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        고려(高麗) 철화(鐵畵) '성(成)' 명청자(銘靑瓷)의 특징(特徵)과 제작시기(製作時期)

        한성욱,Han, Sung Uk 국립문화재연구원 2008 헤리티지:역사와 과학 Vol.41 No.2

        Celadons painted in underglaze iron brown 'Sung(成)' inscription are characteristic celadons excavated only at the No. 7 kiln site located at Sadang-ri(沙堂里), Daegu-myeon(大口面), Gangjin-gun(康津郡), Jeollanamdo(全羅南道), Korea and has inscription in the inner center of the foot by brush. The inscription was marked where it is not easily seen. it can be assumed that since it showed a variety of hand writings, many people were involved in manufacturing these celadons and the 'Sung' inscription was marked after workshop rather than manufacturer. It was also found that quality of glaze, paste, shape, pattern and firing method were same and these were manufactured with the same techniques in the same period. Kinds of these celadons were mainly sets of tablewares including bowl with handle, bowl, plate, cup, bowl with cover and bottle. Raised relief designs using extrusion technic were especially preferred rather than incised designs and inlaid designs. Cases of using inlaid designs were not frequently found compared to incised designs, thus it can be assumed that in this period, inlaid designs were not generally used. Special designs having the meaning of authority or dignity such as chrysanthemum, peony, parrot and lotus plate designs were not found. Foot was molded with 'U' type except some bowls with cover and plates and firing was done after glazing the whole surface of the ceramic with the support of quartzite at 3 to 4 places of inner bottom of foot. Production period of these celadons with 'Sung' inscription can not be confirmed from other excavation sites outside of No. 7 kiln site at Sadang-ri since there are no other excavation sites whose relics bear 'Sung' inscription. Through comparison research with other relics bear the characteristics of these celadons from tombs, temple sites, shipwrecks, production period of these celadons with 'Sung' inscription can be assumed as second quarter of 13th century. And since the quality of these celadons are generally inferior to the top-quality celadons which were supplied to royal familes and high-ranking aristocrats, it can be deducted that these celadons with 'Sung' inscription were supplied to classes lower than royal familes and high-ranking aristocrats. So it is considered that Celadons with 'Sung' inscription have a great significance as a chronological material to complement the blank of the first half of the 13th century because most of celadons with raised relief designs and engraved relief designs were attributed to 12th century, the period of prosperity. 철화(鐵畵) '성(成)' 명청자(銘靑瓷)는 전라남도(全羅南道) 강진군(康津郡) 대구면(大口面) 사당리(沙堂里) 7호 가마터에서만 출토되는 특징적 청자로 붓을 이용하여 굽안바닥 중앙에 명문(銘文)을 쓰고 있다. 명문이 눈에 잘 띄지 않은 곳에 표기되어 있으며, 필체가 다양하여 생산에 여러 사람이 참여하였음을 알 수 있어 제작자보다는 공방(工房)을 표기하였던 것으로 추정된다. 또한 유약(釉藥)과 태토(胎土), 기형(器形), 문양(文樣), 번법(燔法) 등 품격(品格)이 동일(同一)하여 같은 제작기법을 사용하여 같은 시기에 제작되었음을 쉽게 알 수 있다. 기종(器種)은 ${\Box}$과 대${\Box}$(大), ${\Box}$시(匙), 잔(盞), 합(盒), 병(甁) 등 일상(日常) 생활용기(生活容器)가 중심을 이루고 있다. 시문기법(施文技法)은 음각(陰刻)과 상감(象嵌)보다 압출양각(壓出陽刻) 기법을 특히 선호하였으며, 음각보다 상감의 예가 적어 이 시기 상감기법이 보편화되지 않았음을 알 수 있다. 문양은 국화문(菊花文)과 모란문(牡丹文), 앵무문(鸚鵡文), 연판문(蓮瓣文), 연당초문(蓮唐草文) 등으로 권위나 위엄의 의미를 갖는 특별한 문양은 확인되지 않는다. 굽은 합과 접시의 일부를 제외하고 대부분 'U'자형으로 성형하였으며, 번법(燔法)은 내화토(耐火土) 비짐이 일부 있으나 전면(全面) 시유(施釉) 후 굽 안바닥 3~4 곳에 규석(硅石)을 받쳐 굽고 있다. 생산시기(生産時期)는 현재 사당리 7호 가마터 이외의 유적에서는 확인되지 않아 유사한 성격을 갖는 유적 출토품과의 비교를 통해 13세기(世紀) 2/4분기(分期)에 생산되었음을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 고품격의 양질청자에 비해 상대적으로 품질이 떨어지는 일반적인 양질청자가 중심을 이루고 있어 왕실(王室) 등의 최상류층보다 한 단계 낮은 계층에 공급되었던 것으로 추정된다. '성(成)' 명청자(銘靑瓷)는 그동안 전성기(全盛期) 음 양각 기법의 청자를 모두 12세기대로 편년하면서 발생하였던 13세기 전반의 공백을 보완할 수 있는 편년 자료로 그 중요성이 매우 크다고 하겠다.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        휴경답에서의 토양의 이화확적 특성 , 주요 영양분 및 잡초종의 변화

