 일컬어 "仗義?財"라고 한 것은 모두 다른 사람들에게 적시에 구원의 손길을 뻗칠 수 있는, 그의 지도자로서의 主題性을 강조한 것이다. 武松은 梁山의 여러 英雄들의 性格上의 특징을 동시에 지니고 있으나, 모두 肯定的인 면이기 때문에 완전한 主題를 표현하지 못하고 있다. 主題學에 의하면 한 인물은 반드시 否定的인 環境이라든지 다른 인물들과의 葛藤이나 矛盾을 빌어 자신의 運命을 바꿔나가면서 이야기를 展開해야만이 비로소 특수한 의미를 지니는 主題를 突出시킬 수 있게 된다. 이러한 주제를 이끌어 내기 위해, 武松의 성격과 外部世界와의 충돌은 義理가 法理를 능가하고 感情이 理性을 超越하며 物理적인 힘이 精神力을 통제하는, 原始的이고 野蠻的인 復讐行爲로 나타난다. 主題硏究 측면에서 논한다면, 인물의 성격과 주변환경이 만들어 낸 英雄式의 悲劇및 이러한 悲劇이 독자들에게 가져다 주는 커다란 충격과 同情心이 바로 진정한 문학적 의의라고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 의미로 볼 때, 자신의 아내가 자신의 上司에게 ??당하고, 자신의 끊임없는 모함과 생명의 위협을 받게되자, 必死의 復讐를 감해하는 林沖은 《水滸傳》인물 중 悲劇的적 英雄의 色彩가 가장 농추한 인물이라고 할 수 있다. 《水滸傳》의 喜劇적 주제의 效果를 내기 위해 設定한 인물이 바로 李逵이다. 그는 피비린내 나는 復讐와 원한에 찬 분위기 속에서도, 독자로 하여금 정서적으로 잠시나마 여유를 갖게 해주는 광대 같은 喜劇적 形象으로 묘사되어 있다. 魯智深의 성격은 武松과 李逵의 여러 특징들을 兼備하였고, 人品에 있어서는 그들보다 한 수 위였다. 그는 武松의 용맹함과 무예를 지니고 있으나, 義理에 있어서는 보답을 바라지 않는 인물이다. 또 自由奔放하며, 浪漫的인 英雄의 典型을 보여 줌으로써 "사사로움도 없고 사악함도 없는 英雄"이라는 주제를 만들어 냈다. 다만 梁山에 올라간 이후 이러한 영웅적 風貌가 완전히 사라져서 더욱 깊이 있고 폭넓은 의미의 주제를 보여주지 못한 점이 아쉽다. 主題學이 연구하는 대상은 작품이 지닌 대표적인 "내포적 의미"이며, 주제학의 주 임무는 바로 여러 각도에서 작품의 의미를 표출하는 데에 있다. 長篇小說形式인 中國古典章回小說은 그 다양한 形成過程과 풍부한 量을 감안할 때 주제학 연구의 무한한 미래를 대표할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        허경인 중국어문학연구회 2007 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.42

        This article is a basic approach of the characteristics which commonly appeared on the culture styles of Lingnan Area (now including Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces, Hong Kong and Macao Territories, China), and how those cultural elements developing and influencing the domestic life style and further more the history of China. The culture of Lingnan area has a mutual relationship between its internal and external world, which means there always involved a great deal of vigorous elements in most of the Lingnan culture even under the great influence of the northern Chinese culture, that makes Lingnan culture a quite individual one. In order to confirm the characteristics of Lingnan culture, first of all, we had examined that the native culture of Lingnan area was born andgrown up by a natural way according to the factors of geography, history, human race, customs etc. We recognizedthose natural factors are the essential elements in the process of formation of Lingnan culture, so we classified those elements into 5 characteristics and tried to state them separately with 5 subjects - namely the Primitive, the Tolerance, the Pluralistic, the Idealistic and the Popularity. In these 5 subjects, we have discussed how the culture of Lingnan begins, how the primitive elements display a decisive role in the process of development of Lingnan culture, how the native culture adapts different cultures kept on coming from the northern part of China since ancient time, and how the cultures of west world influenced Lingnan after the British-Sino War since 1840's. Secondly, in order to demonstrate the influences of those cultural characteristics concretely, we have divided 3 sub-subjects to examine how those cultural factors get involved in all aspects, such as the politics and the ideology, the society and the economics, the academics and the custom of Lingnan area. A serial of big events which had changed the history of China happened in Lingnan area. All those historical happenings are only coincidences? Otherwise, fatal inevitabilities?We have been trying to find the reasons from the relationship between the big events and the culture of Lingnan. For example, we had put the emphasis on the roles of Lingnan literary men, because we found that the literary men and scholars of Lingnan area often played a role as of a protector or reformer whenever the political chaos explored in the northern regime or the academic dispute happened around the academic society in the northern part of China. Specially, the achievements of the modern Cantonese literary men as Kang Youwei, Huang Zunxian, Liang Qichao who had also played an important role in the progress of China's modernization, during the period of the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. As the same way, we have examined a lot of original causes which concerning with the modern historical incidences of China, such as Opium-War, theRacial Revolution (Xinhai Revolution), and so-called the Reformation and Opening (the Modernization led by Deng Xiaoping) of China since 1978, were connected closely with the cultural elements of Lingnan area. The original purpose of this study was set on to prove how the primitive and natural factors influenced the human cultures deeply both physically and spiritually. And, we did it, finally. This article is a basic approach of the characteristics which commonly appeared on the culture styles of Lingnan Area (now including Guangdong and Guangxi Provinces, Hong Kong and Macao Territories, China), and how those cultural elements developing and influencing the domestic life style and further more the history of China. The culture of Lingnan area has a mutual relationship between its internal and external world, which means there always involved a great deal of vigorous elements in most of the Lingnan culture even under the great influence of the northern Chinese culture, that makes Lingnan culture a quite individual one. In order to confirm the characteristics of Lingnan culture, first of all, we had examined that the native culture of Lingnan area was born andgrown up by a natural way according to the factors of geography, history, human race, customs etc. We recognizedthose natural factors are the essential elements in the process of formation of Lingnan culture, so we classified those elements into 5 characteristics and tried to state them separately with 5 subjects - namely the Primitive, the Tolerance, the Pluralistic, the Idealistic and the Popularity. In these 5 subjects, we have discussed how the culture of Lingnan begins, how the primitive elements display a decisive role in the process of development of Lingnan culture, how the native culture adapts different cultures kept on coming from the northern part of China since ancient time, and how the cultures of west world influenced Lingnan after the British-Sino War since 1840's. Secondly, in order to demonstrate the influences of those cultural characteristics concretely, we have divided 3 sub-subjects to examine how those cultural factors get involved in all aspects, such as the politics and the ideology, the society and the economics, the academics and the custom of Lingnan area. A serial of big events which had changed the history of China happened in Lingnan area. All those historical happenings are only coincidences? Otherwise, fatal inevitabilities?We have been trying to find the reasons from the relationship between the big events and the culture of Lingnan. For example, we had put the emphasis on the roles of Lingnan literary men, because we found that the literary men and scholars of Lingnan area often played a role as of a protector or reformer whenever the political chaos explored in the northern regime or the academic dispute happened around the academic society in the northern part of China. Specially, the achievements of the modern Cantonese literary men as Kang Youwei, Huang Zunxian, Liang Qichao who had also played an important role in the progress of China's modernization, during the period of the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. As the same way, we have examined a lot of original causes which concerning with the modern historical incidences of China, such as Opium-War, theRacial Revolution (Xinhai Revolution), and so-called the Reformation and Opening (the Modernization led by Deng Xiaoping) of China since 1978, were connected closely with the cultural elements of Lingnan area. The original purpose of this study was set on to prove how the primitive and natural factors influenced the human cultures deeply both physically and spiritually. And, we did it, finally.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        효율적인 학습모형 설계를 위한 ‘-아 버리다’와 ‘-てしまう’의 대조 연구

