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      • 세계(환경)를 통한 배우의 내적충동 연구 -‘현상적 장’(Phenomenal Field)과 ‘분위기’(Atmosphere) 개념 중심으로-

        하재우 ( Ha Jaewoo ) 한양대학교 공연예술연구소 2023 공연예술연구 Vol.9 No.-

        Plato tried to capture the world of Idea hidden by the real world by the power of reason to grasp the essence of the world, the source of all things, and the truth. Therefore, the human body was regarded as an obstacle to reaching Idea's thoughts. The real world living through the human body is incomplete and constantly changing, but Idea is an immutable world that does not change. Therefore, the real world and the perceived human body were obscured by the world of Idea, which appears through human reason. These ideas marked the beginning of the mind-body dualism that distinguished the human mind from the body. As the idea of mind and body dualism transitions to modern times, the power of subjectivity peaks. René Descartes (1596-1650) established the superiority of the mind through the proposition of cogito(ergosum). Descartes derived the proposition of Cocito through methodological skepticism, and as a result of doubting everything that exists in the world, he found that I am thinking could not be doubted. For this reason, the human mind was a sure guarantee of the true truth about the world, and the body that could not guarantee the truth was simply reduced to a machine of the mind. Our senses could not distinguish the world from true or false, so it was simply a passive form following the command of the mind. Since the human body is moved by the mind, the movement of the body depends on the mind. Human mental thought, which extends from Plato to Descartes, tends to rely on the external objective world, ignoring the unique characteristics of each human being. This external objective world has resulted in setting the standards of the world through 'natural reason', that is, 'main idea', that exists in the human mind, and ignoring each individual's experience. In other words, it can be interpreted that all humans live according to the objective world under the influence of abstract thoughts. These mind-centered ideas laid the foundation for an objective view of the world. Therefore, objective human thought has established itself as universal knowledge and has contributed to enormous development in scientific civilization. Maurice Merleau-Ponty, (1908-1961) emphasized the importance of the human body, not the human mind, and re-emerged the human body, which has been completely excluded by Western traditional philosophy, and wrote Phenomenology of Perception (1945). Existing Western traditional philosophy separated the subject from the world. In other words, the subject was dismissed as an objective object to judge and analyze the world through the power of reason. However, Merlo-Fonty, who protested against this, advocates a relationship that interacts humans with the world, called âtre-au-monde. World-ero-existence means that humans exist in the world before judging the world and want to interact with the world, and can be interpreted as a concept that breaks away from the dichotomy of traditional philosophy. Humans of the world-ro-existence who want to interact with the world perceive a phenomenal field that affects human cognition through a Lived-Body that integrates the mind and body. The 'Phenomenal Field' is not an objective world formed by 'Cocito'. It is an objective world that exists before the objective world that appears in the human mind, that is, a primitive world containing sensory elements that can be perceived by the human body. Merlo-Fonty did not deny Descartes' objective worldview. However, human objective thinking can be seen through the 'phenomenal field' that appears through the body's perception, and traditional philosophy has emphasized the objective world while ignoring the existence of the 'phenomenal field'. The position of the existing traditional philosophy grasped the world as an objective nature that is simply understood as the spirit of the subject. Since the world is of an objective nature, traditional philosophy only thought of the spirit of the subject as the solution. However, the world that Merlo-Ponti claims can be explained as a phenomenal field that changes human cognition, not an objective nature identified by the power of reason. Merlo-Ponti tried to explain human knowledge through the phenomenal field, an objective area that interacts with the human body. In other words, the 'phenomenal field' composed of senses causes changes in human impulse and behavior. Among Mikhail Chekhov's acting techniques (1891-1955), the concept of Atmosphere also affects the actor's perception like phenomenal field. Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky (1863-1938) emphasized that the actor analyzes the situation given in the play through the actor's rational aspect for the conscious way to unconsciousness. In other words, emotions are expressed when an actor analyzes the world in which the characters in the play live from a well-known perspective and performs logical physical actions to achieve the goal. However, Chekhov's world, the atmosphere, is a world consisting of a sense that causes an actor's motor response, not an object perceived by the actor's rational analysis. This 'atmosphere' is not something that the actor deduces through reason, but intuitively perceives through the body's senses. In other words, when the actor perceives the atmosphere using his or her body, impulse and behavioral reactions are expressed. Fonty and Chekhov protested the objective and thoughtful human activities of analyzing the rational aspects of the world. Fonty's concept of phenomenal field and Chekhov's concept of atmosphere can be interpreted as internal driving force that causes the subject's behavioral response, not as a factor analyzed by the subject's. Based on this, the relationship between the concept of phenomenal field and atmosphere considered by this researcher is that the world causes human internal impulses, not factors that are reasonably judged and objectively analyzed. Mikhail Chekhov's acting theory, called acting of inspiration, has a metaphysical aspect. Therefore, it is judged that this researcher will seek a correct understanding of Mikhail Chekhov's concept of atmosphere through the Merlo-Fonty philosophy, the foundation of embodied cognition emerging within cognitive science. Therefore, this study aims to draw a connection by comparing the concepts of phenomenal field and atmosphere claimed by Merlo-Fonty and Mikhail Chekhov, and to seek a fundamental understanding of the concept of atmosphere from the perspective of phenomenal field.

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