        한성욱(Sung Uk Han),정갑채(Gap Chae Chung),천상욱(Sang Uk Chon),이희재(Hee Jae Lee),구자옥(Ja Ock Guh) 한국환경농학회 1998 한국환경농학회지 Vol.17 No.3

        Changes in physico-chemical properties and major nutrient contents were investigated in the soil of paddy fields during fallow period. Weed vegetation change in the fallow paddy fields was also examined. As the fallow period became longer, organic matter content in the paddy soil has gradually increased. Soil pH of the paddy fields has not changed until three years of fallow period and thereafter slightly increased. Cation exchange capacity of the paddy soil, and exchangeable N, K, Ca and Mg contents in the soil tended to decrease until three years of fallow period and then increase with the prolonged fallow period. As the fallow period became longer, available P₂O_5 content in the paddy soil has continuously decreased. Available SiO₂content in the paddy soil has not changed until three years of fallow period and thereafter increased. The vegetation in the fallow paddy fields have mostly been occupied by the weeds of the Gramineae, Cyperaceae, and Compositae. As the fallow period became longer, the weeds of the Polygonaceae and Juncaceae have increased, whereas the weeds of the Leguminosae, Commelinaceae, Pontederiaceae, and Onagraceae have gradually disappeared. However, the weeds of the Gramineae and Cyperaceae have always been dominant in the paddy fields during the fallow paddy period.

      • KCI등재

        新安船 出土 高麗靑瓷의 硏究

        한성욱(Han Sung-Uk) 역사문화학회 2007 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.10 No.2

