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        한·중 간의 사회문화교류를 통한 양국의 발전방안모색

        하영애 한국동북아학회 2008 한국동북아논총 Vol.13 No.4

        Despite their historical and geographical conditions, Korea and China have experienced half century long severance in diplomatic relations due to formulated Cold War atmosphere after World War Ⅱ. This frozen environment caused blocking of mutual understanding and diverse international exchange between two countries, and this eventually has taken away chances of flourish of eastern culture. These two countries have well promoted exchange in the field of politics and economics for 16 years; however, societal and cultural exchanges are relatively sluggish. In this reason, constructive efforts from every field of life is preciously demanded in order to extend exchanges between two countries. The definition of exchanges refers to creative development through integrating heterogeneous factors in the way of prospective perception and complementing lacking parts in the way of cooperation. What have two countries obtained through society and culture exchange activity and how this has been changed? The answers of these questions are never easy to get; however, we try to consider what kind of effect the exchange activity gives to the people of two countries in terms of life quality and psychological value. As a result of this study, we discovered positive aspects including reciprocal development, increasing mutual understanding and cooperation between the two countries, fostering cosmopolitan and NGO spirit which was yield by different cultural creation. In other words, people of two countries have experienced reciprocal development through visiting each other's remains, goodwill visiting, language-culture study and so on. By promoting cultural exchanges, both countries could not only promote mutual understanding and cooperation and sprite of cosmopolitan and NGOs which mean serving other people but also extend the network of youth, women, various civic organizations. These positive aspects of exchange development bring a rise of life quality with psychological value of people; however, we could not ignore the side effects of the exchanges : events cancelation, delay of plan execution, fraud related to the mutual understanding, escapade of international students studying abroad. As a conclusion, I propose the ways of promoting cultural and societal changes such as increasing productivity of political support, developing and continuing programs to improve bi-language skill, promoting exchange of academic organizations related to women and furtherance of exchange foundation in order to grow vitality of society and culture exchanges. 한·중 양국은 역사적 지리적 요건에도 불구하고 세계 2차 대전 후의 냉전체제로 인하여 교류가 반세기 동안 단절되어 왔다. 이는 양국 국민간의 이해와 각종 교류촉진을 차단하였고 동양 문화창달을 저해하게 되었다. 교류활동의 당위성은 국가나 개인 혹은 집단이 상호교류활동을 통하여 이질적 요소를 발전적 측면에서 통합하여 상호 부족한 부분을 도와주고 있다. 본 논문은 한·중 양국이 수교 이후 사회문화교류를 통하여 무엇을 얻었으며, 각 국가에 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤는가를 고찰하고자 하였다. 따라서 발전의 개념을 적용하여 양국 국민이 사회문화교류를 통해 생활향상, 참여증대, 세계시민의식 향상에 어떤 변화발전을 가져왔는지에 중점을 두고 분석하였다. 먼저 사회분야의 교류현황을 고찰하였는데 이는 인적교류, 학술·교육 관련교류, 우호도시교류, 여성관련 학술 및 단체교류와 문화·예술교류로 구분하여 연구하였다. 다음으로는 양국의 상호교류에 대한 평가에서 긍정적인 부분으로 대학생, 여성, 중·고생 등의 양국의 언어경시대회와 각종 문화·예술 단체의 상호방문, 연주회, 전시회, 유적답사를 통해 각국의 문화에 대한 이해를 높이는 계기를 마련했다고 평가할 수 있다. 한·중 양국관계는 학술, 세미나 등의 교류를 통해 의식증대와 특히 양국여성들은 세계4차 여성대회, 동아시아 여성포럼, ‘99서울NGO세계대회의 체험을 통해 여성관련 법규를 제정함으로써 ‘제도화’를 통한 여성의 지위향상, 삶의 질 향상에도 기여하였다. 사회문화교류의 활성화를 위한 방안으로는 정책지원 및 교류의 생산성 증대, 양국의 언어실력향상을 위한 프로그램개발 및 지속화, ‘동북아 여성네트워크’ 형성과 여성발전, 학술단체의 교류증진을 위한 기금 조성, 교류확대의 노력을 지속적으로 추진해 나가야 할 것이다. 결론적으로 본 연구는, 첫째, 교류활동을 통한 인식변화와 삶의 질 향상, 둘째, 여성의 의식향상과 제도의 정착. 셋째, 학술·문화예술교류 증대로 동양 정신문화 승화, 넷째, 교류증대에 따른 부작용에 대한 문제점 분석으로 정리할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        제18대 대통령선거 연구: 여성이슈를 중심으로

