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      • 革命의 本質과 類型

        韓庸熙 淑明女子大學校 1968 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        Like all the political phenomenon, the study of revolution is very difficult and hard to take an objective because of partisan positions and interests. However, we can roughly divided into two theories: that revolution can be avoided and that revolution is inevitable, therefore a necessary phenomenon in the historical development. Namely, The principles of democracy takes the view that revolution can be avoided, Socialists emphasize the necessity of revolution. On the other hand, if we examine the theory about the concept of revolution, there are theories that consider revolution as political change, or revolution as social change, and revolution as sociopsychological theory. Despite the differences in viewpoints, if we summarize it, can be thought that revolution is illegal (unconstitutional) change of government. To put it differently, it is characteristic of violence and there must be class concept and forward movement. In the light of an important attribute, revolution is different from reform , progress, evolution or cup d'etat. As to the patterns of revolution, there are political revolution, social revolution, democratic revolution and socialist revolution if we limit to political ones excepting economic revolutions such as industrial revolution, agricultural revolution and commercial revolution. Even though there is unconstitutional change of government, it is a political revolution if the outcome of revolution is limited to political field. When social institution is changed, it can be said that it is a social revolution. The Glorious Revolution belongs to the former and the Russian Revolution and the great French Revolution belong to the latter. And, it is a democratic revolution when the achievement of revolution is the growth and establishment of democracy and when accomplishment is socialistic, it is a socialist revolution. In the end, this writer would like to add that this study is concerned with the substance and patterns of revolution. This is only the beginning of it and even if revolution contributes to the establishment and development of democracy, revolution should be denied from the view point of pure idea of democracy.

      • 敎皇 요한 바오로2세의 社會敎理에 관한 序說的 考察

        韓庸熙 淑明女子大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        It is believed that the social teachings of the Pope John Paul Ⅱ are basically influenced by the social principle of the Pope John XXIII, the Pope Paul VI, and the Second Vatican Ecumenical council. The Pope John Paul Ⅱ has published two important articles representing his religious and social position since he took his office: In Redemtor Hominis (March 3, 1979) and Laborem Exercens (September 14, 1981) he is sharply distinguished from his predecessors in the sense that he has visited many countries throughout the world. Wherever he may go he emphasizes the suflime mission of Catholic church as "light and salt for all the mankinds and the whole world (Matthew 5 : 13-16)". His social teachings may be summarized as follows: 1. He emphasized, in particular, the dignity of human beings by arguing that human beings are superior to material or money, and therefore economy should exist not to rule or control human beings, but to serve them. Furthermore, he strongly criticized materialism and mammonism prevailing among the people throughout the world. 2. He also defended basic human rights. In particular, he is concerned about the torture and oppression experienced by many people all over the world, and protests against any type of infringement on basic human rights in the name of "law and order." Moreover, he argues that church should strongly support all the civil rights activities. 3. He has published many articles and made lots of speeches on social justice. He maintained that it is injustice that there is a severe social difference between the rich and the poor, and the wealth is monopolized by a small previleged class. In addition, he stressed that we should endeavour to construct a peaceful world in which everyone can enjoy his life in terms of fair distribution of the wealth. He persuasively told that there is no peace without justice and no justice without human rights. Furthermore he persisted that Catholic Church must protect social by standing in with the poor. 4. The Pope John Paul Ⅱ was much more interested in the matter of world peace than any other his predecessor. He emphasized, in his speech for U.N. general assembly and his message for "World Peace Day", that any type of war and terror should be expelled from the earth. Moreover, he criticized the on-going expansion of armaments and the production of mass-killing weapens. And he stressed that true peace can be obtained not by force, but by Dialogue. In short, the Pope John Paul Ⅱ indicates all the obstacles which may block the way to the salvation and earnestly prays that all the mankinds may enjoy their lives in justice and peace as God's spirit dictates.

