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        Simultaneous deletion of floxed genes mediated by CaMKIIa-Cre in the brain and in male germ cells: application to conditional and conventional disruption of Goa

        최찬일,윤상필,최정미,김성수,이영돈,Lutz Birnbaumer,서해영 생화학분자생물학회 2014 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.46 No.-

        The Cre/LoxP system is a well-established approach to spatially and temporally control genetic inactivation. The calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha subunit (CaMKIIa) promoter limits expression to specific regions of the forebrainand thus has been utilized for the brain-specific inactivation of the genes. Here, we show that CaMKIIa-Cre can be utilized forsimultaneous inactivation of genes in the adult brain and in male germ cells. Double transgenic Rosa26þ/stop-lacZ::CaMKIIa-Creþ/Cre mice generated by crossing CaMKIIa-Creþ/Cre mice with floxed ROSA26 lacZ reporter (Rosa26þ/stop-lacZ) miceexhibited lacZ expression in the brain and testis. When these mice were mated to wild-type females, about 27% ofthe offspring were whole body blue by X-gal staining without inheriting the Cre transgene. These results indicate thatrecombination can occur in the germ cells of male Rosa26þ/stop-lacZ::CaMKIIa-Creþ/Cre mice. Similarly, when double transgenicGnaoþ/f::CaMKIIa-Creþ/Cre mice carrying a floxed Go-alpha gene (Gnaof/f) were backcrossed to wild-type females, approximately22% of the offspring carried the disrupted allele (GnaoD) without inheriting the Cre transgene. The GnaoD/D mice closelyresembled conventional Go-alpha knockout mice (Gnao/) with respect to impairment of their behavior. Thus, we concludethat CaMKIIa-Cre mice afford recombination for both tissue- and time-controlled inactivation of floxed target genes in the brainand for their permanent disruption. This work also emphasizes that extra caution should be exercised in utilizing CaMKIIa-Cremice as breeding pairs.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        안면부 황금 분할 마스크를 이용한 간편한 안면 윤곽 분석

        최찬,김용하 대한성형외과학회 2006 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.33 No.2

        For over two thousand years, many artists and scientists have tried to understand or quantify the form of the perfect, ideal, or the most beautiful face both in art and in vivo(life). However, this mathematical relationship has been consistently and repeatedly reported to be present in beautiful things. This particular relationship is referred to as the golden ratio. It is a mathematical ratio of 1.618 : 1 that seems to appear recurrently in beautiful things in nature as well as in other things that are seen as beautiful. Dr. Marquardt made the facial golden mask that contains and includes all of the 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional geometric golden element formed from the golden ratio. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of the golden facial mask. In our cases(n=40), the authors applied the facial golden mask to the preoperative and postoperative photographs, and scored each photograph. Compared with the average scores of the facial mask applied photographs and none applied photographs using non-parametric test, statistical significance was not checked (p>0.05). It means that the facial golden mask can be used for facial analysis. The facial golden mask is easy to apply, cheap and relatively objective. So, the authors introduce the one of useful facial analyses.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        안와골 하벽 파열골절의 평가에서 시상면 CT의 유용성

        최찬,김용하,최재원 대한두개안면성형외과학회 2007 Archives of Craniofacial Surgery Vol.8 No.2

        Optimal diagnostic tool of facial bone fractures is computed tomography(CT). When we diagnosed the facial bone fracture, we routinely used axial & coronal view of CT. But, development of software related CT enabled the application of various views recently. The purpose of this study is to evaluate about usefulness of sagittal view of the CT. Group I was the axial & coronal views about 15 patients with orbital floor fracture. Group II was the axial, coronal & sagittal views about same 15 patients. We asked 4 senior residents of department of plastic reconstructive surgery & ophthalmology, Yeungnam university hospital question about their confidence and usefulness. Compared with group II to group I, group II was more useful result. Using Pearson's chi-square test, statistical significance was checked (p<.05) about almost questions. It means that sagittal view is useful tool for orbital floor fracture.

