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      • KCI등재후보
      • 韓國在來工業의 地理的 展開過程 : Based on Korea dynasty pottery 高麗時代의 陶磁器를 中心으로

        韓鴻烈 西原大學校 1988 西原大學 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        In the first half of the tenth century, they used the earthenware of Unifed Shilla showing the various aspects of change. But in the latter half of the century they imported Chinese potteries by sea and used them. . In the first half of the eleventh century, Dawon was produced as a result of spreading of Koryeo Buddhism and practice of Zen, but it was only the imitation of the Chinese style. . In the latter half of the twelfth century, creative Sanggamcheongja was produced. . In the letter half of the fourteenth century, practical pottery for everyday usage was produced. . They set up Ongjaso (the place for producing pottery) in the southwest seaside district. They presented the pottery of the best quality to the royal court and the central goverment, and gave the pottery of had quality to neighboring temples and local goverment offices. . They produced pottery in large quantities at Puan, Jeonbuk, and at Kangjin, Jeonnam, but Jowoon was blocked because of the Japanese invasion in the latter half of the fourteenth century, so that they set up Ongjaso in the inland area and produced pottery. . The raw material is kaolinite. The location of pottery production is in accord with the distribution of the kaolinite deposit. . Pottery is wmpletely made according to the following process: formation decoration application of oil baking.

      • 중학교 지리수업에 있어서 교수방법의 개선방안

        韓鴻烈 서원대학교 교육연구소 1999 敎育發展 Vol.18 No.2

        The mastery of teaching methods and teaching techniques in the geography education is only one dimension of the skills, attitudes and knowledge needed by the competent geography teachers. The geography teachers should have a basic understanding of philosophies of geography education, it's learning theory, and human development to act as a guide in the proper application of each teaching method and technique. The geography teacher who apply many teaching techniques to geography class must answer such question as: What are the aims and contents of geography education? There are many teaching techniques in the geography education. Those are field study, mapping, sample study, simulation, filmstrips, systems approach, topic learning, role playing and so on. Then, the comprehensive teaching techniques of the geography education are problem-solving. Inquiry, demonstration. Determining which teaching strategy to utilize is the choice of the geography teacher based on: ⓛknowledge of the learner's needs and interests; ②school and classroom environmental constraints; ③time and space considerations; and ④capabilities and limitations of the strategies themselves. The teaching strategy, the ability of the teacher to effectively utilize the strategy, and the student's ability and interest in the strategy-content-aim combination will eventually determine the success or failure of geography lesson. The lecture is the traditional method of teaching the geography wherein the lecturer transmits information in an autocratic fashion to passive student listeners. In the pure form, students have no opportunity to ask questions or offer comments during the lecture. Lecture is the oldest method of teaching the geography, but one of the most ineffective because it is overused, abused, and misused. Lecture assumes that the lecturer knows all and the students are ignorant, and this automatically turns off some students. The lecture has many advantages in the geography education. ① It is most helpful in introducing a new topic of geography education or presenting certain background material that students needs for preparation of further study in the field of the geography education. ② Lecture permits a large audience to receive succinct information quickly about aspects of materials that will increase their understanding of what lies ahead. ③ Lecture provides students with an organized perspective of the content to be considered. ④ Lecture provides practice for the students in the learning of the geography to develop note-taking skills. ⑤ The lecture provides the teacher with a sense of security since no surprising information will be introduced into the geography class. The lecture has also many disadvantages or limitations in the geography education. ①Lengthy or overly frequent lecture can easily lead to boredom. ② The lecturer has difficulty in assessing impact on the students and whether student needs and interests are being met. ③ Higher level cognitive learning is seldom achieved by students since they do not actively work with the information being considered. ④ Detailed and factual information is difficult to communicate or relate in such a setting. The lecture as the oldest teaching method in geography education has advantages and disadvantages like this. Thus, if the geography teachers avoid pure lecture by utilizing questions during the lecture and always allow ample opportunity for questions to come from the students. The lecture is more effective in clarifying or demonstrating a procedure or skill. The degree to which this happens is determined to some extent by the attitudes of the geography teacher while making the presentation. Any teaching methods which are inconsistent with the student's desire for peer acceptance and approval is likely to meet with strong resistance. Even the most careful planning cannot produce beneficial results unless the student personally feels the need for learning this requires consideration of the associated problems of providing adequately for individual differences. It is a rare student who will not create a disturbance when class expectations are too high or too low for their capabilities. Yet, most teachers in Korea consistently expect all members of the geography class to read the same book. Do the same problems and perform on the same level. As a result, these geography teachers often find their energies devoted to problems of class control. Therefore, the traditional geography class cannot teach students about the core content of geography. It taught students about fragmentary knowledge of geography at most. For the better geography education, geography teachers should consider the student's needs and interests, improve geography texts, make a new teaching materials, prepare the special geography classroom, design a new lesson unit of geography education, and take reeducation. They should make sincere efforts for enhancing students' critical thinking skills so that students can not only interpret the knowledge but also understand the basic spirit of geography and apply them to contemporary life.