        허경행(Huh Kyunghang, 許慶行) 한국외국어교육학회 2009 Foreign languages education Vol.16 No.1

        外國語してと韓國語を學ぶ學習者にとって問題とをる要素には, 母國語と韓國語の違ぃだけではをく, 母國語と韓國語の類似性によるものもある。 特に日本人學習者の場合, 韓國語の‘-아버리다’の學習に困難を覺えることが多く見受けられる。 もちろん他言語圈の學習者に比べると日本人學習者には韓國語學習において數多くの利點があるのは事實。 しかし級學習者の場合, 日本語と韓國語で類似する表現の小さを意味の違いを把握できをぃことによる間違ぃが發生する確率高が。 日本人學習者には日本語をそのまま韓國語に置き換えようとする傾向がある。 そのたぬ日本人學習者にとって自然な韓國語を學習することは決してやさしぃことではなぃのである。 韓國語の‘-아버리다’と日本語の‘-てしまぅ’は兩方とも[完了]と[遺憾]の意味を表わす表現である。 そして[遺憾]の意味を表わす用法としては使い方もほほ同じである。 しかし[完了]のの場合には違ぃが見られる。 日本語の‘-てしまう’は完了した狀態を意味するのに對し, 韓國語の‘-아버리다’は動作の完了を意味する。 また話し手の心理を表わす場合もある。 日本人學習者はこのような違ぃを理解したうえじ‘-아버리다’の正確な用法を習得する必要がある。 韓國語な韓國語そのものとして接近する學習方法が重要であると考える。 There are many problems for foreign language learners in their foreign language learning. The learners could have difficulties in accepting and using unfamiliar expressions of foreign languages or having interferences due to the similarity between their first language and foreign language. Japanese learners learning Korean also have interference in learning '-아 버리다‘. Japanese learners learning Korean tend to learn Korean fast and easily due to similarity between Korean and Japanese. But the advanced level learner could be confused due to small differences in meaning, forms or use. Highly advanced learner could make awkward sentence. Japanese learners learning Korean tend to make to link Korean to Japanese and Japanese to Korean one to one. But this hinder learners in learning natural Korean. It is necessary to approach Korean itself. Especially learners need to pay attention to difference between '-아 버리다’ and Japanese '-てしまう'. Both '-아 버리다‘ and '-てしまう' have meanings of [completion] and [regret]. When they present the meaning of [regret], they are used in same way. But they present the meaning of [completion], they show the difference. Japanese '-てしまう' present the time of action completed or the state of action completed. But Korean'-아 버리다’ present the state of action completed and also process of action completed. Japanese '-てしまう' is often used to stress the time of action completed or the state of action completed. But Korean '-아 버리다‘ must express the speaker's subjective impression. Therefore Japanese learners need to pay attention when they express '-てしまう' with the meaning of [completion] in Korean '-아 버리다’. Korean '-아 버리다‘ represents the completed action. But Japanese have similar expressions. But they have differences. So Korean learners and Korean teachers need to approach Korean itself to help acquire the natural Korean.

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