        하영애 한국동북아학회 2014 한국동북아논총 Vol.19 No.3

        What female policy issues did each of the parties and candidates have in the Korean presidential election during 2012? And are they laying the foundation for female participation in politics that can realize gender equality in politics with their female pledges or gender issues?In the 18th presidential election, there were more diverse female policy issues raised by each of the candidates or the parties than in any other presidential election in Korea. However, it was not easy to find significant difference between the two candidates regarding the issues related with female employment, female temporary employees, or childcare. Moreover, candidate Mun Jae-in and Minju Tonghabdang did raise even more practical and reasonable issues about either gender equality politics or female representative than candidate Park Geun-Hye and Safeguarding. Despite that, candidate Mun could not raise this with his issue strategies. On the other hand, candidate Park Geun-Hye did conscious, systematize, and organize the voters with her gender issues. In particular, according to the result of the presidential election on December 19th, 2012, 54% women voted for candidate Park Geun-Hye, and it was 8.4% more than 45.6% that voted for candidate Mun Jae-in then. Especially the success of her issue strategies regarding “a well-prepared female president” did allow her to be elected as the first female president in Korea. Therefore, her gender issues strategies of “a well-prepared female president” can be regarded to be valuable for female presidential candidates to benchmark at the next presidential election in the US or Taiwan. However, president Park Geun-Hye still has two tasks to do regarding the female policy issues she presented as a candidate. First, she has to fulfill her pledge “to increase the ratio of female ministers stepwise extensively.” Second, she will have to settle the issue regarding “the abolition of basic assembly party nomination” which she suggested as a candidate. President Park and the ruling party have urgent tasks to do regarding the two gender issues that are the matters of life and death to female Cabinet members in the administration as well as female members at the local council. 이 글의 목적은 제18대 대통령선거에서 정당과 후보들이 선거과정중 제시한 여성이슈를 분석해본다. 또한 대선 후보들은 양성평등정치와 관련하여 어떠한 여성이슈를 제기하고 있는지 고찰하고 후보의 당선에 여성이슈가 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지에 대한 연구를 시도해본다. 18대 대선에서는 어느 대선 때 보다도 각 후보와 정당이 다양한 여성정책이슈를 제기하였다. 여성일자리, 여성 비정규직, 출산 육아휴직, 보육 및 여성대표성 확대에 관한 수많은 여성이슈가 그것이다. 여성일자리, 여성 비정규직, 보육과 관련한 이슈에서는 각 후보가 여성 고용비율을 60%-70% 상향조정을 제시하였고 여성비정규직에서는 박 후보는 지원을 위한 제도마련을 주장하고 문 후보는 여성비정규직의 절반감소 주장을, 이 후보는 비정규직 사용 사유제한을 주장하였다. 육아휴직에 관해서는 세 후보가 2주간, 1개월, 2개월간의 아빠의 육아휴직을 주장하여 저 출산위기와 더불어 한국사회에 남성으로 하여금 육아문제에 동참할 수 있도록 여성이슈를 제기하였다. 양성평등정치와 여성대표성 확대에 관한 여성정책이슈에서는 세 후보가 여성장관 비율 향상, 지역구 공천여성할당제 강화 고위공무원 여성비율확대, 민간기업의 여성임원직 할당비율 향상을 각각 제시하였다. 그러나 문재인 후보와 민주통합당이 제기한 양성평등정치 및 여성대표성에 관한 이슈는 박근혜 후보와 새누리당 보다 훨씬 실천적이며 합리적인 이슈들이 많았다. 그럼에도 불구하고 문 후보 측은 이를 핵심적인 여성이슈로 끌어올리지 못했다. 반면에 박근혜 후보는 여성이슈를 통해 유권자를 의식화, 조직화 하였다. 2012년 12월 19일의 대선결과 여성유권자들이 박근혜 후보에게 54%를 지지함으로서 문재인 후보의 45.6% 보다 8.4% 더 많이 투표한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과, 제18대 대선은 과거대선에서 볼 수 없었던 다양한 여성이슈가 제기 되었음을 알 수 있었다. ‘여성 대통령’의 전면화와 특히 “준비된 여성대통령”의 여성이슈와 캠페인은 박근혜 후보로 하여금 대통령으로 당선하는데 기여했다고 하겠다. 이는 차기 미국대통령 선거와 대만의 총통선거에서 여성대통령후보들이 참고할 가치가 있는 여성이슈라고 할 수 있겠다. 또한 우리나라에서 진정한 양성 평등이 이루어지기 위해서는 여성장관이 동수의석은 아니더라도 최소한 30%가 여성각료의석으로 향상되어야 명실 공히 OECD국가로서 세계여성들과 어깨를 겨눌 수 있을 것이다.

