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      • 밝은社會를 위한 밝은言語

        한만수 慶熙大學校 밝은社會問題硏究所 1999 밝은社會硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        Language is to help make our community of life brighter, and it is also to help make the humans in the community human. Brighter language is to construct a brighter society and realizing a brighter society on the basis of brighter language is to make it possible for all mankinds to enjoy spiritually beautiful life, materially affluent and convenient life, and humanly rewarding life which all mankind aspire for and which can be found in the GCS movement initiated by Dr. Young Seek Choue, Chancellor and Founder of Kyung Hee University in Korea at the International Association of University Presidents in 1975. The final goal of brighter society and brighter language is the restoration of morality and humanity, and brighter society is for the restoration of social morality, and brighter language is for the restoration of linguistic morality. Especially, in the poems written by Dr. Choue aims at not only building a healthy and human society filled which love and humanity, but also cultivating a good environment to live in with our lofty ideals, steady belief and a sincere attitude toward our life. In his poems Dr. Choue can be seen to believe that when the movement for brighter society overwhelms the whole society year in and year out and globalizes it, overcoming the barriers of frontier and race, our neighbors will get brighter and so will the whole world. Also he urges us all to hold high a torchlight of the Second Renaissance Movement for the restoration of morality and humanity and to participate in the movement to drive out corruption, depravity, dissension, and conflict and to restore morality and humanity to establish a new human society of harmony and cooperation. In order to establish a new human society of harmony and cooperation. In order to establish a new human society of harmony and cooperation, we must drive out such corrupted languages as excessive talking, idle world, gossip, lying, flattery and hastiness of speech, and restore brighter languages such as the language filled with love, respect, kindness, goodness, thanks, service, virtue and grace. However our society of today may be unfortunately falling into a materialistic, mechanical, and sensual society where material are more respected than human beings, technical skills are more valued than personality, and sensual pleasures are more important that reason, we should have a truly humanistic society that will harmonize our differences and cooperate each other with brighter moral languages of edification, exhortation, ease, encouragement, and effectiveness in order to create a better human history and civilization. For us who aim at GCS it is our primary responsibility to live a brighter linguistic life in a brighter society.

      • 김유정론의 반성 : 고통과 웃음의 결합 문제를 중심으로

        한만수 東國大學校 국어국문학부 1988 國語國文學 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        김유정에 대해서는 지금까지 많은 글들이 발표됐고 그런만큼 서로 의견을 달리하는 부분도 많을 수 밖에 없었다.하지만 정반대되는 생각을 가진 사람들이 생각을 겨뤄서 서로의 부족함을 채우고 장점을 나눠 갖는,그렇게 해서 결국 김유정 문학에 대한 이해와 평가의 수준을 높이기 위한 본격적인 논쟁은 거의 있었던 것 같지 않다.서로 다른 생각들이 맞부딪히지 않고 따로 따로 외면한 채 서있기만 해서는 큰진전을 보기 힘들다는 것은 뻔한 이치이겠다.이글에서 필자는 앞선 연구들을 쟁점 별로 정리하고 필자 나름의 의견을 제시하고자 한다.혹 이글이 생산적인 생각겨룸의 조그만 실마리라도 되어 준다면 더 바랄 바가 없겠다.

      • 세계관과 문화, 그리고 언어 : 기독교 사상을 중심으로

        한만수 국제기독교언어문화연구원 1997 기독교언어문화논집 Vol.1 No.-

        Man Soo Han. 1997. Worldview, Culture, and Language. Collected Papers on Christain Language Culture. The purpose of this is to restore morality in language based on living sacrifices in pious, biblical and social-ethical dimensions. And, on the basis of this Purpose, this paper also aims at the establishment of Christian worldview which is the central systematization of Christian culture from which stems its values and system. In order to achieve this purpose, this paper makes an introductory remarks in chapter 1, In chpater 2, this paper argues that worldview functions as congnitive foundation and emotional security. And it integrates culture and monitor culture change based on validation of the deepest cultural forms. In chapter 3, Christian worldview has some words about the cross, reconcilation, life and salvation on the basis of the answers to the questions of our own, such as " I have been redeemed" " I have been called.", and " I am His." Besides the worldview, Christian culture is argued here that its core is the very understanding that we must live a life of living sacrifices in faith, hearing the word of God. In chapter 4, biblical language and morality are argued. It is argued that Jesus is a perfect communicator, a persuasive speaker with consummate skills of speech. It is also proposed that morality is restored only through Jesus as a perfect communicator. And, morality is also restored through our purification and beautification of our language lives. Animal-like language is to be changed into the language of making humans human. In chapter 5, our abstaining from profanity of our sacred words and not to tell a lie in the presence of God and in human society are proposed. In chapter 6, biblical language are proposed. They are symbolic, dialogical, and praying languages. Finally, in chapter 7, this paper proposes that restoration of morality in language is carried out only through the faith that it is not we who speak, but the spirit of our Father who speaks in us. With the help of the spirit we must speak with each other in our Christian culture based on Christian worldview. (Director of the Institute)