      • Iodide와 propylthiouracil 투여로 변화된 백서 갑상선의 형태 계측학적 연구

        최찬,박성웅,김은철,문형배 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1991 圓光醫科學 Vol.7 No.1-2

        요드화물(Iodide)과 프로필치오우라실(propylthiouracil)은 갑상선 기능 억제제이지만, 이들의 투여로 초래되는 갑상선 조직의 변화는 서로 다르다. 본 연구는 요드화물과 플로필치오우라실이 정상 백서(스프라그-돌리종)의 갑성선에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위하여 시도되었다. 백서에 2.5% 와 5% 의 루골용액(Lugol’s solution) 1㎖씩, 또는 1.25㎎과 2.5㎎씩의 프로필치오우라실을 하루에 두 차례씩 3일, 1주, 2주, 3주 및 4주동안 먹인 후 도살하였다. 갑상선 조직에서 여포, 여포내강의 면적을 측정하고, 여포세포의 면적(여포 면적-여표 내강의 면적)과 세포 밀도 지수(여포 세포의 면적/여포 면적 ×100)를 계산하였다. 루골용액을 투여한 군에서는 초기에 갑상선의 세포 밀도가 낮아지며, 여포와 여포 내강이 커지지만, 3주 내지 4주 후에는 정상으로 되었다. 이러한 세포 밀도의 변화는 투여한 루골용액의 용량 및 투여기간에 따라 달랐다. 프로필치오우라실을 투여한 경우에는 초기에 갑상선의 세포 밀도가 높아졌다가 얼마후 정상으로 돌아온 다음, 다시 세포 밀도가 높아졌다. 모든 실험군에서 여포 면적은 내강의 면적과 비례하였다. 그렇지만 루골용액을 투여한 경우에 여포 면적은 여포 세포의 면적과 무관하게 변화하였으나, 프로필치오우라실을 투여한 경우에는 여포 세포의 면적과도 비례하였다. The effects of iodide and propylthiouracil on the follicles of thyroid were investigated in Sprague-Dawley rats. Either one ml of Lugol’s solution (2.5 %, 5 %) or propylthiouracil (1.25 ㎎, 2.5 ㎎) was administered orally twice a day. The rats were killed by cervical dislocation at 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks and 4 weeks after initiation of administration. The morphologic parameters measured were : follicle area (FA), lumen area (LA), follicular epithelial cell area (FCA ; FA - LA) and cellularity index (CI : FCA/FA × 100). When Lugol’s solution was administered, the thyroid gland became hypocellular, but it returned to normal after 3 or 4 weeks. The change of cellularity varies with dosage of Lugol’s solution and duration of administration. When propylthiouracil was administered, the thyroid initially became hypercellular, but soon became normocellular and finally hypercellular. In Lugol’s solution-administered groups, FA correlated well with LA in all experimental groups. It correlated poorly with FCA in Lugol’s solution-administered groups, although it correlated well in propylthiouracil-administered groups.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노인 안면골 골절 123례에 대한 임상적 고찰

        최찬,김용하 대한성형외과학회 2007 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.34 No.4

        Purpose: Aging society was realized after persons over 65 was rated above 7% in 2000. It is inevitable fact that society gets older. Few study about facial bone fracture in elderly was reported until now. This study provides a retrospective statistical analysis of facial bone fracture and reports of some demographical information from medical records. Methods: From January 2000 to December 2005, 123 cases of facial bone fracture in above 55 year-old persons were reviewed and analysed. Statistic data was related to distribution, age, sex, causes, occupations, occurrence, time, incidence of facial bone fracture, treatment and it's complications. Results: Facial bone fractures in elderly tend to increase and rated to 4.7%. Facial bone fractures in elderly were most frequently occurred in farmers, cultivator accidents and zygoma fractures. A few minor complications were checked, but easily improved.Conclusion: Facial bone fractures in elderly have small proportion of the whole facial bone fractures, but gradually have been increased. This study was observed trends in changes of facial bone fracture in elderly for 5 years and expected to provide statistical index to prevent facial bone fracture in elderly.

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