        新安船이 인양된 방축리 해저유적은 全羅南道 新安那 曾島面 防築里에 위치한다. 1323년 침몰한 신안선에서는 7점의 고려청자가 출토되었는데, 이들 고려청자는 중국으로 수출된 후 일본으로 재수출하던 것이다. 이 시기 일본에서는 가마쿠라(鎌倉) 사람들이 고려청자를 특히 선호하여 최종 목적지는 가마쿠라일 가능성이 매우 높다. 한편 이들 고려청자는 대부분 특수 기종으로 상류층들의 장엄과 권위를 위해 사용되었던 것이다. 신안선 출토 고려청자는 고려시대 양질청자의 양대 생산지인 全羅南道 康律郡 大口面 沙堂里와 全羅北道 技安那 保安面 柳川里 도요지에서 생산되었다. 그러나 靑瓷陰刻蓮花文梅甁은 문양으로 보아 사당리 가마에서 생산된 것으로 추정된다. 생산 시기는 13세기 중반을 하한으로하는 청자음각연화문매병을 제외하고는 13세기 후반에서 14세기 전반에 제작된 것으로 판단된다. Seabed relics at Bangchuk-ri where the Sinan-ship(新安船) was salvaged are located at Bangchuk-ri(防築里), Jeungdo-myontjtss(曾島面), Sinan-gun(新安郡), Jeonnam(全羅南道). 7 Goryo celadons were excavated in Sinan-ship which was sunk in 1323 and these Goryo(高麗) celadons were exported to China(中國) and reexported to Japan(日本) again. People in Kamakura(鎌倉), Japan preferred Goryo celadon in this period and it is assumed that final destination of Goryo celadons was Kamakura. On the one hand, these Goryo celadons were specially designed and manufactured to stand for the authority and solemnity of higher classes. Goryo celadons excavated from the Sinan-ship were produced at two kiln sites at Sadang-ri(沙堂里), Daegu-myon(大口面), Gangjin-gun(康津郡), Jeonnam and Yuchun-ri(柳川里), Boan-myon(保安面), Buan-gun(扶安郡), Jeonbuk(全羅北道) which produced celadons of good quality in the age of Goryo. But, it is assumed that celadon vase with incised lotus design was produced at kiln site. Sadang-ri from its pattern. It was judged that their production period was from the second half of the 13th period to the first half of the 14th century except celadon vase with incised lotus design produced in the mid-13th century.

      • KCI등재

        高麗 後期 靑瓷의 器形 變遷

        韓盛旭(Han Sung-uk) 한국미술사학회 2001 美術史學硏究 Vol.- No.232

        During the late Kory? dynasty one finds a number of external factors that could have made impact on the development of art. such as resistance against Mongols. the interference of Yuan. the rebellion of Hongg?nj?k 紅巾賊 and frequent invasions of Japanese pirates and severe exploitations by military ruling class and influential families. Consequently politics continued to be crippled. and social disorder was aggravated. This period marked the decline of Korv? dynasty and was finally led to its fall. In this period the collapse of so 所 system was accelerated. celadon produced by professional specialization resulted in lowering its quality. Accordingly. as production and supply of celadon were extended due to relaxation of governmental control and increase of demanders. its quality was lowered and then changed into punch'?ng 粉靑 ware. On the one hand. the South coast region was the place where established the economic foundation of military government during the resistance against Mongolia and the quality of celadon produced centering around Kangjin region showed a gradual decline not. a sudden fall. That is. the resistance against Mongolia was a cause of decline of celadon. but. it didn't. cause its qualitative deterioration and after that. it was gradually declined with interference of Yuan Dynasty, frequent. invasions of Japanese pirate raiders and stagnation of Kory? society Especially. a lot. of damages of the South coast. region by Japanese pirate raiders became a decisive factor of deteriorating the quality of celadon at Kangjin region. The celadon of the 13th century developed the schematization partially in its shape and pattern compared to that of the 12th century in its gold age. but it had the neat and real naturalness. Fire-clay support centering around silica support was partially used and it has the aftertaste of jade green in its golden age. Also it shows a great proportion of pure celadon like that of the 12th century. It was also confirmed in the excavated articles of King My?ngjong's tomb. Choi Hang's 崔沆 tomb. Yongjang 龍藏 Castle on Chindo 珍島. P?phwasa 法華寺 on Wando 莞島 and P?phwasa 法華寺 on Chejudo 濟州道. Therefore, the celadon of the 13th century has the aftertaste of jade green celadon in its golden age, but it was declined gradually due to social conditions such as the resistance against Mongolia. In the 14th century. as such a tradition emphasized a practicality and functionality. shape of celadon became thick. large and dull. Its lips was mostly curved toward inside and its feet was wider than those of the 13th century. Its patterns were simplified or group patterns were repeated. schematized and stylized. In glazing, it was changed into dark color gradually having yellow and brown colors and its ground clay became harsh as times went by. And as the celadons excavated under the sea at Torip'o 道里浦, Muan 務安 showed, the proportion of pure celadon was decreased and it is considered that it was a natural result due to the degeneration of glaze. Also in the 14th century. as a cup with long leg (高足杯 kojokpae), an angled bottle (扁甁) and a bowel with curved treated bottom of new styles appeared, it was transferred to punch'?ng. As bowls had been large sized, large and small bowels losing its functions were disappeared. and masangbae was converted into more practical kojokpae and then disappeared. On the one hand. in the 14th century, celadons with incriptions including cylcial years appeared as the means for inhibiting the qualitative decline of cleadon, It is found that the period of making dated celadon was the 14th century by the state of things of Kangiin region and through the comparison of it to the excavated articles of the 13th century. In addition, periods of manufacturing dated celadons are divided into the period from Kisa 己巳 (1329) to Kapsul 甲戌 (1334) and the one from Imo 壬午 (1342) to ?lmi 乙未 (1355). While the former applies the glaze to the whole surface centering around the silica support,