      • 밝은사회 운동을 통한 세계평화

        하영애 밝은사회연구소 2000 밝은社會硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        Peace is indispensable in social life just as water and air are as such for human beings. Peace, as the soul of life and as a noble value, is a source of bringing happiness to our minds. While the end of the Cold War has brought detente to the world, fights are endlessly taking place in the every corner of the world. What can we do to deal with tis situation? Peace should be obtained not by fights and power but by discussions and compromises. A perspective of active peace involves a process towards the Global Common Society where human basic needs can be met, human beings are respected, and individuals, groups and nation states are all equal so that they can be further developed. Today, civil society and NGOs play an important role in relation to the peace movements. Among these NGOs, GCS club has been more eager in consistently working towards world peace movements than any other NGO. The main objectives of the GCS movements by the GCS club are to deal with various world problems and to build a Global Common Society of co-prosperity and co-existence. The movements also pursue a B.A.R. Society. Especially, GCS club, as the GCS international headquarter, took the lead to propose to establish 'World Peace Year' and 'World Peace day,' and also held the 1999 Seoul International Conference of NGOs. Now it has the task to drive forward more fruitful peace movements at the threshold of the new millennium. The purpose of this study is to search for possible ways to realize world peace through 5 movements by GCS club. In the first part, the necessity of the world peace movements was raised and the developments of the peace movements so far were reviewed. Also, the ways to realize world peace through the GCS movement were considered in NGOs and educational levels as well as international and national levels. This can be divided into two parts: the realization of world peace by Pax UN and the networks of regional cooperative institutions. Pax UN, for the purpose of building a global common society, pursues to strengthen the United Nations as an international institution in order to bring peace and to establish co-prosperity of human beings on the basis of freedom and democracy. A peaceful society can be realized when universal democracy is established. The universal democracy guarantees freedom, equality, co-prosperity: RCS(Regional Cooperation Society) to Regional Common Society to Global Cooperation Society to Global Common Society. This is not easy way, but we should make a consistent effort to make it happen. In NGOs level, peace movements of the local NGOs, Northeast Asian NGOs networks, and world NGOs networks were reviewed. There are NGOs networks related to world peace movements including 'International Museum of Peace and Solidarity', 'Consortium on Peace Research', Education and Development: COPPED', 'Peace Boat', 'Institute for International Peace Studies,' 'World Religion and peace Conference.' Practical peace movements through these networks are very important. Likewise, school education and social peace education are as important in bringing peace. Peace movements could be developed more actively if NGOs such as 'Peace Study Group', 'Peace Loving People's Assembly' are organized and young people participate in these NGOs. True world peace could not be completely established as long as power structure remains in the human society. However, we cannot look over these situations. It is our mission to build a peaceful world by putting our creative capabilities together so as to hand over the precious material civilization and spiritual heritage to our descendants. World peace should by for human beings on earth, not for one country.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        성인 남성 근로자에서 비만 지표의 변화와 혈청지질치 변화와의 관련성

