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      • 障碍兒의 音樂 療法的 音樂敎育 : with the music therapy of mentally retarded children as the central figure 精神遲滯兒의 音樂治療를 中心으로

        河洪杓 慶星大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.14 No.1

        With the increase of mentally retarded children such as emotional disturbance and the mental deficiency, the various problem of education and the therapy to be for them have been risen as a new subject to the particular education and the medical side. It is to its high interests growing toward a possibility of music therapy and it's efficiency as one of a new education and therapeutic method to be necessary for them except the means of medicinal therapy. As means of the therapeutic method for the metally retarded children, the advanced countries fulfil a therapeutic with a lot of therapeutic methods such as play therapy, recreation therapy, music therapy and psychotherpy etc, and however, the music therapy has been not extended to the commencing step yet in view of our country's actual circumstances. In various western countries after the World War, the usefulness of music therapy was testified by the scientists and it was particularly proved scientifically and medically through the cllinical demonstration of the psychiatrists, and then a situation of music therapy has been steadfastly holding. With its progress, the music therapy course should be established at the university in our country for training a traditional medical model, that is, the licensed therapist who has a therapist's concept except the physician. The development of special training method and its training course should be keenly required for the special school and the class for the disabled children, and an institutional installation and its expansion are an urgent problem required for establishing the musical performance room and appreciation room having the rhythm musical instrument such as Orff Type for the understanding and recognizing of the music therapeutic musical education and the diffusion.

      • KCI등재

        Carl Orff 교수법에 의한 전통음악교육이 유아의 음악적 태도와 리듬감 발달에 미치는 영향

        하홍표,정혜영 한국어린이미디어학회 2006 어린이미디어연구 Vol.5 No.-

        본 연구는 오르프 교수법에 의한 전통음악교육 프로그램을 제시함으로써 유아에게 적합한 국악 장단에 대한 이해와 개념을 강조하고 유아의 음악적 발달을 도모함으로써 유아의 음악적 태도와 리듬감 발달의 효과를 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 광역시에 소재한 H어린이집 만 5세 유아를 대상으로 실험집단 21명과 통제집단 21명의 연구 대상을 선정하였고, 8주 동안 1주일에 2회씩 실험집단에게 본 연구자가 Orff 교수법에 입각하여 전통음악을 보다 유아들에게 다가서기 쉽게 언어와 신체를 통한 리듬감 지도, 장단을 구음과 신체리듬ㆍ장구ㆍ소고ㆍ탬버린으로 연주하기, 동요에 전통악기 접목하기, 전래동요에 양악기 접목하기, 양악기와 전통악기의 합주 순으로 제작한 음악활동 프로그램을 실시하였다. 연구결과 Carl Orff 교수법에 의한 전통음악교육이 유아의 음악적 태도 중 탐색, 표현능력, 감상, 리듬감 발달에 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과 우리나라 음악교육의 흐름도 이제는 서양 기법만의 음악교육의 방법에서 벗어나서, 서양의 교수법과 전통음악의 접목을 통해 다양한 전통음악 교수방법을 개발해야 할 것이다.

      • 兒童 音樂敎育의 새로운 接近 : Rudolf Steiner 學校 音樂敎育을 中心으로 With the musical education of R. Steiner school as the central figure

        河洪杓 慶星大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.13 No.3

        As regards that the human being receives an education, one of it's purposes is to acquire the knowledge and technique so as to be not straggled from the existence-struggle, and another purpose is that the human being gets a life worthy of human being and that is, enjoying with the spiritual and cultural life. From this point of view, today in the world a new musical education-trend of the advanced countries as well as Eurpean various countries was begun to uprise for the purpose of making free from the knowledge preponderant education centering around the science in the second half of 20th century. However, since the time of the year 1970, the material almighty tendency swum with the confused tide of value-sense such as living mode and thinking way rushed by the rapid economical growth, has been spread throughout our Korean community. The artistic education or the education for the whole people is in the name only and then the musical education to be required for the asthetic development of the human being should be placed on a central position of all the educations with getting out of distressing a actuality that decisive stage of educational success or failure wholly depends on the prestige university and the said musical education should be an asthetic education which is the musical external worth. What is the person who takes possession of most important position among the musical education? The person is the teacher of kindergarten and the music teacher of the junior-senior high school who have the main point of valuable role for shaping the musical nature of Korean people in future. Therefore the suitable education course to be required for the teacher's training will be strengthened and reorganized. And, the music teacher shall be a pure musican who is not the musical techenician and the institution and the system should be strengthened so as to become the social musical education to be of help as emotional personality. As appeared on the research of cultural art expropriation, the artistic music and the shorting popular music broadcasting should be more magnified to telecast for the improvement of asthetic development and community-sense, and then it shall contribute to the cultural acclimation to be desirable.

