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        해양저서동물의 정량적 자료에 대한 정도관리 현실과 개선안

        최진우,김종성,송성준,류종성,권봉오,CHOI, JIN-WOO,KHIM, JONG SEONG,SONG, SUNG JOON,RYU, JONGSEONG,KWON, BONG-OH 한국해양학회 2021 바다 Vol.26 No.3

        해양저서동물은 해양의 환경오염에 대한 모니터링과 평가에 활용되었고, 최근에는 생물다양성과 생태계 복원의 관점에서 매우 중요한 요소로서 인식되고 있다. 한국에 있어서도 오염상태를 평가하는 환경영향평가에 주요 구성원으로 들어가 있어서 많은 연안역에서 저서동물군집에 대한 정량적 연구가 1970년대 중반 이후 50년간 수행이 되었다. 이런 연구의 종 동정에는 생태전문가가 일정기간 분류에 대한 교육을 받아서 수행해 온 것이며, 그 과정에서 저서동물의 동정을 소홀히 하였거나 잘못 동정하여 정보축적에 혼선이 있었으며, 분류전문가 부족으로 저서생물 시료를 종 수준까지 다루지 못한 것이 현실이었다. 해양생태계 기본조사와 같은 국가적인 연구조사에서도 저서동물에 대한 종 동정에 분류학 전문가의 참여가 적다는 것이 현실이고, 이로 인한 저서동물군집 자료에서 일부 분류군의 종 동정이 미흡하여 자료의 질적 저하를 초래한 면이 있었다. 영국에서는 해양생물의 정량적 자료 생성을 표준화하기 위해서 1990년대 국가해양생물분석질관리계획(National Marine Biological Analytical Quality Control, NMBAQC Scheme) 이라는 정도 관리체계를 만들었고, 국가 해양모니터링 프로그램에 참여하는 모든 기관에 해양생물 분석역량을 측정하고, 미흡하면 재교육과 훈련을 수행하고 있다. 하지만 국내에는 아직 이러한 해양생물을 조정할 수 있는 기관과 인력이 미흡한 실정이다. 국립해양생물자원관과 같은 공인기관이 존재하고 있어도 생태자료를 담당할 인력 부족으로 생태자료의 정도관리를 맡기에는 현실적으로 어렵다. 따라서 이에 대한 개선안으로서 단기적으로는 (1) 최소한 주요 우점종에 대한 종 동정을 분류전문가에게 확인을 받는 방안, (2) 가능하면 생물군별로 분류전문가를 연구조사에 참여시키는 방안이 필요하고, 장기적으로는 (3) 다양한 분류전문가를 포함하는 (가칭) '(재단법인) 해양생물 분류협회'를 설립하여 생물자료에 대한 정도관리와 전문가 양성과 훈련을 주관하는 방안 등을 제안하는 바이다. 향후 법인의 설립에 대한 구체적인 방안이나 법제적인 문제는 학회나 공청회를 통하여 보완하는 방안이 있겠다. Marine benthic organisms have been used as the indicators for the environment assessment and recently considered as a very important component in the biodiversity and ecosystem restoration. In Korean waters, the quantitative data on marine benthos was used as one of major components for the marine pollution assessment for 50 years since 1970s. The species identification which is an important factor for the quantitative biological data was mainly performed by the marine benthic ecologists. This leads to the deterioration of the data quality on marine benthos from the misidentication of major taxonomic groups due to the lack of taxonomic expertise in Korea. This taxonomic problem has not been solved until now and remains in most data from national research projects on the marine ecosystems in Korean waters. Here we introduce the quality assurance and control (QA/QC) system for the marine biological data in UK, that is, NMBAQC (Northeast Atlantic Marine Biological Analytic and Quality Control) Scheme which has been performed by private companies to solve similar species identification problems in UK. This scheme asks for all marine laboratories which want to participate to any national monitoring programs in UK to keep their identification potency at high level by the internal quality assurance systems and provides a series of taxonomic workshops and literature to increase their capability. They also performs the external quality control for the marine laboratories by performing the Ring Test using standard specimens on various faunal groups. In the case of Korea, there are few taxonomic expertise in two existing national institutions and so they can't solve the taxonomic problems in marine benthic fauna data. We would like to provide a few necessary suggestions to solve the taxonomic problems in Korean marine biological data in short-terms and long-terms: (1) the identification of all dominant species in marine biological data should be confirmed by taxonomic expertise, (2) all the national research programs should include taxonomic experts, and (3) establishing a private company, like the Korea marine organism identification association (KMOIA), which can perform the QA/QC system on the marine organisms and support all Korean marine laboratories by providing taxonomic literature and species identification workshops to enhance their potency. The last suggestion needs more efforts and time for the establishment of that taxonomic company by gathering the detailed contents and related opinions from diverse stakeholders in Korea.

