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      • KCI등재

        재일 디아스포라 시인 김윤 연구

        하상일(Ha Sangil) 한국언어문학회 2010 한국언어문학 Vol.75 No.-

        This study looked into the poet Kim Yun, the Korean-Japanese Diaspora. After liberation, the Korean-Japanese Diaspora poetry started from Huh nam-gi, Kang Sun, and Nam si-woo, and it was transferred to Kim si-jong, Kim Yun, Jung hwa-hum, Kim hak-ryeol, and Jung hwa-su. Kim Yun’s poetry world is the most important text to read the past, present, and the future of the Korean-Japanese Diaspora. His attitude reflecting the two Koreas critically can be considered to show vividly Diasporatic subject by looking at the dualism of society of the Korean-Japanese who only followed the contrast of North and South Korean ideological contrast. In addition, his poetry should be praised in that it realized its own identity by practically facing the reality of dual languages of the Korean-Japanese Diaspora conflicting between the mother language and the mother tongue. His poetry has a significant meaning as the guide to newly establish uniqueness and subjecthood of ‘the Korean-Japanese’ beyond national ideality of the society of the Korean-Japanese who is still captured by North and South ideology. And His poetry definitely became the most significant guide to overall understand the history and meaning of the Korean-Japanese Diaspora after liberation. After liberation, the Korean-Japanese Diaspora poetry was based on historical consciousness and ideology of the Korean-Japanese who internalized their hurt of colonization and division. Therefore, most of works tried to stand for realistic nature directly showing political social issues, instead of focusing on deepening the lyricism to condense personal emotion to the indentified world. As post-nationalism, post-society discourse is currently appearing as the important issue beyond the boundary of race and nation, the perspective of ‘Diaspora’and problem awareness have attracted attention as the effective discourse to understand and analyze the rapidly changing world. Kim Yun’s poems have an important literary meaning as the text containing such the problem awareness.

