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        AI 씨름 학습용 데이터 활용 방안

        허건식(Heo, Keon-Sik),이상호(Lee, Sang Ho),이승재(Lee, Seung-Jae),권석무(Kwon, Seok-Mu),박우진(Park, Woo-Jin),공성배(Kong, Seong-Bae) 한국코칭능력개발원 2024 코칭능력개발지 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to present a plan to revitalize Ssireum using the AI Ssireum Data Set. To this end, cases of application of existing sports and AI technology were analyzed, and directions for utilization and Ssireum activation plans based on the AI Ssirum Data Set are presented as follows; First, the characteristics of the application cases of sports and AI convergence technology are that the detailed ICT technologies include 5G, VR, AR, Big Data, IoT, etc., and the areas of use include broadcasting and media, judgment and reading, player selection and tactics, I could see that it was in the areas of marketing, training and education. Second, the areas of use based on the AI Ssireum Data Set are broadcasting media, player management, refereeing, training, education, and competition. In order to implement and expand this, VR, AR, and big data technologies are needed as AI convergence technologies must be accompanied. Third, in order to revitalize Ssireum using the AI Ssirum Data Set, it was necessary to build high-quality Ssireum data for learning and spread application services for large-scale AI (generative AI) in order to utilize AI convergence technology. According to the above review, the use of AI Ssirum Data Set is related to the Ssireum industry. If Ssireums AI convergence technology is utilized in a way that matches the value of Ssireum.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        한,중,일 맨손무예 교류와 전통의 의미로 본 태권도 재해석

        허건식 ( Keon-sik Heo ),남덕현 ( Duck-hyun Nam ) 국기원 2015 국기원태권도연구 Vol.6 No.2

        본 연구는 역사인류학적 측면에서 구체적 특징을 점검하였다. 이를 위해 역사 연구로 한·중·일 맨손무예의 교류사를 논하고 한국 무예와 일본 무도의 영향에서 나타난 태권도의 의미, 그리고 전통의 의미에서 태권도를 재해석하는데 목적을 두었다. 태권도의 가치를 재해석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한·중·일 국가마다의 고유한 무예형태가 있었다. 하지만, 삼국의 다양한 전쟁 경험과 문화 교류를 볼 때 무예의 공통성은 존재하였다. 둘째, 일제강점기 기간에 택견이 명맥을 유지하고 있었으며, 가라데 및 중국무술과 함께 택견 기술이 태권도에 가미되었다. 셋째, 태권도는 창조적 한국의 정신을 반영한 1세대 이상 지속한 전통 신체문화인 것이다. This study check character in the he anthropological history. To this end, this research reinterpret in a sense of purpose that arguing the flow history of Korea-China-Japan bare martial arts, Taekwondo`` s mean in Korean and Japan martial arts influences, and Taekwondo in traditional sense. A new interpretation of the results the value of Taekwondo are as follows. First, there was a unique art form for K·C·J countries. but Martial arts was a commonality exists on seeing variety of the war experience and cultural exchanges in three countries. Secondly, during the Japanese occupation period, korean martial arts "Taekkyeon" were in keeping with the nature, and Technology in Karate and chinese martial arts was a tinge in Taekwondo. Third, Korean Taekwondo is he creative tradition physical culture that reflect continuation of the spirit of a generation.

      • KCI등재

        동양무술의 문화적 변용에 대한 연구

        허건식(Keon Sik Heo),정태성(Tae Seong Jeong) 한국사회체육학회 2011 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.46

        According to this study, the modern characteristics of Eastern Martial Arts opened a horizon of new perception with the principle of peace and health because of the invention of artillery. The modernization of Eastern Martial Arts made them deny violence, and grafted them with sports in the principle of peace. Although they were globalized through their development into sports, they were too much influenced by western sports. To enhance the value of Eastern Martial Arts in this process and to upgrade the value of culture, it is necessary to have a cultural system that can share the values of Eastern Martial Arts. Additionally, foreign cultures and elements come to have new meanings and styles in the process of integration into a new environment. They show new aspects different from the original ones. The representative case is the success story of Taekwondo. Various domestic martial arts associations should understand the Taekwondo localization efforts. International culture markets are open, unlike the past. We can guess that Eastern Martial art culture will be changed rapidly because of the openness. In the future, the integration of Eastern Martial Arts and Western sports should propose a balanced direction for a new body culture. The tradition of Eastern Martial Arts is meaningful to westerners in that it restores the human mind.

