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        정현웅과 1950년대 북한의 장정가들

        한상언 미술사학연구회 2018 美術史學報 Vol.- No.51

        From July 3, 2018, Han Sang Eon Cinema Institute, Chung-Ang University and Hankuk University of Foreign Studies’ Reconciliation and Coexistence in Contact Zones Research Center and Seoul Metropolitan Library held a 15-day exhibition titled “Pyongyang Bookshop” in Seoul Metropolitan Library’s Special Exhibition Room. The exhibition featured a total of 250 items held by Han Sang Eon Cinema Institute and published in North Korea from the time of national liberation to the late 1960s, including books, magazines, postcards and posters. As such, it can be described as the biggest exhibition of North Korean books held in South Korea since national division. This study first uses the Pyongyang Bookshop exhibition to introduce the artistic work, including Goguryeo tomb mural replicas, and publishing achievements of Jung Hyunwoong, who, as the figure in overall charge of printed art in North Korea in the 1950s and 1960s, was a leading source of influence in the field. In addition, the study offers a glimpse of printed art in North Korea under Jung’s leadership. Jung produced a large number of picture books, book cover designs and propaganda images in the 1950s and 1960s, starting with his illustrations for the magazine Uri joguk (“Our fatherland”), published in 1954. Book artist Eom Do-man was in charge of printed art from the mid-1950s at the North Korean Art Alliance Publishing House, which published the majority of literature and art-related books in North Korea. Eom produced a wide variety of works, including collections of poetry, fiction, plays, essays and criticism, and musical scores. As a rule, artists like Eom would be assigned to North Korean publishers to oversee aspects of printed art such as binding and illustration. However, there were also times when famous artists participated in book art production instead of publishers’ inhouse artists. Examples include renowned artists Park Mun-won, Jeong Gwan-cheol and Ri Seokho, who took part in the artwork and design for books published by leading North Korean writers. In addition, the works of Kim Yong-jun, Choe Eun-seok and Kim Jin-hang, key figures in the North Korean art world, help provide an understanding of the country’s art. Though they may only constitute book art and design, digging up and studying such hidden works may offer clues in the search for North Korean art in the 1950s and 60s, little of which is remembered today. 한상언영화연구소와 중앙대·한국외대 접경인문학연구단, 서울도서관에서는 2018년 7월 3일부터 15 일까지 서울도서관 기획전시실에서 “평양책방”이라는 이름의 도서전시회를 열었다. 이 전시는 한상언영화연구소에서 소장하고 있는 해방 후부터 1960년대 후반까지 북한에서 출판한 도서, 잡지, 엽서, 포스터등 총 250점을 전시하는 기획으로 분단 후 최대의 북한도서전시회라 할 수 있다. 본고는 “평양책방”의전시물들을 통해 먼저 1950-60년대 북한 출판미술의 총책임자로서 지도적 영향력을 행사했던 정현웅의 고분벽화 모사작업을 포함한 활동과 출판 사업의 성과를 소개하고 그 외 정현웅이 이끌던 출판미술계의 일면을 알아본 것이다. 정현웅은 1954년 발행된 잡지 『우리조국』의 삽화를 담당한 것을 시작으로1950-60년대에 다수의 그림책, 표지 디자인, 선전용 그림들을 제작했다. 문학, 예술관련 책들 중 다수를 발행한 조선작가동맹출판사에서 1950년대 중반부터 출판미술을 담당했던 장정가 엄도만은 시집, 소설집, 희곡집, 수필집, 평론집, 악보 등 다양한 범위를 아우르는 작품들을제작했다. 엄도만의 경우처럼 북한의 각 출판사에서는 장정과 삽화 등의 출판미술을 담당하는 미술가가배치되는 것을 원칙으로 삼았다. 반면 소속된 미술가 대신 유명 미술가들이 장정가로 참여하는 경우들도 종종 있었다. 주로 북한 문단의 최고 권력자들이 펴낸 책들의 장정에 참여했던 박문원, 정관철, 리석호와 같은 유명 미술가들을 들 수 있다. 그 외 북한 미술계의 핵심적인 인물들인 김용준, 최은석과 김진항 등 여러 장정화가들의 작품들도 북한미술의 이해에 도움을 준다. 비록 출판미술에 불과하지만 이와같은 숨겨진 작품들을 발굴하여 연구하는 것은 제대로 기억되지 못하고 있는 1950-60년대 북한미술을찾아가는 데에 실마리를 제공해줄 수 있을 것이다

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Digital Geometry and its Applications

        한상언 호남수학회 2008 호남수학학술지 Vol.30 No.2

        Digital geometry has strongly contributed to the study of a discrete topological space X⊂Zⁿwith k-adjacency of Zⁿ As a survey-type article, we review various utilities of digital geometry.

      • KCI등재


        한상언 호남수학회 2010 호남수학학술지 Vol.32 No.3

        The paper studies an existence problem of a (general-ized) universal covering space over a digital wedge with a compatible adjacency. In algebraic topology it is well-known that a connected,locally path connected, semilocally simply connected space has a universal covering space. Unlike this property, in digital covering theory we need to investigate its digital version which remains open.

      • KCI등재


        한상언 호남수학회 2010 호남수학학술지 Vol.32 No.1

        In this paper we prove that with some hypothesis the set of k-isomorphism classes of simple closed k-surfaces in Z3 forms a commutative monoid with an operation derived from a digital connected sum, k ∈{18, 26}. Besides, with some hypothesis the set of k-homotopy equivalence classes of closed k-surfaces in Z3 is also proved to be a commutative monoid with the above operation,k ∈{18, 26}. 1.