      • 언어와 도덕성

        한만수 국제기독교언어문화연구원 1999 기독교언어문화논집 Vol.3 No.-

        Dr. Man Soo Han. 1999. Language and Morality. Collected Papers on Christian Language Cuilture. The purpose of this paper is to tide over the "aphasia" in our head through "healing words" and to restore our morality to the image of God, that is, to help make humans human on the basis of linguistic morality. In order to achieve this purpose, this paper makes an introductory remark in chapter 1. This paper argues human and language activity in chapter 2. In chapter 3, worldview and language are argued. In chapter 4, "aphasia" of modern men and its healing are argued, and healing words and morality are proposed in chapter 5. Filially, in chapter 6, this paper proposes that "Logos lost" in the second Babel Tower Culture of our 21st century should be restored to "Logos Regained". (Founder & President of the Institute)

      • KCI등재

        만주침공 이후의 검열과 민간신문 문예면의 증면, 1929-1936

        한만수 동국대학교 한국문학연구소 2009 한국문학연구 Vol.0 No.37

        This paper discusses the cause and outcome of the continuous page increase of ‘Munyemyun(section of literature and art; 文藝面)’ of private Korean newspapers in the 1930's(1929-1936). ‘Munyemyun’ was the most highlighted literary media in that time, but it was little known that ‘Munyemyun’ was dominated by capitals, and those capitals responded sensitively to the Japanese censorship power. This fact calls for the need of a reinterpretation of literature in the 1930's now regarded as the ‘quantitative and qualitative golden era’ of modern Korean literature. First, the ‘quantitative golden age’ came from the drastic increase in the demands of literature. In other words, the phenomenon resulted from the flow of vitalization of Japanese economy due to invasion of Manchuria → parts of the returning surplus were redirected to Chosun → soaring of commercial advertisement of newspaper → emerging importance of page increase for advertisements → page increase in Munyemyun amid enforced wartime censorship → cultivation of work pieces due to increased demand for literary papers. The ‘qualitative golden age’ derives from the change in the standards with which literature was evaluated. Censorship power mainly suppressed political arguments and was relatively lenient on literary arts so the Korean public newspapers perceived politics as a vital value up until the 1920's but the idea later diminishes. Newspaper capitals gradually featured more vivid corporate attributes and decided to increase the pages in Munyemyun to secure more profit and bypass censorship for which they replaced patriotic Munyemyun reporters with international literary figures. Literature functioned as a replacement for the suppressed politics but reinforced censorship diminished its attributes as we can assume extra-politics as a virtue of literature. Most authors in the 1930's were discontented with such atmosphere and few resisted in various ways but there were certain limits as the medium of literature was predominated by the printing capital. The principles of art and aesthetic became the mainstream and were reproduced under an authoritarian government after liberation as perceiving the 1930's as the 'qualitative golden age is one of the outcomes. 1930년대 가장 중요한 문학발표지면이었던 민간신문의 문예면을 기업화된 자본이 장악하고 있었다는 점, 그리고 그 자본은 권력의 검열에 민감하게 반응하였다는 점은 그다지 주목된 바 없는 사실이다. 이 글은 문예면 증면의 원인과 효과를 검열 및 자본과의 관련 아래 살펴봄으로써 이 시기 문학의 존재조건을 밝히고 그 의미에 대한 재해석을 시도한다. 문예면은 24년 독립되어 30년대까지 지속적으로 증면되었는데, 그 증면의 원인을 요약하자면 다음과 같다. 만주침공을 계기로 일본경제는 소화공황에서 벗어나 활황기에 들어서는데, 조선 민간신문의 광고수요 또한 폭증한다. 광고를 싣기 위해 증면을 단행하는데, 검열은 지속적으로 강화되었으므로 탈정치적 지면으로서 문예면의 증면이 선택된다. 문학 원고의 수요가 급증하였으니 발표 작품 역시 급증할 수밖에 없었다. 다시 말해서, 30년대 문학작품 총량의 폭증은 일본의 만주침략에 힘입은 전쟁 고원경기의 초과이윤의 일부가 언론자본을 경유하여 조선 작가들에 이전된 결과라고 할 수 있다. 검열권력은 ‘시사 정치’를 집중적으로 억압하면서 ‘학술 기예’에 대해서는 상대적으로 느슨했는데, 20년대 중반까지 한국의 민간신문은 政論性을 중요하게 취급했지만 지속적으로 위축된다. 점차 기업적 속성이 강해진 신문자본은 검열 우회와 이윤 확보를 위해 문예면 증면을 선택했으며, 문예면 담당기자 역시 카프나 민족주의자에서 해외문학파로 교체한다. 문학 또한 억압된 정치담론의 대리보충물로서의 성격이 약화되며, 탈정치적 문학이 가치 있는 문학으로 평가되기 시작한다. 정론성의 약화, 그리고 급격한 문예면 증면에 따른 기존 문인의 승인권의 약화에 대해 대부분의 작가들은 비판적이었지만, 이미 문학유통의 매체가 인쇄자본에 의해 장악된 상황이었으므로 그 저항은 명백한 한계가 있었다. 자본은 내부적 검열을 시행했고, 작가들은 신문사의 ‘전속 작가’로서(주로 해외문학파), 또는 신문자본이 게재를 거부하지 않는 문학을 산출하는 ‘원료 공급자’로서 생존했다. 1930년대에 대한 평가는 첨예한 논란의 대상이거니와, 대체로 ‘한국근대문학의 양적 질적 황금기’라는 평가가 통설적이다. 하지만, ‘양적 황금기’란 전쟁 고원경기와 검열 때문에 생긴 문학 수요의 급증에 따른 것임을 이 글을 통해 밝혔다. ‘질적 황금기’라는 평가에 대해서는 다음 기회에 다루기로 한다.

