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      • 네팔의 포카라, 카트만두, 룸비니 지역의 주거지와 야생지역에서 소형포유류의 수집과 관찰

        프라딥아디카리 ( Pradeep Adhikari ),한상현 ( Sang Hyun Han ),김유경 ( Yoo Kyung Kim ),김태욱 ( Tae Wook Kim ),김가람 ( Ga Ram Kim ),박선미 ( Seon Mi Park ),이준원 ( Jun Won Lee ),오홍식 ( Hong Shik Oh ) 한국환경생태학회 2016 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2016 No.1

        Nepal is a small country (147,181㎢) located in a borderline between two bio-geographical regions, Palearctic in the north and Oriental in the south. It has wide altitudinal variation from flat plain to high Himalaya (60-8848m). Due to the unique climatic and geographical variations, it is rich in biodiversity. Altogether 211 species of mammals, 878 species of birds, 182 species of herpeto-fauna and 232 species of fishes have been recorded in Nepal. Mammalian species occupied the 4.2% species of all mammals of the world. All together 46 species of mammals are listed under the categories of threatened IUCN threatened category including one regionally extinct, eight critically endangered and 25 endangered species. Small mammals have significant part (71.6%) in total mammalian species of Nepal. It occupies 151 species under seven orders and 25 families. Two species of small mammals Himalayan Field Mouse (Apedoemus gurkha) and Mouse-eared Myotis (Myotis csorbai) are endemic to Nepal. Among the small mammals (for example, rodents) occupied the highest number (52 spp.) and Chiroptera occupies the second position (51 spp.). Field-collection and observation of small mammals has been done three times since December, 2014 to February, 2016 in three different locations Kathmandu (1,200-1,800m), Pokhara (827-2,600m) and Lumbini (65-2,000m) of Nepal. Live-traps (Sherman trap) and traditional mouse-catching live-traps in different size were used to collect small mammals. A total of 221 individuals were captured from different habitats, human settlement (129 individuals), grassland (46 individuals), forest (25 individuals) and agriculture land (21 individuals). 99 individuals were collected from Lumbini following by 83 individuals from Pokhara and 39 individuals from Kathmandu. Morphological measurement has done in each species and their biological samples were collected. Altogether, four orders, four families and 19 species of small mammals were collected and identified. In addition, three species of monkey (Macaca assamensis, Macaca mulata and Semnopithecus schistaceus) and one species of flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) were observed in their natural habitats. A total of eleven taxa of Muridae family (Bandicota bengalensis, Canomys Badius, Mus booduga, Mus musculus, Niviventer fulvescen, Rattus nitidus, Rattus norvegicus, Rattus pyctoris, Rattus rattus, Rattus tanezumi, and Tatera indica) were identified within species level but three taxa were identified within genus level (Mus spp., Niviventer spp. and Rattus spp.). Among the collections, Rattus rattus was most dominant (33.93%) and Suncus murinus (20.81%) as well as Mus musculus (12.21%) occupied second and third position, respectively. Rattus rattus, Rattus tanezumi, Rattus norvegicus and Suncus murinus were abundant in all habitats but Rattus pyctoris, Canomys badius and Tatera indica only found in wild habitats, grassland and forest. In this study Canomys badius, Niviventer fulvescen, Tatera indica and Semnopithecus schistaceus are truly wild species but remaining 19 species are urban species. This study shows that large numbers of small mammals are urban type and their habitat is associated with human beings. For more clear understanding the ecological roles of Nepalese small mammals found, further continious monitoring and comprehensive studies are required to obtain abundant information applicable to comparative analyses of intraand inter-species interaction in the wild and urban habitats of Nepal.

      • 네팔의포카라, 카트만두, 룸비니지역의주거지와야생지역에서 소형포유류의수집과관찰

        프라딥아디카리,한상현,김유경,김태욱,김가람,박선미,이준원,오홍식 한국환경생태학회 2016 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2016 No.1

