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      • 70年代에 있어서 保險經營의 諸問題

        韓東湖 漢陽大學校 1971 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        The 1960s alas become a turning-point in the field of insurance business in Korea. Really, the fields of insurance management and politics have undergone lots of changes. Such a grrat stride in insurance business has not only been due to the rapid progress of Korean Economy by the suecessfully accomplished Five Year Economic Development Planning and execution of the successive Third Five Year Economic Development Planning. But in addition, we must keep it in mind that the great progress in insurance businesscould be attributed to the initiatives and cooperations among insurance managers together with effective administration of government authority concerned. Thus, through the above mentioned factors, insurance business has made a noteworthy progress as follows : First : The capital increased fl·orts 273 mitlion won in 1959 to 5,402 million won in 1969, showing an increase of 19 times during the period. As for the average amount of increase each company, it increased from 12 million won to 284 million won, indicating an increase of 24 times, and contributed much for augment of public trust in insurance companies. Second : Regarding the insurance assets, it increased from 1,500 million won in 1959 to 42,400 million won in 1969, revealing an increase by 28 times than those in the year of 1959. As for the average amount of increase each company, it increased from 66 million won to 2,331 million won, indicating an increase of 34 times. When we break down these figures by _type of insurance, non-life insurance increased by 22 times per company (from 71 million won to 1,561 million won) , while in the case of life insurance, it increased from 56 million won to 3,685 million won, which is 60 times as much as in 1959. Third; As for insurance premium, it has shown an increase from 887 million won in 1959 to 22,674 million won in 1969, which is an increase of 26 times as much. as in 1959. On the other hand, viewing this in terms of market price, the annual average growth rate 40%, and in terms of net growth rate debated by price, it amounts to an increase of 25% . Fourth : As for the contracts of insuranes among non-life insurance, fire insurance occupied 91.8% and marine insurance occupied 8.2%. But, by the end of 1969, the component ratios, by its types among the non-life insurance, went through an switchover, as shown hereafter. The ratio of component occupied by fire insurance was 21.6% : 30.0% by marine insurance; 23.9% by automobile insurance: 24.5% by casualty insurance. And this shows that the trends of insurance business have come to reveal a similar pattern with that of advanced countries. But in the case of life insurance, the ratio of group contracts recorded as high as 79.1% and that of individual contracts occupied 20.9% in 1961, of which trends had kept constant until 1969. That is to say that 70.7% and 29.3% were occupied by group contracts and individual contracts respectively, thus still sticking to the pattern of underdeveloped countries. Fifth : The amount contracted by life insurance totalled up to 310,000 cases (9,600 million won in value) in 1959 and it was grown up to 3,170,000 cases (233,400 million won in value) in 1969. such an surprisingly rapid growth is corresponding to an increase by 10.2 times and 24.3 times in the number of cases and the sum of money respectively. According to the Third Economic Development Planning under study by the Government, it might be expected that Korean Economy would continue to attain the annual growth rate of 8.5% and in the target year, 1976 the annual personal income might reach at the level of $400 with exports of commodities totalling to 3,000 million dollars. And such an economic progress would make Korean Economy fall into the category of semi-advanced countries. Consequently, during the 1970s, the insurance will be attractive as to become one of daily necessities just in advanced countries, and this means to pave the way for realization of welfare soceity by bringing the social security system into operation broadly among the people. Under such circumstances, we can prospect that the growth of insurance activities as follows : First : when we estimate that the growth rate of insurance premium ranges from 30% to 35% in 1970s, the estimated amount of insurance at the final year, 1979, will run as follows. The increase of non-life insurance and life insurance ranges from 157,736 million won to 230,053 million won and 154,827 million won to 225,827 million won respectively, of which total amount ranges front 314,563 million won to 455,880 million won. Second : When It·e consider the annual average rate of growth during the 1970s by types of insurance, as something 30% and 35%, among non-life insurance, fire insurance will occupy 9.5%, of which premium will range from 14,985 million won to 21,855 million won; marine insurance will increase by 30.2% with premium ranging from 47,636 million won to 69,476 mil1ion won and automobile insurance will show an increase of 29.3%, of which total amount will range from 33,402 million won to 48,879 million won; in the case of casualty insurance, the growth rate will be 30.0%, of which premium ranges from 47,321 million won to 67,405 million won. Thus, it can be rightly expected that the total amount of insurance premium will come to range from 157,736 mi11ion won to 230,053 million won. On the other hand, regarding the annual growth rate of life insurance as the same with that of non-life insurance, the total amount by group contracts will ranges from 31,093 million won to 274,523 million won corresponding to 33.0%, and that by individual contracts will range from 103,734 million won to 151,309 million won corresponding to 67.0% of the whole. Likewise, it can be rightly understood that the ratio of insurance premium occupied by individual contracts tends to become important gradually. Third ; when the annual average growth rate of life insurance in the amount of contracts, is to be estimated as between 25% and 30% during the 1970s, we can Prospect that the group contracts will increase from 1,334,557 million won to 21,975,491 million won corresponding to 61.4% of the whole, and the total amount by individual contracts will range from 838,988 