      • KCI등재

        문학이 자본을 만났을 때, 한국 문인들은? : 1930년대 문예면 증면과 문필가협회 결성을 중심으로

        한만수 동국대학교 한국문학연구소 2012 한국문학연구 Vol.0 No.43

        근대 들어서면서 인쇄문학이 정착됨에 따라서 작가는 자본이 장악한 문자매체를 떠나서는 독자와 소통할 수단을 얻을 수 없게 되었다. 한국의 경우 1924년 민간신문에 문예면이 설치되고 동인지문단 시기가 끝나면서 발표지면은 신문자본이 장악하게 되었으며, 문학은 상품적 성격이 강력해졌다. 자본은 원고를 일종의 원료로 간주하여 선별적으로 매입하고, 이를 다시 상품의 형태로 유통시켰다. 결국 신문자본은 어떤 필자에게 어떤 글을 쓰게 하고 얼마에 이를 매입해서 어떤 방식으로 가공(편집)하여 판매할 것인가의 문제, 즉 문학 출판유통의 모든 과정에서 거의 지배적인 결정권을 갖게 되었다. 이제 글쓰기는 자발적인 것이라기보다 청탁에의 한 ‘주문생산’의 성격을 강하게 띠게 되었다. 식민지 조선에서 신문자본의 힘이 이렇게 비대해진 것은, 1930년대 일제의 만주침공과 중일전쟁을 두 핵심적 계기로 삼는 조선 및 일본경제의 성장에 힘입은 것이었다. 전쟁기를 맞아 검열 역시 강화되었는데, 신문자본은 늘어난 광고를 소화하기 위해서 검열로부터 비교적 자유로운 지면 즉 문예면을 집중적으로 강화했다. 그럼에도 불구하고 조선 문인들은 이러한 문학장(場)의 물질적 토대가 어떤 정치경제적 상황에서 비롯된 것인가에 대한 관심이 대체로 부족했다. 이 논문은 1930년대 문예면증면에 대한 문인들의 반응, 그리고 문필가 협회 창립과 관련된 논의를 살핌으로써 이를 확인했다. 문예면증면에 대해서는 발표기회 증대라며 환영하거나, 수준 저하가 우려된다며 승인권의 약화를 걱정하는 반응이 주조를 이뤘다. 문인단체의 창립과정에서는 정당한 원고료를 받아야 마땅하다는 견해가 압도적이었다. 또한 같은 시기에 비교적 풍족했던 일본문단의 물질적 토대에 대한 부러움을 강력하게 나타냈다. 그러면서 그 물질적 토대가 전쟁 고원 경기에 힘입은 것이었다는 점에 대해서는 별다른 인식을 보여 주지 못했다. 한편 문필가협회는 검열 문제는 거의 염두에 두지 않았는데, 이는 1920년대 일본에서 문학단체가 출범할 때 적극적으로 검열 반대운동을 펼쳤음과 대조적이다. 이렇듯 문학장의 정치경제적 토대에 대한 인식이 부족한 상황에서, 판매부수나 원고료 등 일본문학의 현상을 ‘선진의 모범항’으로 상정함으로써 한국문인들의 인식에는 일정한 한계가 생길 수밖에 없었다. 문학과 사회의 관련성을 그 정신적 차원에서만 인식하면서 문학텍스트의 물질적 존재가 맺는 관련성에 눈 돌리지 않는다거나, 또는 아예 문학을 고립적이고 자족적인 것으로만 인식하는 편향은 이와 관련될 것이다. 오늘날 원고료 없는 문학을 상상하기 어렵다. 원고료의 수준과 그 잡지의 문학적 권위를 비례해서 생각하는 경향도 없지 않으며, 베스트셀러에의 욕망은 내남없이 지니고 있다. 오늘의 한국문인들은 1930년대적 한계에서 과연 얼마나 자유로울 수 있을까. Entering the modern times, with the establishment of literature, writers lost independent methods of communication to reach out to readers, with exception to written media controlled by capital. In the case of Korea, the art & literature pages were first introduced in the private newspapers in 1924 and caused printing capital to dominate the press release pages and as a result, literature came to hold a stronger commoditylike characteristic. Capital regarded manuscripts as a form of raw materials, purchased them selectively and distributed them in the form of commodity. In the end, printing capital gained dominant decision rights as to demand what topic of writing from which writers, to buy the manuscripts at what price, how to edit and manufacture the writing and therefore how to control the entire publishing distribution process. Writing literature moved from voluntary writing to a process of ‘ordered production’ upon request. Entering the modern times, with the establishment of literature, writers lost independent methods of communication to reach out to readers, with exception to written media controlled by capital. In the case of Korea, the art & literature pages were first introduced in the private newspapers in 1924 and caused printing capital to dominate the press release pages and as a result, literature came to hold a stronger commoditylike characteristic. Capital regarded manuscripts as a form of raw materials, purchased them selectively and distributed them in the form of commodity. In the end, printing capital gained dominant decision