      • 가톨릭시즘의 共産主義批判 : Catholic Position

        韓庸熙 숙명여자대학교 경제연구소 1981 論文集 Vol.10 No.-

        Communism has been worldly spread Karl Marx announced "the Manifesto of Communist Party" in 1848. This trend could be attributed to the fact that communism has been more attractive to alienated working class than Bible and communists' organization and tactics have been strong. However, the fact that communism has been emerged and developed even in christian countries means that there are some problems on christian chrurches. The purpose of this paper is to establish a nation characterized by freedom, justice, truth and peace which are human beings' universal hope in the earth, by criticizing and analyzing communism from a catholic viewpoint. 1) Communism defines religion as "morphine of mass", "methods of exploiting for the ruling class." Thus it is said religion should be eliminated in order to establish communism. However, religion is not "morphine of mass" as communists said. Christ tried to liberate the poor, "have-not" and died to salvation human-beings. 2) Communism dehumanizes all human-beings. They treat human-being for the sake of accomplishing communist revolution. They ignore dignity, conciousness and freedom of a human-being and make human-being as a slave of a "Communist Party" rather than liberating him. 3) Philosophy of communism is based on materialism. That is, the origin of whole universe is material and spirit is a reflection of material. But a human-being can not live only with material, and her is an animal pursuing spiritual ideal. Moreover many saints, especially Christ did not die only for bread. Historical philosophy of Communism is not historical materialism. They say that all human societies are decided by a lower structure of economics and the history of human-beings is developing based on materialistic production. That is, politics, law, culture and ideology are upper structures restricted by a lower structure of economics. However, the history of human beings has not been developed only by a production or a economic factor. Therefore, sometimes, a lower structure restricts an upper structure and other times, an upper structure restricts a lower structure. 4) Politcal theory of communism is based on class struggle and Proletariat revolution. They define "all human-beings history as class struggle history and they insist that a capitalist society develops to a socialist society because there would be a struggle between capitalists and workers and capitalists would be vanished. However, today, the capitalists and workers cooperate one another in some developed capitalist countries. Moreover, the leaders in the modern capilalist countries try to improve the worker's living standard through many kinds of welfare plicies. The capitalists and workers cooperate one another without any serious conflicts between them. The communists insist that the "Blood revolution" is the only way to overthrone Capitalism. They also say that a dictatorship of the proletariats is inveviable at the very begining stage of communism. However the theory of communism is contradictory. Today, the workers try to improve their rights rather through a peaceful way than through violence. Furthermore, the proletariats cooperate with another class because they could not succeed in farming the dictatorship of the proletariats and because they are faced with the other class's resistance. This has been proved in most of the communist countries. The economic theory or communism is to overthrow private properties. However, overthrowing private is to violate natural law. This was because Lenin adopted the New-Economic Policy. We know that communism was once popular because the communists assertion was to emancipate the poor people from their poor life. However, theory of communism because just a strategy rather than the theory is an ideological system. In conclusion, the only way to save the life of human-beings is to because christians. Becoming to be christians is the only way to some human-beings from the temptation of the communists. Only the Christians could Bring us to a "world of love and peace" because they play a role of "the light and salt of the world" (mattew 5:13∼16)

      • 社會正義에 관한 硏究 : 카톨릭시즘을 中心으로

        韓庸熙 淑明女子大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        Social justice becomes the prime concern in today's world. We may say that human life is improving in a sense, whille we see too much injustice and absurdity too often in our society. Social justice has been one of the most important subject for many thinkers since Aristotle. The present thesis concerns the meaning of social justice from the view point of the catholic church. The catholic church, throughout 2000 years, has contributed to humankind through its effort to relieve human from sin. Especially the church has shown keen interests for the poor, the oppressed and the alienated and often has fought for them. It is based on the spirit of the bible, and therefore naturally of Jesus Christ. This present thesis first examine the historical development of the catholic church's concern for social justice, and then investigate the theological context of the concern through official documents of the church. There have been many debates about the relationship between the church and society, and involvement of the church in social issues. It is, however, evident that the church must concern with social affairs. It is because the church is "the light of the world and the salt of the earth(matthew 5 : 13∼16)." The social participation, however, should be peaceful though it differs from being passive. Reject violent activity, but endure any pain and oppression with prophetic vocation. As Jesus lives the mystery of death and resurrection, the church of today must die and only then it will rise from the dead.