      • Polychaete Feeding Guilds from the Continental Shelf Off the Southeastern Coast of Korea

        최진우,고철환,Choi, Jin Woo,Koh, Chul Hwan The Korean Society of Oceanography 1989 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.24 No.2

        The feeding guild classification proposed by Fauchald and Jumars (1979) and the relationship between this guild structure and the habitat environment were examined based on the quantitative polycheate samples collected on the continental shelf off the southeastern coast of Korea. Total 12 feeding guilds were found and the major feeding guilds of polychaetes were BSX (burrowing, sessile, non-jawed), SDT (surface deposit feeding, discretely motile, tentaculate), SST (surface deposit feeding, sessile, tentaculate), BMX (burrowing, motile, non-jawed), BMJ (burrowing, motile, jawed), SDJ (surface deposit feeding, discretely motile, jawed). There were more significant associations between feeding guilds and mean grain size (${\phi}$); SST and BMJ showed a positive correlation with mean phi, whereas CDJ (carnivore, discretely motile, jawed) and FDT (filter feeding, discretely motile, tentaculate), a negative value. The CDJ and CMX (carnivore, motile, non-jawed) guilds showed positive correlations with sand content, but only SST guild showed a positive correlation with clay. The heterogeneity of sediment or sorting value (${\phi}$) was highly associated with various feeding strategies of polychaetes. Surface deposit feeders and filter feeders, sessile, and tentaculate strategies were associated with poorly sorted or heterogeneous sediments. Some preliminary polychaete feeding surfaces were posed. Southern and northern coastal region composed of muddy sediment were characterized by SDJ; northern slope of mud by SST; central coast of mud by SDT, BSX; and BMX; southern offshore of sandy sediment by SDJ and IDT (interface feeding, discretely motile, tentaculate).

      • KCI등재

        FRP-콘크리트 합성말뚝의 개발

        최진우,주형중,남정훈,윤순종,Choi, Jin-Woo,Joo, Hyung-Joong,Nam, Jeong-Hun,Yoon, Soon-Jong 한국복합신소재구조학회 2010 복합신소재구조학회논문집 Vol.1 No.2

        이 논문에서는 기존의 CFFT(Concrete Filled FRP Tube) 복합재 말뚝의 휨강성을 확보하기 위한 새로운 복합재 말뚝형식을 제안하였다. 기존의 CFFT 복합재 말뚝은 필라멘트와인딩 공정으로 제작한 FRP를 사용하기 때문에, 압축력이 편심재하될 경우 휨거동에 대한 안전성을 확보하기 위해 철근 등 별도의 보강재를 필요로 한다. 이 연구에서는 별도의 보강재 없이 휨거동에 대한 저항성을 확보하기 위하여 펄트루젼 방식으로 제작된 FRP를 CFFT 외부에 원주방향으로 부착시킨 FRP-콘크리트 합성말뚝(Hybrid CFFT, HCFFT)을 제안하였다. 이 논문은 HCFFT의 구조적 거동을 검토하기 위한 연구의 일부로서, HCFFT에 사용되는 필라멘트와인딩 FRP의 역학적 특성을 알기 위한 실험을 실시하였다. 또한, 기존 연구 결과를 참조하여 HCFFT의 압축강도를 추정하였으며, 유한요소해석을 통해 얻은 결과와 비교분석하였다. In this paper, new type CFFT (Concrete Filled FRP Tube) was suggested in order to improve the flexural stiffness. Since the existing CFFT was produced by filament winding process, re-bar for concrete may be necessary in order to ensure structural safety under flexure re-bar. In comparison with existing type CFFT, new type CFFT was reinforced by circular shaped pultrusion FRP without re-bar. Filament winding FRP was attached to the outer layer of pultrusion FRP. Structural behavior of new type CFFT filled with concrete (HCFFT) was investigated by the mechanical property test for the component element and the FE analysis. Furthermore, compressive strength of the HCFFT member based on the equation suggested in previous studies.

      • 光陽灣의 多毛類群集에 관한 硏究

        최진우,고철환,Choi, Jin Woo,Koh, Chul Hwan 한국해양학회 1984 韓國海洋學會誌 Vol.19 No.2

        This study was conducted to interpret the relations between the polychaete community and its environments in Kwangyang Bay during July, 1982. The type of sediments in the study area varies from sand to clay and the organic content obtained by ignition was in the ranges of 0.3% to 15.4%. The polychaetes which occurred at 25 stations comprised 70 species representing 63 genera and had an average density of 490 animals/m$\^$2/. The most abundant species were Lagis bocki (20%), Lumbrineris longifolia (10%), Chohe teres (7%), and Sternaspis scutata (5%). The polychaete populations show the highest density in muddy sand sediments and have a tendency to decrease their abundance in finer sediments such as bud and clay. The individual numbers of each feeding type show the same tendency. Kwangyang Bay consists of three distinct characteristic communities, representing different physical and biological factors: delta community, muddy flat community and channel community. Delta community has very poor organisms and seems to be determined by physical factors such as tidal current, and by sediment conditions and seems to be determined by physical factors such as tidal current, and by sediment conditions and by the food availability. Muddy flat community shows more diverse and higher abundance than delta community but seems to be impoverished by the stress of oxygen deficiency in sediments. Channel community has the highest density in the study area and comprises more various feeding types. This is probably due to the supply of allochthonous materials from the Seomjin River and offshore as food, the heterogeneous sediments and some biological interactions within habitats.

      • KCI등재

        MRI findings of a huge cystadenocarcinoma of the palate

        최진우,Choi, Jin-Woo Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology 2010 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.40 No.4

        Cystadenocarcinoma of the salivary glands is a very rare, slow growing, and low-grade malignant neoplasm. It is characterized by predominantly cystic growth with or without the intraluminal papillary component. However, it lacks of any additional specific histopathologic features that characterize other types of salivary carcinomas showing cystic growth. Therefore, definite diagnosis of the cystadenocarcinoma is difficult and it is often misdiagnosed. It is conceptually the malignant counterpart of the benign cystadenoma. We present a cystadenocarcinoma on the palate of a 49-year-old man with special emphasis on magnetic resonance imaging.

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