        하영애,천병렬,감신,이성국,예민해,Ha, Young-Ae,Chun, Byung-Yeol,Kam, Sin,Lee, Sung-Kook,Yeh, Min-Hae 대한예방의학회 1996 예방의학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        성인 남성 근로자들에 있어서 비만지표의 변화와 혈청지질치 변화와의 관련성을 평가하기 위하여, 대구시에 소재한 1개 회사의 남성 근로자 208명을 연구 대상자로 선정하였다. 1995년 7월에 신장, 체중, 허리둘레, 엉덩이둘레를 재고 혈압을 측정하였으며, 혈청 총 콜레스테롤, 중성지방, HDL-콜레스테롤 등을 검사하고 LDL-콜레스테롤, 심근경색지수를 계산하였다. 이를 1991년도에 검사된 기초 자료들과 비교하였다. 1. 4년간 체중이 1.63kg, 허리둘레가 3.61cm, 엉덩이둘레가 4.23cm, BMI가 $0.52kg/m^2$, Katsura 지수는 0.02만큼 유의하게 증가했지만, 허리 엉덩이둘레비는 0.021만큼 유의한 감소가 있었다(p<0.01). 총 콜레스테롤은 15.09mg/이, 중성지방 20.43mg/dl, HDL-콜레스테롤 9.40mg/dl, 그리고 심근경색지수는 2.87mg/dl 만큼 유의하게 증가하였다. (p<0.01). LDL-콜레스테롤은 3.50mg/dl 만큼 증가하였으나 유의하지는 않았다. 2. BMI 변화 및 Katsura 지수의 변화와 총 콜레스테롤의 변화(r=0.174, p<0.05), BMI 변화와 중성지방의 변화(r=0.374, p<0.01), 그리고 체중의 변화와 심근경색지수의 변화(r=-0.173, p<0.05)가 상대적으로 강한 상관성을 보였다. 허리 엉덩이둘레비 변화는 총 콜레스테롤 변화량과 양의 상관관계(r=0.162, p<0.05)를 보였지만 다른 혈청지질치들과는 유의한 관련성이 없었다. 3. 생활습관의 변화를 보정하고도 중성지방은 체중 (r=0.262, p<0.01), BMI(r=0.267, p<0.01) Katsura 지수(r=0.258, p<0.01)와 유의한 관련성이 있었다. 심근경색지수의 변화는 체중(r=-0.143, p<0.05), BMI(r=-0.158, p<0.05), Katsura 지수(r=-0.144, p<0.05)와 유의한 음의 관련성이 있었다. 이 중 BMI가 가장 큰 상관계수 값을 보였다. 4. 1991년의 허리 엉덩이둘레비로 분류한 경우, 상체형 비만군이 그렇지 않은 군에 비해 HDL-콜레스테롤과 심근경색지수의 증가폭이 유의하게 더 낮았다(p<0.05). Katsura 지수의 경우도 유사한 결과를 보였다. BMI로 분류한 경우에도 역시 비만군이 그렇지 않은 군에 비해 HDL-콜레스테롤, 심근경색지수 값들의 증가폭이 유의하게 낮았다(p<0.05 또는 p<0.01). 중성지방은 BMI로 분류한 경우 비만한 군의 증가폭이 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05). 이상의 결과로 보아, 성인 남성 근로자들에서 혈청 지질치 변화에 대한 비만도의 지표로는 BMI가 허리 엉덩이둘레비나 Katsura 지수보다 더 적절할 것으로 생각된다. This study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between change in obesity indices and change in serum lipids in adult male workers. Two-hundred-eight adult male workers of an industry in Taegu city were followed-up from 1991 to 1995. Height, weight, circumferences of hip and waist, blood pressure were measured and serum lipids were analysed. Data on life style were obtained using self-administered questionnaires. Mean differences of anthropometric measurements between 1991 and 1995 were as follows: 1.63kg in weight, 3.61cm in waist circumferences, 4.23cm in hip circumferences, $0.52kg/m^2$ in BMI and -0.021 in WHR. Those of lipids were as follows; 15.09mg/dl in total cholesterol, 20.43mg/dl in triglyceride, 9.40mg/dl in HDL-cholesterol, 2.87 in MI - index (p<0.01) and 350mg/dl in LDL-cholesterol. The changed value of BMI and Katsura index were strongly correlated with that of total cholesterol(r=0.174, p<0.05), the changed value of BMI correlated with that of triglyceride(r=0.374, p<0.01) and the changed value of weight correlated with that of MI index(r=-0.173, p<0.05). The changed value of WHR was signifiantly correlated with that of total cholesterol(r=0.162, p<0.05), however, was not significantly correlated with HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride and MI index. The changed value of weight, BMI and Katsura index were correlated with that of triglyceride (r=0.262, p<0.01; r=0.267, p<0.01; r=0.258, p<0.01) and the changed value of MI index(r=0.143, p<0.05; r=-0.158; r=-0.144, p<0.01), adjusting the pattern of change in life style. The changed values of HDL - cholesterol and MI index between 1991 and 1995 in low WHR group were significantly higher than those in high WHR group(p<0.05, p<0.01), adjusting the baseline value of them. Similar pattern was observed when considering Katsura index. When stratifying by BMI value of 1991, in low BMI group, the changed value of HDL - cholesterol and MI index showed the same pattern as above, however that of triglyceride was statistically higher in obese group than in non obese group(p<0.05). In conclusion BMI might be a better indicator to predict serum lipids change than other obesity indices.