      • KCI등재


        한상언 호남수학회 2011 호남수학학술지 Vol.33 No.2

        Let X_(n,k) be a Khalimsky topological n dimensional subspace with digital k-connectivity. In relation to the classification of spaces X_(n,k), by comparing several kinds of continuities and homeomorphisms, the paper proposes a category which is suitable for studying the spaces X_(n,k).

      • KCI등재


        한상언,이식 호남수학회 2014 호남수학학술지 Vol.36 No.3

        Various properties of digital covering spaces have been substantially used in studying digital homotopic properties of digital images. In particular, these are so related to the study of a digital fundamental group, a classification of digital images, an automorphism group of a digital covering space and so forth. The goal of the present paper, as a survey article, to speak out utility of digital covering theory. Besides, the present paper recalls that the papers [1, 4, 30] took their own approaches into the study of a digital fundamental group. For instance, they consider the digital fundamental group of the special digital image (X, 4), where X:=SC42,8 which is a simple closed 4-curve with eight elements in Z2, as a group which is isomorphic to an infinite cyclic group such as (Z,+). In spite of this approach, they could not propose any digital topological tools to get the result. Namely, the papers [4, 30] consider a simple closed 4 or 8-curve to be a kind of simple closed curve from the viewpoint of a Hausdorff topological structure, i.e. a continuous analogue induced by an algebraic topological approach. However, in digital topology we need to develop a digital topological tool to calculate a digital fundamental group of a given digital space. Finally, the paper [9] firstly developed the notion of a digital covering space and further, the advanced and simplified version was proposed in [21]. Thus the present paper refers the history and the process of calculating a digital fundamental group by using various tools and some utilities of digital covering spaces. Furthermore, we deal with some parts of the preprint [11] which were not published in a journal (see Theorems 4.3 and 4.4). Finally, the paper suggests an efficient process of the calculation of digital fundamental groups of digital images.

      • KCI등재후보

        전후 북한에서 혁명 전통의 유산으로서 나운규와 카프영화에 대한 인식

        한상언 (재)한국연구원 2022 한국연구 Vol.- No.11

        In postwar North Korea, the question of exploring and succeeding the revolutionary tradition was an important task. It was the Korea Artista Proleta Federatio(abbreviated KAPF) that drew attention at this time. In the fi eld of literature and art, around the KAPF, the issue of the succession of the revolutionary tradition also included the political purpose of the purge of the South Korea Labor Party and the exclusion of the Soviets. At that time, Na Woon-gyu who made <Arirang> received attention as a progressive fi lmmaker in the fi lm sector. Na Woon-gyu was established as a new tendentious fi lmmaker just like Choi Seo-hae. In the KAPF fi lms, Kang Ho and Choo Min represented them on behalf of Lim hwa, Yoon Gi-jeong, Kim Yu-young, and Seo Gwang-je, who led the KAPF film. In particular, the split into Seoul Kino and Cheongbok Kino in 1930 was the biggest event in mentioning the KAPF fi lms, but it was not treated as important, and instead, the activities of Dongbang Kino, which established in 1932 with Kang Ho and Choo Min, were emphasized. In 1958, Choo Min was purged due to the sectarian purge, and as a revolutionary tradition, the contents of KAPF fi lms were also inevitably revised. Th e revision was led by Kang Ho, who emphasized the relationship between Na Woon-gyu and KAPF fi lms, and reconstructed KAPF fi lms centered on <Jihachon>, which was produced in 1931. Th is view is the general opinion of North Korean fi lm history so far. 전후 북한에서는 혁명 전통의 탐구와 계승에 관한 문제가 중요한 과제였다. 이때 주목받았던 것이 바로 프롤레타리아예술동맹(약칭 카프)이었다. 카프를 중심으로 한 문학예술부문에 있어 혁명 전통의 계승 문제는 남로당 계열의 숙청과 소련파의 배제라는 정치적목적도 포함되었다. 이 당시 영화부문의 진보적 영화인으로 <아리랑>을 만든 나운규가 주목받았다. 나운규는최서해와 마찬가지인 신경향파적 영화인으로 추켜 세워졌다. 카프영화의 경우 카프영화를 이끌었던 임화와 윤기정, 김유영, 서광제를 대신해 강호와 추민이 이를 대표했다. 특히 1930년 서울키노와 청복키노로 분열되는 사건은 카프영화를 언급함에 있어 가장 큰사건이었으나 이는 중요하게 취급되지 않았으며대신 강호와 추민이 함께 했던 1932년설립된 동방키노의 활동이 강조되었다. 1958년 종파숙청으로 조선예술영화촬영소 총장 추민이 숙청당하면서 혁명 전통으로서카프영화에 대한 내용들도 수정이 불가피 했다. 그 수정은 강호가 주도했는데, 강호는 나운규와 카프영화와의 관련을 강조하는 한편, 1931년 제작된 <지하촌>을 중심으로 카프영화를 재구성했다. 이러한 관점은 지금까지 북한영화사의 일반적인 견해이다.

      • KCI등재


        한상언 호남수학회 2011 호남수학학술지 Vol.33 No.1

        The aim of the paper is to develop an identification method for digital spaces and to study its digital homotopic properties related to a strong k-deformation retract.

      • KCI등재


        한상언,Chun, Woo-jik 호남수학회 2011 호남수학학술지 Vol.33 No.4

        In order to examine the possibility of some topological structures into the elds of network science, telecommunications related to the future internet and a digitization, the paper studies the Marcus Wyse topological structure. Further, this paper develops the notions of lattice based Marcus Wyse continuity and lattice based Marcus Wyse homeomorphism which can be used for studying spaces X ⊂ R^2 in the Marcus Wyse topological approach. By using these two notions, we can study and classify lattice based simple closed Marcus Wyse curves.

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