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      • KCI등재후보

        5·16군사정변 당시 북한의 인식 및 중국과의 의사소통 과정 연구 -중국 외교부 기밀 해제 문서를 중심으로

        학군환 동국대학교 북한학연구소 2011 북한학연구 Vol.7 No.2

        On May 16, 1961, Park Chung-hee led a military coup in South Korea which was so sudden and unexpected that it was difficult for anyone at the time to grasp the situation. China and North Korea proceeded swiftly to exchange information and ideas on the nature of the “sudden change in situation” in South Korea as well as its causes and background. Although China and North Korea viewed the event as “a thoroughly prepared reactionary fascist coup”, their analyses on the specific causes and background of the military coup differed. Using recently declassified documents of the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry, this article covers the Chinese and North Korean analytical processes and the exchange of information and ideas regarding the nature and reasons for the military coup. Although North Korea initially saw the military coup as a plot by the United States based on Park Chung-hee’s “Revolution Pledge,” they later believed a revolution by progressive forces in South Korea was highly possible based on intelligence that revealed that Park Chung-hee’s was a former member of South Korea’s Labor Party as well as United States opposition to the coup d’état. As a result, they prepared an announcement to support it. However as the situation progressed, North Korea came to the conclusion that the coup could not have succeeded without prior backing from the United States which meant, in the North Korean view,that the US preemptively installed a new ruling force before the progressive forces within South Korea could overturn Chang Myŏn’s corrupt government. In other words, they saw the coup as a plot by the United States. Throughout this process, China respected the position of the North Korean authorities from beginning to end while keeping their own opinions to themselves and patiently observing the situation. Popular sentiment was sharply in support of North Korea. From China’s point of view, the 5·16military coup was ultimately led by anti-communist military forces within South Korea with the United States deciding to support it after the fact. The difference in opinion between China and North Korea can be readily seen. This article divides and examines the internal reasons why North Korea repeatedly shifted its understanding and judgment at the time of the military coup as follows: 1) miscalculations due to lack of information, 2)psychological influence on the decision-making process due to overestimation of the progressive forces in South Korea since the 4·19Revolution, and 3) the decisive role of ideological principles when making final judgments. In addition, China was internally able to be more objective because it was able to distance itself geopolitically from the situation in South Korea more than the North. In addition, China had more diverse routes and time to obtain and analyze information. While this may be the case, it can be argued that the reason why China, in terms of its foreign policy position, was able to express solidarity with North Korea’s position was because of the blood alliance they formed during the Korean War and the primacy of ideology within a Cold War world. 1961년 5월 16일 한국에서 발생한 박정희 군사정변은 사태의 돌발성으로 인하여 당시로서는 그 누구도 사건의 진상을 파악하기가 힘들었다. 남한에서 발생한 “군사정변”의 성격과 발생한 원인 및 배경을 두고 중국과 북한에서는 신속한정보·의사 교환을 진행하였다. 중국이나 북한은 모두 “주도면밀한 준비과정을거친 반동적인 파쇼 군사정변”이라는 견해에는 일치했으나 보다 구체적인 정변발생 원인과 배경에 대한 분석에 있어서는 견해를 달리했다. 본고에서는 중국 외교부에서 최근 해제한 기밀문서를 중심으로 중국과 북한이 정변 성격과 이유에대한 분석과정과 정보·의사 교환과정을 정리하여 보았다. 북한의 경우, 최초에는 「혁명 공약」의 내용을 근거로 정변을 미국의 음모라고 보았으나, 뒤이어 박정희의 남노당 내력 등 신상 정보와 미국의 정변 반대 입장을 근거로 진보세력에의한 혁명일 가능성이 크다고 보고 지지성명 발표를 준비한다. 그러나 사태가 진전됨에 따라 작전 지휘권이 있는 미국의 동의 없이 정변은 불가능하였다고 보며최종적으로 남한 내 진보 세력이 부패한 장면 정권을 무너뜨리기 전에 미국이 선조치를 통하여 새로운 지배세력을 교체하였다며 미국의 책동으로 그 성격을 규명하기에 이른다. 이 과정에 중국은 시종일관 북한 당국의 입장을 존중했으며,자국의 견해를 보류한 채 인내력 있게 사태를 지켜보았고 여론으로 북한을 대폭지지해 나선다. 중국의 경우, 최종적으로 5·16군사정변은 한국 내 반공 군사세력이 주도하였으며, 정변 발생 후 미국의 지지가 있었을 거라고 판단하고 있었다. 이는 미국의 책동이라는 북한 당국의 견해와는 어느 정도 차이를 보이고 있다. 본고에서는 북한이 사건 당시에 인식과 판단에 있어 번복을 거듭하였던 내적원인을 정보의 부족으로 인한 판단 오류와 4·19혁명 이래 남한의 진보세력에대한 기대가 판단과정에 끼친 심리적 영향, 이데올로기 원칙성이 최종 판단에 미친 결정적인 역할 등으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 또한 중국의 경우에는, 그 이해관계에 있어서 북한보다 남한의 사태에 거리감을 유지할 수 있었던 점, 보다 다양한 루트를 통해 시간적 여유를 가지고 정보를 입수 분석할 수 있었던 점에서 보다 객관적인 판단을 할 수 있었던 내적 원인을 밝혀 보았다. 그러면서도 중국이대외 선전에 있어서 북한과 일치한 입장을 표명할 수 있었던 원인은 한국전쟁을통한 북한과의 혈맹 관계와 냉전 체제 내에서의 이데올로기 원칙성을 우선적으로 내세웠던 데에서 찾아보고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        5·16군사정변 당시 북한의 인식 및 중국과의 의사소통 과정 연구 -중국 외교부 기밀 해제 문서를 중심으로