      • GCS 학생클럽에 관한 연구 : 고교 및 대학생클럽을 중심으로

        하영애 慶熙大學校 밝은社會問題硏究所 1997 밝은社會硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        The Global Coopration Society(GCS) has the philosophy of Oughtopia which is formulated by DR. Young Seek Choue and goals toawrds Human Family. Global Village, and World Community. Also, the GCS has contributed to the development of our society in many ways. Hence, the research on student clubs could be atribut to the lofty goal of building a praxis of the GCS. As a practical way to achieve the goal of GCS, the opration of activities is very important. Even though lots of research on organization of members, there is little about the young people's club. Therefore, this research focused on activities of student members and tried to make basic datas to improve activities of student member clubs. Methodologically, this research has examinde by literature reviews on sociology, psychology and politics. And also surveys on personal interviews and question papers have been used. I surveyed on college student clubs in five Seoul clubs and six local clubs. In order to improve the young member club, I suggested several programs. Actually, practical and well-organized programs have already done by a few clubs. For example, 'flower street', 'speech contest', and 'GCS award' are representative programs. These programs promoted the membership cooperation and cultivated the culture of sentiments of student members. This research mostly focused on the development of ideal, organization, and activities of college student members. As the result of surveys. I strongly suggest that the program of you member, particularly the university graduate, must establish and develop.

      • 現代社會에서 女性의 役割變化와 GCS여성클럽의 發展方案

        하영애 밝은사회연구소 1999 밝은社會硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        Since the 1995 Beijing International Women's Conference, women's participation in the society is slowly increasing in Korea. For example, Women's Week(1 ~ 7 July) is being held annually, Women's Development Fund is being raised, and measures for a certain percentage of women to be employed in public society are provided. Especially, the change of women's role in modern society is a trend of our times. My thesis focuses on the development of GCS Women's Club by grafting women power to the Club. My research is based on the following points: firstly, change of women's role in modern society; secondly, status quo and major activities of women's groups in modern society; thirdly, immediate tasks of GCS Women's Club; and finally, development measures of GCS Women's Club. Women's role in the Confucian traditional society was limited to private life, whereas in the modern society it is extended to public life, such as active participation in society, politics, economics, and education. As women are enjoying a more comfortable living nowadays, they want a healthy participation in society to use their time meaningfully. Multilateral efforts on the part of members as well as staffs are necessary in order to graft women's ability to the GCS movement. I have researched the activities of women's groups both home and abroad. The most important activity of women's groups related to political participation is the 'quota system.' Taiwan has implemented the Election Quota System and on average 10-25% of Members of Parliament are women. A quota system of 10% is implemented in Egypt, Indonesia, and Pakistan. Korea and Japan are also pursuing a quota system for women's participation in politics. As measures of development for GCS Women's Club, the creation of an organization wholly run by women, expansion of the Women's Club organization, networking and cooperation between Korean women NGOs and foreign women NGOs, and establishment of a special fund for the development of Women's Club on the part of International Headquarters and the Korean Headquarters are under discussion. In addition, increase of GCS Women's Club members through the change in women's role, and development and practice of programs to activate GCS Women's Club are being suggested.