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        금융위기 전후 증권회사의 이익조정에 관한 연구

        한성욱(Han Sung-Uk),이호영(Lee Ho-Young) 한국국제회계학회 2012 국제회계연구 Vol.0 No.42

        This study is designed to examine factors that influenced earnings management of Korean securities firms after the global financial crisis broke out in 2008, and how the factors differ from firm to firm. Above all, as securities firms are obligated to maintain their net operating capital ratio (NCR) that is calculated based on the capital (or equity) of their statement of financial position so that they are not to be sanctioned by the competent authorities, they have strong incentives to retain the ratio by managing their earnings. In addition, since compensations for the management are dependent on operating performances of their firms, they also have incentives for earnings management. However, if NCR is high, even though the firms' financial health is good, their profitabilities can get worse because capital may be fixed without being used well. Managers may then have incentives to manage earnings to compensate the profitability. For that this reason, the management of the firms will manage their earnings in consideration of the level of their NCR. It was also expected that whether major shareholders are holding companies and/or their affiliates, will be correlated to the earnings management of the firm. Holding companies may have incentives to management earnings to improve their outside brand images while they may not have incentives to manage earnings because they are large and in stable operation. The global financial crisis has dramatically changed legal and economic environment surrounding securities firms and therefore, the associations between NCR/holding companies and earnings management may have been affected. Our analyses confirmed the aforementioned hypotheses, findings that firms with higher NCR substantially managed their earnings, and major shareholders who are members of holding companies manage earnings more strongly after the global financial crisis. The significance of this study is that it identified incentives for earnings management of securities firms, and the factors that affect the management. 본 연구의 목적은 2008년 금융위기 상황이 우리나라 증권회사의 이익조정에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 살펴보고 증권회사의 특성에 따라 구체적으로 어떻게 달라지는지 살펴보는데 있다. 먼저 증권회사의 이익조정을 할 유인을 알아보면 증권회사는 재무상태표상 자본을 바탕으로 한 영업용순자본비율(NCR)이라는 재무비율을 산출하게 되고 그 비율을 일정 수준이상 유지해야 금융감독당국으로부터 제재를 받지 않게 되어 NCR이 낮은 경우 이익조정을 통해 그 비율을 일정수준이상 유지하려는 유인을 갖게 된다. 또한 증권회사의 경영자들은 경영성과에 따라 많은 보상을 받거나 아니면 받지 못하게 되는 경우가 발생하는데 이에 따라 경영성과를 좋게 하기 위해 역시 이익조정을 할 유인이 발생한다. 한편, NCR이 높은 경우 재무상태는 안정적일 수 있으나 자본이 고정되어 수익성에 부정적인 영향을 주게 되므로 오히려 이익조정의 유인이 클 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 증권회사의 NCR과 이익조정의 상관관계를 검증하였다. 또한 증권회사 대주주가 지주회사계열인 경우 증권회사의 실적이 지주회사의 실적과 이미지에 영향을 주게 되어 이익의 상향조정 유인이 있는 반면, 이들은 상대적으로 규모가 크고 영업이 안정적이므로 이익조정의 유인이 적을 수도 있다. 또한 금융위기는 경제적 환경과 법적환경의 변화를 초래하여 NCR과 지주회사의 이익조정 유인에 영향을 미쳤을 것으로 보인다. 실증분석 결과 NCR이 높을 경우 이익조정이 오히려 더 크게 나타났고, 금융위기 이후 대주주가 지주회사인 경우에 이익조정이 더 커지는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 증권회사의 이익조정 유인과 증권회사의 이익조정에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석해 봄으로써 경제적 중요성에도 불구하고 상대적으로 연구가 많이 수행되지 못한 산업에 대한 이해를 높일 수 있다는데 의의를 찾을 수 있다.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        토마토 ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) 의 개화기 침수 처리에 따른 생육 반응