      • 남북한 경제협력의 불가능 삼각정리와 실천적 협력방안

        한홍열 사단법인 코리아컨센서스연구원 2018 분석과 대안 Vol.2 No.1

        Models of South-North Korean economic integration have the problem of circular reasoning. While many studies argue that South-North Korean economic integration would contribute to alleviate security risks in the Korean peninsular, they emphasize the success of any economic model of inter-Korean economic integration is subject to favorable geo-political and security environment. It is a failure in distinguishing between goals and constraints. After identifying three major goals of South-North Korean economic cooperation, this study shows the trilemma among the goals; they are 1) formation of a complete economic community, 2) maintaining independent sovereignty of the two Koreas, 3) promotion of mutual economic interests. The trilemma suggests that it is theoretically impossible to achieve the above three goals at the same time. Only two goals are achievable simultaneously. This study argues that the most practical option is to pursue the combination of goals 2) and 3) considering the complex political and security environment around the Korean peninsular. Recognizing that North Korea is the least developed country in the Northeast Asia region, South Korea’s initiatives for inter-Korean economic cooperation should focus on assisting industrialization and integration of the North Korea economy into the Northeast Asian regional production sharing structure. In view of the ‘flying geese model’ of the sequential industrialization in the region, the least developed economic status of North Korea can partially be explained by its failure to participate in the production network in the region as well as lack of effective implementation of appropriate industrial policy. Therefore, promotion of industrialization of North Korea should be the immediate goal of economic cooperation between North and South Korea. It is an interesting fact that North Korea has rapidly expanded its apparel exports in recent years. It could mean that the North Korean economy is actively responding to the dynamics of international comparative advantage structure, although the production activities are limited to exports to China since the closure of the Gaesung Industrial Complex. The recent increase in apparel export is a starting point for incorporating the Easy Import Substitution fulfilling both domestic and neighboring regional demand of North Korea. It could help integrate North Korea’s industry into the production network of Northeast Asia. An immediate policy implication is that the economic cooperation between the two Koreas should focus on facilitating this process and supporting North Korea’s industrial policy through South Korea’s contribution of capital, technology, and service intermediary inputs.

      • KCI등재

        러시아의 WTO 가입 이후 러시아의 다자간 무역체제내의 정책공간에 관한 연구

        한홍열 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2012 중소연구 Vol.36 No.3

        The purpose of this study is the potential policy space for the Russia as it completes the accession process to the WTO. The world trading system solidified its position as a governing body of world trade as it encompasses almost all the international trade flows. Also it’s possible Russia may find some policy spaces in which it can influence the operation of WTO as it faces new challenges with the new memberships of CIS countries including Russia. First, Russia may contribute to creating new momentum of DDA by introducing both new modality in the negotiation process and new markets. Second, Russia’s new membership can provide a chance restructuring of WTO governance in term of personnel and operational system. Finally, Russia can contribute to the stability of world trading system by establishing a balance of interests among WTO members through introducing new development agenda such as aid for trade which is consistent with the policy directions of both Russia and WTO. 본 연구는 러시아의 WTO 가입 이후 다자간 무역체제에 기여할 수 있는 정책공간을 분석하고 있다. 다자간 무역체제는 러시아의 가입으로 무역과 관련한 다자체제로서 명실상부한 위상을 확보한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 이와 동시에 러시아를 필두로 한 CIS 국가등 개도국들의 대거 신규가입은 다자간 무역체제에 새로운 도전을 제기하며 이러한 양면성은 향후 다자간 무역체제에서 러시아가 역할을 담당할 수 있는 정책적 공간을 제공한다. 첫째, 러시아는 DDA 협상의 진척을 위하여 일괄타결의 원칙에 위배되지 않으면서도 러시아가 최소한의 추가적 부담을 지면서 새로운 시장을 창출하는 방안이 본 연구에서 검토되었다. 둘째, 러시아의 WTO 가입은 변화된 국제경제의 지형 변화에 걸맞게 다자간 무역체제의 거버넌스에 구조적 변화를 가져올 수 있는 계기가 될 수 있다. 셋째, 다자간 무역체제의 안정성 회복은 DDA 협상의 동력확보가 필요하며 이를 위해서는 개도국을 포함한 협상당사자들간의 이해관계의 재정립이 필요하다. 이 분야는 러시아 개발원조 확대 정책과 전략적 방향과도 일치하는 것이며 WTO의 정책방향과도 일관성을 갖고 있다는 점에서 러시아가 기여할 수 있는 매우 중요한 정책적 공간인 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        소규모 개방국가, 키르기스 공화국의 산업화 정책의 방향