      • 무술시연에 대한 담론

        김영학(Kim, Yeong-Hak),허건식(Heo, Keon-Sik) 용인대학교 무도연구소 2007 武道硏究所誌 Vol.18 No.1

        There has been an increase of martial arts performance interest in the field of performance arts, and consequently, martial arts performance has also been gaining popularity. As society became more complex through time, so has the taste of the masses. And in efforts to meet their needs, circus has changed from a stunt-oriented show to a story-oriented one that requires music, sound effects, lights, singers, costumes, and other elements, helping the performers to capture the hearts of the audience. Music has especially gained importance in the act. As the martial arts performance act progresses, music is used to lead the audience in getting into the mood of the story and staying focused. And the sound effects complement the music. In recent years, there have been much technological developments. We now witness on stage the same digital tools that were once only seen on television and in the movies. And all these additions are bringing martial arts performance back to life as a whole new brand of performance art. Therefore, we conclude that there must be more knowledge and continual research in the role of music in performance art, in order that the development and improvement of circus and performance music in general may not cease. Martial arts performance using the body may be said to be one of genres of the visual arts that can only exist essentially and reveal itself by performing a certain work using the origin of human existence. Also, we see that the essence of martial arts is performance, which is considered to make it possible to give self-direction when artists wish to express their own world. Thus, martial arts performance using the body can be an aesthetic object and is able to generate a new image.

      • KCI등재
      • 검도 본(本)의 문화적 구조

        김영학(Kim, Young-Hak),허건식(Heo, Keon-Sik),곽낙현(Kwak, Nak-Hyun),윤동식(Yoon, Dong-Sik) 용인대학교 무도연구소 2009 武道硏究所誌 Vol.20 No.1

        이 연구는 현대검도의 형을 문화적 구조에서 살펴보았다. 이에 관한 내용을 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 현대검도는 검도의 표층인 운동형식에 기법과 겨루기 형태에서 다양성을 갖추고 있으며, 많은 검도문화의 영향에 힘입어 규격화 혹은 경기화되어 가고 있다. 둘째, 검도의 형(形)은 기술의 목적, 방법, 순서의 힘의 배분 등을 구체적으로 표현한 것으로, 기술을 습득하기 위한 것이고 수련자들의 체험과 연구의 접적을 통해 정형화된 것이다. 셋째, 현대검도의 형은 일본검도의 본(本)이다. 이는 일정한 순서와 방법에 의해 약속되어 있기 때문에, 죽도경기의 연습과 같이 자유자재로 변화할 수 없으므로 기술이 형식적으로 흐르기 쉽다. 넷째, 현재 국내 검도관련 단체에서는《무예도보통지》를 근간으로 하여 각자의 해석에 의해 전통검법인 본국검과 조선세법의 형(形)을 보급하고 있다. The purpose of this study was the structural characteristics of the cultural system of Kendo`. The findings of the study are as follows. First, the surface of the Kendo composition, there were various phenomena in techniques and fighting types. Because of the various Kendo art cultures, they became standardized and developed as games. In the mean time rules and regulations were established so that they could be played in a standardized frame. Secondly, Kata of Kendo are selective kinetic expressions of the purpose, the method, the soguence, formalized through the experiences of numerous practicxians and accumulation of researches. Thirdly, The current type of Kata that is used in different competitions and tests is the Japanese style.The Kum(劍) as the menans of martial art can always turn to a performative object. Fourthly, Kumdo organizations are spread by domestic groups of the martial art in heart of "Bonkookkum" and "Josunseibub".in 《Mooyedobotongji (武藝圖譜通志, notice of martial art)》.

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