million won to 31,241,921 million won indicating 38.6% of the whole. Consequently, this means a gradual switchover to the pattern of advanced countries. Fourth ; When we estimate that the average growth rate of insurance assets will range from 25% to 30% during the 1970s, we can expect that in 1979 the assets of non-life insurance will grow up to the level between 188,954 million won and 279,708 million won, and the assets of life insurance will grow up to the level between 191,711 million won and 284,096 million won indicating increases by 9.3 and 13.8 times each, surpassing those of 1969. As stated in the above, prospects of insurance business in Korea for the 1970s seems to be in an extremely favorable. Yet for its successful accomplishment, it is not too much to reiterate that the initiatives and cooperations among the insurance managers together with the effective and proper measures by the Government are of paramount importance. This essays purport to have an outlook for the insurance business of the 1970s and elucidate the managerial problems of insurance for a fruitful accomplishment in Korea. According to writer's personal view, the managerial problems of insurance of 1970s can be summaeized as follows : (1) to switchover purposes of insurance management. (2) a proper program for merchandising insurance commodities (3) seperation of insurance management from ownership. (4) operation of assets only for profitability and public beneath. (5) to improve marketing system and intensify the training and education for insurance salesmen. The details can be briefly summarized as follows : First; Considering that the aims of insurance business should be put the most emphasis on the policy holders' interest, first of all, it is urgently demanded that the traditionary Profit motive of insurance management should be converted to the service motive. Second: The program for merchandising insurances, which are suitable for policy holders' needs, are required. In most cases, insurances as commodity have shown a tendency to disregard the needs of policy holders' in Korea. But it goes without saying that such an unattractive insurance commodities will hurt any noticeable expansion of insurance business in Korea. Therefore, the following conditions must be fulfilled for the program of merchandising insurance commodities for the policy holder's needs. That is to say; in case of life insurance, the conditions as stated in the below, must be satisfied in order to meet the needs of policy holders': (1) to formulate insurance commodities against the threat of devaluation by inflation. (2) to adopt insurance for impaired lives and in the cast of non-life insurance, it necessitate the development of package policy which combines all types of miscellaneous insurances. Third : At present situation in Korea, as profits by insurance business have been exclusively distributed to shareholders in the form of dividend, consequently disregarding the protection of policy holders' benefit, the prime object. Accordingly, as it is widely known, a certain degree of limitations must be put on the disbursement of dividend to protect the policy holders' benefit. However, it is the real state of affairs that insurance business reveals underwriting losses because of excessive accumulation of underwriting reserves under the present insurance business law. Therefore, in order to become free from the identy of shareholders as well as executive members which are cancer to Korea's insurance business, it is desirable to seperate management from ownership. Only through such a transformation of organization, we can expect a professional management which regards the policy holders' benefit as the prime object, and a rapid expansion of insurance business can be realized. Fourth: Nowadays in Korea, the insurance companies remain relatively tow level in its operation ratio of assets compared with that of advanced' countries, what is worse is that the assets have been concentrated too much on specific kinds of investments. So, we can say that this is evidently an abnormal management of insurance, which runs counter to such principles as diversification, safety and profitability. In order that this abnormal operation of assets might be prevented, an adequate management planning must be formulated as below: (1) to alter inadequate assets into adequate assets for purification of insurance business. (2) to establish a proper and normal management policy on the basis of profitability and public benefit for the increased effectiveness of investment. Fifth; To insure expansion of life insurance business, it must be considered something of paramount importance to improve the present marketing system and to strenghthen the training and education of insurance salesman for the increased quality of salesmanship, because only such an effective selling system, the insurance salesman can make the utmost use of their abilities. As for the improvement of marketing system, it is required to use 'proper' system and 'debit' system, or to adopt a newly developed 'block' system which is combined by 'proper' system and 'debit' system for the expansion of insurance business. In addition, as for the strenghthening of education and training, it seems necessary to provide new techniques and knowledge about insurance which is always in concert with reality of each company by permitting a general education to insurance salesman, and professional education to members and managerial staffs. As discussed above, it is quite true- that the settlement of managerial problems can be realized by the initiatives and cooperations b? the personnels engaged in insurance management, together with effective and powerful insurance administration by the Government. All in all, it is worthy to keep it in mind that only when the above enumerated problems are solved effectively, the Korea's insurance business finally come to bring about a fruitful accomplishment by modernizing management.

      • KCI등재
      • 지방은행의 경쟁력 제고방안

        한동호 又石大學校 經營硏究所 1996 經營硏究 Vol.3 No.-

        지방은행의 경쟁력이 강화되기 위해서는 은행내부적으로 경영혁신을 통한 생산성의 향상이라는 점에서 볼 때 지역내 영업기반을 통한 소매금융의 강화, 지역내 정보수집의 우수성을 통한 연구분석기능의 강화 등이 추구되어야할 것으로 보인다. 은행외부적인 점에서 볼 때 정부와 중앙은행 차원에서의 우선적인 자금지원의 필요성이 있다. 또 경쟁적인 시장풍토가 결국은 지방은행의 경쟁력을 강화시킨다는 점에서 볼 때 현재의 1도 1지방 은행체제는 재고되어야할 필요성이 있다고 볼 수 있다.

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