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        학습자의 활동중심의 내재적 가치 탐색

        허경섭 ( Gyeong Seob Heo ) 한국교육철학학회(구 교육철학회) 2010 교육철학연구 Vol.50 No.-

        본 연구는 학습자의 활동중심에서 교육의 내재적 가치를 탐색하는 것이다. 내재적 가치에 대한 전통적인 논의는 객관적이고 합리적인 지식을 중심으로 하여 이루어져 왔기 때문에 실제적인 좋은 삶을 소홀히 한다는 비판을 받고 있다. 허스트의 후기 철학과 맥킨타어어의 practice 개념을 통해 본 활동중심의 내재적 가치는 이론적 지식으로 환원되지 않지만 나름대로 의미 있는 것으로 간주될 수 있는 수많은 실제적인 활동들이 있다는 인식에서부터 비롯된다. 활동중심의 내재적 가치는 인간활동을 통해서 형성된 것인 만큼, 가치의 실현 또한 구체적인 경험과 활동을 통해서만 확인되고 인식되는 가치라고 할 수 있다. 활동중심의 내재적 가치는 교육활동 자체에 함의되어 있는 가치들을 교육의 본질로 회복시키려는 시도이기 때문에 실제적인 교육현장에서는 이론적인 영역과 실천적인 영역, 교육의 내용과 방법을 유기적으로 통합시키는 설명체계이다. 따라서 의미 있는 교육은 학습자들이 대하고 접촉하는 모든 과정을 통해서 자신을 둘러싸고 있는 환경의 조건들을 진솔하게 이해하고 이것을 체계화함으로써 올바른 삶의 모습을 스스로 터득할 수 있는 능력을 길러주는 것이며 실제로 그러한 삶을 살게 해주는 것이다. The purpose of this essay is to inquire into the intrinsic value of activity-based education. Traditionally, the idea of intrinsic value has been mainly established by the eternally and permanently valuable knowledge which can be justified irrespective of the factors in practical life. Therefore, the traditional intrinsic value models have not largely contributed to the learners` morality and personality development, since they neglect the learners`s sensitive faculties, and desires, the essential elements that lead to good life. Activity-baesd intrinsic value viewed from Hirst`s later philosophy and MacIntyre`s idea of ``practice`` are derived from the perception that there are some activities which may not be shifted to theoretical knowledge but lead to understand the world with their own concepts; that is, there are a lot of practical activities that are not regarded as theoretical activities but as their own meaningful ones. The discussion about the ``practice`` in this study emphasizes that it should include all the meaningful things on the basis of total practical life. In view of practical activities, intrinsic values can be formed by human activities. In this sense, values also can be realized through specific experience and activities. Therefore, the activities that are revealed and justified outwards take priority, not the values themselves, which are stuck inwards. As such, since actual activities come first, the intrinsic value is not unchangeable and absolute but continue changing with the alteration of society and traditions. That the intrinsic value is revealed through activities means that the value is not fixed and unchangeable, but alters depending on what kind of subjective idea the experiencer has and what meaning the activist gives to the activity. Thus, activity-based intrinsic value emphasizes that education is not simply obtaining knowledge, but making our own way of life order by doing educational activities in our own way. And then, through the course, the total stories of life will be formed that we consider desirable, and the personality suitable for such totality or wholeness will be developed, and ultimately the common good of community can be pursued. Activity-based intrinsic value tries to let those good things which are implicated in the educational activity itself go back to the nature of education. Thus, in the actual educational field, activity-based intrinsic value may be some kind of explanatory system that combines organically the theoretical regions with practical regions, and the educational contents with its methods. As a result, the educational growth may be achieved through all the courses that learners face and encounter exploring on their own those which will bring abiding values. That is to say, the meaningful education leads us to understand our surroundings and systematize them so that we are able to realize what is right life, and live such life.

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