      • 동학혁명과 全琫準

        韓庸熙 숙명여자대학교 학생위원회 1981 淑大學報 Vol.21 No.-

        개화기의 한국에 있어서 근대화의 계기를 이룬 대사건은 역시 동학혁명(東學革命)이었다. 그리고 그 중심인물은 전봉준(全琫準)이다. 동학혁명의 의의와 전봉준의 성격에 대해서는 많은 견해가 있을 수 있다. 독자는 동학혁명의 정치적 의미를 강조하는가 하면 사회 경제적 의의를 주장하는 학자도 있고 때로는 문화적 측면을 크게 지적하는 논자도 있다. 한편 동학혁명의 사상적 배경을 민족주의(民族主義)로 보는 이론과 민주주의 또는 혁신주의(革新主義)로 보는 견해사이에도 차이가 있다. 동학혁명은 그 역사적 성격에 있어서도 복합적이며 사상적 성격에 있어서도 다양한 요소들의 혼합물로 보는 것이 적당할 것이다. 동학혁명의 중심인물인 전봉준에 대해서도 그 인품이나 사상에 대해 여러 가지 방향에서 분석될 수 있다. 그가 부정과 부패에 대한 항거자(抗拒者)이면서도 결코 과격파가 아니고 온건파라는 점, 그는 구국의 정신에 투철한 애국자며 결코 혁명가의 유형에 속하지 않는다는점 등에서 그에 대한 평가가 다양하게 내려질 수 있다. 어쨌든 동학혁명의 여러 가지 측면을 종합적으로 고찰할 때 비로소 그 사건과 인물이 한국의 근대화에 어떠한 의미를 주었는가를 파악할 수 있으며 그것을 현대적으로 조명(照明)해 보고자 하는 것이 이 글의 목적이다.

      • KCI등재

        가톨릭의 결혼관 및 산아제한론의 연구 : 女性의 地位와 관련하여 in Connection with Women's Status

        韓庸熙 淑明女子大學校 亞細亞女性問題硏究所 1980 아시아여성연구 Vol.19 No.-

        Today the sudden increase of population is a serious problem in the world. In the present situation in which includes oil shock, food shortage etc., the brupt increase of population threathens human-being's survival. In order to control population bomb, most of nations, except for a few nations, make policies to solve the pooproblem. However, they still have the problem. The most universal method to control population in the world is to legitimize and encourage birth control and artificial interruption. These methods might be useful temporarily, but they might hurt value system a modern man, especially a view on marriage. Moreover, they might encourage a trend to ignore dignity of a human life. Catholic church is not apathetic to population control or birth control, because the utmost aim of Catholic church is to save all human-beings. But Catholic church insists that the purpose of marriage is to give child birth. Further more, it is strongly opposed to artificially kill a life conceived. Recently, Catholic church mentions about the best. method for birth control through various literature. Especially, Humanal vital (196$) announced Pope Paul VI is a representative literature in which showed a deep interest in the present population increase and develops a theory in birth control appropriate to God's will and Gospel's spirit. The summary of the contents is as follows: 1. The purposes of husband- wife intercourse and marriage arc to give child birth. 2. Though it is necessary to control birth, killing artificially a life conceived is strongly rejected. 3. Ogino law or Billings law is encouraged. 4. Ministers, medical doctors and politicians should encourage right method of birth control. Today human-beings adopt various methods opposed to God's will to solve population bomb. Thus the method in which Catholic church insists is not supported. Moreover, birth control through $quot;restraint$quot; has many difficulties. But even though there are these many difficulties, birth control opposed to God's will can never be permitted. The teachings of God about marriage, home, and child birth should be obeyed. We should control the population increase through wise method instead of non-humanistic method.

      • KCI등재

        가톨릭시즘의 結婚觀 및 家庭倫理의 硏究

        韓庸熙 淑明女子大學校 亞細亞女性問題硏究所 1976 아시아여성연구 Vol.15 No.-

        The value system of man has been shaken in the changing world. Especially, the views of ethics on love, marriage and home among youth have been so confused that it is not easy to establish sincere and real concept or idea on them. Marriage is important to man. The God created man to share his love with other man. He also taught him how to bring up his children through his home life. Marriage and home are the largest gifts that the God gave to man. But modern man does not realize what he has fun the God and lie is inclined to enjoy egoism based on the opening of sex. Marriage is sometimes thought as the freedom of man. Home is also considered as the world of husband and wife who only desire passion and forget the responsibility of childbirth. The marriage life between husband and wife lacking love result in the rate of divorce. The disharmony between parents and children makes home miserable. Despite of today's depressing situation, man consistently wants to get married and to make home because marriage and home are not made by man, but by the God. Therefore, to follow the God's way is the destiny of man. Catholicism especially emphasizes marriage, value and destiny of man. It might sound trite and theological ethics, but it is a permanent truth. First, marriage is sacred, unique and permanent. Second, the proposition of marriage is the agreement between the two men. The purpose of marriage is child birth and education. Thus abortion which hurts the life of a fetus should not be pertormed. I-tome is a resting place for man a school in which teaches love and praying. Home is a basis to bring about love between husband and wife and love between father and son. Peace of society and nation can be built on the basis of the peace of home. Husband and wife make the nest of love with cooperation and equalness. The right of father must be respected and protected and the protection of wife is essential for home. parents should not forget that they have rights and responsibilities about the education of heir children. We need to establish right views on marriage and home ethics the make better man and society.

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