      • 韓國의 音樂敎育의 方向性 硏究

        河洪杓 慶星大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.9 No.2

        Korean had been made a boast of ourselves as cultured nation that have been used music in our lives in the long history, however since we entered 20 centries the music have been falled in the cultural anomie phenomena causing from not only weakness and extrem shrinkage of our traditional music due to confusion of politic and society and invasion of external circumstance but also overflowing of heterogeneous foreign cultures. Especially, from the time that industrial society is begun in the 1960s, our music education has been hidden by the culture of entrance examintion, and as a result, this music education has been falled down as technical subject not only ending to the form of the cognitive work among various kinds of music actions but also striving hard after the technical work having the targets of small number of students who are in the specific levels. And as a result, the distance between school music and social music culture has been severely widen. For this reason, in order to research the true nature as a art education for the cultivation of human nature with the spiritual power that comes into the whole fields of our culture this study has reached the following conclusions. Firstly, normalization of the National music education according to the Korean syntax should be realized. Secondary, text book for the comprehensive musicalship by breaking from the education of sectional music that was Partial in function should be improved. Thirdly, for the democratization, universality and standardization of live, the community, organization and the roll of the school and broadcasting medium should be strengthen. Forthly, for the internal fullness of school music education, a society of research for the music educators in the national dimension should be operated.

      • 産業社會의 音樂文化振興에 關한 考察 : 靑少年 音樂敎育을 中心으로 centering on musical education of youth

        河洪杓 慶星大學校 1987 부산수산대학 논문집 Vol.8 No.1

        The one's view of value of individualism, and ism that point to reality, and mammonism that is overwhelming on our society is our consciousness which liver with us. The ism that point to reality should be embody as futurism that all of us is living on hope. And with a view to embody a bright society that consist of one's view of value and ethics which consider human nature and naturalness as a important things and love our culture on the basis of creative and cultivative spirits, the mammonism that is overwhelming in our society; its base should be construct on the world of children and youth. Because, the reconstruction of human should be begin from the world of children. Therefore, we should be intent the fact which we are now on urgent situation that, with a view to form the climate of teenager's music culture that Apollo-like classic music, art song etc based on lofty fidelity, simply and clear intelligence or order, are estimated and sung merrily by escaping from the climate of teenager's music culture that was exclusively occupied by popular music such as pleasurable Dionysos-like Pops that excite and intoxicate human rather than form the effect of virture, as a place of virture and emotion education in peace and harmony between teacher and students, basic and essential facilities consolidation, harmonious education activity of intelligence, virture, body can't be reserved any more. For instance, as the special education like the normalization of music class in each class such as epochal facilities investment for the construction of music hall and enformcement of music class of students in third grade of high school and the art after the regular class, is enforced, activated and internally become substantial, each school should escape bridle of tragic and inhuman deformed child. Also, the music education that is to cultivate the emotion of major teenagers and create the ensemble culture such as chamber music, chorus and concert etc were not inferior to musical performance made individual the prime object rather than improve the skill and art as minor musical specialist. Therefore, when we are conscious the importance that the music, as social art, establish the dynamic human relation, it will be realizable the artistic, human and educational values.

      • 發達障碍兒의 音樂療法 硏究 : 臨床的 卽興 演奏 音樂을 中心으로 On the Clinical Improvisational Playing Music

        河洪杓 慶星大學校 1995 論文集 Vol.16 No.1

        The music therapy has been gradually developed going to an autonmic mode since it was enforced only subisdiary treatment at the hospital and it is understood as remendial method to be suitable and effective for almost the persons who have a functional cripple such as psychological, physiological, social and progressive regardless of the age and diseased condition. Because, according to the functional utilization of music, the human beeing is made not only animated but also the body and spirit can be organized as one of active unit. The combination coincidence which were realized by an active relation make an individual intergration and that rouse the animation towards the group, and the cripples can be made overcoming the estrangement and isolation. And then the music to be used for the remedial means acts as energy of which the human function mode can be changed. After all as the instance that the person who has very short time of an attention concentration for about few minutes, became to be possible for playing the rhythmic instrument more than five minutes through the music therapy, it is suggested that the pleasant musical practice stimulates to the participating motivation and makes it active. Therfore the music therapy bring a good effact to the psychological treatment which is the impossible part with the medical treatment method. Particularly it comes the means of dialogue in autistic and excessive melancholia that it is made hopeful for a remedial possibility. The cripples a given the confident and satisfaction feelings through the improvisatory playing music, and it's playing helps adapting their environment with a concentrative and cotinuative powers so that the remedial period can be shortened. Like this effect is placed on the fact to be greatly dominated which will be paid attention to the rapport or the consensus between the therapist based on the musical experience of the cripples. Particularly it is required that the task of which the musical educational environment is produced so as to intice an improvisatory playing music and studying climate improvement for the professonal's training as music therapist should be settled first.