        구자옥,한성욱,국용인,천상욱,이영만 ( Ja Ock Guh,Sung Uk Han,Yong In Kuk,Sang Uk Chon,Young Man Lee ) 한국환경농학회 1997 한국환경농학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Tomatoes are flooded differently 0, 5, 10 and 15㎝, according to the developing stages such as flowering stage under the condition of greenhouse. Along with this, they are treated according to the time condition such as 6, 12, 24, 48 and 120 hours. The results obtained are summarized as follows. Plant height decreased in the depth of 0∼10㎝ for over 48 hours, in the depth of 15㎝ for over 24 hours. Number of leaves was the same as in control, and it decreased over. Number of flowers and fruit setting of individuals decreased conspicuously according as the depth and the hours got greater and longer. Adventitious root occurred remarkably in the depth of 0∼10㎝, for over 24 hours and in the depth of 15㎝, 12 hours. Epinastic curvature increased greatly as the depth and the hours got greater and longer. Diffusion resistance of stomata cell increased as the depth and the hours got greater and longer. Diseases occurred conspicuously as the hours of flooding got longer rather than as the depth greater. The preventing of diseases caused by insecticide was observed, but it was not greater than in the seedling and transplanting stage. Fertilization was effective in the case of increasing the weight of shoot. Number of fruits per plant did not decrease in the depth of 0㎝ up to 24 hours, but decreased on the deeper level of flooding and increased as the hours got longer. Moreover with the exception of 120 hours per respective depth of the treatment, average weight of a fruit got greater as the depth and the hours got greater and longer. In the case of epinastic curvature and diffusion resistance, there was negative correlation between all the other investigated characters and positive correlation between weight of a fruits and average weight of a fruit.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        생장배지 및 추출액의 멸균이 알팔파 Autotoxicity 의 유묘 생물검정에 미치는 영향

        천상욱(Sang Uk Chon),(C . Jerry Nelson),한성욱(Sung Uk Han),구자옥(Ja Ock Guh) 한국환경농학회 1999 한국환경농학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Autotoxic substance(s) from alfalfa(Medicago sativa L.) plants reduces germination and growth of adjacent new alfalfa after alfalfa. The autotoxic chemical(s) in alfalfa are clearly unknown. Our objective was to improve the sensitivity of an alfalfa seedling bioassay for evaluating autotoxic leaf extracts. We determined critical extract concentrations that inhibit seed germination and seedling growth, compared two different culture media, and evaluated the effects of extract sterilization on the sensitivity of the assay, by using streptomycin and autoclaving method. An agar medium in petri plate gave better responses of germination and seedling growth to the extracts than using filter paper in the plate. On agar medium, the concentration of extract required to reach 50% inhibition of root length was 2.7g㎏^(-1), and of germination and hypocotyl length were 3.8 and 9.9g㎏^(-1), respectively. Leaf extracts with 100 ppm streptomycin stimulated germination significantly compared to Leaf extract alone but reduced root length of control by 43%. Root length was more sensitive to the autotoxin(s) than was germination or hypocotyl length. These results suggest that agar medium mixed with extract and sterilization by autoclaving could be improved the consistency and precision of bioassay, and that root length was the best parameter of autotoxic effect of alfalfa leaf extract.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        열산화 T${a_2}{O_5}$박막에 미치는 RTA후처리의 영향