      • KCI등재

        한국 박순천(朴順天)과 중국 송칭링(宋慶齡)의 정치사회운동 비교연구

        하영애 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2014 평화학연구 Vol.15 No.4

        This study is aimed at exploring the political and social movement of Park Soon-Chun, a Korean female politician, and Soong Ching Ling who was respected by Chinese people. Their movement will be examined with a comparative approach. Specifically, the following will be explored: their ideals and values as political and social movement activists; how they executed their ideals; how they have been evaluated in terms of contribution to the politics and society of Korea and China. Park Soon-Chun contributed to boosting the status of women through her enlightenment movement and took the lead in merger of the opposition parties and party democracy. Soong Ching Ling also contributed to the political development of China by executing revolutionary ideas and participating in domestic and international political organizations. She also strived to boost the children's welfare and social, political status of women. In addition, she served as an international anti-imperialism activist. Park Soon-Chun and Soong Ching Ling have the following in common. First, they both established strong values and actively executed them. Second, they contributed to merger and coordination and played a neutral role. The difference between them is found in the national systems and environmental impact. The findings suggest that the two women were outstanding political leaders in Korea and China during the 20th century. In particular, Park Soon-Chun is regarded as a true politician in the rough political environment in Korea with strong democratic values. In fact, she was the first female ever to lead an opposition party in Korea as a committed parliamentary democrat. Soong Ching Ling was a social movement activist who dedicated a half of her life to helping the poor and children's welfare projects; she was driven by her keen interest in China's revolutionary ideology. In particular, she is regarded as one of historic figures who greatly contributed to China's revolution. 본 논문은 한국여성정치인 박순천의 정치사회운동과 중국인들의 존경을 받았던 송칭링이 추구했던 정치사회운동을 비교 고찰해본다. 그녀들의 정치사회운동의 이상과 가치관을 고찰하고 그 이상을 어떻게 실천해나갔는지, 또한 그들은 한국과 중국의 정치사회에 어떠한 평가를 받고 있는지도 함께 모색해본다. 박순천은 계몽운동으로 여성의 지위향상에 기여했고 야당통합과 정당민주주의를 실천했던 선구자였다. 송칭링은 혁명사상 실천과 국내외 정치조직 참여로 중국발전에 기여하였고 아동복지, 여성의 정치사회 지위향상에 노력하였으며 국제반제국주의 사회운동가로 활동하였다. 박순천과 송칭링의 공통점은, 첫째 가치관의 확립과 실천. 둘째, 통합과 조정의 중립적 역할을 발휘하였으며 차이점은 국가체제와 환경적 영향을 받았다고 하겠다. 연구의 결과, 두 여성은 20세기의 한국과 중국에서 뛰어난 여성 지도자들이었다. 특히 박순천은 민주주의의 가치관을 가지고 척박한 한국 정치사에서 여성정치운동가로 활약함으로서 진정한 정치인, 사상 첫 여성야당 당수, 투철한 의회민주주의자로 평가 받고 있다. 송칭링은 반평생을 중국 혁명사상 실천에 깊은 관심을 기울여 빈민구제와 아동복지사업에 헌신한 사회운동가였다. 또한 그녀는 중국혁명에 크게 공헌한 역사적 인물가운데 한사람이라는 높은 평가를 받는다.

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