      • Orff 방식의 幼兒 音樂敎育에 對한 一考

        하홍표 慶星大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.19 No.2

        At this point of time coming a new millennium of the 21st century, our society is changing by rapid strides. It is time to turn to times that creativity is the goal of education advancing from only adaptation and harmony with society. Our child might live his/her life in the world thai personality is respected as best value and creativity standing out from others is the key look for the meaning of his/her life. For this, early child education should come out of its standardization and apply the logic of postmodernism which is seeking for harmony in the diversity. Therefore the goal of early childhood music education in the future is also pursuit of diversity arid indiveduality. In this point of view, we have to pay attention to the fact that standardized textbooks and teaching methods can limit a develop of child. The key subject of early childhood music education program might be helping child to develop one's emotion. According to Izard (1991), interest is the most basic elements among the emotions human has, it makes possible to quest or to learn. One of the most important things that teachers can do for child is to be a model themselves who feel like finding as much as possible from their surroundings and have a constant interest in it. Due to the poor realistic conditions, however, we have the history of the curriculum which has been keeping in the crippled operations or in the standardized ways under the misconceptions that early childhood education is just a special skill training or an early training for knowledge. To make a step toward the correct curriculum, this study tried to offer an practical example of Orff's teaching methods so that child can gain his/her basic musical experiences at first hand in the education field. The early childhood music is the elemental music which is close to our body. To be music from the inside of the child rather than music for child, we have to provide a musical environment and opportunities which child can contact with music as a integrated experience that our body is tied with the nature and express music as much as one likes. Orff regards rhythm as of great importance more than any other musical elements. That is, he makes rhythm, original music element, the starting point for teaching. He also put great emphasis on a motion, rhythmic movement for the common and basic sense. Therefore it needs effort to teach child to cultivate diverse and creative life accquiring musical experiences through the curriculums focusing on singing and playing with rhythmical moving.

      • 한국 童謠의 傳統性과 21세기의 童謠 文化 改革

        河洪杓(Ha Hong-Pyo) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2001 인문학논총 Vol.3 No.-

        Child is the flower of life, the essence of the earth, and the essence of the universe. No matter how beautiful a flower may be, no matter how great the beauties of nature may be, no matter how wonderful ideas and sounds may be, there is nothing like the beauties of child. All the beauties of life and universe lie embedded in the thoughts and feelings of child. We cannot praise the beauties of child too much. The beauties of child is truly the pride and joy of life and the pride and joy of universe. Nowadays young children, however, grows like grown-up child exposed to unrestricted commercial song or pop song through mass media in grown-up oriented society. The child alienation and grown-up child trends make children avoid music education. We should not looking on the crisis of the absence of music education which is spoiling the emotion of children as a spectator. As the foundation in the early development stage of mentality, the emotion is a grounding in human nature. To cultivate the emotion of children, the participation of literators, musicians, educators, producers, etc. is essential. First, we should understand importance of children's traditional song, collect them, excavate them to make them as the basis of children's music education program. Especially the understandings of music educators and TV producers are essential for comprehensive studies and this kind of educational-industrial complex should be activated. Furthermore at home parents put their principles into practice with understandings. The children's song should be created by our own musical expression in the various fields of creative children's song, animation music and a theme song for musical comedy with artistic and pure motives. For this, we should cultivate men of talent in undergraduate school which has department or curriculum of children's song composition, music textbook in kindergarten, elementary school and junior school should be selected by review of the suitability. The 21st century is often referred to as the new era of coexistence and co-prosperity of diverse culture. The culture of children's song should accept the social and cultural value as well as the educational value. In other words, this kind of music will meets human wishes for love and happiness, will cultivate emotional ability of child. The diverse culture of children I s song should take root beyond different life style and racial background.

      • KCI등재

        For-loop for Logic Programming

        권기항,하홍표,Kwon, Kee-Hang,Ha, Hong-Pyo Korea Information Processing Society 2012 정보처리학회논문지 A Vol.19 No.1

        고전 논리나 선형 논리에 기반한 논리 프로그래밍에서는 순차적 작업이나 순차적 순환 작업을 표현하는 구문이 결여되어 있다. 최근 순차적 작업을 표현하는 구문 - $G_1{\cap}G_2$ 이 제시되었는데 이는 Japaridze의 game 모델에 기반을 두고 있다. 본 논문에서는 ${\cap}_x^LG$의 형태를 갖고 있는 순차적 순환 작업을 제안하고 있다. 여기서 $x$는 변수이고, $L$은 리스트이고, $G$는 목표작업을 의미한다. 기호 ${\cap}_x^L$는 순차적 유한 정량자라고 불린다. 위 구문을 다음과 같은 작업을 의미한다: $x$에 $L$의 원소들의 값을 차례로 대입하여 순차적으로 반복 수행하시오. Logic programming based on classical or linear logic has traditionally lacked devices for expressing sequential tasks and sequential iterative tasks. Expressing sequential goal tasks has been addressed by a recent proposal of sequential goals of the form $G_1{\cap}G_2$ which is based on the game semantics of Japaridze. This paper proposes sequential iterative goal formulas of the form ${\cap}_x^LG$ where $G$ is a goal, $x$ is a variable, and $L$ is a list. ${\cap}_x^L$ is called a sequential bounded quantier. These goals allow us to specify the following task: sequentially iterate $G$ with $x$ ranging over all the elements of $L$.

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