        문환성,이재석,한성욱,박상균,양승지,이재천,박종완,Mun, Hwan-Seong,Lee, Jae-Seok,Han, Seong-Uk,Park, Sang-Gyun,Yang, Seung-Ji,Lee, Jae-Cheon,Park, Jong-Wan 한국재료학회 1993 한국재료학회지 Vol.3 No.3

        P-type(100)Si Wafer 위에 400$\AA$의 Ta를 증착하여 열산화법으로 ${Ta_2}{O_5}$박막을 형성시킴 후 RTA후처리를 통하여 절연파괴전장 특성 개선을 이루고자 하였다. 유전상수에 미치는 RTA후처리의 영향은 미약하지만 절연파괴전장을 나타내었으나 결정화 온도 이하의 RTA온도에서는 절연파괴전장이 5.4MV/cm로 RTA효과가 크게 나타났다. 이러한 RTA효과는 RTA온도 $575^{\circ}C$에서 flat band voltage shift가 RTA 시간에 따라 변화가 없는 것으로 미루어 보아 RTA효과는 계면 변화에 의한 것이 아님을 알 수 있었으며, RBS 분석을 통하여 ${Ta_2}{O_5}$1박막의 치밀화에 의한 것임을 확인할 수 있었다. The effects of RT A treatment on the breakdown strengths were studied for tantalum pentoxide(${Ta_2}{O_5}$) films prepared by thermal oxidation of dc-sputtered Ta(400$\AA$) on p-type (100) Si wafer. While the relative dielectric constants of the RT A -treated specimens were not remarkably affected, the breakdown strengths of the RTA-treated specimens were greatly changed by RTA temperature and time. After the RTA treatment, the breakdown strengths of the specimens RTA-treated at the temperature below the crystallization temperature were increased to 5.4MV /cm, while those of the specimens RTA -treated at the temperature above it were decreased to 0.5MV /cm. RTA time-independence of the flat-bant voltage shift refleted that the RT A post-annealing effects on the breakdown strengths were not due to the interface reaction between the ${Ta_2}{O_5}$ layer and the Si substrate but, through the RBS analysis, to densification of the ${Ta_2}{O_5}$ films.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Pyrazolylquinoxaline류 및 Pyrazolylpyrrolo[1,2-a]-quinoxaline류의 합성

        김호식,이성욱,정원영,한성욱,김동일,Kim, Ho Sik,Lee, Seong Uk,Jeong, Won Young,Han, Sung Wook,Kim, Dong Il,Yoshihisa Kurasawa 대한화학회 2001 대한화학회지 Vol.45 No.4

        6-Chloro-2-hydrazinoquinoxaline(4) 또는 6-chloro-hydrazinoquinoxaline 4-oxide(7)를 alkyl(ethoxymethylene)cyanoacetate류와 반응시켜 prazolylquinoxaline류(5,8)를 합성하였다. 그리고 화합물 8을 dimethyl acethylenedicarboxylate와 반응시켜 1,3-쌍극성 고 리와 첨가반응과 고리변환에 의하여 pyrazolylpyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxaline류(9)를 합성하였다. The reaction of 6-chloro-2-hydrazinoquinoxaline(4) or 6-chloro-2-hydrazinoquinoxaline 4-oxide(7) with alkyl (ethoxymethylene)cyanoacetates gave pyrazolylquinoxalines(5, 8). The reaction of compounds 8 with dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate resulted in the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction and then ring transformation to afford pyrazolylpyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxalines(9).

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