      • KCI등재

        1960~80년대 재일(在日) 종합문예지 『한양』과 한국문학의 교섭

        하상일 ( Ha Sangil ) 한민족문화학회 2022 한민족문화연구 Vol.77 No.-

        본 논문은 1960~80년대 재일(在日) 종합 문예지 『한양』과 한국문학의 교섭 양상을 이해하는 데 연구 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 1962년 창간호부터 1984년 종간호에 이르기까지 『한양』에 게재된 문학작품의 전체 서지 목록을 작성했고, 이 목록 가운데 재일조선인 혹은 해외 한인으로 명확히 확인되는 경우를 제외한 한국 문인의 작품으로 서지사항을 별도로 작성했다. 그리고 이 목록을 시, 소설, 비평 및 산문으로 크게 구분하여 그 현황과 특징을 개략적으로 논의하였다. 다만 『한양』은 1974년 ‘문인간첩단 사건’ 이후 한국으로 유입이 금지된 탓에, 한국문학과의 교섭은 1970년대 초반까지로 한정된다. 첫째, 작품 발표 현황을 대략 살펴보면, 시는 113명의 시인이 455편, 소설은 36명의 소설가가 97편, 비평 및 산문은 75명의 저자가 225편을 발표한 것으로 확인된다. 그리고 개별적으로 보면 시인의 경우 박두진 24편, 신석정 25편, 박봉우 15편, 양성우 17편, 이태극 18편, 소설가의 경우 김송 18편, 강금종 9편, 비평의 경우 구중서 11편, 김우종 12편 등이 게재했다. 이 외에 김사엽, 양주동 등 고전문학 연구자의 글과 윤이상의 글 17편 등이 게재되어 있어서, 이들에 대한 개별적인 자료 정리와 연구가 진행되어 한국문학사 연구의 외연 확대를 모색할 필요가 있다는 사실을 확인했다. 둘째, 내용적으로 그 특징을 살펴보면, 1960년대 한국 정치의 억압과 통제로 인해 자유로운 목소리를 차단당한 지식인과 문인들의 억눌린 목소리를 진정성 있게 담아내는 공기(公器)로서의 역할을 했다. 시 분야는 민족적 정서의 내면화와 현실 비판의 시대정신을 담은 참여시의 경향이 특별히 주목되고, 소설 분야는 경제적 근대화를 위해 박정희 정권이 내세운 공업화의 허위성에 대한 비판과 이를 토대로 한 민주주의 회복에 대한 열망이 두드러지며, 비평과 산문 분야의 경우는 생활 현실에 바탕을 둔 현실 참여의 가능성과 이를 구체화하는 리얼리즘의 실천에 대한 입장이 구체적으로 제기되었다. The purpose of this study is to understand 『Hanyang』, a general literary magazine published in Japan during the 1960’s to 80’s and the aspects of negotiation associated with Korean literature. To address the goal, this author made a bibliographic list of all the literary works included in 『Hanyang』 from the first issue in 1962 to the last issue in 1984 and prepared an additional bibliographic list about the works of Korean literary persons excluding Chosun people residing in Japan and Koreans clearly found to have lived overseas then. Also, classifying the works on the list into poetry, novels, critical essays, and prose largely, this researcher discussed the status and characteristics briefly. Yet, the inflow into Korea was prohibited after ‘the Literary Spy Incident’ in 1974, so negotiation with Korean literature was limited to before the early 1970’s. First, examining the status of work publication in brief, this author has found that 113 poets wrote 455 pieces of poems, 36 novelists created 97 novels, 75 authors presented 225 pieces of prose or critical works. Looking into them individually, this study has found that about poets, Pak Du-jin published 24 poems, Sin Seok-jeong 25, Pak Bong-woo 15, Yang Seong-woo 17, and Lee Tae-geuk 18, and about novelists, Kim Song issued 18 works and Jang Geum-jong 9, and about critical writing, Gu Jung-seo presented 11 pieces and Kim Woo-jong 12, and so on. Aside from them, works including the ones written by researchers of classical literature such as Kim Sa-yeop and Yang Ju-dong and Yun I-sang’s 17 works were presented, too; therefore, it will be needed to arrange the materials about them individually and conduct further research so as to extend research on the history of Korean literature afterwards. Second, investigating the characteristics in terms of contents, this study has found that it played roles as a public organ to contain authentically the suppressed voices of intellectuals and literary persons forced not to make any voices freely then due to the oppression and control of the Korean politics in the 1960’s. Regarding the area of poetry, the poems of participation intended to internalize the ethnic sentiments and embrace the spirit of the time to criticize the reality are particularly noteworthy. About the area of novels, it is noticeable that they criticized the falsehood of commercialization set force by Pak Jeong-hui’s government for the sake of economic modernization and yearned for the recovery of democracy based on that. Concerning the area of prose and critical works, they concretely presented the possibility of participation in the reality grounded on the reality of their lives and the position about the practice of realism to concretize it.

      • KCI등재

        재일 디아스포라 시인 김시종 연구

        하상일(Ha Sangil) 한국언어문학회 2009 한국언어문학 Vol.71 No.-

        This study looked into the poet Kang Sun, the Korean-Japanese Diaspora. After liberation, the Korean-Japanese Diaspora poetry started from Huh nam-gi, Kang Sun, and Nam si-woo, and it was transferred to Kim si-jong, Kim Yun, Jung hwa-hum, Kim hak-ryeol, and Jung hwa-su. Kim si-jong’s poetry world is the most important text to read the past, present, and the future of the Korean-Japanese Diaspora. His attitude reflecting the two Koreas critically can be considered to show vividly Diasporatic subject by looking at the dualism of society of the Korean-Japanese who only followed the contrast of North and South Korean ideological contrast. In addition, his poetry should be praised in that it realized its own identity by practically facing the reality of dual languages of the Korean-Japanese Diaspora conflicting between the mother language and the mother tongue. His poetry has a significant meaning as the guide to newly establish uniqueness and subjecthood of ‘the Korean-Japanese’ beyond national ideality of the society of the Korean-Japanese who is still captured by North and South ideology. After liberation, the Korean-Japanese Diaspora poetry was based on historical consciousness and ideology of the Korean-Japanese who internalized their hurt of colonization and division. Therefore, most of works tried to stand for realistic nature directly showing political social issues, instead of focusing on deepening the lyricism to condense personal emotion to the indentified world. As post-nationalism, post-society discourse is currently appearing as the important issue beyond the boundary of race and nation, the perspective of ‘Diaspora’ and problem awareness have attracted attention as the effective discourse to understand and analyze the rapidly changing world. Kim si-jong’s poems have an important literary meaning as the text containing such the problem awareness.

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