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        중복개설 금지 관련 대법원의 의료법 및 국민건강보험법 해석, 적용에 대한 입법적 대응

        최혁용(Choi Hyugyong) 한국법학회 2023 법학연구 Vol.89 No.-

        의료법은 의료인의 중복개설을 금지한다. 대법원은 이를 비의료인의 개설 행위를 판단하는 것과는 기준을 다르게 적용하였다. 경제적 경영적 개설에 초점을 맞춘 비의료인의 개설과는 달리, 의료인은 복수의 의료기관에서의 의료행위여부를 기준으로 삼았다. 국회는 법원의 판례를 바꾸기 위해 중복개설, 중복운영을 모두 금지하는 방향으로 의료법을 개정하였다. 의료법 개정 후 대법원은 의료인이 중복개설한 의료기관에 지급한 요양비용이 부당이득 징수처분의 대상이 되지 않는다고 판단하여 여전히 의료인의 중복개설과 비의료인의 의료기관개설을 다른 기준에서 판단하였다. 같은 취지로 대법원은 중복개설된 의료기관의 사기죄도 부인하였다. 이에 국회는 의료기관 개설 허가 취소와 요양급여비용 지급 보류 및 부당이득의 환수, 나아가 사기죄 성립측면에서도 의료인의 위법한 개설행위를 비의료인과 동일하게 처벌하는 것을 목적으로 의료법과 국민건강보험법을 개정하였다. 본고는 2012년 의료법과 2020년 국민건강보험법 개정을 중심으로 대법원의 법률 해석에 대한 국회의 입법적 대응과정을 법안 심의 절차과 법안 내용의 양 측면에서 검토하고 어떻게 해야 더 나은 입법이 될 수 있을 지에 대한 제안을 하는 데 목적이 있다. 의료법과 국민건강보험법의 국회 입법 과정에서 참여와 숙의의 부족, 이익집단의 과잉대표 등이 발견되었다. 법안의 내용에서는 개정 의료법의 중복개설, 중복운영의 문언이 개정 전 의료법의 표현과 어떤 차이가 있는가 분명하지 않았고, 개정 국민건강보험법상 법문언이 입법목적에 부합하지 못했다는 점이 문제로 드러났다. 입법과정의 개선을 위해서는 유관 상임위원회가 토론에 참여하고 다양한 전문가 그룹과 이해관계자들의 의견이 검토될 수 있도록 제도개선을 해야 한다. 또한 이해당사자의 과잉대표를 제어하고 사전, 사후 입법영향분석을 통해 책임성을 강화할 수 있는 방법이 모색되어야 한다. The Medical Act prohibits medical professionals from opening multiple medical institutions. The Supreme Court has applied a different standard to this prohibition compared to non-medical individuals opening actions. While non-medical individuals openings focused on economic and managerial aspects, medical professionals openings were judged based on whether medical activities were conducted in multiple medical institutions. The National Assembly amended the Medical Act to prohibit both multiple openings and operations in an effort to overturn the courts decision. After the amendment, the court once again distinguished the opening of multiple medical institutions by medical professionals from the prohibited opening by non-medical individuals. It ruled that healthcare costs paid to medical professionals for such multiple institutions could not be subject to unjust enrichment forfeiture. Due to the same reason, the Supreme Court also denied the fraud charge against the multiple medical institutions. The National Assembly responded by amending both the Medical Act and the National Health Insurance Act. The aim was to punish the unlawful actions of medical professionals regarding multiple institution openings, cancel permits for opening institutions, suspend payments for healthcare expenses, and recover unjust enrichment. Moreover, in terms of fraud charges, medical professionals illegal actions were to be treated similarly to those of non-medical individuals. This article aims to review the legislative process of the National Assemblys response to the Supreme Courts legal interpretation, focusing on the amendments to the Medical Act in 2012 and the National Health Insurance Act in 2020. The analysis centers on democratic legitimacy and content analysis of the bills deliberation procedures. To improve legislation, relevant standing committees in the National Assembly should allow expert groups and stakeholders to participate in debates and review arguments. This will help overcome the limitations of committee-centeredness and prevent excessive representation of vested interests. Additionally, pre- and post-legislative impact assessments can strengthen accountability, making it crucial to improve the system.

      • 한의사의 USMLE 지원과 해외 진출

        조현주(Cho Hyunjoo),최혁용(Choi Hyugyong),최현(Choi Hyeon),안상영(Ahn Sangyoung) 한국한의학연구원 2008 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.14 No.3

        With sophisticated clinical skills and the effectiveness of Traditional Korean Medicine(TKM). many TKM doctors look forward to overseas expansion. About 450 TKM doctors had NCCAOM certificate, but only 40 TKM doctors are in US now. Because The status of NCCAOM certificate in USA is not adequate enough for TKM doctors to perform medical treatments. In case of US, State medical boards depend to a large extent on the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates(ECFMG) for certification of international medical graduates(IMGs) seeking licensure in the United States. In addition to receiving certification that includes verification of education credentials, IMGs must pass Steps Ⅰ and Ⅱ of the USMLE. In order to obtain a license to practice in the United States, IMGs must successfully complete a residency in a program approved by the American Council of Graduate Medical Education(ACGME) and the complete Step Ⅲ, the final step in the USMLE. TKM doctors, in the prospective of overseas expansion, applied to ECFMG and their applications have been rejected. This circumstance happened because Korea is unique country in the world with two different medical licensing system, Oriental and Western. both being physician workforce. Rejection by ECFMG occurred because of their minimal understanding of Korea's situation, while the responsibility to inform, propagate and protect TKM doctors own rights depend exclusively to Korean government, TKM doctor oneself and its related organizations, all the members should endeavor on it.

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