        Nepal is a small country (147,181㎢) located in a borderline between two bio-geographical regions, Palearctic in the north and Oriental in the south. It has wide altitudinal variation from flat plain to high Himalaya (60-8848m). Due to the unique climatic and geographical variations, it is rich in biodiversity. Altogether 211 species of mammals, 878 species of birds, 182 species of herpeto-fauna and 232 species of fishes have been recorded in Nepal. Mammalian species occupied the 4.2% species of all mammals of the world. All together 46 species of mammals are listed under the categories of threatened IUCN threatened category including one regionally extinct, eight critically endangered and 25 endangered species. Small mammals have significant part (71.6%) in total mammalian species of Nepal. It occupies 151 species under seven orders and 25 families. Two species of small mammals Himalayan Field Mouse (Apedoemus gurkha) and Mouse-eared Myotis (Myotis csorbai) are endemic to Nepal. Among the small mammals (for example, rodents) occupied the highest number (52 spp.) and Chiroptera occupies the second position (51 spp.). Field-collection and observation of small mammals has been done three times since December, 2014 to February, 2016 in three different locations Kathmandu (1,200-1,800m), Pokhara (827-2,600m) and Lumbini (65-2,000m) of Nepal. Live-traps (Sherman trap) and traditional mouse-catching live-traps in different size were used to collect small mammals. A total of 221 individuals were captured from different habitats, human settlement (129 individuals), grassland (46 individuals), forest (25 individuals) and agriculture land (21 individuals). 99 individuals were collected from Lumbini following by 83 individuals from Pokhara and 39 individuals from Kathmandu. Morphological measurement has done in each species and their biological samples were collected. Altogether, four orders, four families and 19 species of small mammals were collected and identified. In addition, three species of monkey (Macaca assamensis, Macaca mulata and Semnopithecus schistaceus) and one species of flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) were observed in their natural habitats. A total of eleven taxa of Muridae family (Bandicota bengalensis, Canomys Badius, Mus booduga, Mus musculus, Niviventer fulvescen, Rattus nitidus, Rattus norvegicus, Rattus pyctoris, Rattus rattus, Rattus tanezumi, and Tatera indica) were identified within species level but three taxa were identified within genus level (Mus spp., Niviventer spp. and Rattus spp.). Among the collections, Rattus rattus was most dominant (33.93%) and Suncus murinus (20.81%) as well as Mus musculus (12.21%) occupied second and third position, respectively. Rattus rattus, Rattus tanezumi, Rattus norvegicus and Suncus murinus were abundant in all habitats but Rattus pyctoris, Canomys badius and Tatera indica only found in wild habitats, grassland and forest. In this study Canomys badius, Niviventer fulvescen, Tatera indica and Semnopithecus schistaceus are truly wild species but remaining 19 species are urban species. This study shows that large numbers of small mammals are urban type and their habitat is associated with human beings. For more clear understanding the ecological roles of Nepalese small mammals found, further continious monitoring and comprehensive studies are required to obtain abundant information applicable to comparative analyses of intraand inter-species interaction in the wild and urban habitats of Nepal.

      • KCI등재

        한반도 기후변화 적응 대상 식물 종풍부도 변화 예측 연구

        신만석,서창완,이명우,김진용,전자영,프라딥아디카리,홍승범 한국환경영향평가학회 2018 환경영향평가 Vol.27 No.6

        This study was designed to predict the changes in species richness of plants under the climate change in South Korea. The target species were selected based on the Plants Adaptable to Climate Change in the Korean Peninsula. Altogether, 89 species including 23 native plants, 30 northern plants, and 36 southern plants. We used the Species Distribution Model to predict the potential habitat of individual species under the climate change. We applied ten single-model algorithms and the pre-evaluation weighted ensemble method. And then, species richness was derived from the results of individual species. Two representative concentration pathways (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) were used to simulate the species richness of plants in 2050 and 2070. The current species richness was predicted to be high in the national parks located in the Baekdudaegan mountain range in Gangwon Province and islands of the South Sea. The future species richness was predicted to be lower in the national park and the Baekdudaegan mountain range in Gangwon Province and to be higher for southern coastal regions. The average value of the current species richness showed that the national park area was higher than the whole area of South Korea. However, predicted species richness were not the difference between the national park area and the whole area of South Korea. The difference between current and future species richness of plants could be the disappearance of a large number of native and northern plants from South Korea. The additional reason could be the expansion of potential habitat of southern plants under climate change. However, if species dispersal to a suitable habitat was not achieved, the species richness will be reduced drastically. The results were different depending on whether species were dispersed or not. This study will be useful for the conservation planning, establishment of the protected area, restoration of biological species and strategies for adaptation of climate change. 본 연구는 한반도 기후변화 적응 대상식물을 대상으로 기후변화에 따른 종풍부도 변화를 예측해보고자 하였다. 대상종은 한반도 기후변화 적응 대상식물 중에서 특산식물 23종, 북방계식물 30종 그리고 남방계식물 36종으로 총 89종을 선정하였다. 기후변화에 따른 개별 종의 잠재서식지를 예측하여 합산하는 방식으로 종풍부도 변화를 예측하였다. 개별 종의 잠재서식지는 10개의 종분포모형 알고리즘을 함께 고려하는 앙상블모형을 구축하였다. 미래 예측 시기는 기후변화 시나리오 RCP4.5와 RCP8.5를 선정하여 2050년과 2070년을 예측하였다. 현재의 종풍부도는 국립공원, 강원도 백두대간 지역 그리고 남해도서지역을 중심으로 높게 나타났다. 미래 예측 결과, 기존에 높은 종풍부도를 보였던 국립공원과 강원도백두대간 지역은 낮아졌고 남해안 내륙지역은 보다 더 높아졌다. 종풍부도의 평균값을 비교해 보면 현재기준으로 국립공원 지역이 남한 전체지역보다 높으면서 큰 차이를 보였다. 하지만 기후변화에 따라서 국립공원 지역과 남한 전체지역의 차이가 줄어들었다. 특산식물과 북방계식물의 다수가 남한지역에서 사라지고 남방계식물이 북상하면서 이와 같은 결과를 보였다. 하지만 적합한 서식지로 이주가 이루어지지 않으면 종풍부도가 급격하게 감소하였다. 분산가능성의 가정에 따라 결과가 다르게 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 보전 계획 수립, 보호 지역 설정, 생물종 복원 그리고 기후변화 대응 전략 및 관리 방안 등에 활용될수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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