rights as to demand what topic of writing from which writers, to buy the manuscripts at what price, how to edit and manufacture the writing and therefore how to control the entire publishing distribution process. Writing literature moved from voluntary writing to a process of ‘ordered production’ upon request. of pages in order to absorb the surging demand for advertisements arising from the booming economy and intensely reinforced the literature and art section, which was relatively free of censorship. Despite the increase in art & literature pages, Joseon writers lacked a general interest as to how the foundations of literature had come about and from what type of political economic situation had caused it. This study confirms this through examination of the writers' reactions regarding the increase in art & literature pages in the 1930s and the foundation and related discussions on the Writer's association at that time. Korean writers in this period only expressed concentrated interest in the manuscript fee and the press release page. In addition, they showed great envy towards the Japanese literary-field which had much more abundant foundations during that time. Like this, the Korean writers did not recognize literature in context with relation to outside the literary world but rather regarded it as a substitute, and therefore it inevitably caused a limitation within their cognition. Can we be free of such limitations today?

      • 밝은社會의 人間像과 言語行爲

        한만수 국제기독교언어문화연구원 2000 기독교언어문화논집 Vol.4 No.-

        Dr. Man Soo Han. Human's Image and Language Activity in Enlightened Society. Collected Papers on Christian Language Culture. On the basis of restoration of human's image created in God's own image, this paper aims at the establishment of enlightened society by healing the language activity affected by a disease in our heart. In this connecton, this paper makes an introductory remark in Chapter 1, arguing social characteristics and human language activity in Chapter 2, human personality in enlightened society and healed human's image in Chapter 3, the language activity in enlightened society in 4, and finally this paper reaches a conclusion in Chapter 5. Especially, in Chapter 3, as a healed human's image, this paper emphasizes the types of spiritually beantiful image, affluent image at heart, and a cooperative human's image. Also in Chapter 4, this paper suggests the language of mentality and the language of healing. Especially, in the language of healing, as seen in James Chap. 3, we must speak with care we must control talk and cultivate thought. In controlling talk, powerful tongue, perverse tongue, and polluted tongue airs discussed. And, in cultivating thought, humble wisdom, gracious wisdom, and peaceable wisdom are discussed. In conclusion, this paper proposes that we must establish enlightened mental personality and brighter humanity based on the language of mentality and healing, so that we may enlighten our corrupt society. (Founder & President of the Institute)

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