        한홍열 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2016 중소연구 Vol.40 No.3

        The Kyrgyz Republic, a small open economy in the Central Asia, has not been successful enough to create industrial base for a long-term economic development in spite of its high expectation from its accession to the WTO from both policy makers and general public. The experiences of neighboring countries, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, provides useful reference for industrial policy for Kyrgyz Republic for successful implementation in the future. Kazakhstan adopts a seemingly conflicting policies of market opening and active policy intervention in the process of industrialization at the same time. Uzbekistan is a classical example of inward-looking industrial policy heavily applying import substitution and foreign exchange policies. However, considering non-reversible nature of the WTO membership, the Kyrgyz Republic’s policy choice lies not in the whether it should pursue active industrial policy, but in to what extent the government involve in the process of industrialization. 키르기스 공화국의 경제적 현실은 소규모 국가들의 적극적 대외개방 정책이 산업화에 대한 중요한 시사점을 제공한다. 적극적인 개방정책을 수행한 소규모 개발도상국의 대부분은 여전히 의미있는 산업화에 성공하지 못한 것이 현실이다. 이런 점에서, 우즈베키스탄과 카자흐스탄과 같이 비교적 적극적인 산업정책을 활용하여 성공적으로 추격과정을 수행한 국가들은 중요한 정책적 참고가 될 수 있다. 카자흐스탄은 대외적으로 개방적 체제를 유지하는 동시에 정부는 적극적으로 산업화에 개입하는 전략을 채택하였다. 반면에 우즈베키스탄의 경우, 적극적인 산업정책 뿐만아니라 대외적으로도 매우 폐쇄적인 정책을 동시에 사용하였다. 우즈베키스탄 패러덕스로 표현되는 우즈베키스탄의 경제적 성장과 안정성은 적어도 산업화 초기 단계의 최빈개도국에 현실적인 시사점을 제공한다. 즉, 키르기스 공화국의 경우, 대외정책의 불가역적 성격을 감안하면 산업화 과정에 정부의 적극적인 개입 여부가 아니라 개입의 정도와 정책수단의 우선 순위가 보다 중요한 정책과제로 보인다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 韓國의 鍮器工業과 立地에 關한 硏究 : 安城鍮器工業을 中心으로

        韓鴻烈 西原大學校 1985 西原大學 論文集 Vol.16 No.-

        The moulding of the bronze wares in our country dates far back to six hundred through seven hundred B.C. The culture of the bronze age was over around six century. This fact enables us to surmise how long the span of the bronze age is. With the introduction of the continental Chinese culture into Korea, the metal and iron ware culture in our country began in 108 B.C and further more the technique of the alchemy was on the road of being developed. According of the Kyung-Kug Daejeon ( The encyclopaedia of administration) and Daejeon Whoitong (The grand encyclopedia).The Brass-ware industry from the three Kingdome to Koryo and Yi dynasties is thought of as having been developed in the following regions such as Suwon, Kwangcheon, Yangju in Kyong Kee-do. Chinju, Kim hae, Daegu in Kyung Sang-do, Cheju, Cheonju, Namwon, Naju, Changheong, Suncheon in Chella-do. Kwangleung, Wonju in Kwangwon-do. Whangju, Haeju in Whanghae-do, Yeongheong, Anbyun, Hamheung in Yeong An-do. Pyungyang, Youngbyun, Anju, Faju, Cheonju, KangKye, SungJu, Sookeheon in Pyungan-do. It seemed to the antisans (a kind technicians) to regard the raw material production districts as the most suitable places for the brass ware industry. Kyong Kong Jang(the government controlled factors) and the Sa Kong Jang(the private controlled factors)during the Japanese colonial period were situated at the model region considering the above facts. Cheongju Gun,pyungan Buk-do province(5 factories), Wan san-dong, Uongwan-Myun, Pakehen Gun(thirteen factoris) and Anseong (three factories) seemed to be the brass ware industry centers and the residence quarters for the artisans because these areas were the nodal region. On the one hand, all the brass-ware manufacturing industry were on the brink of being nearly annihilated with the outbreak of world war Ⅱ because a lot of raw materials of the brass should be forecely delivered to Japan. On the other hand, when Korea were liberated from Japan colonies the brass ware industry could hold out its existence only in Kyungju, Bongwha, Chungju Namwon III , Hamyang, Kimcheon, Sooncheon,Anseong because of the renovation of kitchens, the use of coal, the appearance of the stainless tableware. The process of the brass ware consists of three major ones the Bugilgan process the Kajilgan process, the decorative process. Even today most of its process is being operated in almost the same conventional way. The manufactured goods are as follows. 1) The table wares 2) the marriage tools 3) the ancestral rits wares 4) a variety of lamps 5) the white bronze coal bamboos. Both the appearance of the private artisans and the traffic the brass ware industry of Anseong come into a prosperous boom. But after the Korean War , the brass ware industry in Anseng couldn't but face a rapid decline. These days only the theree nominal factories are operated by Kim Keun-soo (the so -called human culture assets), Park Sang Seoul, Kim Jae Sik. The Brass ware industry of Anseng and other towns in Korea would not be so prospective if the authority concerned didn't support and pay more attention to that industry as the folk industrial products. The high price of its products, the discoloration of the table wares arising from the excessive use of coal in our daily lives and the appearance of the stainless tableware are also big obstacles to the brasswars industry.

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