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      • KCI등재

        해방정국과 한국전쟁 사이 이쾌대의 행적

        최태만(Choi Taeman) 한국근현대미술사학회 2017 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.33 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the activities of Lee Quede during the Liberation Period and the Korean War. As soon as Korea was liberated from Japanese Colonialism, he participated at the Choseon Formative Art Alliance in 1946 and appointed as a chief of painting department of Chosun Art Alliance. However, he withdrew from the Chosun Art Alliance, a group of leftist artists, and founded the Chosun Art Culture Association, and served as chairperson. During this period, he produced <A Group of People> series and his representative works, and presented them mainly at the member’s exhibition of this association. In the situation of extreme confrontation between left and right, he wanted to keep the position of the marginal man, an artist stood between borders, rather than belonging to one ideology. However, as Lee Seongman regime founded the Federation Protecting and Guiding the Public in order to find and watch former leftists, he entered in this federation due to a psychological burden of his activity in the Chosun Art Alliance. Although he made ideological changes in the federation, he played an important role in the rebuilt Chosun Art Alliance when the North Koreans took over Seoul. When the South Korean army recovered Seoul, he was arrested as a prisoner and sent to the Geoje War Prisoner Camp. At the time of the exchange of prisoners between South and North, he chose the North. The reason why he went to the North was inaccurate until the testimony of Lee Juyoung, who had been accommodated in the same camp. He did not choose North Korea according to his ideology, but went north to survive. To examine his life as a marginal man is as important as interpretation of his works in modern and contemporary Korean art history.

      • KCI등재

        융합과 창발 - 백남준과 전자 실크로드

        최태만(Choi Taeman) 한국근현대미술사학회 2021 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.42 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 플럭서스 아티스트, 퍼포먼스 아티스트, 아방가르드 작곡가, 비디오아트의 개척자, 뉴미디어아트의 선구자, 심지어 문화적 테러리스트로 규정되는 백남준의 역사의식을 밝히는 데 있다. 1962년에 스스로 선언한 ‘황화, 그것이 바로 나다’로부터 1995년의 〈고속도로로 가는 열쇠(로제타비석)〉에 이르기까지 그는 비디오아트뿐만 아니라 세계사에서 중요한 역할을 담당했던 유목문화의 복원에 주력했다. 1970년대 스스로 ‘정주-유목민’이라 규정한 그는 「말에서 크리스토까지」를 비롯하여 여러 글과 인터뷰를 통해 우랄 알타이인로서 자신의 정체성에 대해 말했고, 실크로드와 ‘팍스 몽골리카’ 시기의 역참로가 만든 대여행이 대항해를 가능하게 했음을 밝힌 바 있다. 그는 유목민이 문명의 파괴자가 아니라 동서문명과 문화의 융합을 이끌어 낸 역사의 주체임을 인식했다. 이러한 배경에서 그는 샤머니즘에 주목했으나 이 글은 유목민의 역사를 재검토함으로써 정작 백남준이 수립하고자 했던 것은 21세기의 전자 실크로드였음을 논증한다. 그가 제안한 전자 실크로드는 1974년 록펠러재단에 제출한 「후기 산업사회를 위한 미디어 계획, 21세기는 불과 26년밖에 안 남았다」에서 이미 나타났으며, 이 글은 인터넷을 예견하는 것이기도 했다. 백남준은 자신이 제안했던 전자 초고속도로를 1993년 베니스비엔날레 독일관에서 실현했다. 《전자초고속도로: 베니스에서 울란바토르까지》란 제목을 붙인 이 전시에서 그는 비디오설치뿐만 아니라 베네치아에서 출발한 〈마르코 폴로〉를 비롯하여 〈스키타이 왕 단군〉, 〈알렉산더 대왕〉, 〈칭기즈칸의 복권〉 등의 비디오 로봇도 발표했는데 여기에서 그의 역사의식을 읽을 수 있다. 즉 그에 의해 스키타이, 흉노, 몽골이 야만적인 침략자가 아니라 고속도로를 개척하여 문화를 융합시킨 장본인으로 복권될 수 있었다. 그는 자신의 생각을 〈고속도로로 가는 열쇠(로제타비석)〉에도 여러 나라의 문자로 새겼다. 결론적으로 백남준은 21세기 융합과 창발의 뿌리가 실크로드와 역참로로 거슬러 올라가며 그 바탕 위에 전자기술의 발달을 근거로 전자 초고속도로를 제안했던 것이다. This research aims to discuss Paik Nam June’s historical consciousness: as a member of Fluxus, he worked for performance art and has been considered as an avant-garde composer, pioneer of video art and new-media art, and cultural terrorist. Exploring his projectsfrom Yellow Peril, c’est moi (1962) in which he made a self-declaration to Key to the Highway(Rosetta Stone (1995)-demonstrates that he focused on restoring nomadic culture for his video art as well as a vision of world history. Paik defined himself as “Stationary-Nomad” in 1970 and discussed his Turanian(Ural-Altaic) identity through numerous writings and interviews including From Horse to Christo. In addition, he revealed that the grand travel through the road-station system during the Silk Road and Pax Mongolica eras-a traffic system to lend a horse to government officials in stations; it was popular in East Asia from the Ancient to the Pre-modern-brought the grand voyage. He thought nomadic people were not a destroyer of civilization. Rather than it, they were the historical subject who combined Western and Eastern cultures together and re-created them. Although he focused on Shamanism constructing his ideas, this research discusses the ways in which Paik established the twenty-first century’s electronic Silk Road by re-examining history of nomadic people and his research of it. The twenty-first century’s electronic Silk Road by Paik already appeared in Media Planning for the Post Industrial Age: Only 26 years left until the 21st Century that he submitted to the Rockefeller Foundation in 1974, and in a sense, this writing predicted the Internet. Eventually Paik realized electronic highway in the German Pavilion in Venice Biennale in 1993. He entitled Electronic Superhighway: Fram Venice to Ulaanbator for this exhibition and showed video installations as well as robot-works such as Marco Polo, Tangun as Scythian King, Alexander the Great, and Rehabilitation, all of which revealed his historical consciousness.

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