        학군환 ( Qun Huan Hao ) 동국대학교 북한학연구소 2011 북한학연구 Vol.7 No.2

        On May 16, 1961, Park Chung-hee led a military coup in South Korea which was so sudden and unexpected that it was difficult for anyone at the time to grasp the situation. China and North Korea proceeded swiftly to exchange information and ideas on the nature of the sudden change in situation in South Korea as well as its causes and background. Although China and North Korea viewed the event as a thoroughly prepared reactionary fascist coup, their analyses on the specific causes and background of the military coup differed. Using recently declassified documents of the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry, this article covers the Chinese and North Korean analytical processes and the exchange of information and ideas regarding the nature and reasons for the military coup. Although North Korea initially saw the military coup as a plot by the United States based on Park Chung-hee`s Revolution Pledge, they later believed a revolution by progressive forces in South Korea was highly possible based on intelligence that revealed that Park Chung-hee`s was a former member of South Korea`s Labor Party as well as United States opposition to the coup d`etat. As a result, they prepared an announcement to support it. However as the situation progressed, North Korea came to the conclusion that the coup could not have succeeded without prior backing from the United States which meant, in the North Korean view, that the US preemptively installed a new ruling force before the progressive forces within South Korea could overturn Chang Myon`s corrupt government. In other words, they saw the coup as a plot by the United States. Throughout this process, China respected the position of the North Korean authorities from beginning to end while keeping their own opinions to themselves and patiently observing the situation. Popular sentiment was sharply in support of North Korea. From China`s point of view, the 5·16military coup was ultimately led by anti-communist military forces within South Korea with the United States deciding to support it after the fact. The difference in opinion between China and North Korea can be readily seen. This article divides and examines the internal reasons why North Korea repeatedly shifted its understanding and judgment at the time of the military coup as follows: 1) miscalculations due to lack of information, 2) psychological influence on the decision-making process due to overestimation of the progressive forces in South Korea since the 4·19 Revolution, and 3) the decisive role of ideological principles when making final judgments. In addition, China was internally able to be more objective because it was able to distance itself geopolitically from the situation in South Korea more than the North. In addition, China had more diverse routes and time to obtain and analyze information. While this may be the case, it can be argued that the reason why China, in terms of its foreign policy position, was able to express solidarity with North Korea`s position was because of the blood alliance they formed during the Korean War and the primacy of ideology within a Cold War world.

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